magic eye doctor

Chapter 1381

Chapter 1381

The elder brother was talking about the secret realm, Yu Qi wished Yu Jiujiu not to interrupt, the junior sister said to give them one by one lotus, and quickly took out the purse to show the head and elders to show that the junior sister's words were true.

Luo Cheng also took out his purse, and four purses appeared on the small table in front of the head.

The fabric of the four purses is heavenly brocade, with gold thread embroidery patterns on a white background.

"I know I'm not good at workmanship. Brother, it's okay to just take out the elixir. You have to take out your purse. Take a look. The workmanship is so rough. Others are embarrassed to say anything after seeing it, and I am ashamed myself."

"Little girl, the craftsmanship of your purse is really not good, but it looks the most pleasing to the eye. Do you still have one? Give me one." Forced to commit suicide, the achievements in female celebrities are really hard to describe.

"I don't want to be a lady of the family, and I have never learned to be a female celebrity. It is very good to be able to do this. You despise my ugly purse and ask me for it. You are ashamed."

The little girl made a funny face, and Elder Mu was amused, and pinched her cheek affectionately: "You, mischievous, you don't even want to give me a purse, you are so stingy."

"Anyway, you always say I'm stingy, and I'll make spiritual food for the golden retriever at night, and it's not your share."

"Don't stop, little girl is the most generous, you can add a little more to make spiritual food, give me a bite, I will help you hold the conch to collect water every day."

Elder Mu was afraid that the little girl would not give him spiritual food, so he immediately took out a few spiritual fruits and stuffed them in her white and tender paws: "Little girl, eat some fruit to moisten your throat."

"Golden Retriever will fetch water for me." Le Yun didn't even want to talk to a certain old man, she just wanted to coax her with a few spiritual fruits, how could it be such a cheap thing.

Elder Mu gave the golden-haired lion a hard look, took out two egg-sized spiritual energy beads and stuffed them into the little girl, and then stroked her head to smooth her hair. For a mouthful of spiritual food, his old man will lose his face, is it easy?
With the spiritual energy beads, little student Le's little face turned from cloudy to sunny, smiling Mimi put away the spiritual energy beads, and ate the spiritual fruit in his arms.

Elder Mu was coaxing the little fairy, and Sect Leader Li communicated with the guardians and elders with their spiritual senses, and they also had plans. Second, what do you mean by being old?"

In Luocheng, it was said that the Five Sects were different from the Yancheng Alliance being besieged by monsters in the secret realm. The elders of the Yulan Sect guessed that Mu Er might have done something secretly. There is a elixir to make monsters riot, and the suspects don't think about anything other than Mu Er.

Mu Er's worship of Miao Pu as his teacher was the result of Cang Yue's Mu clan's careful calculations. Miao Pu was also a victim in the first place, but unfortunately, she eventually turned to the Mu clan.

Elder Mu has practiced the way of a teacher, and has broken his relationship with Miao Pu as a master and apprentice, so he still has to ask him what he thinks about how to deal with Mu Er.

"People can't stay anymore, and they will be dealt with according to the sect's rules. This matter must not be revealed to the outside world. It's still based on Luo Yi's incident in the secret realm. In addition, I will properly compensate the Mingyue royal family. After all, it is my disciple who behaved wrongly. Duan." Elder Mu's eyes are firm, the reputation of the Yulan Sect must not be tarnished by anyone, whether it is a direct disciple or a grandson, if it threatens the Yulan Sect, he will not tolerate it.

"Cangyue Mu carefully planned a game against the Yulan Sect. The uncle and the Zongmen are both the victims. Let the Zongmen compensate the Mingyue Kingdom's royal family. Now that Mingyue Kingdom is at a critical juncture, this time it will pay back the favor at once. ,"

Sect Leader Li stated the matter: "A few days ago I received a subpoena that the Cang Yue Mu family launched a massive attack on Mingyue Kingdom in September of the year before last. Originally, the national strength of the two countries was almost the same, and Mingyue Kingdom could stop it. From October last year until now, In Mingyue Kingdom, several wealthy cities with a population of more than one million people suddenly died overnight.

The reason why Cangyue Kingdom sent troops was that some immortals measured the loss of Cangyue Kingdom’s national fortune by observing the stars. They wantonly spread rumors that Mingyue Kingdom stole the fate of Cangyue Kingdom, so disasters fell on Mingyue Kingdom from the heavens, deceitful rumors confuse the public, and making troubles out of nothing made Mingyue people's hearts uneasy.

It is reported that at the end of February, Cangyue Kingdom has advanced [-] li vertically into Mingyue Kingdom, capturing dozens of large and medium-sized cities in a row.What I meant was to send Luocheng to Mingyue Kingdom to help, and at the same time announce that Miao Pu's master and apprentice were expelled from the sect, so as to prevent Cangyue Kingdom's Mu family from using the name of Elder Miao to oppress neighboring countries. "

Several cities in Mingyue Kingdom were killed overnight. Ordinary people didn’t know the truth and thought it was God’s punishment. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was not a natural disaster or plague. will admit.

All the elders have no objection, Mingyue Kingdom is Luo Yi's home country, and it is most suitable for him to go there.

"Eldest brother, wait for me for a few days, and I will go to Mingyue Kingdom with you." Le Yun heard that people and beasts in several cities in Mingyue Kingdom died overnight, thinking of some possibility, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Little Fairy wants to visit Mingyue Kingdom?" The elders of the Yulan Sect were very surprised. Generally speaking, monks who yearn for the Dao of Feixian are unwilling to get involved when countries in the secular world are at war. Is the fairy not afraid of karma when she goes to Mingyue Kingdom?

"I am a doctor, and I don't see anyone using erysipelas to harm the common people. If tens of thousands of people die, it is a tactical need. I can't break the war rules of various countries. If tens of millions of people in Mingyue Kingdom die from erysipelas, the poisoner His behavior has violated the way of heaven and hurt Tianhe. As a doctor, he can no longer stand idly by.

As far as I know, the Cang Yue Mu family has soul cultivators. I need to go to the city that has become empty overnight to see if there are any dead souls. Well, this little fairy has to enter the world to do justice for the heavens and seek justice for those who died innocently. "

She doesn't like Cangyue Mushi, and she won't target it specifically, and she won't break the rules of Dongchen Continent. If Cangyue Mushi really used erysipelas to kill tens of millions of people, as a doctor, it is her duty to meddle No matter where you are, don't be afraid of cause and effect.

"How does the little fairy know that Mu's family has soul cultivators?" Sect Leader Li was overwhelmed with emotion. The Yulan Sect only found out about Cang Yue's Mu's having soul cultivators a hundred years ago. The little fairy has only been in Dongchen Continent for a few years. How could she know about Cang Yue? Mu's secret?
"Mu's soul cultivator doesn't have eyes, he brought some soldiers and crabs to intercept me, and even wanted to snatch my spirit stone and spiritual plant. This little fairy has a bad temper and destroyed a talisman. That soul cultivator is still a direct descendant of the Mu clan."

"..." The elders of the Yulan Sect were silent, trying to snatch the little fairy's spirit stone and spiritual plant, Mu's Soul Immortal is really brave, it would be unreasonable not to be destroyed.

Sect Leader Li and all the elders did not stop Xiao Xianzi from going to Mingyue Kingdom, nor did they talk about Mu Er's affairs anymore, but humbly asked Xiao Xianzi if she had any special requirements for the spiritual plants needed for her medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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