magic eye doctor

Chapter 138 I Can't Be Kind

Chapter 138 I Can't Be Kind

The university is a free city. During the day, students travel to different places for classes, and at night they are free to enjoy the beauty of the night.

On the campus at night, there are couples of couples dating or studying, and there are also groups of classmates gathering or taking a walk, on the grass, in front of the library, reading and communicating in the reading room, and there are friends who invite friends. Going to the lively neighborhood, there is also a hilarious meal in the school.

There are several cafeterias on the campus of Qinghai University that offer snacks and snacks. The business is very good. Student Chao chose the most famous restaurant in the area of ​​barbecue.

Chao Yubo took Xiao Lele into the restaurant. There were two large crowds not far in front of him. There were men and women in the crowd. He basically knew them all, including Gao Jianxin, the Vice President of the Student Union, the Minister of the Forum Department, and Wang, the Minister of the Literature and Art Department. Yin Ping, Zhang Yulin, branch secretary of the National Defense Student League Branch of the Party and Youth League Branch, as well as several backbones of the student union, the national defense student instructor Wang Ziqiang, Li Zuo, and the military training instructor group Liu Zhenjun and a few instructors, a wave of people has just arrived, and they are on the way. Want to be seated at a row of tables.

There are also four or five people in the other group, including Liu Shao and Yan Shao, one of the noble circle families in Kyoto, as well as two women and three men. Chao Yubo recognized one of the men. The proud son, who is unanimously considered to be the future potential and outstanding stock of the IT industry, is surnamed Lu and Lu Chunfu.

The two waves of people were about to leave, and the first wave had just arrived. Le Shiyun and Liu Shao found Classmate Chao almost at the same time. They were quite surprised and greeted him in surprise.

"Wow, little beauty, do you have time to breathe today? It's rare." When Liu Xiangyang saw the little princess of Chao's family, he also saw the sweet little girl with short hair holding the boy's right arm, throwing off Yan Shao and a few man, happily ran to the little girl.

Being yelled at by Liu Shao's voice, groups of three or five in the restaurant, both paired and single, all looked at the door in amazement, wanting to know which God was coming.

As a result, what everyone sees is a young man in white, who is as handsome as a poem, as warm as jade, and as scorching as a peach.

There was a small man next to the teenager, wearing a short shirt and military training uniform, his beautiful eyes gleaming with hope, and his sweet smile, like the sun shining brightly and warmly.

The students recognized the student council president, and the girls had stars in their eyes, but when they saw the handsome young president who looked like a little boy but was actually a short-haired girl with boobs, their eyes were full of shock.

Shocked, the boys and girls were shocked. The student council president is young and promising, delicate and elegant, and people are like the flowers of high mountains and lotuses of snow-capped mountains. That is too far-fetched to be seen and cannot be played with. Therefore, young students have never heard of it. The youth president is holding hands with a girl.

But now, um, now that President Chao is hugging his arms affectionately by a girl, how sacred is that girl who looks like a freshman?

The students who recognized Classmate Chao had strange expressions on their faces.

The moment Le Shijun saw President Chao, she was very surprised at first. The next moment, when she saw the short-haired girl holding President Chao's arm, President Chao not only did not refuse, but also smiled, her face suddenly changed. Number change.

No matter how the mentality of each person changes from time to time, it only happens between one encounter, the time is short, and Le Yun, who was looking at the restaurant quickly, heard someone call Brother Chao, and immediately turned her attention to the front. Handsome Liu and the eunuch also saw the group of men and women who were looking over.

There are so many people!

"Brother Chao, you are very popular, and everyone knows you everywhere, so let me follow the scenery." Le Yun blinked, shaking the arms of the beautiful young brother with a smile, and looking at a group of men and women, instructor Han also Among those people, it can be seen that Instructor Han is also quite popular.

"Lele's popularity is also very good, you see Liu Shao ran over to talk to you when he saw you." Chao Yubo raised his eyebrows and smiled at everyone who came over: "Everyone, please feel free, I will accompany my sister to taste the supper here. , everyone is happy to eat their own food."

He walked away, and found that Xiaolele who was beside him kept looking somewhere, and asked with a funny tilt, "Lele, did you see a friend?"

"Brother Chao, there are so many handsome guys and beauties, the handsome guys are so handsome and handsome, all of them are handsome, unrestrained, polite, elegant, sunny and charming, the beauties are so beautiful and have a temperament, sweet, pure, gentle and charming like roses, looking back with a smile of beauty. , Yingying smiles and captivates the city, handsome guys and beauties have their own merits, and they are dazzling, wow wow, there is a cute and sweet senior sister over there, with long hair fluttering, like a fairy like a picturesque, incredible, my eyes can't see it!"

The handsome young men are like clouds, and the beautiful women are like clouds. Anyone who catches a boy is a handsome guy, and a girl is a beautiful woman. Those who wear light makeup are graceful and gentle, or charming and scorching. Looking around, they are really colorful, flowers and willows. Fascinating eyes.

"..." The boys smiled slightly when they heard the sound. Even the boys who were eating and drinking became gentle and quiet in a second. Well, they are handsome guys. They have to lead by example and impress elementary school girls. Not worth the evaluation of the elementary school girl.

Some of the girls were originally a little unhappy because the little girl was clinging to President Chao. When the little girl praised him with a string of words, they immediately smiled and sat upright and beautiful, reserved, quiet and elegant, gentle and dignified.

The subtle atmosphere became relaxed and comfortable in the blink of an eye, and the huge restaurant also became taller because there was no loud noise and noise, as if it had become a five-star restaurant.

Yan Xing: "..." Little Loli sometimes makes people want to strangle her, but she didn't expect her kung fu to be top-notch, and she slapped someone's ass without a trace.

Flattery is shameful.

However, a piece of flattery is in place, and the shot is not objectionable, which requires art.

Little Loli's shouting made everyone in the hall become polite and courteous. Yanxing only serves as a submissive. Little Loli knows how to take advantage of her advantages. She is young and small. She didn't just praise who, but in a word, let everyone sit in the right seat, and she was happy.

Liu Xiangyang: "..." The little beauty doesn't blink when she praises her, she's amazing!

"Qingda is the kingdom of handsome boys and beauties, alright, sit down first, and then you can take a look at the beautiful and handsome boys. The beautiful and handsome boys in Qingda are super-loving and high-quality scholars of theology, Lele no matter whether there is a life If you still need to ask someone to help you with difficult problems in your studies, you can ask the seniors and seniors, and the seniors and seniors will be happy to help them." Xiaolele stared at the two beauties with almond-shaped eyes, looking at it with great interest, so that Chao Yubo A bit helpless, he stretched out his left hand and touched the top of her head, disturbing her attention.

"..." All the male and female students laughed brightly, President Chao was right, they are all good seniors and sisters who are willing to help their juniors.

"Mmmm, Brother Chao, there are so many beauties, all of them are first-class beauties, and there are so many handsome guys, all so handsome, Brother Chao, if you are interested, you must hurry up to chase them, and come back as soon as possible to be my sister-in-law, Otherwise, there are so many competitors, and if you are not careful, you will be taken away by other handsome guys."

Le Yun's head was touched, she only shrank her neck, and continued to admire the handsome guys and beauties. The men and women in the restaurant can be regarded as handsome guys and beauties. The most beautiful one is a girl with long hair.

"..." The girls looked at the little girl with eyes full of motherly love, what a cute little girl, my sister supports my brother in falling in love, what a loving brother and sister!

"President Chao's sister is so cute, and I want a little loli sister like this too." Wang Yinping heard what the little girl said, and his favorability for the little girl soared, and it rose in the blink of an eye. Several steps.

"Well, President Chao is very fortunate to have such a sweet little girl." Liu Zhenjun, Wang Ziqiang and others frequently agreed.

Le Shiyun's heart was about to turn into a twist. The little girl touted everyone once, and with a few words, she removed the potential hostility of others, and the city is not shallow.

So someone with a scheming will really be Xiao Chao's sister?

Le Shiyun didn't believe that they were really the brothers and sisters of Yijie Jinlan, such a scheming girl, how could she not have the will to climb high branches, Xiaochao still loves little girls so much, little girls are definitely the biggest landmine around Xiaochao.

"Lele, I'm only 19 years old. If you want to sell your brother so soon, whoever will protect you when others bully you." Being pushed out by Xiao Lele as a shield, Chao Yubo has nothing but helplessness, Xiao Le Le is good, in order not to be attacked by the crowd, she sold him.

"I, I, whoever bullies the little beauty, I'm not finished with anyone." Liu Xiangyang ran to the two of them, and immediately volunteered to sign up as a flower guardian.

"Liu Shao is not often at school, far water can't save near fire." The young man looked at Liu Shao, full of disgust, he talked to Lele, and Liu Shao came to join in the fun.

"It's really sad, I'm so handsome that I was rejected. Forget it, I don't care about Xiao Chao's words a lot, little beauty, what do you want to eat, whether it's beef offal or barbecue, handsome guy, I'll treat you, you can Point." Liu Xiangyang exaggeratedly acted like a Xizi holding his heart, trying to express his sadness, but who knew that the boy took the little girl away from him, he immediately caught up and talked to the little girl diligently.

"You don't need to ask me, my brother will help Lele buy what Lele wants to eat." Chao Yubo really wanted to fly, Liu Shao is everywhere, always stealing the limelight and showing his favor to Lele. One kick sent him to the Pacific Ocean to cool and cool.

"If you dare to make Brother Chao unhappy, be careful I'll beat you up." Feeling that Brother Chao's tone was a bit aggressive, Le Yun waved a small fist at Brother Liu Shuai.

"How dare I provoke your brother, I'm a good person, I'm a gentle, kind, handsome and handsome guy who never bullies men and women." Liu Xiangyang chased after the little girl and guarded the little girl with Brother Chao. In the middle, he fluttered past Vice President Le and the others and went straight to the barbecue window.

President Chao really didn't want to share a table with anyone, so the other students would eat their own food, or go to the window to get things.

When Liu Shao met an acquaintance and wanted to stay and join in the fun, Lu Chunfu and a few left first, and Yan Xing walked towards Liu Shao and Brother Chao without hesitation.

Vice President Le and everyone were seated. They originally wanted to invite President Chao to sit with them, but Liu Shao ran to show his hospitality, so that they had no chance to intervene at all. They could only let them go first and watch President Chao go to the window to order snacks. , they also divided a few people to order food.

The restaurant has a barbecue window, as well as beef offal, as well as special snacks such as noodles and fans, which are rich and varied.

Liu Xiangyang's twittering introduction said what was delicious, and he said it righteously, and he did not hesitate to praise the chefs for their good craftsmanship and praise the chef.

Chao Yubo asked Le Le to order, Le Yun is welcome, just open your mouth and read, spicy tofu skewers, grilled chicken legs, ham, chicken kidneys, fried bananas, yuba, cauliflower...

Classmate Le was ordering food, but Liu Shuai only said at the beginning, "Everything she said requires four servings", so the chef hurriedly opened, taking this and that, filling four plates one after another.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao were very clever, they brought the pre-installed plates to the table, one occupied the table, the other went to help with the prepared food, and then the two of them took a seat without any accident.

The cafeteria table is a table for four, Liu Shao and Yan Shao occupy two, and the remaining two are Le and Chao, which also eliminates the trouble of other people coming to join the table.

Yan Shao is also very careful. He doesn't like to deal with others. When picking a table, he is far away from Vice President Le and others. The four of them are alone in a corner, which is very quiet.

That point also made Chao Yubo quite satisfied, although Liu Shao and Yan Shao always received sticky music, but fortunately they responded well and knew to stay away from noisy crowds.

The four of them sat down, Le Yun stretched out her arms, picked out some things and put them in front of her, and hummed with a smile: "Okay, you can eat freely."

"Everyone has a share in everything." Liu Xiangyang watched helplessly as the little beauty picked up several things in front of Yan and Princess Chao. She was very sad. Does the little beauty want to eat alone?

"If you're willing to go to the hospital, I don't mind dividing the things for you." Le Yun picked up a bunch of red-hot kebabs, bit a piece happily, and gave an explanation happily.

"No, no, you like it." Liu Xiangyang shrank his neck, um, he remembered that Xiao Xingxing can't eat indiscriminately, and the little princess of the Chao family is also a delicate animal, and many things can't be eaten.

Chao Yubo looked at a chicken leg in front of him, silent for three or four seconds, grabbed it, and ate!He really hadn't eaten much barbecued food before, so even if he had to accompany people to try snacks, it would only be meaningless.

In the past, I didn't eat barbecue or all kinds of snacks because I couldn't eat them indiscriminately. Now Xiaolele has picked out what he can't eat, and the rest is edible, so he must try it out.

The teenager took a bite of the chicken leg, it was so spicy that he exhaled with a "ha", and then he took another bite and ate it with relish.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang had a small gathering with some of their acquaintances before, and they had already eaten a snack. Now they are not afraid to endure it. They continued to eat. This opportunity was won by them. Face.

The snacks of Le Shiyun, Liu Zhenjun and others also came to the table very quickly. A group of people joined three tables, and the table was filled with snacks of various colors, and they exchanged emotions in a low voice while eating.

The people in the restaurant came and went, and the smell of the food kept floating.

Liu Xiangyang originally wanted to talk about the battle post. He was worried that President Chao would anger him. After all, the national defense students are future soldiers. Wan Xiaochao thought that the defense students challenged the little beauties because they instigated them, so he took them If they are angry, they will suffer unjust injustice.

Therefore, the four of them didn't talk about anything other than what they ate. After a gust of wind and clouds, they wiped their mouths and left.

"..." Wang Ziqiang and others saw that President Chao didn't come to chat with them, and they left so calmly with the little girl. Mo Ming felt a little weird.

"I think that little girl is a little familiar?" Wang Ziqiang muttered as if he was talking to himself when the others left.

"President Chao's little classmate is in my class, the one who fell the national defense student led by Instructor Wang." Han Yuntao sat with the instructors and answered.

"No wonder..." Wang Ziqiang snorted and suddenly came to a realization. He seemed to understand the reason why President Chao was not very enthusiastic about them. Several students in his class challenged the little girl. The little girl was President Chao's sister. President Chao probably thought that they condoned the defense students to challenge the little girls, so President Chao was not very happy.

The little girl is Chairman Chao's sister...

After pondering more carefully, Wang Ziqiang was slightly startled. Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen also launched a battle post and gave the little girl a battle letter. This... this is not going to end well.

Thinking of that, he couldn't sit still. The person who the three boys challenged turned out to be Chairman Chao's sister. No matter what the result was, Chairman Chao would definitely stand up for the little girl just now, and he would definitely have to find three A national defense student settles accounts after the fall.

Wang Ziqiang suddenly felt that the supper was boring, and stood up first: "I suddenly remembered something else, I'm sorry, you guys take it easy."

"Instructor Wang is busy in advance, you are welcome." Everyone expressed their understanding.

Wang Ziqiang pleaded guilty and hurried out of the restaurant. When he looked outside, he couldn't find President Chao. He immediately ran away and went to a secluded place to make a phone call. After several calls, the phone was connected.

"President Chao..." The call was finally connected, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Instructor Wang, what's the matter? Did some national defense students get into trouble?" Chao Yubo sat in the car and answered the phone calmly.

They left immediately after their supper. Liu Shao and Yan Shao had their own cars. They took their own cars and went back to the apartment area on the same road. Just outside the apartment area, the phone rang, so he had to park the car on the side of the road to see who it was. call.

Seeing that the caller ID was instructor Wang Ziqiang, the boy didn't want to answer it, so he didn't answer until the third time he called.

- "Well, it's true that some national defense students are ignorant and naughty. I only learned not long ago that three national defense students I brought up and down the school forum challenge a girl, and the post also made a lot of noise, I was just about to ask President Chao to talk about the matter, and it happened that Vice President Le was concerned about the military training situation and asked us to talk at night. I came to the appointment without my teammates. When I met President Chao, I had no chance to talk about official business. Now Only then did I have the opportunity to find Chairman Chao and want to exchange opinions.”

Listening to Instructor Wang's explanation, the corners of Chao Yubo's mouth rose, forming a cold smile, his voice was still lukewarm, gentle and calm: "Oh, Instructor Wang is saying that the national defense students challenge underage girls, I just found out if I didn't. In one hour, it's all right. Let the students handle the affairs among the students themselves. Instructor Wang, that's all for now. I'm driving. It's inconvenient. I'll report to the national defense students next Tuesday. ."

"President Chao—" Wang Ziqiang didn't have time to say more, when there was a "beep" from the phone, and the young man's clear and pleasant voice was interrupted. He took off the phone and looked at it and couldn't help but smile bitterly. President Chao said that the students should solve it by themselves. It is impossible for Sun Shilin to take back the battle post.

Up to now, there is nothing he can do, and he can only let the students handle it by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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