magic eye doctor

Chapter 139 Punishment

Chapter 139 Punishment

All the military trainees were stunned for a moment. The fight was not planned in advance. Now ask them the evidence, where can they find it?

Evidence, evidence...

The defense students of the two classes were overjoyed. The evidence is really cute. As long as there is no evidence to prove that they were the first to act, then it is a headless koan, and they do not have to bear the main responsibility.

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo's expressions were a little bit better. There was no real evidence to prove who did it first, and it was unclear who was right and who was right. If everyone was punished together, they could still save some face.

There was a moment of silence.

"You still say that we did it first without any evidence, which is pure slander."

"It's obvious that you bullied us because of the number of people, and the anti-villains will file a complaint first."

"We just come over a few people, who will do it first."

The freshmen of the ordinary class fell silent, and the defense students immediately recovered their spirits and bit back indignantly.

"..." The situation reversed, and the instructors were silent.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Instructor Han was also in a dilemma: "No one can tell who did it first, then..."

The instructor was about to say "punishment together" when someone among the ordinary military trainees shouted, "I have evidence!"

"I have evidence too."

One opened his mouth, and several voices responded one after another.

This... The faces of the national defense students suddenly changed. Wang Ziqiang's calmed face turned black again, and he ran to Instructor Han quickly.

Without waiting for Instructor Han to call for evidence, some of the freshmen had already passed their cell phones. Two cell phones were intercepted by classmates, and only two were passed on, belonging to two different classes.

The mobile phone was passed from the team to the front row, and then to the instructor.

When the mobile phone came, the instructors had a hard time riding a tiger. No matter how embarrassed it was, they had to release the evidence. Instructor Han got a mobile phone, swiped the screen, and a video appeared. He looked at the two majors, and clicked openly.

The video was turned on, the students heard footsteps and voices, and the instructors saw the people on the video.

Sun Shilin and his companions went to the first class of the medical department to have a conversation with the boys, and the process of their first fisting and shouting was repeated from beginning to end.

The national defense students were so ashamed that they dared not look directly at the instructors, let alone meet the eyes of ordinary military trainees, and silently lowered their heads like ostriches.

Wang Ziqiang saw that Sun Shilin did it first in the video, and then heard Wang Xiuwen's first word "hit".

Instructor Han paused the video on his mobile phone and looked at each other with the other instructors. He had the same meaning in his eyes. Now, what should we do?
Li Zuo, like Instructor Wang, turned around and ran to the national defense class without saying a word. Before the two majors arrived at their class, they looked at the students with their heads bowed, and they were not angry. If these were recruits , They don't say anything, kicking people down one by one and then training them severely, but these are national defense students, corporal punishment can't be too heavy, and criticism and lessons also need to consider their psychological endurance, can't beat, can't scold, The rhythm of blowing people in minutes.

The two majors who were so angry that their lungs were about to explode, their faces were several times darker than Bao Gong, so dark that they could squeeze out a few bottles of ink, watching the students smash into wooden stakes, Wang Ziqiang glared in the forest: "What are you still doing? Apologize. !"

Apologize? !
Ordinary military trainees in several classes were unconvinced by their bosses. The defense students picked things up first, and then bit back. When they didn’t show evidence, the defense students’ instructors kept silent. Now, in the face of irrefutable evidence, they just say “Apologize” to Xiang Ning. It's too much to bully people.

To... apologize?
The defense students of the two classes slammed their necks, and no one was willing to say "I'm sorry".

They feel that even if they do it first, it is because the medical students have a bad attitude. If the medical students have a good attitude and accept the challenge early, how can they come to talk to people face to face?

Because the boys in the medical department did not respect people, the students who came first did not hold back and used force. They came to see the situation, and they had no choice but to do something with them. Why should they all apologize?
Most of the national defense students were unconvinced, unable to accept their faces, and choked their necks in silent protest against the instructor's decision.

"You don't accept it?" The students he taught didn't obey the discipline, which made Wang Ziqiang angry. Is it because he is too talkative on weekdays, so the whole class dares to disobey orders, right?

The defense students held their necks and didn't say a word.

La la la la, deserve it!
A few freshmen in the ordinary military training class almost jumped three feet high, and taught you to favor them.

National defense students, have ambition and resist to the end!

Because the non-cooperation of the national defense students made the instructor angry, and made a group of students who were full of anger just now feel at ease. There is nothing more exciting in the world than infighting. The national defense students hold on to it. Be firm to the end. Victory is belong to you.

Han Yuntao and his companions looked at each other silently, full of helplessness, what could they do in this situation?Saying that there is no need to apologize, the students will not accept it, and it will also hurt their relationship with the students in the class. Asking the class of the two majors to apologize will make the two major principals embarrassed. One side is the student and the other is the officer. No matter what they do, they are in the wind. The horn of the horn needs to be breathed at both ends.

"The president of the student union is here." The students of the ordinary military training class were in a good mood, and they were also in a mood to look around. Someone saw a certain direction and whispered to the classmates.

"Really, where is it?" I heard that the president of the student council is here, good news!Many students rejoiced and were pleasantly surprised. Hearing that the president of the student union was decisive and fair, he received rave reviews from the students.

"Over there, look, he's coming this way."

"Wow, that really sucks."

Everyone looked up, and soon found someone. Over there, a young man in white clothes and black pants walked past a military training class with a folder in his hand. He probably talked to a certain class instructor before, and the instructor also accompanied him. send him.

When the instructors heard that the president of the student council had come, their expressions changed slightly, but they soon returned to normal. Even the two majors were not in a hurry to deal with the students' conflicts, and decided to wait for the young president to come over before making a decision.

The national defense students were uneasy. The president of the student union was not only the president of the Youth Student Union, but also the director of the National Defense Student Corps. It would not be great if he got a bad impression in front of President Chao.

Le Yun found exactly where the beautiful young man was coming from, quietly put her hand behind her back, twisted her waist, pinched her thigh, pinched twice, but still didn't feel any tears, she quietly stretched out her finger and poked her acupuncture point. In the two places, my heart was sore and sour, and my eyes were sore.

The effect was unsatisfactory, but it still failed to meet the requirements. She had to squeeze her thighs again, pinching the muscles on her waist, and pinching them hard. At the same time, she tried her best to think about sad things and secretly hold tears.

Xu Changtian and Wu Heng were in line behind Classmate Le and Classmate Dai. The two boys looked around for a while, and when they noticed Classmate Le's little move, they were stunned: "..."

Tell them what happened?
Seeing that Classmate Le was still pinching herself, the two boys were stunned.

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo left their class and stood with Instructor Han and a few others, watching the young president getting closer and closer. The prince of light floated from the sky, fluttering and swaying.

The splendor of that body is like the flowing water in the back and forth, the snow in the returning wind,

They all know that the youth president is handsome and elegant, and he has always felt elegant, but he seems to lack a little momentum. They even feel that even the vice president and several ministers of the student union are more official than the youth president. He Guanwei, if you are not familiar with the inside story, you may make a mistake. Even they did the same at the beginning, taking the bookish and quiet young president as the head of the literature department or the communication department.

At this moment, several instructors suddenly realized that the young president does not need aura, he is already brilliant, the so-called domineering and other auras are superfluous, just like this, he can go wherever he wants, and he will be able to put his generals at ease. Wherever the influence spreads, it illuminates people's hearts and makes people feel good about them.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, Muguang came out on the green, as bright as a rose, dazzling, still three or four meters away, and greeted everyone with a smile: "The instructors have worked hard! Hello, juniors and juniors."

"Hello, President!" A group of students shouted vigorously.


Le Yun wanted to cry bitterly but had no tears. She managed to accumulate a little sadness. She was roared with enthusiasm by everyone, causing her to collapse.

Brother Chao is simply a scourge!
The accumulated grief collapsed, she could only silently start over, and secretly poked her acupuncture points again. After poking a few times, her heart was sore and swollen, and she pinched herself again, her eyes twitching in pain. , the eye socket is hot.

Classmates Wu and Classmates Xu, who were secretly paying attention to Classmate Le: "..." Classmate Le, tap lightly, won't it hurt to pinch?
The instructors laughed and said that it was not hard work. Wang Ziqiang asked President Chao if he had any urgent notice to convey to the students. The young man smiled brightly: "There is no emergency notice, and the members of the student union only have time during the military training on weekends to learn about the new students' military training, so what time is it today? I went to Zicao and Dongcao for a visit, and I just arrived outside the west playground, and I heard a lot of movement here, so I came to see if any new students were accidentally injured or what happened."

The young man's voice is clear and pleasant, like the sound of the piano, and like the warm spring water, the tone is calm, and there is a hint of concern for the new born between the lines, which makes people feel warm.

All the instructors felt embarrassed. Instructor Wang was about to ask President Chao to talk about the situation when he heard someone shout, "Classmate Le, why are you crying?"

The several instructors felt a "squeak" in their hearts, and almost invariably looked at the young president, and then looked at the students in the first class of the medical department.

The students of the first class of the medical department stood in five rows, standing neatly. The shortest girl in the first row had her head lowered, her eyes were red, and the corners of her eyes were still wet with wet water; the boy next to her thought Helping the little girl to wipe her tears, she didn't dare to touch it, and was scratching her head and ears in a hurry.

When the instructor turned around, he saw a small drop of water dripping from the little girl's eyes. It fell in the air and hit the rubber surface of the toe of the little girl's rubber shoes with a slap, forming a circle of water ripples.

The word "bad" flashed in the minds of several instructors. They just wanted to make things trivial, but they ignored the emotions of Classmate Le. Classmate Le was still a minor, the most emotional age, and they didn't appease her well. trouble.

When Classmate Dai shouted like that, Wu Heng and Xu Changtian suddenly understood the intention of Classmate Le to pinch her, and they were amazed in their hearts. Classmate Le pinched herself just because of the pain and tears!
When the other students in the first class of the medical department heard that Le was crying, they were stunned for a moment, and then they almost wanted to cheer. Ouch, Le is so powerful!
Before the two instructors wanted the national defense students to apologize, they would expose the matter. The national defense students would not admit their mistakes. Now, when Little Loli cried, the president of the student council could not ignore it. Can't hide it either.

The boys really wanted to clap their hands and applaud. Little Loli's tears came too soon. Cry, cry, and cry out the grievances!
The national defense students hate killing people, so whoever doesn't cry sooner or later does not cry in front of the student council president, isn't it framing them?

Chao Yubo was crying when he heard the boy calling Xiao Lele, his gentle smile faded, and he walked quickly towards a group of students. The boys in the first class of the medical department tried their best to put on a sad face. Classmate: "Classmate Le, don't cry, tears will hurt your eyes."

"Classmate Le, what's the matter?" Han Yuntao took two steps forward and walked up to Classmate Le to ask the reason.

Le Yun lowered her head and said nothing.

Instructor Wang and several instructors have millions of divine beasts roaring in their hearts. This Teacher's Day is indeed a disaster day!
In front of everyone's eyes, the elegant young man walked up to the people, looked at the angry faces of the boys, and asked in a soft voice, "Looking at the angry appearance of the juniors and juniors, it seems that they have suffered some grievances, everyone has something to report to the instructor, the instructors. If there is anything that cannot be said to the instructor, you can report it to the student union. Today, if the juniors have any grievances, they will come to the parking lot in the playground to talk to me after the military training is over.”


Not only in the medical class, but also in several other classes.

"Everyone should take good military training. Every freshman of Qingda University is one of the best students in theology. They have both morals and talents. You must persevere, not afraid of hardship or fatigue, strive for excellence in everything, and give it to the next-level juniors. Be a good example." The handsome young man's eyes swept over the crowd with expectant eyes, and Qingyue's voice was sonorous and powerful.


There was a beautiful young man doing inspirational work. The boys and girls felt full of strength, stood up straight and straight.

To appease all sentient beings, Chao Yubo reached out and touched the top of the little girl's head: "Little Lele, what grievance is in my heart, I will tell my brother when the military training is over. Don't cry, the grass in the playground is watered by sanitation workers, we don't need Lele to help. Sprinkle water."

"Pfft-" The boys were amused.

"Yeah." Le Yun lowered her head and made a small hum. She wanted to urge Brother Chao to leave quickly. Her tears were all drained. If she stayed any longer, she wouldn't be able to play anymore.

The exquisite young man withdrew his hand, held his thick folder, and apologized politely to several instructors: "I'm sorry, I have delayed the work of the instructors."

"It's all right." The little girl didn't complain to President Chao in person, which made the instructors breathe a sigh of relief. That's fine. If the little girl told President Chao the reason, and taught them where to put their faces.

Wang Ziqiang walked quickly to the young president: "President Chao, let's take a step to talk."

"Okay, Instructor Wang, please." The young man nodded gently to the instructor and moved aside with Instructor Wang.

Instructor Li and a few instructors stood and waited. The students also waited eagerly. The defense students lost their temper and behaved like little sheep.

Wang Ziqiang accompanies the youth president to a corner, and whispers to him about the group fights of the students before.

"This year's national defense students are really energetic," Chao Yubo sighed, his elegant smile unchanged: "As for the fight, instructor Wang and the instructors will deal with it as appropriate. The students did not respond to the student union, so we will not intervene for the time being. , The national defense students are strong-willed and untamed. Just this year, several senior soldiers with many years of military career are studying at Qingda University. I will talk to some seniors in the afternoon and ask someone to give the national defense students an ideological education class tomorrow. "

Wang Ziqiang's heart trembled, and his back was sweating coldly. President Chao asked someone to teach the national defense students an education class. Can the national defense students have good fruit to eat?

He was deeply worried about the national defense students in the two classes. President Chao did not care about the group fights and left the punishment power to them, but it also blocked his way back. Now President Chao wants to ask someone to educate the national defense students. There is no room for rejection.

Chairman Chao is also the instructor of the National Defense Students' League Branch. It is only right and natural for the youth president to ask someone to teach the national defense students a moral education class.

Those boys are not good at provoking anyone, but they go to provoking Chairman Chao's sister. Even if the teenagers don't protect their shortcomings, a little effort in moral education can make the national defense students peel off, but a bunch of stinky kids will still Dead stubborn, this time there is suffering.

Feeling bitter in his heart, but unable to intercede for the defense students, Wang Ziqiang could only readily agree: "If President Lao Chao is worried, those boys should be taught a lesson."

"It's my job to supervise the national defense students. You are welcome. Instructor Wang should not punish the students too severely. The students are young and their temperaments have not yet been determined. It is inevitable that they will be mischievous and make trouble."

Wang Ziqiang's heart ached. Chairman Chao said that the national defense students were young, so didn't he imply that the little girls were even younger?The youngest of the national defense students is also seventeen years old, and the little girl is only 14 years old. Relatively speaking, the national defense students are three or four years older, and they still go to bully such a young girl. It is a heinous crime.

A group of seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys bullied a 14-year-old little girl, and even made the little girl cry with grievances. If he doesn't punish the boys, it's simply outrageous.

The young president never said that he would be punished, but he cut him off everywhere. It was too dark, and he would not pay for his life if he played dead.

Wang Ziqiang once again sighed for his coaching trip. Before he set off, his teammates knew that he was coming to the Youth University to train the defense students. , Now, this is a beautiful difference, it is clearly a pit.

No matter how depressed he was, he could only hide it in his heart. He smiled and sent the young president away, turned back to the team, and saw that the instructors of each class were still waiting for him. : "This time, it's the defense students who are wrong. The students in your classes have been wronged. Don't punish the students. They're right."

Instructor Han nodded, and they didn't want to punish the students in the class. It was right. If they were punished, they would see someone bullying the girl or fighting in the future. Who would dare to be righteous.

The students of the ordinary military training class heard the instructor's whispers, and suddenly felt the clouds and fog cleared, and their hearts were empty and cloudless.

None of the defense students dared to make trouble. When the two instructors came back, their faces were darker than that of the Africans.

"National defense team, return to the team." Wang Ziqiang ordered with a cold voice.

The defense students of the two teams responded with a trembling yes, turned around immediately, and trotted row after row to the training grounds of the defense students.

Leading the team back to the training ground, the instructors of the two majors did not lecture or punish anyone. They practiced normally with a straight face, which made the students of the two classes tremble with fear. Every moment was like hanging on the tip of a knife. Every second is in a heartbeat.

Instructor Wang and Instructor Li took people away, and ordinary military training classes were also trained normally. The students knew that they were exempted from punishment. They were in a better mood, and their spirits were better.

Boiled for more than an hour, and then disbanded.

The instructor ran to gather, and the students in the first class of the medical department did not run, but gathered in a pile, laughing shyly.

"Little Loli, you cow!"

"Little Loli, next time you pinch yourself lightly, it hurts to look at."

Classmate Wu and Classmate Xu stepped forward and winked at Little Loli.

"What's going on, what are you pinching yourself?" Guan Yunzhi and other classmates were at a loss.

"It's like this..." Wu Heng and Xu Changtian gathered people together and whispered, and told everyone about the little Loli pinch her own tears.

"Pfft hahaha-" The classmates who gathered together understood the cause and effect, and laughed on the spot. Little Lolita was too dark, and her tears properly pitted the defense students and even the instructors.



The hands of the boys are stacked in piles. This secret is a secret in their military training class, and it will be kept secret for the rest of their lives. In the future, I will recall that they sweated, fought, and cheated together. It is beautiful when you think about it.

The boy in the medical department who was in a very good mood brought things such as a bag and a mobile phone, hooked his shoulders, and formed a team to eat.

The nervous two defense student classes heard the instructor call to disband, and their nerves loosened. Most of the centaurs sat softly on the ground, and a small half patted their chests with lingering fears.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen were worried for a long time, and they didn't really breathe a sigh of relief until this moment. However, at this moment, the instructor turned around and faced everyone gloomily.

"Teach... Instructor!" The seated Yi Gulu got up, and all the men and horses stood on a wooden stake again.

Wang Ziqiang's voice was cold: "Today is Teachers' Day, so I won't punish you for the time being. Don't think that it's all over. Tomorrow the whole class arrives an hour early, runs [-] laps, does [-] push-ups, and the punishment for girls is halved. Sun Shilin, Wang Xiuwen Other punishments for the three of you will be discussed after the afternoon challenge."

"!" The whole class took a deep breath.

"Instructor, what if... what if Classmate Le doesn't accept the challenge?" Wang Xiuwen summoned the courage to ask.

"Your penalty will be doubled, and you will run 25 laps every morning for the next seven days." Wang Ziqiang said, turned and ran away.

"Hiss-" Everyone changed their faces, and the gasping sounds came one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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