magic eye doctor

Chapter 1383 Expulsion from the Sect

Chapter 1383 Expulsion from the Sect
The little black duck has just finished the operation and needs to be observed for a few days. Classmate Le decides not to leave, and collects water in the Grand Canyon for spiritual food storage. fairy.

Yujing Mountain is located in the northwest of the mainland, so there is no shortage of water. There is a lot of rain in spring, and it rains every three or four days. The tea leaves grow very fast, and many flowering plants bloom in spite of the cold spring.

The disciples of Wuzong and Master Maer went to the mountains every day to collect tree sap and resin, pick tea leaves, flowers, and young branches and leaves of ordinary spiritual plants.

With the high-level real people from the five great immortal sects present, Golden Retriever Roar couldn't grab the job of fetching water, so he followed Xiao Budian to help light the fire in the kitchen, and sometimes he helped to carry the pot lid and so on.

The disciples of the five sects sent themselves a large amount of tea leaves, fresh and tender spiritual plants, and hundreds of tree sap resins every day. Le Xiao also reciprocated, and invited them to eat spiritual food every other day.

After staying for five days in a row, the little black duck passed through the dangerous period of skin incompatibility that may occur after the operation. Classmate Le helped change the dressing. On the sixth day, a hearty spiritual food was prepared for Wu Zong as a farewell feast.

The value of that spiritual food was immeasurable, each of the five sects had their disciples promoted, and there were also high-ranking real people who were promoted, but the heads of the five sects and the elders and protectors were very happy.

In the early morning of the seventh day, the five sects held a morning meeting and then left the camp.

The Yulan Sect put a cave in the main tent, held a meeting in the cave, all the elders and disciples said some basic things, at the end of the meeting, Elder Mu called Mu Er to reply.

Mu Yuechan came out and knelt respectfully in front of the sect master and master, waiting for instructions.

Looking at the unworthy disciple's unworthy grandson, Elder Mu was so calm that there was no wave in his heart, and he asked calmly: "Cangyue Kingdom used troops against Mingyue Kingdom in September of the year before the opening of the secret realm, and used troops against Mingyue Kingdom several times from last year to this year. The erysipelas caused the death of several cities, Mu Yuechan, aren't you going to explain this to the elders of the sect?"

Mu Yuechan's heart suddenly trembled, what does the master mean?
She didn't have time to figure out whether her master suspected her or whether she had evidence to prove that Cang Yue's attack on Mingyue Kingdom was her idea, she lowered her head and replied calmly: "If you go back to your master, the grandson sent his disabled nephew back to Cang Yue after the wolf mountain secret realm was closed. Afterwards, they rushed to Yujing Mountain, but they didn’t know about Cangyue’s use of troops against Mingyue.”

Mu Er's answer was within the expectations of the elders, and the head of Li and the elders also cut off the last trace of affection for Mu Er. They thought that Mu Er, as a descendant of the Mu family, might be planning to hide it from someone in the Mu family. Hers, she may be somewhat involuntary, now it seems that she is an insider and actively cooperates with the Mu royal family's plan to plot against Miao Pu, and uses her status as an inner elder and direct disciple of the Yulan Sect to seek benefits for Cang Yue .

Elder Mu was not surprised, and asked the question again: "You have nothing to say about Cang Yue's dispatch of troops to Mingyue Kingdom, so, do you have anything to say about the large-scale siege of the alliance team by monsters in the secret realm?"

Except for Luocheng Yuqi wishing Yu Mowen, the other disciples of the Yulan Sect didn't know what happened, and they wondered why Elder Mu suddenly asked about the secret realm being attacked by monsters. Even if they had doubts, no one said anything, An Jing Sit quietly and listen to Elder Mu's question.

"..." Master suddenly asked about the large-scale attack by monsters in the secret realm. Mu Yuechan turned pale in shock. She raised her head and met Master's sight. Master's eyes were calm and unwavering. An emotionless sight is worse than a storm.

Her heartstrings were stretched like a drawn bowstring, which was about to break, and she was sweating coldly on her back. She suppressed her panic and pretended to be shocked and asked: "Master, disciples and grandchildren don't quite understand what you mean. Are you asking disciples and grandchildren what you mean?" Do you have any opinions on the sneak attack by the monsters, or ask your disciples if they have any insights after the battle with the monsters?"

"Since you have nothing to say, return the Zongmen Jade Card." Mu Lianzi didn't want to waste any more saliva, and said the final verdict calmly.

"?" The disciples who didn't know why were also taken aback. Elder Mu wanted to take back Senior Sister Mu's jade token. he going to demote Senior Sister Mu as an outer disciple, or expel her from the sect? !
"Master?" Mu Yuechan also understood what Master meant, she almost sat down in fright, her complexion turned pale, and she couldn't even speak: "Master... Master Master, disciple... If you make mistakes, you must correct them." , I beg you not to demote the disciple to the outer sect..."

"Mu Yuechan, I didn't demote you as an outer disciple, but expelled you from the sect." Mu Lianzi's eyes were still cold and emotionless: "I asked you the first question, and you don't want to be honest. Cangyue Kingdom sent troops to Mingyue at your instigation; I asked you the second question, you still pretended to be stupid, you are as unrepentant as your master, if this is the case, I will help you both master and apprentice, and expel you from the sect. How the disciples protect Cang Yue Kingdom has nothing to do with this sect."

The elders had already known the result and were not surprised. The disciples of Yulan Sect were extremely shocked. Elder Mu really expelled Mu Er from the sect?

Mu Yuechan was stunned by the sudden news, the blood on her face faded little by little, she was as pale as paper, and even her muscles were trembling, she was expelled from the Yulan Sect, which is a punishment only for traitorous sect disciples , if she is expelled from the mountain gate, how will she gain a foothold in the mainland in the future?

Her brain was blanked by the huge blow, and she couldn't recover for a while. After a while, her body became weak and she sat down. She was wrong. She shouldn't take chances, thinking that the elders didn't say anything, and she could Finally, use Master's residual prestige to protect Cang Yue, so that Cang Yue can get rid of Mingyue Kingdom's serious trouble.

Terrified in her heart, Mu Yuechan burst into tears with a "woo", and without caring about anything else, she crawled forward with hands and feet, crying and pleading with tears all over her face: "Master, your disciple is wrong, please don't drive your disciple out of the mountain, please The master gave the disciple a chance, the disciple dare not be selfish, whatever the master asks, the disciple will answer truthfully..."

Sect Leader Li watched Mu Er climb towards Elder Mu, his gaze was flat, as if it had been so long ago, why bother?When Mu Er and the Mu clan used their status as Yulan Sect disciples for Cang Yue's personal gain time and time again, they should have thought that one day they would have to bear the consequences.

Regarding Mu Er's entreaties, Mu Lianzi was indifferent: "Mu Yuechan, when you and Mu Shi used your status as a disciple of the Yulan Sect to protect Cang Yue and make Cang Yue Kingdom plunder the land and wealth of neighboring countries in all directions, you should have thought that today would happen. You should also bear the consequences of the causes created by master and apprentice and Mrs. Mu."

He looked at the first generation of direct disciples under the head, and his eyes fell on Luo Yi: "Luo Cheng, you are the chief disciple, follow the sect's rules, abolish Mu Yuechan's spiritual roots, and take them to Mingyue Kingdom together." .”

"Yes!" Luo Cheng respectfully agreed, flew out of the row, and floated behind Mu Er.

Hearing that the master told Luo Yi to abolish her own cultivation, Mu Yuechan turned her head in horror, seeing Luo Yifei flying behind her, she was so frightened that her heart broke, and desperately threw herself in front of the master, hugging her legs and begging for mercy: "Master, I beg you to forgive my grandson, my disciple will never dare to be selfish again, master, although my disciple has selfishness towards the family, but I have never done any treasonous things, I beg my master to give my disciple one more chance..."

"For the benefit of Cang Yue Nation, you used pills to lure monsters to kill Beiting Songsheng in the secret realm. As a result, the Yulan Sect lost two direct disciples, and Luo Yi lost an arm. Isn't it a big treason for you to kill your fellow disciples?" Mu Mu Er never admitted his mistake, Mu Lianzi snapped his fingers across the air, picked up Mu Er and threw Luo under his feet.

"Master, I didn't, I didn't, that time was really an accident..." Recalling the past ten years, Mu Yuechan was terrified and refused to admit the mistake she made, so she hugged Luo Yi legs, and burst into tears: "Eldest brother, I didn't harm the third and fourth junior brothers and the senior brother, it was really an accident, I really didn't..."

"You said it wasn't you, why were you unscathed among so many monsters? Why did the monsters only attack the third junior brother and the fourth junior brother? Also, when the team in the secret territory of Yujing Mountain was besieged by monsters this time, why did the monsters go crazy? After attacking the little black ducks, you are unharmed again?"

Looking at the crying woman hugging her legs, Luo Cheng didn't soften her heart at all, and put her hand on Mu Er's neck: "Let me say a few more words, after the battle with the monster in the secret territory, I will put the little black duck and the little black duck together with you." The little black duck suffered so much that the clothes that the few people changed recently wanted to come back secretly for preservation, and brought it out of the secret realm to ask the little fairy and junior sister to check it.

The little black duck has no heart, and never guards against you. It's easy for you to give the little black duck medicine, right?
You are really ruthless. Not only do you want to bury more than a hundred disciples of the Yulan Sect in the secret realm, but you also intend to wipe out all five sects of real people. It is a pity that you missed the game, and my junior sister gave me an antidote to prevent beasts. Seeing that it was wrong, I took out the elixir given by my junior sister, so that the monster did not go crazy completely. "

"No, I didn't..." Mu Yuechan's last chance was shattered, she collapsed, hugged Luo Yi's leg and cried loudly: "Eldest brother, I don't, it's not me, elder brother, it's really not me, it must be Someone framed me..."

Luo Cheng showed a smirk, Mu Er is the kind of person who won't admit her mistake until death, she is the eldest princess of Cang Yue Kingdom, so she takes it for granted that all the faults are others' fault.

He didn't want to waste any more time, he poured his true energy into the palm of his hand, and then poured it into the top of Mu Er's head, going backwards, directly attacking her dantian and the main veins of her whole body.

"No... senior brother... senior brother save me, master master, I was wrong... ah-" When the real energy poured into her head, Mu Yuechan's eyes widened in fear, and she struggled desperately.

She also thought about blowing herself up and blowing Luo Yi to pieces. However, at the moment the master said that she would be expelled from the master's school, an invisible force locked her, preventing her from using her true energy and breaking her. Finally, think about the possibility of going crazy.

Unable to use zhenqi, Mu Yuechan is also an ordinary person, and can only passively bear the zhenqi poured in from the top of her head. She heard the muffled sound of shattering her dantian, and tasted the severe pain of her meridians being cut off.

Luocheng abolished Mu Er, feeling neither happy nor sad. Mu Er was punished as he deserved, but the third and fourth juniors would never come back.

After being abolished, Mu Yuechan's mouth and nose were bloodshot, and she passed out from the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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