magic eye doctor

Chapter 1384 The next target

Chapter 1384 The Next Goal

The disciples of the Yulan Sect who didn't know the truth at first heard the senior brother question Mu Er about the details when he was besieged by monsters in the secret realm.
Guessing the facts, none of the disciples interceded, mutilating fellow sects and betraying sects is an unforgivable capital crime, Mu Er mutilating fellow sects is not worthy of sympathy, if such a person is kept, maybe the next person to be killed in the future will be himself.

After Mu Er was dealt with, the Yulan Sect had nothing else to do, everyone went out of the cave, and Elder Mu threw Mu Er to the corner of the cave, shrinking the cave and wrapping it in his sleeves.

The disciples of the Yulan Sect had a big tent, so they hurriedly pulled out the camp.

Yuxue, Yuheng, Yuqing, and Yuxiazong quickly pulled out of the camp after the morning meeting and tidied things up. Seeing that the Yulanzong hadn't moved yet, they all waited by the side. When the Yulanzong's meeting was over, they packed up the camp and went out to the small canyon to find the little fairy.

In the morning, Le made some home-cooked dishes and had breakfast with Ma Er, put away the wooden house, observed the little black duck and the disciples of Xujin, and sat and watched the big lion help fetch water.

Golden Retriever fetched water once at dawn, ate a wild boar for breakfast, and helped to fetch water again. Not long after filling the conch, five people also arrived.

Sect Leader Li shrunk the cave where the little black duck stayed and put it away.

The Yuxue Yuxia Sect bid farewell to Little Fairy, Yulan Sect and others. Each sect ordered four real people to travel with Luo Cheng and other real people to accompany the little fairy. Jade Snow Sect sent elders from Xiliang to escort the traveling young monks.

Yuqing Yulan and Yuhengzong left together after leaving Yujingshan. The Yuqingzong had three disciples led by Dharma Protector Cha Buli, and the Yuhengzong had three disciples led by Elder Lin Ling to accompany the little fairy on a tour of the mainland.

Elder Mu of the Yulan Sect was "arrested" to work hard, and sent the little fairy, Luocheng Yuqi to congratulate Yu Mowen, Ma Er and other real people from various sects who accompanied the little fairy to Mingyue Kingdom.

Because Cangyue Kingdom is pressing Mingyue Kingdom every step of the way, in order to minimize the casualties of innocent people in Mingyue Kingdom, Le, Luo Yi and the others also delayed and entered the man-made cave to stay, and Elder Mu ran away with the cave.

Little classmate Le didn't stay idle in the cave, so she hired Brother Yuqi, a cheap and warm boy, to teach painting. The characters in regular script can be handy.

Immortal cultivators have a long life, in addition to cultivation and calendar training, they also need to divert their attention to relax their minds. Every monk basically has some hobbies, and there are many masters who are good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Qin does not refer specifically to being good at Yaoqin, but actually refers to the field of music, including Qin, Se, Pipa, Xiaodi, etc.

The disciples sent by the five sects to travel with the little fairy have their own strengths. Of course, it can't be a coincidence. The disciples who are accomplished and have a high level of cultivation are convenient to teach the little fairy the skills she is interested in during her travels.

Even Ma Er is skilled in art. He is good at drums, which are large musical instruments.

It's rare for the younger junior sister to be interested in things other than Lingzhi. Yu Qi devoted all her energy to teaching the younger junior sister how to paint.

The fellow monks heard that Little Fairy learned to paint because she wanted to draw portraits for the five sects' uncles and brothers to take back to their hometown as a memory. Teach each other.

In order for the little fairy to learn the art of painting as soon as possible, so that she can spare time to learn other skills, everyone stopped on the way, went to the capital of a certain country to sweep up books on the four arts of gentlemen, and went to the palace to search for them. Pills and Lingzhi got a lot of books, ink, and paper in exchange, but the emperor and ministers of a certain country were very happy.

Little Lolita has a huge brain and stores countless knowledge in her brain. She has no in-depth study of the four arts, and she doesn't have much foundation. She is eager to learn. Her foundation is weak, but her memory is good. Things about painting techniques and techniques can be memorized once taught Live and learn quickly.

Cangyue Kingdom is located in the east and northeast of Dongchen Beilu. Mingyue Kingdom is between Beilu and Donglu. Part of its land is located in Beilu, and most of it is located in Donglu. with northwest orientation.

It is tens of millions of miles away from Yujing Mountain in the northwest of Dongchen to Mingyue Kingdom. Even Daoist Yuanying would have to fly for several months. Elder Mu is fast. Even if there is a delay on the way, it took less than two months to reach Mingyue. country.

He did not go to the place where the two countries were at war, but secretly sneaked into the city of Mingyue Kingdom in the east, and rushed to the southern region where the entire city was killed in one night.

The south of Mingyue Kingdom is the most affluent place. It is famous as a land of fish and rice. It is rich in food, mulberry and hemp. It is also rich in mineral deposits and has a developed foundry industry. More than 10 million.

Cangyue Nation secretly suppressed the grain production in the south of Mingyue Nation. People and animals in several cities died, a large amount of labor force was lost, a lot of grain could not be harvested in time, and many fields were left uncultivated, which caused immeasurable losses to Mingyue Nation.

Elder Mu sneaked into the south of Mingyue Kingdom, went to a once famous medium-sized city, wanted to inquire about the situation, and rushed to the destination, but the city was full of chickens and dogs.

The corpses of people and animals were buried afterwards, and the city was empty when people left. The empty streets and buildings are silently telling of the prosperity of the past.

Elder Mu walked around the city, took out the cave from his sleeves, and asked the little girl to see if there was anything unusual.

Flying from Dongfu to Human City Street, Le Yun built a pergola to shield the sun from the sun. Looking up, the long street is empty until the end. There are many buildings on both sides of the street. The doors of many buildings are half-open or wide open, and there is no one. The city is like a ghost town.

Looking at it from far and near, I didn't see any popularity or ghostly aura.

She didn't give up, so she flew high into the sky and looked inside and outside the city. No matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find any ghosts, even dozens of miles away from the city.

Remotely looking around in all directions, Le Yun floated to the ground, joined the real people who walked out of the cave, and shook his head towards Elder Mu who was looking at him: "There are no souls inside and outside the city, and the souls within a few hundred miles should all be taken away by soul cultivators." Yes, if you guessed right, the soul-cultivation first took away the luck of the city, and then gave the pills to the animals and finally captured the soul."

"..." All the real people were silent. Stealing luck and taking other people's lifespan are prohibited by the mainland's immortal sects, so soul cultivation has always been shameless for immortals.

Seizing the luck and soul of a city is a heinous crime. A certain soul cultivator of the Mu family is so bold that he dares to try to seize the luck and life of the entire city of Mingyue Kingdom. Isn't he afraid of being backlashed?
To tell the truth, because the little fairy knew that Dongchen Continent actually had a soul cultivator that won people's luck, the real people of the five great immortal sects felt a little ashamed in their hearts.

"It's a pity that there are food, cloth and other things." Le Yun rushed to Elder Mu: "Elder Mu, don't be in a daze, let's go quickly, take the time to check, if you can't find the soul cultivator, go to the capital of Mingyue Kingdom or Frontline, wait for me to uphold justice for the innocent people who died in vain, so I can come back as soon as possible to take the ownerless things, so as not to waste them in vain."

The real person was dumbfounded, Yu Qi rubbed his temples, with a helpless expression on his face: "Little sister, the whole city is empty, you take... those things that have no owner, don't you think it's bad luck?"

He wanted to say that it would be bad luck to take the things left by the dead who lost even their souls, but instead of saying it directly, he turned a corner and tried to speak tactfully.

"It's not bad luck. Those things are planted or made by people. They are all people's painstaking efforts. It is a waste of money to let them pile up and be neglected, moldy, smelly, rotten, and broken. I Take them, take them to places where they are needed, distribute them to those who are in urgent need of food or cloth, and accumulate virtue for innocent people who died in vain.”

People in many countries or regions on the earth are in a state of abject poverty. They don’t even have enough food and clothing. They lack clothing and food, and live a hard life. It can be regarded as accumulating blessings and virtues for innocent people who died in vain, hoping that if they have an afterlife or blood relatives, they can live a peaceful and happy life.

Le Yun was reluctant to waste the food and other things accumulated by people in the city, and wanted to collect them and bring them back to the earth to do good deeds. Seeing real people looking at her, she shrugged: "Besides, I won't take it for nothing. Resentment can also accumulate national fortune for Mingyue Kingdom, and Mingyue Kingdom's national fortune is prosperous, and there must be people who will come to pay homage to the city monument in the future, and they will also be recorded in the annals of history forever, and will not be wiped out in the world."

"Little Junior Sister is right. If they are famous in history, they will have no grievances."

"The little fairy is right."

The real people felt that what the little fairy said was reasonable, instead of letting food and other supplies go bad, it is better to use them to save people, which can be regarded as accumulating virtue for those who died in vain.

In order to save time, the real people didn't bother, and stayed in the cave. Elder Mu reduced the size of the cave and put it on his shoulders to run along. It was also convenient for those staying in the cave to watch the scenery on the way.

The real person in the Mahayana period runs fast, like lightning. He clearly sees the light here, and the next second he goes to an unknown place. The medium-sized cities were all empty, and a few cities were not poisoned by erysipelas, and the people were moved away first.

Elder Mu ran through several cities, continued to walk northward, and found a small city to inquire about the situation. All the men in the village went to help collect the corpse.

Elder Mu left the town and went back to the cave to discuss with the real person in a quiet place. Luocheng took out the map of Mingyue Kingdom and guessed which city would be the next target.

Le Yun carefully asked Brother Cheap about the location of the empty cities before, and then took out the paper to draw lines, marking several empty cities on the blueprint, and then studied carefully for a while, pointing to the map of Mingyue Kingdom A city: "The next goal of Mu's soul cultivation is here!"

The real people who were looking at the picture were stunned. After Luo Cheng was slightly stunned, he asked without shame: "Little sister, why is this city?"

 Little fairies, someone is returning to the countryside for the birthday of a lovesick old father
(End of this chapter)

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