magic eye doctor

Chapter 1387 Identity of Soul Cultivator

Chapter 1387 Identity of Soul Cultivator

The female nun's voice was very pleasant, and Zha Qi, who was about to lift his feet to fly high in the sky, paused and looked around. He didn't see any other monks. When he turned around, he saw that the female nun in a long skirt was still sitting still. Changed, he saw something very special in her eyes.

A strange feeling flashed through my heart, and it was too late to catch it. Zha Qi asked in amazement: "Fellow Daoist Yu, where is the other fellow Daoist, and Zha didn't notice anything?"

"It's just us two cultivators here." Le Yun smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked: "Ming people don't speak dark words, so why should you pretend not to know?"

Zha Qi showed helplessness: "Fellow Daoist Yu, a certain surname is Cha, did you meet a monk who looks similar to a certain one, and mistook him for one?"

A certain handsome man was well-bred, but he didn't run away immediately. Le Yun stretched out his hands in his sleeves, took out a handful of talisman paper and printed it under the table, leaving the last talisman unbuttoned, and his smile became brighter: "Actually , I should call Fellow Daoist 'Emperor Mu' is more correct, the late Emperor Mu of Cang Yue ranks seventh among his brothers, his mother's surname is Cha, and the Cha family is also a big family of Mingyue Kingdom."

"Fellow Daoist Yu is really mistaken. Cang Yue Mu Clan's late emperor has passed away for more than 300 years. According to Zha, he also went to Mingyue Kingdom and met Mu Clan late emperor when he was traveling in the clouds. Some people think that he has no similar appearance with him." Zha Qi explained calmly; "If Fellow Daoist Yu forcibly binds X and the late Emperor Mu, Zha won't be able to, so I will leave first."

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know once you try it." Le Yun buttoned the last talisman, she waited for the rabbit to come to her door, how could she let him slip away?
Following the pressing of the last talisman, the dark sky shone with a faint golden light, and in an instant, a light golden mask covered the area about [-] feet wide with the pavilion as the center.

The light golden mask is like the light of the first sun in the night, shining brightly.

Zha Qi defended himself, turned around calmly and wanted to leave, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the talisman array that appeared instantly contained the power of thunder.

Sensing the huge threatening power of the talisman array, Zha Qi turned around again with a solemn expression: "Renren Yu, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, it's just a talisman." Le Yun held the teacup, unabashedly happy, and grinned: "This talisman of my fairy is only effective for soul cultivators. Emperor Mu Xian does not recognize himself as the first emperor of the Mu family. Go forward calmly, and it won't hurt you at all."

Cha Qi was very angry, and asked in a cold voice: "Ben Zhenren has no grievances or enmity with you. Why did Yu Zhenren humiliate me like this? Is he bullying me as a casual cultivator, and I have no master to protect my weaknesses?"

"Why do the hundreds of millions of ordinary people in Mingyue Kingdom have a sworn feud with you? You want to sneak to the south of Mingyue Kingdom and massacre cities one after another?" Le Yun looked at Mu's soul cultivator who was afraid of the talisman formation and dared not act rashly: "You It’s fine if you take erysipelas, but you still need to absorb the souls of people. If you go against the law of heaven and kill people so frantically, every monk in the mainland should punish you when you see it.”

"Ben Zhenzhen has already said that Ben Zhenren has nothing to do with the late Emperor Mu. You forcibly imposed unwarranted charges on Ben Zhenren. How much have you benefited from Mingyue Kingdom, so you randomly use Ben Zhenren as a crime? If you don't give Ben Zhenren a Confess, this real person will never die with you." Cha Qi was so angry that he took out his magic sword.

"If you disagree, start a fight. This is my favorite way of communication. But wait a minute. You said you are not the late Emperor Mu. Then, please meet your old friend."

A certain person emboldened himself by yelling, beating, and killing, but Le Yun was unmoved, and threw out the little house in his sleeve: "Uncles and brothers, come out and have a cup of tea."

The small house with bright light on the ground grew taller and bigger with the snap of the fingers, and a group of people flew out of the house when the house grew to about one and a half feet in the blink of an eye.

The real people staying in the cave closed the door of the cave to prevent their breath from leaking out, so they didn't know what the little fairy was doing. They didn't know what the little fairy was doing until the little fairy talked to a visitor.

The real people who heard the words of the little fairy and a certain soul cultivator clearly, and when the cave was off the sleeve of the little fairy, they were ready to show their faces, and the cave landed and flew away one after another.

Twenty or so real people and a big golden lion landed on the ground, and the fairy and aura made the small pavilion warm and bright in an instant.

When all the real people landed, the elders from all sects floated around the table set by the little fairy, and soon it was full. The younger generation stood, and the golden retriever roared and the little one lay on his back as a guard.

Luo Cheng floated out of the cave, saw the male cultivator standing outside the pavilion, his brows gathered together, and his tone was leisurely: "Emperor Mu Xian, I didn't expect to meet again after more than three hundred years."

The female cultivator said that when she saw her old friend, Zha Qi had an inexplicably bad feeling. If he turned around and left, it would only prove his guilt.

When I saw the female cultivator throwing out a man-made cave, I was so shocked that I couldn't help myself. The seemingly ordinary female cultivator actually carried the cave?

Just as he was slightly taken aback, a group of monks flew out from the cave, glanced at a few young monks among them, and was horrified, the disciples and elders of the Yulan Sect actually came to Mingyue Kingdom in person? !

Zha Qi couldn't believe what he saw. Mingyue Kingdom was just a few dead cities. How could it be possible that Elder Mu of the Yulan Sect was alarmed to enter the secular world in person?

He would rather believe that he was dazzled, but the direct disciple of the Yulan Sect had already confirmed his identity first, and he was ashamed and annoyed: "I don't know you, you've got the wrong person!"

"Hey," Luo Cheng sneered, shaking his empty sleeves: "I'm guilty, after all, the reason why this real person lost his arm was plotted by Mu Yuechan, oh, wait, I'll let you see another person."

Luo Cheng said something, flew back to the cave, held Mu Yuechan who was thrown in the corner of the cave, and then flew to the pavilion, and showed a certain young girl who had lost her cultivation to Mu's soul cultivator to admire.

The Mu family has collected portraits of the elders and direct disciples of the Yulan Sect. Zha Qi naturally recognized Luo Cheng, so he had to pretend not to know him. When Luo Cheng said goodbye to someone, his uneasiness became more and more intense.

When Luo Cheng came out of the cave with someone, and saw the man's face, Zha Qi blurted out: "Yuechan!"

"Oh, you didn't admit that you were the first emperor of the Mu family just now, why did you admit it so quickly." Luo Cheng raised his hand and threw the Mu family's daughter into the cave.

Mu Yuechan who was in a coma was thrown into the cave, landed with a slap, motionless like a dead dog.

"You..." Zha Qi knew something bad when he called out his daughter's name. Seeing Luo Cheng throwing his daughter into the cave like a straw, he asked angrily: "Yuechan is the disciple of Elder Miaopu of the Yulan Sect. You actually ignored Elder Miao and abused Yuechan like this, how dare you Yulan Sect disciples treat your direct disciples like this, do you have any elders in your eyes?"

"Who dares to pretend to be a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect in front of me?" Elder Mu, who was sitting beside the little girl, slowly raised his eyelids: "I am Mu Lianzi, the chief elder of the Yulan Sect's punishment court, Miao Pu's master, Miao Pu Muyuechan violated the sect's rules, and my veteran Miao Pu Muyuechan was expelled from the sect. If anyone dares to pretend to be an elder of the Yulan Sect to teach a disciple to do evil, I don't mind exterminating his descendants."

"How could this be?" Zha Qiru was struck by lightning, and a moment later he knelt down and kowtowed to Elder Mu: "Elder Mu, although Mu Yuechan took good care of her mother country in the past, she didn't have a bad reputation in the Yulan Sect. Give Mu Yuechan another chance, Mrs. Mu is willing to return all the resources obtained from Elder Miao and Mu Yuechan."

"You bully your neighbors in the name of the elders of the Yulan Sect who are direct disciples, and rob other countries of their land and wealth, and you still say that you don't have a bad reputation for the Yulan Sect?

I have given Miao Pu Mu Yuechan a lot of opportunities, and I have also given you countless opportunities for your Mu family. When the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm was closed, I have already warned Mu Yuechan to do it on your own. Asylum of fame to attack Mingyue Kingdom, who gave you the courage to plan to destroy Mingyue Kingdom? "

Being reprimanded by Chief Mu, Zha Qi knelt down, not daring to speak back, as long as Elder Mu calmed down and retracted the order, not to mention scolding, even beating him was fine, once Yu Lanzong expelled Miao Pu Mu Yuechan from the division, Cang Yue's country is bound to perish, and the Mu clan is also in danger of being wiped out.

Yu Qi stood next to the junior sister, poured tea for the elders with a tea set, and touched the junior sister's head: "Junior sister, how do you know that guy is the first emperor Cang Yue?"

As far as he knew, the junior sister had never seen a portrait of the late Emperor Mu. As for the late Emperor Mu, who was ranked seventh and whose matrilineal family name was Cha, that was what he told his senior brother.

"You can see that this little fairy knows everything with eyes. I met Mu Yuechan, and then I saw this soul cultivator. I can see that the soul cultivator and Mu Yuechan are related by blood. He still has the remnants of an emperor, so he can naturally Guess that he is the late Emperor Mu."

Le Yun triumphantly explained the reason why she recognized Hun Xiu as the late Emperor Mu, and jumped up happily: "This little fairy went back to the cave to wash her face. It is really uncomfortable to bear such a face."

"Go, let's go, the little girl is still the cutest in her original appearance." Elder Mu wished that the little girl would recover her real appearance quickly, because the little girl's changed appearance really hindered her eyesight.

Zha Qi knelt outside the pavilion with a heart of pleading guilty, and did not drive Yuechan out of the school in order to ask Yuechan's master to be soft-hearted. What was the original appearance? I couldn't help but look up at the female cultivator. A thought flashed through my mind, but I couldn't catch it too fast.

Luo Cheng and several young real people were standing there, and it seemed that the elders were not planning to arrest Mu's soul cultivator immediately, so they also set up a table beside them and sat down, drinking the spiritual tea made by the little fairy.

Abandoning the music rhyme of the real people, slipping back to the cave and closing the door first, put Mu's daughter in a corner, put a screen in another corner, swallow a few pills first, then take out the bathtub to take a bath, from head to toe Wash your feet, wash off the medicine, put on a set of men's clothes, dry your hair, and put away your daily necessities.

Packed himself up, walked out of the cave slowly, walked to the place occupied by the big lion gang, and sat on the back of the big lion.

Elder Mu and the Yulan Sect disciples didn't seem to let him go. Zha Qi knelt upright. When a female cultivator came out of the cave with a golden lion as a mount, he saw the female cultivator's face clearly and turned pale with shock: "It's you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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