magic eye doctor

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

I don't know if I don't look at it, I was startled when I saw it, and Cha Qi, who saw the female nun's appearance clearly, trembled in fright.

Isn't that female cultivator the guest of the Five Great Immortal Sects? It is rumored that she fell from the sky and broke into the Jade Lantern Sect's Daoist Flying Immortal Thunder Tribulation Field and was bombarded by heavenly thunder and survived the fairy!

In the mainland, it is a respectful title to call a monk an immortal. It is said that the five major immortal sects all call a certain female cultivator a "little fairy".

No wonder seeing the golden-haired lion before always felt that something was missing. At this moment, Zha Qi finally understood that Yuechan once said that a lion beast of the Yulan Sect had become a special mount for someone!
In the past few years, the name of a certain little fairy has quietly spread to the cultivating sects, aristocratic families and various empires in the mainland. It is known that this little fairy once went to the Jinyao Empire when the secret realm of Wolf Mountain was opened, and a grandson of the emperor was lucky enough to enter her Yan, was recommended by her to the Yuheng Sect and became a direct disciple of the Yuheng Sect.

All the countries and aristocratic families in the mainland, big and small, are looking forward to the day when a secret realm will appear in their own country, attracting a certain little fairy, and then the ancestors of their family will smoke, and there will also be a certain child who will be favored by the little fairy and be cherished by her. Which immortal sect to recommend, not to mention becoming a direct disciple, even an outer sect disciple, with the blessing of the little fairy, as long as the family's children can enter a certain immortal sect, they will be promoted to inner sect disciples sooner or later.

Zha Qi had already "died" and lived deep in the underground palace of Cang Yue Palace, but he was not behind closed doors. He was well-informed and received all kinds of secret reports and portraits about little fairies, as well as a certain little fairy that Yuechan brought back from the secret realm of Wolf Mountain. portrait, remembering the face of some fairy.

A certain little fairy looks petite and watery, who can remember it at a glance, Zha Qi believes that if he sees someone someday, he will definitely recognize it at a glance, for example, he has seen many elders or inner disciples of the Yulan Sect When I saw Elder Mu for the first time, I knew that he was Elder Miao Pu's master.

He never associated the female cultivator with a certain little fairy, because the female cultivator's face was too different from that of a certain fairy, and there was no resemblance at all.

Zha Qi never dreamed that a certain little fairy would appear in this way, and she and the Yulan Sect disciples still came for Mingyue Kingdom.

"It turns out that the late Emperor Mu also recognized Junior Sister. It must have been Mu Yuechan who gave the portrait of Junior Sister to Mu when she returned to China last time." Luo Cheng smiled knowingly: "Your Junior Sister is still smart, if you don't hide a thing or two , presumably the late Emperor Mu saw the little junior sister from a distance and ran away."

"Of course, I heard that this little fairy is also well-known in the mainland. It is necessary to keep a low profile, lest the despicable people hide first when they see this little fairy, and it will be troublesome to find it." Le Yun raised her little chin proudly , Fortunately, there is no tail, and if there is a tail, it will definitely rise to the sky.

All the real people looked at the little fairy happily, the little fairy is really a very cute little fairy when she is not throwing the thunder talisman.

The little guy stayed on the golden retriever's back, Elder Mu couldn't touch her head, and squinted outside the pavilion: "Little girl, how do you clean up the one outside?"

"Elder Mu, please forgive me once, and please give Yuechan one more chance. Everyone in the Mu family must remember the lesson well, and never dare to act recklessly just because Yuechan is a disciple of the Yulan Sect. Please be merciful once again, I am willing to enter into a contract. Willing to be the ghost slave of the Yulan Sect." Cha Qi bowed his head humbly again, begging for Elder Mu's forgiveness.

It is said that Elder Mu has already passed the catastrophe period for more than five hundred years. Elder Mu is angry and punishes Mu Shi. He does not need to do anything. Just say a word, there will be countless immortals who are willing to exchange Mu Shi's life for his advice or elixir .

Zha Qi didn't dare to gamble with Mu's descendants, he couldn't afford it.

"The Yulan Sect is not interested in crooked ways, and has never raised ghost slaves. You have made the wrong calculation." Elder Mu's expression was quite bad. Mrs. Mu is so bold that he wants to destroy the Yulan Sect by willingly serving as a ghost slave. reputation.

"Elder, I have no other intentions. I am willing to be a slave in order to ask for forgiveness." Cha Qi called out his grievances and begged for mercy again: "Little Fairy Le, Mrs. Mu knows his mistakes. Please give my daughter a testimony. In the future, my daughter will definitely treat everything with Yulan." Zong Weixian, I don’t dare to take care of Mu Di anymore. I am also willing to be a little ghost slave for the little fairy, and wait around for the little fairy.”

The real people laughed even more happily, Mu's soul cultivator is not stupid, and knows that the little fairy's words are the best.

"You begged the wrong person." Le Yun smiled with stars in his eyes: "I may beg anyone for mercy, and I will never sympathize with a villain like you. Look at what you have done?
For your own selfishness, you gave the common people of Mingyue Kingdom pill souls, and you also captured the souls of human beings, causing hundreds of millions of people to die innocently. You think that you are the only one who is smart, and everyone else is a fool. "

"Little fairy, I admit that because of Cang Yue, I poisoned the people of Mingyue Kingdom with erysipelas and killed tens of millions of people, but I don't have a life-preserving soul, and the little fairy can't forcefully accuse me of unnecessary crimes. I can't afford a life-preserving soul." serious crime." Zha Qi went all out and confessed to a crime.

Elder Xiliang and the others didn't say a word, just pretending that they didn't exist.

"This little fairy's plan is like this, catch the guys who are poisoning the erysipelas or absorbing the soul, then change the formation, use them as sacrifices, let the formation backfire on those who set up the formation, and destroy all the people who are related to the culprit , to avenge the innocent people who died in vain."

Le Yun counted her fingers, explained her plan slowly, and asked with a smile: "Emperor Mu, now this little fairy will give you a chance. You hand over the living soul you ingested, and this little fairy will give it to you." The Mu family has a way to survive, and it’s okay if you don’t make friends, this little fairy will cast a curse on the blood of you and Mu Yuechan to kill the descendants of the Mu family within the eighteenth generation."

All the real people were surprised. The little fairy... said that it is taboo to use the blood curse to kill more than a dozen generations of people, and she is not afraid of going against the heavens and being punished by the heavens?

Zha Qi raised his head suddenly, and stared at the little fairy who was highly sought after by the monks with grief and anger: " want to destroy all the descendants of my Mu family? The two countries are fighting each other, and life and death are at your own risk. If you forcefully intervene in one side, you will not be afraid of being punished by God. ?!"

"Why not?" Le Yun was unmoved at all: "You poisoned hundreds of millions of innocent people and took away their living souls. It's unforgivable. This little fairy cast a curse with the blood of your family members to do justice for the heavens. I don't need you." Carrying cause and effect, and the extermination of all of your Mu family's blood is also the result of your evil deeds before, so you should bear the consequences."

"Impossible!" Zha Qida was shocked, and couldn't believe that someone killed someone with a blood curse without having to bear the cause and effect.

"In your opinion, many things are impossible, but for me, everything is possible," Le Yun took out a talisman and played with it on her fingertips: "Have you considered it? Are you taking out all your souls?" In exchange for your Mu family's way of life, you'd better prepare to lose your soul first."

"I said I didn't take the living soul." Cha Qi firmly denied the crime of soul-destroying.

"Well, then there's nothing to say." Le Yun flicked the paper talisman on her fingertips.

The talisman glowing with pale golden light exploded in the air, and the golden light filled the entire talisman array.

The talisman light suddenly appeared, and a golden thunderbolt lit up in the dark sky. The light fell from the sky, and when it reached the top of the city, the light from the thunder illuminated the entire city.

The sky thunder penetrated the talisman array, and the muffled sound of "rumbling" thunder was transmitted to everyone's cochlea belatedly, and the light of the sky thunder and the sky thunder appeared in the talisman array almost simultaneously.

The sky thunder bombarded the late Emperor Mu's body without deflecting.

When a certain fairy bounced the talisman paper, Zha Qi felt extremely frightened. He subconsciously grabbed a tower-shaped magic weapon and put it on his head, rushing towards the monks in the pavilion, intending to mix with them and seek the protection of the fairy .

He was very fast, and he rushed into the pavilion, but he was still two feet away from the real person who was sitting and drinking tea. The thunder passed through the pavilion and landed on him.

The thunder surrounded Mu's soul cultivator, the light was so bright that no one dared to look directly at it.

The pavilion was blasted by lightning into a circular hole about three feet wide. The tiles and wood in the area of ​​the circular hole were turned into ashes, and the surrounding area was also shaken, and broken wood chips and broken tiles were scattered everywhere.

"Little girl's destructive ability is too strong." Elder Mu found that the pavilion was damaged, so he randomly spread a protective cover to protect the real people of the Five Immortals Sect, keeping away the sawdust and tiles.

The little fairy said that if she recruited Tianlei, she would summon Tianlei. The real people are used to it, and they took the time to look at Mu's soul cultivator, wondering if the former emperor Mu's soul has disappeared.

The scorching light of Tianlei dissipated in an instant, and the ground where it was located was about two feet deep. There were a few wisps of white air floating in the pit, and the white air slowly gathered to form a human-shaped shadow. The shadow was very thin and faint. It is weaker than mist, as if it can be blown away by the wind.

The soul of Mu's soul cultivator has not been wiped out, but his magic weapon has not left even the slightest bit of dust.

"Junior Sister, he is so powerful, he withstood a thunderbolt." Yu Shijiu cheered as if he had discovered a new continent. It was so amazing that for the first time, an undead creature appeared under the Thunder Talisman of Junior Sister.

"This is the weakest thunder from heaven. I can't stand it like this. It's too weak." Le Yun stared at her watery beauty's almond eyes, and didn't know what to say. Thirty feet thick, this time using the weakest talisman, the sky thunder is about three feet thick, even such a thin thunder can't stand it, it's too weak.

Yu Mo asked: "..."

"Junior Junior Sister, are you sure you are the weakest?" Yu Qi rubbed her forehead, well, there is a Junior Junior Sister who wants to be thunderous, and her psychological endurance must be strong, not strong is not enough.

"Yes, this is the weakest." Le Yun frowned distressedly: "I drew the weakest thunder talisman to lead the sky to test how many lightning strikes a soul cultivator at Yuanying level can withstand. I didn't expect him to use it. Even a magic weapon can't resist a thunderbolt. Sure enough, it's not reliable if you don't rely on a little bit of accumulated strength, like this soul cultivator who uses devouring souls as his own power, and he is totally vulnerable."

"Junior Sister, do you still want to bombard that guy with thunder?"

"Little Fairy, I have Thunder Talismans, should I give you a few to throw away?"

The young Daoist Yuan Ying didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he encouraged the little fairy to continue throwing thunder talismans.

(End of this chapter)

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