magic eye doctor

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389
Zha Qi was nearly knocked out of his wits by a thunderbolt, and finally gathered the remaining soul power to reshape his soul body, but when he heard the monks urging someone to bombard him with thunder again, his soul body almost collapsed in anger.

"Throw another talisman, this guy won't even leave a single bit of ashes." The senior brother who fell into trouble is very cute, but, that soul cultivator is too weak, throw another thunder talisman, and that guy will not be able to save his soul unless he disperses and disappears. There is no second possibility, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, he will not be able to save him.

"If you don't stay, don't stay, anyway, he is a heinous soul cultivator."

"That soul is so stupid. At this time, if you know the time and hand over the living soul he ingested, you can get Mu Shi a way of life, but he still clings to it."

"Incurably stupid."

"He used to be Emperor Cangyue, so he's holding onto his soul to try to negotiate terms with Junior Sister."

What the late Emperor Mu did was too much, the young monks didn't have the slightest sympathy for him, they talked to the little junior sister in a hurry, trying to make her happy.

"He is not qualified to negotiate terms with this little fairy." Le Yun grabbed a talisman and threw it out with a flick of her fingers: "It's not that Mu's soul cultivator doesn't want to hand over the soul, it should be that he can't hand it over."

"He won't refine and devour all the living souls, right?" Yu Qi and the others were shocked. It's impossible that the late Emperor Mu swallowed hundreds of millions of living souls without being struck by lightning, right?
All the young monks looked at the soul body that was about to dissipate, and saw that the talisman paper thrown by the little fairy flew lightly above the soul cultivator and hung in the air, and the faint golden light shone on the soul cultivator.

"He didn't swallow the living soul, and I didn't see the soul power of the newborn soul in him." Le Yun scanned the body of the soul cultivator, knew everything about him, and pouted disdainfully: "He took the living soul to sacrifice In order to seize the fate of the Mingyue Kingdom, it is speculated that he wanted to refine the living souls and condense them into grievances. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of living souls were crippled by refining, so he couldn't take them out, and he didn't dare to take them out."

"Mu Clan's soul cultivator acts cruelly. Not to mention killing Mu Clan's 36th generation bloodlines, it is not an exaggeration to kill [-] generations of bloodlines."

"So, my little fairy first used the soul-binding talisman to collect his soul, and then went to a certain city to change the soul-absorbing formation he set up, and used the soul of Mu's soul to repair the formation. Whether the Mu family can leave blood depends on Mu." Is there anyone in the family who has accumulated merits that can resolve the grievances of hundreds of millions of innocent souls?"

"Junior Sister, how much virtue does the Cang Yue Mu Clan need to accumulate in order to counteract their grievances?"

"He has captured more than [-] million souls, and Mu Shi must at least have to do a great merit event that has blessed more than [-] million people in exchange for a bloodline. This does not include political achievements for the emperor. It refers to private merit and deeds for the emperor. What a benevolent government changes is the fate of the country.”

"Mu Shi, it's in danger!"

The young monk felt great pity for the innocent people who were murdered by Mu's soul. Refining and reviving the soul is the same as dividing the prisoner into five horses. .

If Mu's blood was cut off due to the backlash of the formation because of Mu's late emperor, he deserved the crime.

Yuqi and the others do not sympathize with the Cangyue Mu clan's royal family. For hundreds of years, the Cangyue Mu clan launched wars one after another during the reign of Emperor Cangyue, so that the total number of people who died in the wars exceeded one billion. The death of the Mu family, and the extinction of the Mu family's descendants are also self-inflicted.

When the golden light of the talisman above his head came, Zha Qi seemed to have been immobilized, and he didn't dare to move. He also listened to the words of the young monks, squatted on the ground in shock, and huddled into a ball.

Classmate Le and his seniors chattered a few words that they wanted to listen to Mu's soul cultivator, and urged the soul-binding talisman to put Mu's late emperor's soul body into the talisman paper to suppress it, and then took it back and hid it.

The world of cultivating immortals is really interesting. Drawing a talisman can imprison a person's soul. All kinds of things without scientific basis make people feel that the world is so wonderful.

There are too many interesting things worth studying, and Le Xiao will not be homesick when he has nothing to do. He put away the talisman papers that imprisoned Mu's soul cultivator, blew out the candles, took out a night pearl to illuminate, and then slipped to the Xiliang elders. Blocking the position between Elder Hemu, he took out a piece of mutton fat jade several meters long and stuffed it into the arms of Elder Xiliang.

"What do you want to do with this, little girl?" The elder Xiliang put the jade stone in his arms, stretched out his hand and rubbed his close head, the little guy smiled brightly when he had something to ask for help, and his appearance was also the most pleasing.

"Elder Xiliang, please help me carve some jade bracelets. My wrists are a bit thin, and the bracelets bought outside don't fit well. You always help me make them for me." Le Yun rolled up her sleeves to reveal her slender wrists: "Look, how wronged I am not to wear a few bracelets on such a beautiful wrist."

"You are quite discerning. You know that the elder of Xiliang is of gold and earth attributes. It is most suitable for him to carve jade and other materials." Elder Mu couldn't help rubbing the top of the little guy's head. The little girl doesn't like jewelry. Piansheng has a special liking for jade, if he doesn't wear a few bracelets, he will feel wronged.

"Okay, I'll help you carve." Elder Xiliang smiled, and he didn't feel ashamed to be regarded as a craftsman at all.

After finding a good helper, Le Yun was beaming with joy, took out a few blueprints to the Xiliang elder, and then took out an emerald scalpel and stuffed it in: "You always use this as a carving knife, and if you finish this one, I still have a piece of jade. "

The emerald knife comes out, and the golden light shines all over.

The monks who were illuminated by the golden light suddenly felt their minds calmed down, and immediately relaxed their bodies and minds, enjoying the illumination of the soul jade.

"Little girl, once the soul jade comes out, the light is difficult to cover, and I'm afraid it will attract petty peeps." The Xiliang elder was very surprised, and used the soul jade knife to carve a few pieces of jade, which is overkill.

"There is bad luck and death in the sky above this city. In this way, soul jade can expel the bad luck and stabilize the hearts of the people, and it can also help me carve jewelry. I can kill two birds with one stone. As for the little ones, with you and the other real people around, no matter how powerful you are, When the bad guy comes, he has to behave obediently with his tail between his legs."

Le Yun smiled and stuffed the Soul Jade Knife to the elder of Xiliang: "I added requiem medicinal materials to the water I boiled, and the people nearby slept very deeply, so they are not afraid of being discovered. I will put it in a spirit stone box at dawn tomorrow." The soul jade covers the light."

The real people were amused, and the little fairy was telling the truth. There are more than [-] real people in the five great immortal sects, and two of them are Mahayana real people. Looking at the mainland, who would dare not have eyes to grab the soul jade?
"You are kind and compassionate, and the people of this city are blessed." The elder of Xiliang didn't evade any more, took the soul jade knife in his hand, and looked at the blueprint again.

In order to make the best use of everything, Little Loli did not waste a single bit of jade raw material, and clearly planned how much material and what material can be opened from the whole stone.

The elder of Xiliang carefully read all the blueprints, then turned the jade over, with the marked side facing up, observed several times, moved himself away from the real people drinking tea, put the jade on the ground, and copied the soul jade. The knife cuts jade.

Among the five Daoist sects, not only the Xiliang elders are of the metal-earth attribute, but there are also several people who are also of the gold-earth attribute. Because the Xiliang elders have the highest cultivation level, with his control power, carving jade and so on will not waste any materials and make the finished product more valuable. There are small flaws such as scars and cracks, so other people don't run around to mess around.

With the light of the soul jade shining, real people are reluctant to waste it. After drinking a pot of tea, they sit cross-legged in meditation.

Elder Xiliang has the Soul Jade Knife in his hand. The feeling of the Soul Jade in his hand is more important than anything else. He wished he could hold the Soul Jade Knife all the time. Take it out and carve the jade bracelet first.

While others were meditating, student Le Xiao removed the talisman array, lazily leaned against the golden-haired lion and guarded the stove, continuously boiling water, adding water when it ran low.

The Xiliang elder spent half an hour polishing a wide flat bracelet, and first tried it on the little fairy to see if there was anything to polish.

The best suet jade is delicate and warm, crystal clear and white, without any blemishes. It was carved by Mahayana real people without any traces of artificial carving. It is like a natural bracelet shape, and it has a pearl-like luster in the light of night pearls.

Le Yun has the most affectionate feeling for mutton fat jade. Holding the jade bracelet, the more she looks at it, the more she likes it. She plays with it carefully, rubs some of her own nourishing jade oil on it, and puts it on her wrist.

The mouth of the standard bracelet is too wide. When she wears it, she hangs her arm, and the bracelet will slip off by itself. The special jade bracelet has a small ring, which fits just right.

The elder Xiliang was also very happy to see the finished product in his hands, and he started working quickly again. He worked all night and put the soul jade into the spirit stone box at dusk, and put the box on the table in the pavilion.

The spirit stone and the soul jade cover the light of the soul jade, but it has no effect on it. The soul jade warms the hearts of the people in the city without the knowledge of it, and the depression and anxiety in the heart gradually weaken.

The real people drank morning tea, except for the elder Xiliang who stayed in the deserted house to accompany the little fairy, the other real people went to all directions of the city, staying in remote places every five miles away, lighting fires, and throwing the medicine to dissolve the erysipelas in the city. Cook in a teapot.

The elder of Xiliang didn't use the Soul Jade Knife during the day, but carved jade ornaments with a magic utensil. He was very lucky, and at night he ate home-cooked food cooked by the little fairy himself.

Classmate Le went to the deserted garden in the morning to set up a labyrinth. No matter what people were doing in the deserted house, no one would go outside to investigate. She stayed in the garden of the deserted house to cook the antidote for erysipelas, dig the plants in the garden, Some medicinal plants are not comparable to wild spiritual plants, but it is also very good to bring them back to the earth and eat them as vegetables.

After the whole city fell asleep, Le classmate took out another piece of jade and handed it to Xiliang elders to carve and chisel it. It is a mixed ore in the intersection area of ​​suet jade and Lingshi mine. It has the characteristics of suet jade and the aura of Lingshi. , especially precious.

The elder of Xiliang used the Soul Jade Knife, and happily worked as a craftsman all night. At dawn, he hid the Soul Jade and carefully polished the semi-finished product.

The real people scattered all over the city silently acted as unknown good people in various positions. When the third day came, they turned off the fire and returned to the garden of the deserted house one after another.

In order to comfort the real people for their sacrifices, classmate Le Xiao asked the real people to rub their hands with hot spiritual food, and then removed the talisman array. The real people who did good deeds without leaving their names entered the cave, and Elder Mu led them away.

(End of this chapter)

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