magic eye doctor

Chapter 1391 Arriving on the battlefield

Chapter 1391 Arriving on the battlefield
All the real people were overjoyed because of the little fairy's behavior of begging for benefits from Mingyue Kingdom. They caught people and teased them for a long time, and they couldn't help laughing when they learned that what she wanted to thank was food, pure gold, and water tanks.

The magic circle to drive away darkness and increase luck will take at least three days and three nights. On the second day, Student Le searched for supplies all over the city. In addition to the guards, all the real people of the five sects were dispatched.

Ma Er became acquainted with the real people of the Five Immortals Sect, and ran all over the streets with Luo Cheng and others. A group of real people traveled all over the city. utensils.

The chief culprit of injecting erysipelas and capturing souls has been caught, and the bad luck of several dead cities has also been expelled. road.

Real people come and go quietly, do good deeds without leaving a name, and hide their achievements and fame.

The front line of the battle between Cang Yue and Mingyue Kingdom was on the border of Mingyue Kingdom's mountains from south to north and from west to north. It was 80 million miles away from the land of fish and rice in the south where Mingyue Kingdom was rich in food.

At the speed of a monk in the Mahayana period, he hurried on the road with all his strength, and he could arrive in one day. Elder Mu and Elder Xiliang did not forget to help the little fairy collect water on the way, and also went to buy paper and ink by the way. It took three days to reach Cangyue and Mingyue Kingdom. A main battlefield.

The Cang Yue Empire's army has penetrated nearly [-] li into the Ming Moon Empire.

The elders of Xiliang brought the Dongfu to the border area between the two countries. It was in the afternoon and dusk. They did not go to the battlefield immediately, but rested in the mountains hundreds of miles away.

The next day, when the sun rose to a height of three poles, Jin Maohou set off with Xiao Budian on his back, accompanied by four senior brothers from the Yulan Sect, and the other real people stayed in the cave temporarily and did not show their faces.

The Cangyue Empire caused internal troubles in the Mingyue Kingdom by secretly injecting erysipelas in the Mingyue Kingdom. The Mingyue Kingdom had to allocate a lot of energy, financial resources, and manpower to deal with the crisis in the south first.

At the beginning of Mingyue Kingdom, people and animals in three or two cities died overnight, and the morale of the army was unstable, so that they retreated again and again. At the beginning of February, the main force of Cang Yue Kingdom was blocked when they attacked the big city named "Wan Shui City", and it was difficult to advance any more.

The two armies faced each other, and there was a stalemate for several months.

Wanshui City in Mingyue Kingdom is the largest and most affluent city in the border area. It is also the logistics department that provides military supplies to the frontlines, and the foundry industry, handicraft industry and agriculture go hand in hand.

Because of the importance of the city, the army of Mingyue Kingdom could not and could not retreat no matter what. The soldiers knew that they could not retreat any longer, and the people in the city also knew that they could no longer abandon the city and retreat.

A main force of the Cang Yue Empire attacked Wanshui City and was blocked from the siege of the city. Over the past few months, they had fought many hundreds of small battles, but they were unable to overcome the danger. Also because they were fighting far away from the country, it was inevitable that supplies would be convenient. It is often not as good as it is, far less relaxed than the guards of Mingyue Kingdom.

In order to conquer the Wanshui City of the Mingyue Empire, the army of the Cangyue Kingdom must call battles or attack the city every day. Because the Mingyue Kingdom defends the city and does not fight, the Cangyue Kingdom can only attack the city.

The commanders of the Cang Yue Empire have the foundation-building stage. Similarly, the commanders of the Mingyue Empire are also at the foundation-building stage. Cang Yue wants to sneak into the city and open the city gate to let Cang Yue's army enter the city. It is possible to realize the sneak attack.

There are generally recognized rules of war in the mainland. It is not considered a victory if one person enters an enemy city to occupy the city lord's mansion or knocks down a city gate.

If the army of Cang Yue Kingdom wanted to move forward, they had to capture Wanshui City, and there was no other way except to forcefully attack the city.

In order to prevent the people of Mingyue Kingdom from engaging in agricultural production, the army of Cangyue Kingdom often attacked the city, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the middle of the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and sometimes even at night, in order to harass the soldiers and common people in Wanshui City, so that They are restless day and night.

Last night, the Cang Yue Empire’s army engaged in a siege battle again in the middle of the night. The two sides fought for half the night, and the truce was not until dawn. The soldiers attacked on one side and defended on the other.

The siege and defense battles were fierce, and when the two sides were exhausted, the commanders of the two sides fighting in the air fought and stopped suddenly. The two sides retreated violently, standing at a distance of more than a hundred feet , they all looked towards the south and toward the southeast corner.

There is a powerful high-ranking monk in that direction, and his momentum is like a sharp sword rushing towards them first.

The two commanders in battle armor looked into the distance and felt the tyrannical monk's aura. They didn't dare to stand in front of him, and once again dodged a few hundred feet away.

Commander Cang Yue ordered the troops to call for gold to retreat, and the commander of Mingyue Kingdom also ordered to prepare for orders when the other party sent the order to withdraw troops. They were all afraid of the high-ranking monk who hadn't shown up, fearing that the bloody aura of the two sides' battle would hit the monk and provoke him. Getting angry and venting anger will have serious consequences.

Cang Yue Kingdom's siege team received orders from the commander, whether it was soldiers on the ladder or hitting the city gate, they retreated like a tide with their weapons, and quickly retreated a mile away to stand in line.

The city defense team of Mingyue Kingdom also quickly reorganized their team and guarded the city wall or behind the city gate.

The sergeants of the two countries also looked in the direction the commander was facing, wanting to see who was coming, so that the two builder monks would stop fighting.

The two Foundation Establishment cultivators standing in the air looked at the south cautiously. After about half a stick of incense, a beam of flickering light appeared in the east corner of the south. The light was as dazzling as the sun's rays. It is several miles away in a snap of your fingers.

It wasn't until they were not far away that the two foundation-building monks could see what the light was. The shining light was the magic light emitted by the monk's flying sword. There were five monks, one female, four male, and one fairy beast lion.

That fairy beast lion is so big, and its hair is brighter than pure gold. The majestic lion is like a small golden pagoda, which is daunting.

Sitting on the back of a golden fairy beast lion is a nun, wearing a white dress with a waist and wide sleeves, combing men's hair, and wearing a white jade crown. She is small and looks like a child.

Four men stand on the left and right of the lion beast, two on each side, each stepping on a flying sword, the light of the flying sword complements the hair of the lion beast.

The male cultivators all have the face of a crown jade, handsome as a fairy, with the same hairstyle, and wearing sky blue robes of the same color.

The four handsome male cultivators accompanied the girl sitting on the back of the fairy beast lion, flying in the air, looking like a fairy descending from the nine heavens, making the bright sunshine in the morning seem to be pale, and the surrounding sounds stopped abruptly.

The soldiers of the two countries only saw a beam of light flying from the sky, but they couldn't see it clearly at first. When the shining light got closer and closer, they reached the sky less than a hundred feet away in a blink of an eye. golden lion.

Even though no one reminded them, the soldiers of the two countries knelt on one knee and saluted: "Meet the immortal!"

The soldiers of the two countries saluted, and the weapons or shields in their hands touched the ground, connecting them into one piece, while the voices of thousands of soldiers formed waves of air that shook the sky.

Le Yun sitting on the back of the big lion: "!" She didn't even know what expression she had!

The big lion and the four cheap flying brothers flew very fast. When they flew nearby, she heard the sound of weapons colliding. Because the big lion was too fast, she couldn't see the scene clearly, and her eyes were white.

When the field of vision stabilized, there were two foundation-building cultivators wearing armor in front of them, one holding a spear and the other holding a broadsword, both of them had a bloody aura, and it could be seen that their hands had been stained with countless blood.

At the same time, I saw a section of the city wall that seemed to extend into the distant mountains invisible, and sensed the breath and heartbeat of countless people, as well as the smell of blood, animals and various smells.

She also guessed that she was on the battlefield, and was about to take a look at the battlefield situation in the era of cold weapons, when she heard deafening shouts all of a sudden, and her little heart trembled three times when she was caught off guard.

Le Yun, who was a little frightened before she knew what the battlefield was like, subconsciously stretched out her hands to cover her ears, glanced quickly, and saw the battlefield clearly when she looked around.

The city wall not far away is lying on the ground like a long dragon, with one end extending toward the rear and one end extending toward the front. There is a mountain far in front. The city wall is inlaid with the mountain and climbs up according to the mountain. the Great Wall of China.

There are towers and watchtowers built on the tall city wall, and the city wall is wide enough to accommodate several horse-drawn carriages running side by side. The top of the city wall is full of armored generals, as well as war supplies that can be supplied at any time.

There is a huge gate in the city wall, more than [-] meters wide. The copper gate made of alloy has riveted knots, and the gate is tightly closed.

The place opposite the city gate is a square for vehicles, horses, people and animals to stay in the city. It is an uncultivated wasteland. The wasteland is connected with the cropland, and a road leads to the distance.

At this moment, the original crop field was filled with densely packed armored warriors. The armored warriors lined up in a square formation, some with shields and spears, some with bows and arrows, and some places with ladders for climbing walls.

The colors of the armors of the two countries are different. The armor of the Mingyue Kingdom is a golden armor that tends to be moon-white, while the armor of the Cangyue Kingdom is black iron.

At the beginning of June, the midsummer month of Dongchen Continent, the south is as hot as fire, while Donglu and Beilu are slightly better. The climate is not as hot as the south, but it is not the best time for combat. It can be hot and sweat, and it is harder to fight.

Even if the fighting and killing stopped, the soldiers of the two armies under the sun were still sweating slightly, and the weapons and armor reflected the sun and glowed with a cold metallic light.

People in the air, condescending, seeing the man in armor kneeling on one knee, Le Yun didn't know how to describe his feelings, he felt shocked and terrified.

Who said that the era of cold weapons is backward?
Who dares to say that she must pooh his face, look, how sophisticated the weapons and armor are, their armor and weapons in modern society may not be able to reach that level with high-tech manufacturing, especially armor, with modern technology The resulting bullets cannot be shot through, and the quality is N times stronger than the body armor.

With emotion in his heart, he looked down at the soldiers of the two camps who were enemies to each other, as well as the corpses of newly killed soldiers under the city wall who had not had time to move away, and felt pity for the ordinary soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom and Cangyue Kingdom.

Dongchen is the world of cultivating immortals, and the secular world is also the world of imperial power, and the imperial power is supreme. Therefore, when the emperor of Cang Yue Kingdom launches a war, the soldiers of Cang Yue Empire must go to the battlefield without hesitation. The soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom have to meet the enemy, even if It was the midsummer of June, and it was caused by military orders, so I dare not stop fighting.

Since ancient times, in all imperial power societies, emperors have sat on the throne made of human bones and blood to enjoy the glory and wealth. Only ordinary soldiers and ordinary people at the bottom shed blood, sweat and tears.

Le Yun deeply feels the value of peace. She was not born in a peaceful era, but was fortunate to be born in a peaceful country.

In a short period of time, little Lolita's thoughts changed a few times, but the four direct disciples of the Yulan Sect did not make any waves about the salutes of the soldiers of the two countries. However, no more half-eyes.

Yu Qi wished Yu Mowen his eyes to pass Cang Yue and Mingyue Kingdom's two foundation-building monk commanders, and then looked at the sky above the Mingyue Kingdom's city.

Luo Cheng took a glance, and looked at the two foundation-building monks calmly: "The former head of the Yulan Sect, Yu Jiude, is the eldest disciple, and the current head, Li Yangzi, is the first-generation disciple Luo Cheng. My personal disciple Yu Qi wished Yu Mowen, and came here from Yujing Mountain to pass on the Yulan Patriarchal Fayu under the order of the head master Yu, the generals of the two countries listened carefully—”

He paused deliberately, and at the same moment, Yu Qi took out a colorful conch about ten feet long, and made his handprints on the conch's belly. , the tail tip of the conch faces far away.

When Cang Yue and Ming Yue heard that the monks were from the Yulan Sect, they all raised their heads in shock to look up at the young monk. The expressions of the two commanders all changed in unison, nervously waiting for the Yulan Sect's order.

No matter which side the commander is in, he is very nervous. He doesn't know what news the Yulan Sect's direct disciples will bring. Mingyue Kingdom is worried that the Yulan Sect will favor the Mu family and order Mingyue Kingdom to cede land to Cangyue Kingdom;
The commander and soldiers of the Cangyue Kingdom were worried that what the Yulan Sect’s disciples conveyed was that the Yulan Sect reprimanded Cang Yue for launching a war for no reason, causing casualties. There will also be a big loss of face among neighboring countries.

The hearts of the soldiers of the two countries were raised, and they waited nervously for the next sentence.

Yu Qi took out the sound-transmitting snail, and Luo Cheng raised his voice again: "Luo Cheng Yu Qi, a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect, congratulated Yu Mowen, and passed on the fact that Fa Yu, the head of the sect: Mu Yuechan, a child of the Mu family of the Cang Yue Empire, paid homage to Yu Qi." The Yulan Sect violated the sect's rules and secretly murdered fellow disciples. The Yulan Sect abolished Mu Shi Mu Yuechan's spiritual roots and expelled them from the sect. With this authentic sect rules, the Yulan Sect will never accept her from then on. Those who have the blood of the Cang Yuemu clan are disciples."

The soldiers of the Mingyue Kingdom on the walls of Wanshui City and the soldiers of the Cangyue Kingdom outside the city were anxiously waiting for the result. When they heard the news that the Yulan Sect had expelled the eldest princess Mu Yuechan from the sect, they were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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