magic eye doctor

Chapter 1392 Destiny is not in Mrs. Mu

Chapter 1392 Destiny is not in Mrs. Mu
Yu Lanzong expelled Mu's daughter from the sect?real or fake?

The officers and soldiers of the Mingyue Kingdom stationed in Wanyue City, the residents, and the people who moved from the abandoned city to Wanshui City, heard the message from the disciples of the Yulan Sect, and after a daze, they asked a question: Is it true? is it true? is it true?

The Cangyue Empire has done a lot of publicity since the head princess of the Mu clan joined the Yulan Sect and became a direct disciple. They also rely on Mu's daughter and her master to do their best in the Northland, oppressing the neighbors, and the countries dare not speak out.

There used to be a little prince in Mingyue Kingdom who was also a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect. Therefore, Cangyue Kingdom was afraid and did not dare to go too far. They also secretly harassed Mingyue Kingdom and conspired to seize several cities for hundreds of years.

Especially since the little prince of Mingyue Kingdom died unexpectedly, Cangyue Kingdom has intensified, continuously plundering Mingyue Kingdom, robbing land and resources, and this time, it even launched a big war, with the intention of annexing Mingyue Kingdom.

If...if Mu's daughter is expelled from the Yulan Sect, and Cangyue Kingdom loses the protective shield of the Yulan Sect's direct disciples, Mingyue Nation can give it a go and avenge its years of bullying!
The citizens of Mingyue Kingdom looked up at the sky with great excitement. Even if the people and soldiers in the city couldn't see the disciples of the Yulan Sect, they looked up at the sky with an extremely devout heart, as if they could see the Yulan Sect immortals.

The news announced by the disciples of the Yulan Sect was a huge surprise to the people of Mingyue Kingdom, and to the soldiers of Cangyue Kingdom, it was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

The 10,000+ soldiers of Cang Yue Kingdom were stunned by the thunderbolt from the sunny day, and they were all stunned. The eldest princess was expelled from the sect by Yulan Sect?

How did it become like this? !

They originally thought that the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect came to the front of the two armies, and at most they reprimanded the soldiers of the Cang Yue Kingdom to calm the resentment of the Mingyue Kingdom, but they never expected that the consequences would be so serious. The eldest princess was expelled from the mountain gate.

The Eldest Princess was expelled from the Yulan Sect, and her spiritual roots were abolished. Cangyue Kingdom lost the protection of a Golden Core cultivator and a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect. The surrounding countries will definitely take advantage of their ideas to attack Cang Yue in revenge.

The backs of Cang Yue's 10,000+ people felt chills. It was over, and Cang Yue would never have a peaceful day again.

The people inside and outside the city of Wanshui City would never have imagined that not only did they hear the news that Yulan Sect's direct disciples announced that Yugang Sect had expelled the children of the Mu family from the sect, it also rang throughout the area within [-] miles north of Wanshui City. The disciples of the Yulan Sect announced the news that the Yulan Sect had abolished the disciples of the Mu family.

The reason why the sound can be heard in distant towns is the function of the sound transmission conch in Yuqi's hand. The sound transmission conch is a magic weapon that can transmit the sound for hundreds of thousands of miles. When the sound is transmitted to a distant place, the arrival time of the sound varies The distance is longer and there is a slight delay, but the sound is absolutely original and will not be distorted.

The sound transmission conch dutifully transmits the sound from near to far, and it can be heard in towns, people and animals within a hundred thousand miles.

The voice seemed to be overhead. Whether it was the people of Mingyue Kingdom, the soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom who were fighting against Cang Yue, or the soldiers of Cang Yue who were attacking the city or resting, they were all shocked by the sudden news. All the soldiers stopped fighting and looked up at the sky.

In the area of ​​[-] miles to the north from Wanshui City, countless people stood like wooden stakes.

There was dead silence inside and outside Wanshui City.

Luo Cheng announced the sect's decision to expel Mu's daughter from the sect. He glanced at the soldiers of Cang Yue State expressionlessly, and shed tears of sympathy for the Mu family. Walk.

Le Yun's attention fell on the conch when the cheap male brother Nuan took out the conch. Oops, that conch is not simple, it is a 130 million-year-old ancient thing.

She had seen it in the book of sea monsters in the Eastern Continent. It was called a sound transmission conch. It was a natural microphone, equivalent to a mobile phone in modern society.

Sound-transmitting snails are not born as microphones. They must be over 10 years old to transmit sound. The older the shell, the greater the distance the sound can be transmitted.

It is also quite special. It has a relatively small body shape when it is just born, and then grows rapidly. It can grow to tens of feet in length in three or two years. less.

The so-called concentration is the essence. The size of the sound transmission snail is controlled within three feet after adulthood, and the thinner the body, the longer the age.

Le Yun was very interested in the sound-transmitting conch, staring at the sound-transmitting conch and studying it. When Senior Brother Luo finished speaking, she sat up straight, her eyes swept towards the direction of the generals of the Cang Yue Kingdom, and made a new statement: "Cang Yue There is a soul cultivator in the royal Mu family, who sneaked into the southern area of ​​Mingyue Kingdom and killed several cities with erysipelas, and set up an array to capture the souls of the dead people in order to improve his own cultivation. His behavior is despicable and vicious. This little fairy went to the south before coming here. In one trip, I have already captured Mu's soul cultivator, and sacrificed Mu's soul cultivator to the soul-absorbing array he set up, and sacrificed Mu's soul cultivator himself to the innocent souls of Mingyue Kingdom who died in vain."

Little Loli articulated clearly and her voice was crisp, like a thrush suddenly opening its throat and singing, it instantly attracted the attention of the soldiers of the two countries, as well as the people of Wanshui City, and everyone almost straightened their ears.

When they heard that Mu's soul cultivator sneaked into the south of Mingyue Kingdom to inject erysipelas and capture the souls of the dead, the soldiers and civilians suddenly realized that in the past few months, people and animals in several cities in the south of Mingyue Kingdom died one after another for no apparent reason. Cang Yue Kingdom did it secretly.

Also in a moment, they remembered that Cang Yue Nation had recently spread rumors that Yue Nation had done a lot of evil and was condemned by the heavens. For a moment, everyone was furious, and Cang Yue Nation was too shameless!

When Commander Cang Yue heard that a soul cultivator from the Mu clan had sneaked into the south of Mingyue Kingdom, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and only two words came to his mind—it's over!
This time, Cang Yue Kingdom is over.

The eldest princess of Cangyue Kingdom was expelled from the mountain gate by the Yulan Sect. Cangyue Kingdom may suffer revenge from neighboring countries, but the country may not perish. However, the Cangyue Royal Family has soul cultivation, and they even captured the souls of the people of Mingyue Kingdom to improve their cultivation. Once they disappeared, the neighboring countries would definitely not spare the Cang Yue royal family.

The Cang Yue royal family is in danger!The splendens of the Cangyue Empire are in danger!

Commander Cang Yue's mind was blank, and he was fixed in the air in a daze. Because he was shocked, he forgot to control his energy. Without the support of his real energy, his body lost control and fell downwards. After falling about ten feet away, he suddenly came back to his senses. , hurriedly stabilized, raised his head as if in disbelief, and looked at the girl on the back of the golden lion, suddenly realized that she actually personally intervened in Cang Yue Mingyue's mundane affairs? !
The Golden Retriever Roaringly stood in the air, seeing a certain Foundation Establishment cultivator staggered in fright, he grinned without showing face, he had the guts to attack the Mingyue Kingdom, but he didn't have the guts to bear the consequences, cowardly human beings.

Feeling her eyes fall on her body, Le Yun turned her head to look at a certain commander of Cang Yue Kingdom: "Cangyue, Mu family used despicable means to kill hundreds of millions of living beings for her own selfish thoughts. The soldiers of the country like to do it themselves."

"Mu's destiny is not in Mu's destiny!" The commander of Mingyue Kingdom muttered to himself when he heard Qingyue's young girl's voice. Thousands of soldiers of the empire, Xie Xiaoxian, seek justice for the innocent people who lost their lives and the soldiers who died in battle! Thank you, Xiaoxian, for the words of heaven!"

Cangyue Kingdom dispatched troops to Mingyue on unwarranted charges, and used insidious means to poison the people of Mingyue Kingdom, in order to create false rumors of the so-called "scourge of heaven", which made the people of Mingyue Kingdom panic. Some of the soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom are from the south. Hearing that relatives in my hometown died overnight, I was in great pain.

All the soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom knew that the deaths of people and animals in several cities in the south were caused by Cang Yue secretly, but there was no evidence, because the soldiers and horses stationed in the south were dispatched to the south to collect the corpses of the dead people in the cities to prevent the outbreak of plague. There were also tens of thousands of soldiers Because of this, he was murdered.

In order to prevent chaos in the south, Mingyue Kingdom knew that the dispatched troops might not come back. The commanders of the military camps stationed in the south still had to dispatch troops to deal with the funeral affairs of the people time and time again. To replenish troops on the main battlefield, in order to reduce unnecessary casualties, Mingyue Kingdom had to abandon cities that were not easy to defend again and again.

The Mingyue Kingdom suffered from this innocent war disaster. Hundreds of millions of innocent people died tragically, and more than 50 soldiers were killed or injured. Those who died were so innocent!

Today, a little fairy finally came out to uphold justice, pointing out that Cang Yue was the one who committed the crime, Nan Quan felt sad and happy, justice came a bit late, but finally came.

"Fate is not in Mu's family!" The soldiers who were kneeling on one knee on the city wall of Mingyue Kingdom roared loudly, kneeling on the ground to thank: "Thank you, little fairy, for giving me the words of heaven!"

The soldiers expressed their thanks sincerely, touching their foreheads to the ground, and the shouts of gratitude were louder and louder, and there were cries of grief and indignation in the shouts.

"Your thanks, my little fairy has received it, get up." A large part of the city wall fell down, Le Yun wanted to cry, don't kneel down at her every now and then, she is afraid of losing her life.

The soldiers of Mingyue shouted "Mu's fate is not with him", and Cangyue's 10,000+ troops knelt on one knee, trembling and pale.

"The real person and the little fairy have said everything that should be said, and the officers and men of the two countries will be exempted." The younger junior sister spoke, and Luo Cheng also generously asked people to get up. Afraid of irritating the soldiers of Cang Yue Kingdom, so he endured it.

Yu Qi wished that Yu Mowen would not say anything, since the elder brother was there, nothing to do with them, they just needed to be quiet disciples of the Yulan Sect.

Golden Retriever Roar is the happiest, with his tail raised high with pride.

When the soldiers of the two countries heard the words, they shouted "Xie Xianren" and stood up. Some soldiers of the Mingyue Kingdom were still wiping their tears.

Commander Cang Yue's face was ashen, unable to utter a word to absolve the emperor of the empire, let alone refute, silently lowered his head, and silently landed towards the ground.

He seemed to have grown old all of a sudden, landed on the ground with his spine bent, bowed to the immortals in the sky, turned around and walked towards Cang Yue's soldiers, even if he was flying with true energy, his steps were extraordinarily heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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