magic eye doctor

Chapter 1393 Pity

Chapter 1393 Pity
Nan Quan, the commander of the Mingyue Kingdom who was kneeling in the air, stood up with blurred tears and could hardly see. He wiped his face and wiped away his tears with grief.

When I looked again, I saw Commander Cang Yue leaving, and hurried forward, running about three feet away from the direct disciple of the Yulan Sect and the golden-haired lion, and saluted respectfully: "Nan Quan, commander of Mingyue Kingdom soldiers and horses, I have seen Little Fairy Le, I have seen the four immortals! Please move the little fairy and the four real people into the city."

"The deity is ignored." The excluded golden retriever spit unwillingly, and complained aggrievedly: "Little one, the people of Cang Yue Kingdom are blind and can't see me, and the people here are not very good at seeing me. Otherwise, you throw out the conch, and I will wait in the mountains hundreds of miles ahead."

Nan Quan was dumbfounded.

"The golden retriever is so majestic, how can anyone not see you, they are afraid of your majesty and dare not greet you," the golden retriever was unhappy being ignored and remembered to help him collect water, Le Yun was in a good mood, Scratch the back of his shoulder blade with a small paw and give him a smooth hair: "Golden hair don't be sad, when we go to the Imperial Palace of the Mingyue Kingdom as guests, ask the elder brother to convey to the Emperor of the Mingyue Kingdom, let them honor you with hundreds of catties of pork, I will make spiritual food for you you eat."

The little loli stroked her fur to be sure, the little gloomy aura that Jin Mao roared disappeared in an instant, and she said happily: "Okay, that's the deal. The emperor of Mingyue Kingdom doesn't give meat to eat, I'm going to evacuate his kitchen."

Jin Maohou's stingy complaints were ignored, and he even gave up his face for food, Yu Jiujiu secretly slapped Jin Maohou's stomach and back, told him to be greedy, beat him up!
The golden retriever roared and jumped forward: "Nineteenth, you villain actually secretly pinched this deity. From now on, the little one will make spiritual food and won't give it to you."

"!" Yu Mo asked so annoyed that the broken golden retriever would sue!
Yu Lanzong's immortal beast fell in love with his deed master and killed each other. The soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom were stunned, and Commander Nan Quan was also bewildered, and didn't know what to say.

Golden Retriever roared forward a few feet, then turned around again, with the wind under his feet, he flew to the top of the city wall of Mingyue Kingdom, and fell to the ground on the top of the city wall with big thorns, holding his head high, very proud.

The guards on the city wall saw the huge fairy beast lion, they were in awe, they didn't dare to move, they looked up at the girl on the back of the golden lion with pilgrimage eyes, feeling excited, she is the famous little fairy Le in the mainland!
They have the reputation of Little Fairy Le.

It is said that Fairy Le is the honored guest of the five major immortal sects in the mainland, with a detached status. As for why the top immortal sects in the mainland treat Xiao Fairy as a guest, they don't know, and they don't need to know.

Rumor has it that a Yuanying-level fairy beast from the Yulan Sect volunteered to be the little fairy's mount. Wherever the little fairy went, the fairy beast would follow.

When the bad news came from the south of Mingyue Kingdom, the soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom thought countless times that if that little fairy who even the five great immortal sects regarded as a distinguished guest came to Mingyue Kingdom to say a word for them, Cangyue Kingdom would not dare to do that. Being aggressive, the crisis of Mingyue Kingdom was easily resolved.

They had hoped that the little fairy who was famous all over the mainland would come to Mingyue Kingdom, and they knew that was unrealistic. After all, Princess Cangyue is a direct disciple of Yulan Sect, and the little fairy is a distinguished guest of Yulan Sect. The fairy may still know each other. The little fairy has no relationship or reason with Mingyue Kingdom, so there is no need to meddle in other people's business.

Who would have thought that the little fairy really came to the Mingyue Kingdom and appeared on the battlefield where the two armies were fighting!
The city defenders looked up at the girl on the back of the big golden lion. No one spoke, but their eyes were devout, pure, and filled with endless gratitude.

In their eyes, the girl on the back of the golden lion is like a celestial being. They respect gods even more than gods.

Yu Qi put away the sound transmission conch after the junior sister finished speaking, and saw the big lion running away with the junior sister on his back, and flew to the top of the city wall with his brothers and sisters on flying swords, and landed beside the big lion.

Nan Quan hurriedly chased the immortals of the Yulan Sect and flew back to the top of the city wall. Seeing the soldiers looking up at the girl on the lion's back, he was so sad that a man couldn't help crying again.

Luo Cheng saw the tears in the eyes of Commander Nan Quan, and knew why he lost his composure, so he sighed and comforted him: "My condolences to the old Marquis!"

"Please don't worry about it." Nan Quan was stunned, with tears in his eyes, choked up and handed the weapon in his hand to a personal guard, then knelt down and pointed at the little girl on the back of the golden lion, "Bang bang bang "Kowtowed three heads: "Xie Xiaoxian, a member of the Nan clan who has passed away in the Southern Quan Dynasty, is seeking justice for the people!"

As soon as the commander knelt down, a large group of soldiers near the city wall also knelt down, and hundreds of people turned pale and wept bitterly again.

"?" Le Yun was at a loss, so what, the commander of Mingyue Kingdom knelt down and thanked her for upholding justice for the innocent people in the south of Mingyue Kingdom, why is he thanking her again now?

Others don't know the reason, but Luo Cheng knows it, so he explained on his behalf: "Little sister, Marshal Nan's ancestor was one of the meritorious persons who followed the founding emperor of Mingyue Kingdom. The large city Nanxi City among them, which is the city you chose to set up your formation, is exactly as expected, the people of the Nanhouye clan and many soldiers, families and common people who were originally from the south will live and die with Nanxi City."

Nanxi City is the largest city in the south of Mingyue Kingdom, with a population of 3000 million. The Nan family of the Nanquan family is the native resident of Nanxi City. The ancestor of the Nan family gave birth to a military general who followed the founding emperor of Mingyue Kingdom to fight in the south and north, and made a great success. For his military achievements, he was granted the title of Marquis of Zhennan, and he was hereditary.

The Hou Nan clan in Zhennan is the family of military generals since the founding of the Mingyue Empire. They are loyal. Within three generations of the family, there must be a generation of military generals, guarding the frontiers for generations. The family has lived in Nanxi City for generations. Generally, there are about [-].

The Cangyue Kingdom aggressively attacked the Mingyue Kingdom. Zhennan Hou Nanquanbai led his army to guard the most important border route in the southwest as the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses. After a year later, he received a letter from the rear saying that the people of the Nanxi clan in Nanxi had advanced and retreated with the people in the city. All dead.

Nan Quan choked up on the ground and couldn't make a sound. At this moment, he is not a general of soldiers and horses, he is just an ordinary person who has lost his relatives.

The soldiers also grieved from the heart, sobbing endlessly.

"Sorrow!" Le Yun's heart was touched, and she used her spiritual sense to "help" the kneeling and crying soldiers: "Instead of being sad, why not turn grief into strength and rectify the army to counterattack back. When you break through Cang Yue Imperial City, capture Living with Emperor Mu and Mu's royal family, using Cangyue and Mu's royal family to offer sacrifices to the spirits of the deceased can also comfort the spirits of the heroes who died in battle and the innocent people who died tragically."

Nan Quan, who was crying bitterly, and all the generals and soldiers were lifted up, and their hearts were infinitely moved, but when they heard the little fairy's words, it was like a bird being strangled by the neck, and the sound of choking and breathing stopped abruptly.

What does the little fairy mean, that she does not object to the Mingyue Kingdom's counterattack, let alone the Mingyue Kingdom's bloodbath of the Cang Yue Mu Family to avenge the Mingyue people? !
In the perception of all the officers and men, it was a great honor for Mingyue Kingdom that Little Fairy Le could come to Mingyue Kingdom to say something fair, or to show her affection for Mingyue Kingdom.

After all, Fairy Le has a great status and is a distinguished guest of the top immortal sects in the mainland. No one in the immortal sects who are slightly inferior to the five major sects has the honor to invite her as a guest. Inside.

She really came, and said that "Mu's fate is not in the destiny" is a great gift to Mingyue Kingdom, and only for this reason, Mingyue Kingdom will never be destroyed, and they will always remember the kindness of the little fairy. No one would have thought that the little fairy would Encourage them to counterattack Cang Yue.

Things were unexpected, Nan Quan and the soldiers were so shocked that they didn't even think about it, they looked at the girl on the golden lion in a daze, and stood like a wooden pillar.

The golden retriever wanted to cover his eyes, ouch, weak human race, how slow to react, how stupid!
Ok?Seeing a group of people staring at her in a daze, Le Yun was at a loss, what do Mingyue people mean, do they not want to do more evil, or are they afraid that the master of the eldest princess Mu will find Mingyue Kingdom Autumn Empress to settle accounts?
The soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom were slow to react, and Yu Qi couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded him: "General Nan, there is a little fairy protecting Mingyue Kingdom, why are you hesitating, and the best policy is to quickly rectify the troops and counterattack."

After being glanced at by the gentle and handsome real person, Nan Quan was like waking up from a dream, and he bowed again and again, saying: "Young general will rectify the troops later, and counterattack tomorrow. Thank you little fairy and the four immortals for your pity, please move the little fairy and the real person." Drive the City Lord's Mansion."

"Master Nan just prepares to counterattack Cang Yue, and doesn't need to entertain us. Our brothers and sisters have to go to the border towns of Mingyue Kingdom, Cangyue, and the Moqin Empire in the north to get Mu's daughter expelled by the Yulan Sect. The news of leaving the sect calls the public, and I will go to the Mingyue Imperial Capital after going around the border town first."

In order to make the soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom think about it, Luocheng simply explained in detail: "Cangyue Mu's soul cultivator set up a continent in the south, not only captured the souls of the people, but also stole the fate of Mingyue Kingdom, and brought bad luck to Mingyue Kingdom, little fairy I feel pity for the people of Mingyue Kingdom, and I will personally go to the imperial capital of Mingyue Kingdom to expel bad luck and reunite the nation for Mingyue Kingdom."

Seeing the sudden change in the expressions of the soldiers, Luo Cheng immediately comforted him: "You don't need to panic, the little fairy has already broken the great array of Mu's soul cultivation, and performed rituals to drive away the darkness for several cities in the south, and the little fairy reunited for the Mingyue Kingdom It will take time, and it will probably stay in the imperial capital for a long period of time. There are monks in Wanshui City, Lord Nanhou can tell them, let the monks send a letter back to the imperial capital to the emperor, and ask the emperor to clean up the summer garden in the east of the imperial capital... ..."

In order for the royal family and courtiers of the Mingyue Kingdom not to screw things up and make Junior Sister unhappy, Luo Cheng took great pains. He knew that Junior Sister was impatient to live in the palace and was impatient to be disturbed by others, so he specially asked the monarch to tidy up the royal garden for Junior Sister live.

Nan Quan kept nodding his head "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm", he didn't have time to think about how Immortal Luo knew there were monks sitting in Wanshui City, and he didn't have time to ask why the little fairy didn't live in the palace.

After Luocheng finished speaking, Yu Qi sent a storage container: "Mingyue Kingdom officers and soldiers attack Cang Yue Kingdom, don't indiscriminately kill people, if Mingyue Kingdom soldiers also follow Mu Shi's indiscriminate killing of innocent people, the little fairy will do the same for the people of Cang Yue To uphold justice, the little fairy will lend you storage containers to transport food and grass, and don't forget to collect the spoils when you capture the towns of Mingyue Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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