magic eye doctor

Chapter 1394

Chapter 1394
Nan Quan and the soldiers were stunned. The little fairy borrowed a storage container to transport food and grass for them? !

They have never seen what a pie in the sky looks like, but what they encountered today is even rarer than a pie in the sky.

Nan Quan, who was so shocked that his brain was dizzy, subconsciously held the bracelet-shaped storage device, and subconsciously probed it with his spiritual sense. After checking it, he was shocked. The storage device took up nine miles.

He looked up at Little Fairy and the four direct disciples of the Yulan Sect, and saw the four young monks smiling meaningfully at him. Nan Quan was so laughed that he couldn't understand.

Sensing General Nan's gaze, Le Yun turned her head to look back, blinked, and then looked at the soldiers at the top of the city, her eyes passed over the two young generals in armor, her smile became brighter and brighter: "The emperor guards the gate of the country, The king died and the country was in crisis. The children of the Beiting royal family did not stay in the imperial capital drunk and dreamed of death, let alone greedy for life and fear of death. The children of the royal family went to the frontier to serve as soldiers, and went to battle with ordinary soldiers to fight the enemy, sharing the joys and sorrows. The Beiting royal family is very good. In this way, the people of Mingyue Kingdom are blessed."

"Little Fairy praises you so much, Bei Ting Clan is ashamed." The two young generals caught by the little fairy's eyes bowed and saluted: "Bei Ting He, Bei Ting Shu pays homage to Little Fairy."

The soldiers who defended the city didn't quite understand what the little fairy was referring to, but when they heard someone answering, they all turned their heads to look at each other. The soldiers who were close to the two were all shocked. Isn't this their little friend? It's actually a child of the royal family!

"You don't need to be too polite." Le Yun nodded.

Nan Quan looked at the two royal children, feeling pain in his heart: "Little Fairy, Bei Tinghe is the emperor's ninth son, aged 15 years old, and Bei Ting Shu is the emperor's elder brother's son, both 15 years old," he paused, then continued. Huatou: "A total of more than forty direct descendants of the royal family and relatives of the royal family have joined the military camp. According to the latest battle report received three days ago, 11 children of the royal family have died in battle so far, and 12 of the royal relatives have died in battle. The elder brother of the Ninth Prince also died in the battle. Died on the battlefield last month."

All the soldiers were dumbfounded at first, but after a while, they were very moved. It turned out that not only ordinary soldiers like them were risking their lives in the frontier, but also the children of the royal family were fighting bloody battles.

Mingyue State owns the Beiting royal family, and the people are very lucky!
The eyes of all the soldiers looking at the princes and grandchildren were gentle and warm, and their love and support for the royal family were more firm.

"Well, I can see it," Le Yun understood. She could see all kinds of brilliance on people. Dongchen is the world of cultivating immortals. She can see more things. She can see that the two are children of the royal family. , Naturally, it can be seen that they have close relatives who have passed away.

He glanced at the royal family's children again, and asked a lot: "Which he is Beiting he?"

"He is the grain of the seedlings of the five grains. My cousin's Shu character is the Shu of the five grains." Bei Tinghe answered in response. Even though he was physically and mentally exhausted from defending the city for days, he still stood upright.

Le Yun thought of Feng He, a young man who was as delicate and beautiful as a flower, and Jiang Shao. The Jiang Shao brothers were also named after five grains, and Feng He was also named after one of the five grains. Hearing Bei Ting He, he felt very kind. He is more pleasing to the eye.

If you have eyes, you have to express it naturally. After searching in your own belongings, you found some pills suitable for the battlefield, put them in a storage container and gave them to him: "I have eyes with you, I have a small gift for you."

The 15-year-old boy looked at a ring hanging in front of his eyes in shock, and was at a loss. He learned martial arts since he was a child, went to the battlefield at the age of nine, and joined the army for six years. , being favored by immortals like this, but I don't know what to do.

The little junior sister had a very good impression of the Bei Ting family. Luo Cheng smiled from the heart, and was extremely happy. He flew to Bei Tinghe, took the storage container in his hand and handed it to the young man: "The little fairy gave it to you, you just accept it. Conquer the city of Mingyue Kingdom, remember to collect more loot."

All the soldiers were extremely envious of the Ninth Prince, and it was such a great blessing to receive a gift from the little fairy.

"This..." Bei Tinghe clutched the storage device in his hand, his heart beating extremely fast, this overwhelming wealth came too suddenly.

The storage utensils may not be a rare thing in the eyes of the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect. There are also three or two pieces in the Daxiu Xianjia family with a profound heritage in the mainland. The Ting family also has storage containers, one of which is in the hands of the family patriarch and the other in the hands of the emperor.

It is said that the Beiting family has a storage vessel about one mile wide, which is the family treasure. The storage vessel in the hands of the emperor is about [-] feet wide. Whenever there is a major war, the emperor of Mingyue Kingdom will take out the storage vessel. The objects and utensils were handed over to the family monks to deliver food and grass for the front sergeants.

Bei Tinghe took a few deep breaths, suppressed his excitement, and respectfully saluted: "Thank you, little fairy, for the reward!"

"I can't say what kind of reward it is. It's just a gift. The pills inside are also ordinary medicines. When you can't supply food and grass, or you are too tired after marching for too long, dissolve the pills in water and drink one or two bowls per person. You can manage three or two. God is not hungry."

Le Yun accepted the thank you gift calmly, explained something, and tugged at the big lion's hair: "The army of Cang Yue Kingdom retreats, we should go too."

"Let's go, let's go." Golden Retriever roared impatiently for a long time to stay in the crowd of smelly people, happily rushed to the sky, and ran towards the north.

The junior sister ran away, Luo Cheng Yuqi wished Yu Mowen that he would stay longer, flew into the sky, caught up with the golden retriever, and flew northward.

Nan Quan and the soldiers watched the little fairy and the four real people off. When the golden glow was gone and the shadows could no longer be seen, they turned their eyes away. For the time being, they didn't bother to check the storage, and crowded to the top of the city to watch Cang Yue's army.

How excited the soldiers of Mingyue Kingdom were, how depressed the soldiers of Cang Yue Kingdom were.

Cang Yue's 10,000+ people watched Fairy Le and Yulan Sect's immortals fly to the top of the Wanshui City wall. The team behind couldn't see the commander, and the people in front saw the commander approaching, feeling sad.

Cang Yue was defeated!

Originally, he was famous as a teacher, but when Fairy Le and the disciples of Yulan Sect arrived, the truth was revealed, and a slap in the face made all the soldiers feel pain in the face.

Feeling that the Cang Yue soldiers who had no face to see others looked at the heavy-footed commander with a heavy heart and a sense of loss. From then on, Cang Yue Kingdom will always be at the head of the people. May slowly be forgotten over time.

Commander Cang Yue dragged his heavy feet before flying back to the army, and asked the herald to display the flag of withdrawal, and the team retreated.

Thousands of people retreated like the tide and the moon. Except for the sound of walking, the sound of the flag being rolled by the wind, the panting of people and horses, and the clash of weapons, there was no other sound.

Commander Cang Yue led the army back for a few miles, and immediately made meals. After the meal, the army set off and withdrew at a rapid march. They must immediately retreat back to Cang Yue Kingdom. Otherwise, once Ming Yue Kingdom counterattacked, the entire army of Cang Yue Kingdom might be wiped out.

The general situation is over, and the commander does not want the soldiers to make useless sacrifices. He will no longer love to fight, and he will give up the city he once captured, and return to the country all the way.

Nan Quan and his soldiers watched Cang Yue's retreat on the city wall, filled with sorrow and joy in their hearts, after several months of stalemate, Cang Yue Kingdom was defeated, and they finally had a chance to counterattack!
With the help of immortals in Mingyue Kingdom, Nanquan also knew that Cangyue's soldiers did not have the guts to launch another raid and attack the city, and ordered the soldiers to withdraw their troops in exchange for value.

The soldiers on the city wall lined up and went down the city wall to the barracks for rectification.

Nan Quan stood on the city wall and supervised, clutching the storage container, feeling deeply moved. He thought it would be a great honor for the little fairy to lend them a storage container with a width of [-] zhang. large storage container.

The nine-mile wide storage container can hold the food and grass of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. With it in hand, with enough food and grass, even if you are fighting outside for several years, you don't have to worry about the supply not being able to keep up.

In an instant, Nan Quan's excited palms sweated. With it, it would be no problem to lead troops to attack the Cang Yue Empire!

Isn't the little fairy afraid that he will take advantage of the money and abscond after greedy for the storage device?
Nan Quan's heart was beating extraordinarily fast. He hurriedly took out a stack of papers from the storage container and looked at them quickly. The more he looked, the weirder the expression on his face became. A series of items, the real person asked them to collect some after capturing the city of Cang Yue Kingdom.

It's not how precious the items are, but the real person said that those are the items that the little fairy likes.

Do you know what it is?
The list includes ceramics, wooden furniture, jade or products, the four treasures of the study, cloth and clothing, and grains, etc. There are also ores, flame stones, and even good wood and forage are included.

Nan Quan: "..." Could the little fairy be a fake little fairy?
Or, are the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect just kidding?

Commander Nan, who was shocked, looked at the paper from the beginning again in disbelief. That's right, it was a list made by a real person. The characters were all recognizable, and the names of various items were clearly written on it.

The real person made it very clear that when collecting materials, you can evacuate the spare food, official cellars, official farms, textile workshops, etc. in every city of Cang Yue Kingdom, and you must never rob people or merchants of their items.

In the end, it was also specifically stated that if the capital city of Cangyue Kingdom is conquered, don't forget to evacuate the Cangyue treasury!Empty the royal family's private collections, the Royal Academy, etc., and if possible, move back the emperor's throne of the Cang Yue Kingdom.

The real person said that the little fairy is interested in the treasury and academy of Cangyue Kingdom, the emperor's chair, desk, bookshelf and other supplies.

Nan Quan was a little dizzy, this, asking them to move Cang Yue State's treasury meant that the real people supported the destruction of Cang Yue State, right?
When the Commander-in-Chief of Nanda University was stunned by the real person's hint, Bei Tinghe was also stunned after checking the storage container. The storage container presented to him by the little fairy was one mile wide, and there were several jars inside, filled with finger-sized ones. Pill pills.

Bei Tinghe's heart was pounding with excitement, and he didn't take out the jar to look at it. He recognized the owner with blood dripping from the storage container, and pulled his cousin and brothers to withdraw together.

The people in the military camp talked a lot, Bei Ting Shu didn't speak from the beginning to the end, it was the honor of the whole Bei Ting family that his cousin got the little fairy's eye, he just had to follow the little cousin closely.

(End of this chapter)

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