magic eye doctor

Chapter 1395 Panic

Chapter 1395 Panic
Nan Quan also never inquired about what the Ninth Prince had obtained, suppressed his excitement, and supervised the evacuation of the soldiers from the city wall and changed their positions, and supervised the team cleaning the battlefield to go out of the city to clean up the battlefield.

Cangyue Kingdom withdrew without picking up the bodies of the soldiers who died in battle. Mingyue Kingdom's corpse collection team transported its dead soldiers back to the city to choose a place for burial, while Cangyue Kingdom's soldiers dug pits outside the city to bury them.

Nan Quan waited for the team to clean up the battlefield to go back to the city and then go down the city wall. First, he went back to the barracks and asked the lieutenants to organize the team. Then he rushed to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss matters with the City Lord, and to meet with the cultivators of the Xiuxian family.

The Immortal Cultivation Family of Mingyue Kingdom sent monks to support the front line. The monks did not go to the battlefield, but were responsible for sending messages and transporting food and grass, all of which were done in secret.

The disciples of the Yulan Sect and Little Fairy Le came to Wanshui City, and the city was full of joy. The city lord and monks all waited for the immortal at the city lord's mansion, but the fairy was very disappointed. When Marshal Nan said that the little fairy and the real people were going to the northern border city to announce The news that Yu Lanzong expelled Princess Mu from the mountain sect, and then she will live in the imperial capital for a long time, is a joy.

After meeting with Marshal Nan, the city lord issued an order to mobilize the whole city to prepare food and grass for the army. The people and merchants in the city knew that the immortals of the Yulan Sect supported the Mingyue Kingdom. Or firewood transported to the barracks.

Wanshui City became busy, from daytime to late night.

Nan Quan and the army rested neatly, and in the early morning of the next day, with plenty of food and grass, the army drove out of Wanshui City and embarked on the journey of counterattacking Cang Yue. .

Because the Yulan Sect used the sound transmission conch, and the sound spread hundreds of thousands of miles away, but the mainline troops of the Cang Yue Kingdom who heard the news that the lord Lanzong announced that Mu Yuechan would be expelled from the sect did not dare to have any love for war, and quickly withdrew their troops.

As the Cangyue Kingdom retreated, the Mingyue Kingdom's army naturally could not give up the rare opportunity and wanted to pursue it. Therefore, when the main army led by Nanquan in Wanshui City set off, the troops from all over the border cities of the Mingyue Kingdom also set out one after another.

Classmate Le and the four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect left Wanshui City for hundreds of miles, and were led by Elder Mu to run northward in a remote place. On the way, they stopped at several big cities that were also important cities for Cang Yue Kingdom's main line of attack. For a short stay, Luo Yi came forward to go to the important military camp of Mingyue Kingdom, and lent the storage device to the leader and commander, allowing them to transport food and grass, and collect spoils when they invaded Cangyue Kingdom.

Every commander who was forced to borrow a storage device was ecstatic, and prepared food and supplies as quickly as possible, and the whole army counterattacked the next day.

Little Lolita just "borrowed" the storage device, and she didn't care about anything else. Elder Mu led her to run over a distance of more than [-] miles, and found the place where the two armies fought. The news of expelling Mu Yuechan from the sect revealed the truth that Mu's soul cultivator used sorcery to poison the people of Mingyue Kingdom and captured their souls.

With an errand runner like Elder Mu, in less than a day, the four youths and little loli ran all over the area where Cang Yue and Mingyue Kingdom were at war. Stroll across the borders of empires.

A certain little fairy and a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect went to the border between the two countries to spread the sound transmission conch, so the Mo Qin Empire also knew that Princess Cang Yue had been expelled from the Yulan Sect, and the soldiers and horses originally stationed in the border town Under the leadership of the generals, they attacked Cang Yue without hesitation.

Relying on the fact that the eldest princess is a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect, Cang Yue Kingdom used to bully the Moqin Empire a lot, snatching Mangshan, which originally belonged to the Moqin Empire and the Mingyue Empire, which had a secret realm, and now the eldest princess Cangyue is finished. If you don't hurry to take back the country, don't rush to avenge your revenge, what are you waiting for?
The generals of the Moqin Empire in the border towns handed over the letter of invitation to the emperor, and immediately dispatched troops to attack Cang Yue. Even if the emperor did not agree to send troops, they would earn money by taking back a few cities first. As for the punishment, taking back the land would be a great achievement One piece can make up for the crime.

Of course, even if you can't make up for the crime, it doesn't matter if you are punished. Anyway, you gave yourself a bad breath. Besides, Emperor Mo Qin is not stupid, and he hates being suppressed by Cang Yue Kingdom. Disciple, how could the emperor allow Cang Yue to bully Mo Qin again and again.

A certain little fairy who ran to the secular world to start a fire, didn't even know how much wind her little butterfly wings were blowing. She wandered around and went to Mangshan to study the secret place of Mangshan with Senior Brother Cheap.

The secret realm of Mount Mang is already in the process of being opened, forming the shape of a vortex of spiritual energy.

Student Le was taken to the secret realm by the real people to study for a while, but he didn't stay there. He and the real people secretly left Mangshan Mountain and quietly went to Cangyue.

When the real people disappeared on the border of the Mingyue Kingdom, the armies of the Mingyue Empire and the Moqin Empire were busy recovering the country. The monarch of the Moqin Empire only received the news of the border half a month later, and immediately dispatched troops to the border town. Reinforcements were held at the same time as the court meeting. Afterwards, envoys were sent to neighboring countries. The emperor of the Mo Qin Kingdom personally led an envoy to the Mingyue Kingdom's capital to meet with the Beiting family.

The other neighboring countries of Cangyue Kingdom all received the news that Yulan Sect had expelled Princess Cangyue from their sect after half a month or nearly a month later, and without further ado, they mobilized troops and sent troops to attack Mu Clan.

Cang Yue's neighboring countries attacked in groups, and urgent reports from Cang Yue's borders flew to the imperial capital like snowflakes.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

One month is neither short nor long, and in just one month, the army led by Nanquan will drive the retreating army of Cang Yue Kingdom out of Mingyue Kingdom and regain the land that was destroyed by Cang Yue decades ago. For the two cities that were occupied, several other main forces also drove Cang Yue's army out of the country, or recaptured one or two cities at the same time.

The army of the Mo Qin Kingdom also recaptured the occupied city and regained part of the land to which Mangshan belonged.

The Cangyue Empire can be called an empire, and its land area is naturally extremely wide. Later, thanks to a princess who joined the Yulan Sect as a direct disciple, he fought around and robbed many lands from neighboring countries, with a total area of ​​nearly 300 million miles.

The territory of the country is large, so it is impossible for the battle report from the border to the imperial capital to arrive in a short period of time. When the neighboring countries raise their troops to attack, the monarch and courtiers who are far away in the imperial capital do not know at all.

The commander of Cangyue Kingdom sent the battle report to the emperor when he withdrew his troops from Wanshui City. The battle report and the other main force's battle reports finally reached Cangyue Imperial Capital after a month, and it was sent to the imperial palace in the early morning of one day.

At that time, the courtiers of the early court had just met the emperor a thousand times, and the monk who sent the battle report rushed into the palace of the early court before the emperor's personal servant could ask "If there is something to report, and if there is nothing to leave the court".

The cultivator who sent the battle report was almost exhausted because of his true energy, and was so exhausted that he rushed into the hall and almost couldn't stand still, and his breathing was extremely heavy.

All the courtiers were shocked, and Emperor Mu knew immediately that there was bad news, so he immediately asked, "How is the battle ahead? But what happened?"

The cultivator who barely managed to stabilize after rushing to the center of the hall, his face was pale: "Emperor, something is not right, please report urgently ahead, the disciples of the Yulan Sect are on the battlefield between the Mingyue Kingdom and the Cangyue Kingdom, and the Yulan Sect summoned the mainland to say that the eldest princess Cangyue Mu Yuechan slaughtered her fellow sect, Yulan Sect abolished her spiritual roots, expelled her from the sect, and... and..."


As if thunder struck on a sunny day, Emperor Mu stood up awkwardly, and the courtiers were also confused and rushed forward. They didn't know why they moved forward, as if moving forward would give them peace of mind.

Standing in front of the throne, Mu Dijun suppressed the urge to rush down the alchemy rank, panicked: "It must not be true, the imperial sister is a direct disciple of the Yulan sect, how could she be expelled from the sect, there must be something wrong!"

"Emperor, it''s true, the Yulan Sect...sent four direct disciples, namely Luocheng from the Zhongyi Mansion of Mingyue Kingdom who joined the Yulan Sect, and No. 16 among the Yulan Sect's direct disciples. Yu Qi from 19No.[-] congratulates Yu Mowen, and also... and..."

Thinking of the other one, the monk trembled, Mu Dijun, and the courtiers asked eagerly: "Who else?"

"Also...there is Binle on the seat of the Five Great Immortals in the mainland...Little Fairy Le..." The monk stuttered and struggled to mention that special existence. It is said that even the thunder of the sky would not hit her , can freely enter and exit all secret realms, and even the top immortal sects are regarded as honored guests, such people have gone to Mingyue Kingdom.

"No!" Mu Dijun screamed, why why why...why does that person meddle in the affairs of the secular world?
The courtiers were stunned, what they least expected happened!It is rumored that the person who made the Huan family's grandson be accepted as a direct disciple by the Yuheng sect in Jinyao country actually set foot in the secular world!
"Impossible, how could she care about such trivial matters... She is a distinguished guest of the Yulan Sect, and the imperial sister is a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect, how could she support Mingyue Kingdom..." Mu Dijun muttered to himself, could it be that the emperor What did my sister do to anger that person, that's why Yu Lanzong expelled Huang Jie from the mountain gate, where is Elder Miao?Could it be that Elder Miao's face is not as good as that person's?
"Emperor, there is even more...worse news," the monk let out a sigh of relief, and threw out more shocking words again: "Le... Le Xiaoxian said that there are monks in Mu's family who used erysipelas to kill ordinary people in Mingyue Kingdom. The little fairy has already captured a certain cultivator to sacrifice to the formation,..."

The monk almost wanted to say about Mu's soul cultivation, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and immediately shut up again. If the courtiers in the palace knew that a certain little fairy said that Mu's soul cultivation took away the soul for cultivation, the court would definitely be in chaos. Also be terrified.

"..." Emperor Mu heard that the cultivator who poisoned the erysipelas of the Mu family was captured, as if struck by lightning, the emperor missed his hand, and was captured... Sacrificial array? !

If the father was captured, his identity must have been leaked, and if he was sacrificed, wouldn't it mean that the soul of the father...has been destroyed?
The emperor's father may be lost, the sister of the emperor was expelled from the Yulan Sect, Cang Yue...

Thinking of what Cang Yue was about to face, Mu Dijun's eyes were dizzy, and his heart roared silently, why did it become like this?

The courtiers were panic-stricken. When they heard that Fairy Le testified that Cang Yue Kingdom sent monks to poison the people of Mingyue, they were all stunned at the time, and only two words came to their minds—it's over!
Fairy Le has a transcendent status among the immortal sects of Dongchen Continent. Even the five major immortal sects who are the leaders of the immortal sects all respect her words like divine words. Whether it has been done or not, the major empires, the Xiuxian family, and the Xianzong sect will not question it.

What's more, it was a fact that the deaths of the people in several cities in the south of Mingyue Kingdom were caused by Cang Yue. They didn't know who was responsible for it. They can be sure that it was the work of the royal family, or the plan to destroy the cities led by the emperor and the eldest princess.

Now that Fairy Le is involved in the battle of empires, everything about Cang Yue Kingdom has been exposed to the world, how could the neighboring countries not take the opportunity to cause chaos.

When the courtiers were panicking, the cultivator who sent the battle report once again threw out the thunderous news: "Emperor, these are not counted, and there is something even worse, Fairy Le scolded Cang Yue Mu for her own selfish thoughts. , the despicable behavior cannot be tolerated by nature, and the words are categorical and public, saying that the destiny is not in the Mu family..."

Relating the most terrible sentence from the front line, he paused and stated again: "Little Fairy Le and the disciples of the Yulan Sect have traveled all over the battlefields of the two countries, and even went to the border between the Mingyue Kingdom and the Moqin Empire. The snails transmit the sound, and each time the sound is transmitted for a hundred thousand miles, Mingyue Kingdom gathers a large army to counterattack on the second day, and at the same time, the Moqin Empire's army also declares war on Cangyue Kingdom, and Cangyue's army retreats steadily."

Mu Dijun was in a state of extreme panic because his father's soul might dissipate. The monk who was sent the battle report forcibly pulled his sanity back. , unable to stand anymore, staggered and sat down backwards, his face was pale and bloodless for an instant, and his muscles were trembling.

The destiny is not with the Mu family... The little fairy said that the destiny is not with the Mu family!
Mu Dijun felt like being hit by a thunderbolt, his chest seemed to be hit by Wan Jun's heavy hammer, a mouthful of blood gushed up, he forcibly lowered his blood pressure, and kept his mouth tightly shut.

The courtiers were dumbfounded, and the little fairy actually said that the destiny is not with the Mu family? !

Destiny is not in the Mu family, which means that the Cangyue Mu family has lost their virtue and is not protected by the heavens. If the Cangyue royal family is not favored by the fate, how can Cang Yue be protected by the heavens?

Did the sign that the fate was not in the Mu family appear before Cang Yue sent troops to Mingyue Kingdom, or was it because Cang Yue sent troops to Mingyue Kingdom and caused too many deaths and injuries to the people, which was hated by the Dao of Heaven?
The courtiers had a lot of thoughts in an instant, thinking about whether to stay or not. Cang Yue will perish if the country is not blessed by the heavenly law. The fate is not in Mu Shi. Mu Shi's attack on other countries is going against the sky and will be punished by heaven.

Are they to be loyal ministers and live and die with the Mu family, or to find another way out early?

The courtiers' minds were turbulent, and they were at a loss for a while, and they had no idea.

Mu Dijun suppressed the undercurrent of blood pressure, his heart was congested and panicked, and he didn't care that he was still in the morning, so he stood up, flew out of the hall as fast as he could, and went straight to the living hall of the emperor.

The emperor left, and the servants who waited on him ran wildly after him. The courtiers only reacted after the emperor rushed out of the hall, and they were also in a mess. Seek refuge.

The courtroom was in chaos, the left prime minister and the right minister were panicked, and they had no choice but to take up the heavy responsibility to calm down the courtiers and lead them to the meeting hall to discuss matters.

The monk who was responsible for receiving the battle report in the imperial capital naturally followed the courtiers to the meeting hall, and waited for the emperor and the courtiers to come to a conclusion before passing the order to the border town.

 Fairies, a certain guy is back from the countryside!

  Today is the birthday of our grandmother and mother of the country. Happy National Day to everyone. May our motherland mother be strong forever, and may the country live in peace and prosperity!

(End of this chapter)

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