magic eye doctor

Chapter 1396 Choice

Chapter 1396 Choice
Emperor Mu, who ran away without a sound from the morning, ran at the speed of a monk for the first time. He rushed back to the emperor's living hall without stopping, flew into the study room where government affairs were handled, opened the secret room and entered the underground secret passage.

The secret passage under the study is very long, and there are several institutions. At the end is an underground palace. The underground palace is the same as the architectural style on the ground, resplendent and beautiful.

Emperor Mu entered the underground palace, rushed into the main hall in one breath, rushed to the spirit stone table in the hall, and opened the jade box on the table. The box originally contained a soul card, but now the soul card is gone, and the jade box is gone. There is only a pinch of jade powder in the box.

The soul card turned into powder, which represented that the soul of the father was scattered.

"Father!" Mu Dijun let out a mournful cry, and the blood that was suppressed rushed out of his throat, turning into a bloody arrow that sprayed out with a "poof".

The blood turned into blood mist and tiny drops of water, which fell on the white jade floor with a tick-tick, and splashed to form a blood-colored flower.

After vomiting, Mu Dijun couldn't stand still, and sat down on the ground, his muscles twitched like an electric shock, and he whimpered: "Why did it become like this? Why why..."

Didn't Miss Huang say that the Yulan Sect would not be involved in the wars between countries in the secular world? Why would the Yulan Sect disciples help the Cangyue Kingdom?

Miss Huang is not saying that Elder Miao is an elder of the inner sect, but a direct disciple of the same generation as the head of the sect. With Elder Miao around, as long as she does not personally interfere in the war between Cang Yue Kingdom and Ming Yue Kingdom, the Yulan Sect will at most give a small punishment. Punish her to retreat for a few years, why was Huang Jie expelled from the sect?

Huang Jie was expelled from the Yulan Sect by abolishing her spiritual root, which shows that Miao Chang lost power in the Yulan Sect.

Losing the protection of the imperial sister Yulan Sect's direct disciple, Cangyue Kingdom's neighbors will join forces to crusade. Not only will they take back the city they ceded to Cangyue in an upright manner, but they will also seize the opportunity to rob Cangyue Kingdom's land, and even... It is possible that they will unite to destroy Mingyue Kingdom and carve up Cangyue Kingdom.

No, it's not possible, it will be!
Fairy Le said in person that "Mu's destiny is not in the family", so how could the neighboring country not rely on this to annex Cang Yue? Perhaps the neighboring country has already sent troops to attack Cang Yue, because the border gate is too far away from the imperial capital, and the battle report has not yet come. Ambitious big aristocratic families or cultivating families who hear the prophecy that "the destiny is not in the Mu family" are very likely to take the opportunity to establish themselves as kings...

Thinking of what the envoy said, "Mu's fate is not with him", Mu Dijun's heart was colder than ice, he was stunned, got up in a hurry and ran outside, remedy, must remedy!
While the disappearance of the frontier has not been known to the whole country, and while there is no civil strife, there is still time to remedy it.

Mu Dijun's chaotic thoughts cleared up a bit, he rushed out of the underground palace and returned to the study, closed the secret room, went out of the study, saw the servant who was chasing back outside the hall, and grabbed the servant to go to the former palace where the government affairs were handled together.

The courtiers retreated from the early court to discuss the border war in the council hall of the government hall. Because they were panicked, they talked and expressed their opinions, but no one could come up with the most appropriate and effective regulations.

When Mu Dijun flew to the meeting hall, the hall was noisier than the vegetable market, he sat on the throne, and listened to the courtiers arguing, his temples throbbed violently.

The servant yelled, and the chattering courtiers fell silent, and turned to speak to the emperor-
"Emperor, the time is not good for me. I think it is the best plan to send envoys to the Mingyue Kingdom immediately to discuss peace."

"Emperor, I think that you should send envoys to appease the neighboring countries in the north, south and west, so that they don't take the opportunity to invade the country. Once all countries attack their own country at the same time, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Emperor, the only plan now is to take the initiative to return the city that was obtained from Mo Qin and Mingyue Kingdom."


The courtiers of Cang Yue Kingdom had never had such a unity of thought like this day, and the voices for peace talks were as uniform as ever before.

If it were the past, who would dare to propose a peace, not to mention that Emperor Mu would be unfathomably angry, and the courtiers of the Manchu Dynasty would also mobilize and scold him to death. Now that the eldest princess has been expelled from the Yulan Sect, the situation of Cang Yue Kingdom It is worse than other neighboring countries in the past.

The courtiers were well aware of the power of it, and Emperor Mu understood the power of it better. Therefore, none of the courtiers took the lead in the battle, and he was so angry that his liver hurt, and he couldn't even swear a word like "rice bucket".

At this time and at that time, the reality is so cruel.

Facing the cruel reality, the courtiers of the Cang Yue Empire also had to recognize the reality, bowed their heads to the Mingyue Kingdom, and bowed to their neighbors.

Emperor Mu originally intended to negotiate peace with other countries, and the courtiers also agreed to peace talks. He accepted the peace talks with a dark face, and discussed who to send to Mo Qin and Mingyue for peace talks, and who to send to other countries to negotiate. What compensation does the empire have.

To go to various countries to negotiate, it is natural to ask high-ranking monks to escort, otherwise, the day lily will be cold by the time it arrives at the destination in an ordinary way.

To invite high-ranking monks to escort negotiating envoys to various countries, it is natural to invite the Xiuxian family to come forward. Emperor Mu discussed with the courtiers, and sent several prestigious ministers to the imperial capital to invite people from the Xiuxian family. What to appease the neighboring countries, how much compensation to the Mingyue country.

Emperor Mu and his courtiers were arguing endlessly over how to compensate, and it was absolutely unexpected that the content of their discussions had been heard by the people of Mingyue Kingdom verbatim.

The people of Mingyue Kingdom who got a peek into Cang Yue's discussions were none other than Luocheng from Mingyue Kingdom's Loyalty Mansion, and of course the Daoist of the Five Sects, Ma Er from Yancheng, and Little Fairy Le who ordered Cangyue Kingdom's monarchs and ministers to discuss their affairs.

Classmate Le and the real people are not eavesdropping, they are listening aboveboard.

All the real people wandered around Mang Mountain, secretly entered Cangyue Kingdom, detoured to the grain-rich cities in the north of Cangyue, and "patronized" the granaries in each city, and Fairy Le took a three-point walk as a matter of course. It took two days for the grain to arrive at Cang Yue Imperial Capital.

For the Mahayana masters, it is easy to go wherever they want, even if the Cang Yue Emperor has immortal cultivators, it is like nothing to the elder Mu Xijing. The remote and desolate cold palace is used as a temporary residence.

Lenggong is inaccessible, and all the real people choose seats in the main hall at will to place in the cave. Through observation, it is judged that the border battle report of Cangyue Kingdom has not yet arrived. Their sweet dreams, wait for the moment when their dreams are broken.

Of course, all the real people are not idle, they will go out for a "walk" at night, find out where the Cang Yue treasury is, where the granary is, where is the Mu family's private treasury, and the real people who are good at wine even go to the palace to drink. He moved back dozens of altars of fine wine, drank tea when he had nothing to do during the day, and had a few drinks with the stored spiritual food that the little fairy took out in the morning and evening. The small life was so sour.

After only three days of waiting, Cang Yue's battle report from the border town of Mingyue and Moqin Kingdom finally arrived. All the real people knew everything in Cangyue Palace well, so they naturally knew about the changes in the early court, so they sat and waited to hear how they would respond.

Listening to Cang Yue's monarch and ministers discussing matters openly and aboveboard, the real people's expressions were quite calm.

"Little girl, what do you think?" After listening for a while, there was nothing new, the Xiliang elder smiled and asked the little fairy who brought them to Cang Yue to play.

"I don't have any ideas, and I'm not interested in how they negotiate or pay for compensation." Le Yun smiled and said, "I'm only interested in Cang Yue's treasury and granary, and I'm interested in a certain place in the Dijun's living hall." interest."

"I'm also somewhat interested in a certain place where a certain emperor lives."


The real people are overjoyed. They are not in vain in the cold palace. They have studied the palace thoroughly. There are basically no big secrets in Cangyue Palace. There are only a few places protected by formations, and one of them is a certain place in the living hall of the emperor. .

In order not to startle the snake, the real people did not go to the place where there are taboos set by immortals. This morning, after receiving the battle report, Emperor Mu immediately went back to the living room to the place protected by formations. From this, it can be seen that there are The secret may be related to Mu's soul cultivation.

"Junior sister, when are we going to play there?" Yu Qi looked at the little sister with a fox-like smile and couldn't help rubbing her head. The little junior sister must have made up her mind again, but she didn't know if she was going to move tonight. Cang Yue's treasury is still going to destroy other people's magic circle.

"I'll go tonight." Oops, first go find the place where Mu's soul cultivator stayed and search for anything harmful, and then you can move the granary and treasury openly and aboveboard.

"it is good."

All the real people laughed happily. The high-ranking real people of the five great immortal sects are not interested in Cang Yue’s treasury, but only interested in the soul-absorbing formation practiced by Mu’s soul cultivator. They just want to find out and record that kind of formation. to prevent that broken thing from falling into the hands of cruel people and causing harm to the mainland.

Emperor Mu and his courtiers didn't know that every word he said was heard. They repeatedly discussed in the meeting hall about compensation and appeasement, as well as candidates for envoys. The candidates for the Mingyue Kingdom and the Moqin Empire are the most difficult to decide, and no one wants to go.

To tell the truth, even if there is a rule of "the two countries fight each other without killing each other", none of the officials of the Cang Yue Kingdom want to face the courtiers of Mo Qin and Mingyue Kingdom. Tens of millions of people died at the hands of the monks of the Cangyue Kingdom. Even if there is no danger of their lives, they will definitely suffer torture when they go to these two countries.

The ministers who went to the Xiuxian family didn't return until mid-afternoon. Each minister had a disheveled face, like an eggplant beaten by a bully, wilting Bala.

Emperor Mu and the ministers knew that the trip would be unfavorable when they saw the appearance of the returning ministers, so they eagerly asked how the talks with the Xiuxian family were going.

The minister who came back from the Xiuzhen family felt bitter, and of course poured out bitter water without exception. He told people about his visit to the Xiuxian family. They were not invited into the palace to discuss with the country, so naturally there is no need to discuss with them now.

In a word, they should not be taken advantage of.

Of course, the Xiuxian family is quite "magnanimous", and they are willing to send envoys to send envoys reluctantly. They will never interfere with other matters. If they want to help them go to Yulanzong to intercede or something, there is no way.

Emperor Mu was so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood, because once the Mu clan had an eldest princess who was a direct disciple of the Yulan clan, so naturally he never paid attention to other cultivating clans, and now the retribution is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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