1397 Theft
The reaction of the Xiuxian family made Emperor Mu almost vomit blood with anger, and he had to suffer. He continued to discuss who to send to the Mingyue Kingdom and the Moqin Empire, and what gifts to bring to show sincerity.

Because there was no result in the negotiation, the discussion continued at night.

When night fell, all the real people who had listened to Cang Yue's monarch and his ministers discuss political affairs for a day in the desolate cold palace ate pancakes made by the little fairy, and Elder Mu and Xiliang went out for a walk with the spices and incense given by the little fairy.

The two Mahayana real people looked at the scenery in the palace, and by the way, sent the spices and incense to the approximate area designated by the little fairy. After wandering around, the two returned to the man-made cave house placed in the cold palace to drink tea and listen to Emperor Mu and his courtiers. They talk about it.

The special fragrance is mixed with the daily incense that the palace must burn, and it slowly permeates the entire imperial city. Those who smell the fragrance will unconsciously feel drowsy, and soon fall asleep.

Before the curfew time, within the imperial city and within ten miles around the imperial city, no chickens and dogs crowed, and snoring broke out everywhere.

The real people staying in the cave mansion waited until the willows were on the top of the moon, and confirmed that the Cangyue monarch and ministers who were discussing affairs had all slept like dogs, put away the cave mansion, flew swaggeringly to the emperor's living hall, and entered the hall through the open gate.

The guards, servants, and maids inside and outside the emperor's living hall were either sitting, or leaning against the wall or pillars, and they were all in a deep sleep, and they couldn't wake up even if there was a thunderstorm.

The real people walked in front of the sleeping people, and followed the walking route of Emperor Mu captured in the morning to the place where there was a magic circle. Luo Cheng of the Yulan Sect made a few handprints, opened the magic circle, and entered with everyone being protected by the magic circle. The place.

Protected by the magic circle is a large study room lined with bookshelves lined with books.

"Mine, mine, all the books belong to me!" Seeing the book, Le Yun jumped out to grab the dominance, and moved the bookshelf very fast and threw it into her storage.

"Okay, it's all yours."

"We won't rob you."

"When you turn around, go to the academy where the princes of the palace study."

The little fairy was greedy for books, and the real people stood aside amusedly, the study room is big enough for more than twenty people to stand.

No one was robbing him of the books, Le Xiao happily emptied the bookshelves, and by the way, all the bookshelves, tables and chairs were emptied, and he made a handprint on a wall to open the hidden magic circle.

Unlocking the taboo of the magic circle and pushing open the secret door, she went in first.

All the real people filed in. Behind the magic circle is the secret passage leading to the underground palace. Going down the secret passage, there are organs and magic circles to protect it, and then there is a horizontal passage.

Some magic circles can't even be understood by high-level real people for a while, and they are useless to Le Xiao. He easily untie the taboos and lead the real people all the way to the underground palace unimpeded.

"Sure enough, there is heaven and earth."

"The underground palace is indeed suitable for soul cultivation."

Standing on the ground in front of the underground palace, real people enjoy the scenery. The underground palace is shaped like a palace on the ground, surrounded by a quadrangle. Specifications are repaired.

After appreciating it for a while, the real people went into the front hall to search, not letting go of any suspicious things. The left side of the main hall of the front hall is the study room, which is prosperously decorated. Judging by the breath, it is the place where Mu's soul repairs things.

There are a lot of books in the study room. The real people searched with their spiritual sense, but there was nothing suspicious, and they were swept away by Fairy Le in the end.

He inspected the front hall, went to the side hall, and finally went to the main hall at the back. In the Nuan Pavilion outside the private living room, he found the practice method of the soul cultivator, dozens of jade slips, and two storage containers.

The real people checked the storage, and there were more than 20 top-grade spirit stones, a million top-grade spirit stones, and millions of low-grade mid-grade spirit stones, as well as spirit plants and spirit valleys.

Elder Yulan Zongmu's complexion was black and black. Needless to say, those items included the "contributions" of Miao Pu and Mu Yuechan.

The real people searched every corner of the apse, divided the dirt, and divided the items in the storage container according to the head, each got a share, and the storage container was given to the little fairy, and then passed on the practice skills of the soul cultivator and the jade slips .

The memory of real people is strong, and they never forget. After reading it once, they will remember it in their hearts. Books and jade slips are also given to Xiaoxian. She likes to collect real things.

Student Le Xiao gained the most. Real people are searching for suspicious things. She moved all the physical objects in the palace into storage containers, and collected a lot of beautiful and exquisite furniture, such as beds, chairs and cabinets. It is made of top-grade or top-grade sandalwood and jade, as well as beautiful pottery and so on.

Sweeping away all the things in the palace, the real people left slowly, returned to the study and reset the magic circle, student Le Xiao silently added dozens of hand formulas, and then went to move the supplies in the palace, even Emperor Mu's bedroom was not put away. However, the dragon bed will also be taken away.

The little fairy strolled around the palace, smiling brightly. It can be seen that she was in a very good mood. Elder Mu Xiliang and the others were also in a happy mood. They ran to the Palace Academy in a hurry, emptied all the books in the imperial collection, and then went to the treasury.

Emperor Cang Yue's private treasury is not far from the living hall, and the national treasury is not far from the former court hall. Daoist people first go to the meeting hall to find the key.

In the meeting hall, the monarchs and ministers of Cang Yue Kingdom were staggered to and fro because they were infatuated with the fragrance. Emperor Mu sat crookedly on the throne, and his servants sat on the ground next to him, leaning on the throne and sleeping soundly.

Student Le Xiao watched the courtiers, and then observed the Emperor Mu's crown wearing a crown, and found that there was a special aura among the many colored halos in the image of his body, so he knew that the spirit of resentment in Cang Yue Kingdom had found the descendants of Mu's bloodline , and engraved a soul mark on them.

Mrs. Mu has been backlashed by the curse of the formation, so there is no need to get his hands dirty, and Student Le is not prepared to avenge Mingyue's unjust death by himself.

Luo Cheng personally found the storage bracelet in Emperor Mu's hand, erased his consciousness, took the storage device to check first, his face was very ugly, and handed the storage device to Elder Mu.

Mu Lianzi checked it out, how angry she was, wishing to go back and slap Miao Pu and Mu Yuechan into ashes, do you know what's in the storage container?

The storage container in the hands of Emperor Mu is a medium-sized storage container with a width of three miles, filled with spiritual stones, spiritual plants, elixir and various precious concentrates. There are also six small storage containers and one storage container It contains cultivation methods, and those exercises are all the exercises that are not valued by the disciples in the inner sect of the Yulan sect.

In this way, one can guess without asking, that both the Lingshi Lingzhi elixir and the cultivation method were secretly given by Miao Pu's master and apprentice.

Elder Mu took away the cultivation techniques alone, then selected two small storage containers to empty, and threw them to Luo Yi, asking him to return them to Emperor Mu. The medium storage containers and other items were all confiscated. Empty and then deal with.

Luo Cheng put the storage device on the Mu's Emperor's hand bowl, and then found a storage device from the emperor's personal servant, erased the imprint of divine consciousness, found a bunch of keys, and took them away.

After getting the key, the real group flew to the emperor's private treasury with ease, first unlocked the taboos set by the monks, and then entered the treasury compound, unlocking two palace door locks in succession.

Breaking through the last magic circle barrier, the treasury is no longer protected. The monarch’s private treasury is as big as a palace, with more than a dozen warehouses, full of various jade, red gold, pearls, agates, etc. There are all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry in the secular world. , as well as monster skins, bones, blood, elixir and so on.

The real people are not interested in those ordinary treasures, Le Xiao is interested, excitedly rushed into the warehouse, and collected them!

She was excited to collect the items, and Yu Qi and others also helped. There are many people with great strength, and it didn't take a moment to clear the entire warehouse. The huge warehouse was empty.

Empty the private treasury of Emperor Mu, and then go to the treasury.

Cang Yue’s treasury is a large palace with dozens of warehouses, large and small. There are separate warehouses for platinum, pure gold, gold, and red gold. Pearls, agates, gemstones, etc. occupy two warehouses each, and there are also refined ore concentrates. , official cellar porcelain, jade products, exquisite jewelry, as well as the top silk and satin produced in the country, swords, weapons and armors.

The real people removed most of the ore, leaving only one-tenth of it for the owner. The other items were a burden to them. They helped the little fairy collect them, and kept a small amount of each item. The little fairy's favorite jade products and pearls Nothing like that.

Having collected a large number of items, Le Yun was in full bloom. In order not to betray the innocent, when the senior brothers locked the door, she generously left a line on the city to show that she had been there.

Looking at the words left by the little fairy, and the little fairy who was laughing so hard that she couldn't even find her eyes, the real people silently took back what they wanted to say, um, don't say anything, as long as the little fairy is happy.

Elder Mu grabbed the little girl and ran away: "Don't be silly, there are still granaries that haven't been moved."

All the real people: "..." Elder Mu, is it good for you to spoil the little fairy all the time?

Turns out, of course it's pretty good!
"Oh, I've made a lot of money this trip. When I go to Mingyue Kingdom, I'll take the time to brew a few wines after I finish my work. I'll invite my uncles and brothers to drink during my travels." Le Xiao who was held in his arms by an elder. Classmate, watching the real people running behind, they laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

"You keep your word."

The real people responded happily, even if the wine brewed by the little fairy is not as good as the fine oar and jade liquid, it must be an excellent wine, I want to drink it!
Elder Xiliang secretly gave Elder Mu a thumbs up. Elder Mu knew the little girl best, so he even did such trivial things as moving the warehouse by himself.

Of course, he didn't think it was wrong. Moving the warehouse was like robbing resources.

Elder Mu laughed extraordinarily happily, just to say, the little girl will invite people to eat spiritual food when she is happy, she is the easiest to be satisfied, and she can't go wrong with doing what she likes.

Thinking that there will be good wine to drink in the future, the real people are full of energy and fly to the granary in the imperial city to open the granary to move the grain.

The granaries in Cangyue Kingdom’s imperial city are used by the imperial palace and the imperial army. They are medium-sized granaries. Each granary is first dug a big hole in the ground, and houses are built on top of it to shelter from the rain. The walls of the house have three layers, and the outermost layer is stone. , the middle layer is made of bricks, the inner layer is made of wood, the walls are more than ten feet high, and the ventilation windows are only opened near the roof.

The granary is not counted as the first floor door on the ground. There are three upper, middle, and lower doors on the fence, which are convenient for pouring grain inward. The door is filled with valleys.

There are different kinds of grains, and there are more than [-] barns in total.

Because it is not yet the autumn harvest season, several granaries are empty, some granaries are half full of grain, and half of the granaries are full.

All the real people took the key and sat down to find the corresponding barn. Ma Er opened a barn, checked what it was, and turned to the little fairy with a smile: "Little sister, this barn is the unique upland rice in the north. New crops that are not yet harvested."

The northern land is sparsely populated and fertile. Some places are plateaus with a lot of dry land. The wise working people cultivate upland rice suitable for the north. They are sown every winter and harvested in May and June of the next year. The rice is fragrant and glutinous, and the yield is lower than that of wheat. , are generally tributes.

"Wow, my little fairy's luck is really good. I can always get unexpected surprises. It's all mine. I moved to Mingyue Kingdom to find a workshop for rice rolling, and I made eight-treasure rice for my uncles and brothers to eat." Le Yun's eyes were as bright as stars, Dongchen Continent is a good place. There are wild wild rice in the south and upland rice with wheat-like habits in the north. They are all top-grade rice.

The real people are in a happy mood, let's just say, the little fairy likes ordinary things, and she does what she likes, and her rewards are never ordinary things.

The lowest rank among the group of real people is Nascent Soul, and there are Mahayana and Daoist people in the Transcending Tribulation Period. Getting food couldn't be easier. With one volume of spiritual consciousness, a barn was emptied.

In addition to the time it takes to open the barn door, the time it takes to move the grain is short and short. In less than half a stick of incense, all the barns were emptied. The real people kept a third of the food in the spirit of good life. Store food.

The real people who became grain thieves did not have a guilty conscience. They locked the granary again, happily flew back to the palace meeting hall, and returned the key. Some of the rice granaries in the food kitchen were used to collect large gilded copper vats for water storage and fire prevention in the palace.

Classmate Le Xiao happily ran to the main hall of the early dynasty of Cang Yue, and moved the emperor's throne and the items in the hall. The emperor's throne was made of brass, and the gold-plated throne was inlaid with countless jewels. The chairs for the courtiers are made of one-color rosewood, the candlesticks are made of gold, and some vertical crane-shaped lamps are made of copper.

The group of real people wandered around the palace, and scattered spices in every corner by the way, and then went back to look for the little fairy. She also emptied all the items in a palace, leaving an empty shell and a line of words.

The little fairy's face was full of smiles, and the real people couldn't laugh or cry, seeing that she seemed to want to go to the palace to carry things, Elder Mu took the little girl's collar and put it on the golden hair's back, calling the real people to leave.

A group of real people ran in a cool and unrestrained way, got out of the imperial city, and then went to the important granary more than [-] miles away from the imperial palace. They didn't need to use incense, they directly stunned the guards with coercion, and evacuated a large granary.

The storage granary in the Cangyue Imperial Capital was emptied, and all the immortals went back to the cave, and were carried by the elders of Xiliang. storehouse.

There is a little fairy who loves food, so it is naturally impossible for real people to stop here and continue running in the dark to go to the next goal. Cangyue Kingdom is also a rich country with developed agriculture and abundant food. The most important thing that Cangyue Kingdom lacks is food crops .

The little fairy likes food, so what are you waiting for?Going to evacuate the big granary of Cangyue Kingdom. Cangyue is not enough to store food. Naturally, it cannot send troops to fight long distances. It can also contribute to the peace of the mainland, so that the people will suffer less from the war.

(End of this chapter)

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