magic eye doctor

Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398
When it was dawn, the monarchs and ministers in the Cangyue Palace's meeting hall woke up one after another after a good night's sleep. At first, they were all unresponsive, and there was no movement for a long time. When they realized where they were, they hurriedly sat down and straightened their clothes. My brain is full of muddleheadedness, I don't understand why I fell asleep.

When Mu Dijun woke up, he was a little weak. Looking at the bright light outside the hall, his heart was in a mess, his thoughts were unclear, and his reasoning was still chaotic.

The items in the meeting hall are all there, no one finds anything different, but the maids and servants in the living hall of the emperor wake up from their lethargy, and immediately tidy up their appearance in a panic, realizing that it is dawn, conditioned reflex preparations Serve the emperor to clean up.

When everyone was ready to take their positions, they suddenly realized that the surroundings were empty. The servants in the palace were frightened, and hurriedly ran to check everywhere, but everything they saw was empty.

The palace guards screamed and rushed to the outside of the palace, which also alarmed the palace guards. The guards outside the palace rushed into the palace. They heard that there were thieves from the palace maids. They searched inside and found that the emperor's living room was Cheng Kongdian was also very frightened, the head of the guards and the servants rushed forward to report to the meeting hall.

The guards of the emperor's living hall hadn't arrived at the meeting hall yet, and the guards and palace servants of the early court went to the meeting hall to play their affairs first.

The guards guarding the main hall of the early dynasty and the palace people who were in charge of taking care of the main hall woke up and found nothing. It was not until the palace people entered the main hall as usual to add lamp oil and clean up to prepare for the ministers and emperors of the early dynasty that they found that the items in the main hall were missing. fly.

The palace servants and guards were scared out of their wits, and ran to the meeting hall to meet the emperor, almost climbing into the meeting hall, trembling all over, reporting something serious happened in the hall.

Mu Dijun and the officials were stunned.

"The items in the hall are missing?"

"How could it be missing?"

No one believed that the imperial palace would be stolen. Such a thing has never happened since the founding of the country. Even in the entire continent, there is no precedent for any country's imperial palace being stolen.

"Emperor, it's absolutely true, all the items in Chaojun's hall are gone," the palace man's soul was almost gone, his teeth were chattering: "There is... a line of... words left on the wall of the hall..."

Mu Dijun recovered from his disbelief, and asked anxiously, "What word?"

The palace man trembled: "Wall...there is a writing on the wall 'If you talk about the immortals, if you don't think about repenting, you will be punished by heaven'."

"..." The monarchs and ministers didn't understand what it meant at all. Before they had time to ask if there was anything else, they heard that the guards and servants of the emperor's living hall asked to see him.

Just as Dijun's personal servant told people to enter the hall, the guards and servants of Dijun's living hall rushed into the meeting hall in a panic, and knelt down to report the theft of the living hall and the disappearance of everything.

The faces of the ministers were pale and pale. The court hall where the early court was held was stolen, and the emperor's living hall was also stolen. If this... If it gets out, Cang Yue Kingdom will not only be disgraced, but the entire empire will become a joke.

The Emperor Mu seemed to have realized something, and suddenly stroked the storage device on his wrist, and found that the storage device seemed to have lost contact with himself. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he immediately checked the storage device with his spiritual sense. The utensils are no longer the original storage utensils, and the original materials are gone, only some spiritual grains are left.

He found a jade slip, and immediately took it out and pasted it on his forehead to read. There was only one sentence in the jade slip - "things belonging to the Yulan sect return to their original owners".

After reading the message in the Jade Slips, Emperor Mu instantly noticed that the Immortal of the Mingyue Yulan Sect had come!At that time, it was like being hit by a thunderbolt, and I was throbbing like an electric shock. After a while, I opened my mouth and vomited blood with a "wow".

"Emperor!" The officials were frightened and ran to check.

Mu Dijun vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, wiped the corners of his mouth in a panic, and said hoarsely, "Go and check the treasury."

The personal waiter let out a cry, and rushed out of the hall towards the treasury.

The courtiers rushed to the emperor's side, seeing that the emperor was still alive, they retreated to the sides in a panic, looking at the emperor and the kneeling palace guards anxiously.

Sitting on the throne, Emperor Mu resisted the panic and panic, and let the kneeling guards and palace servants go down. The disappearance of the items in the two halls has nothing to do with the palace guards, and it is no big deal if those items are lost.

The palace guards escaped unharmed, and they crawled out of the meeting hall in a f*cking manner, and immediately went to the palace in charge of the palace's internal affairs, and asked them to send new items immediately.

The emperor's personal servant is also a monk, he rushed to the treasury to open the taboo, unlocked it, and entered the treasury compound. When he saw the eye-catching words on the wall, he lost half of his three souls and seven souls, rushed to a warehouse and opened the door, and the inside was empty!

Unwilling to give up, he checked one by one, and even looked at seven or eight warehouses. There was no luck, and he didn't even close the door. Kong...leave a letter on the wall, writing 'Little Fairy Le is here for a visit'."

When Mu Dijun saw his personal servant running back with a pale face, he knew it was wrong. Hearing that the treasury was also stolen, he spat out blood again. His muscles and nerves were tense, his whole body was stiff, and he couldn't move.

Mandian's monarchs and ministers Huo Ran understood what the meaning of "discussing immortals" left in the palace before, their faces paled for a moment, and they couldn't sit still even when they were sitting, and they were on the verge of falling.

They had a discussion yesterday, and they really complained that Fairy Le was meddling in her own business. Those were mostly complaints, and they had no intention of cursing or harming her.

There were words left on the wall, explaining that a certain little fairy and the immortals of the Yulan Sect were in the imperial capital, and they had listened to all their words, so the immortal was furious, emptied the Cangyue treasury, and then gave a warning.

Talking about the immortals behind their backs was heard, and thinking of the scene where he and others were talking in the palace yesterday, and the immortals were listening somewhere in the imperial capital, the courtiers felt ashamed.

Mu Dijun sat for a long while before slowly regaining consciousness in his stiff limbs. Looking at the terrified ministers, and then recalling the scene of the heroes' generosity during the court meeting, his heart felt sad, Cang Yue, the situation is over!
The national treasury has been emptied, and Mu's private treasury can be preserved?The storage utensils in his hand were all exchanged, so how could the secret room of the underground palace in the living room be hidden from the immortals of the Yulan Sect?

If the skin does not exist, how can the hair be attached?
Without the spiritual stones and plants that monks depend on for survival, how can the monks' family be called ministers?The treasury is empty, how can the soldiers and courtiers be as loyal to the emperor as before?
At this moment, Emperor Mu's heart was filled with infinite bitterness, the important matter was at the top of his mind, and none of Ruo many courtiers could share his worries. Why did he blindly believe in his father and sister, thinking that with the presence of the emperor, Cang Yue would be passed down from generation to generation? Therefore, the courtiers who choose people and scholars are all moderate people, and now it shows that the courtiers have no assertiveness, no vigor, and no courage.

The emperor's sister fell down, the soul of the father and the emperor disappeared, and there was no one in Cang Yue Kingdom and the Mu family to rely on.

Thinking of the pressure he was about to face, Emperor Mu couldn't help feeling disheartened. However, he still had to hold on to remain calm, and ordered the courtiers to follow the results of yesterday's discussion, and temporarily changed one item, replacing the envoy to Mingyue Kingdom , he went to Mingyue Kingdom to negotiate in person.

The flustered courtiers had no idea what to do, but Wei Wei agreed, exited the hall in fear, and hurriedly went to the director of the organization to manage various affairs.

Mu Dijun took his personal servant to the treasury to check in person. Seeing that there was not even one stock in it, he vomited blood again in a hurry, and asked the servant to check the inventory. Then he went to the private small treasury, and his eyes were so excited by the empty picture. Black, almost fainted.

After all, he was still not dizzy. He quickly counted what was left, put it into the storage, and then hurried back to the living room. He didn't feel sorry for other things. Only the study room that dealt with political affairs was cleaned up. After being changed, he vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood.

Vomiting blood cannot kill a person. Emperor Mu wiped off the blood, changed his clothes, and then went to the palace where the imperial sister lived, put all the most precious jewels into the ring, and left the palace to go to the Mu family. The family residence.

There are a total of 10,000+ people in the direct and collateral lines of the Mu clan, some of them stayed in their ancestral home, some of them lived in the imperial capital, and some of them lived in other cities in Cangyue.

Emperor Mu went back to the Mu family to have a secret talk with the patriarch, opened the treasure house of the Mu family to take away some of the supplies, and then returned to the palace, and then selected suitable gifts from the treasures counted by the servants, and the messengers took them to various countries to show his sincerity.

The courtiers of Cang Yue Kingdom were in a panic. Before noon, the envoys sent to various countries went home to pack their simple luggage, and then rushed back to the palace in the afternoon.

The next day, the monks sent by several immortal cultivating families in Cang Yue Imperial Capital entered the palace in the early morning and set off with the envoys that had already been prepared.

When Cangyue Kingdom's negotiating envoys went to various countries, the Elder Mu Xiliang led the Dongfu to sweep the goods on the road from the southeast of Cangyue to the direction of Mingyue Kingdom, focusing on collecting paper, ink, and large water tanks, vats and wine jars. By the way, they visit Cang Yue's official granary, and occasionally go "sightseeing" to the warehouses where cloth, cotton, and leather are stored.

A group of real people who have stepped into the fairyland with half a foot, completely without the tall image and moral integrity that a fairy should have, have been led astray by a certain little fairy , Never return on the road to grounding.

Of course, real people are not robbers. They collect paper, ink, barrels and other items and pay according to the price. There is also room for patronizing local granaries.

In this way, even if there is any natural disaster, there is a certain amount of food in reserve to survive, but because part of the food is removed, the local food is insufficient, so it is naturally impossible to supply a large-scale army, and the army of Cang Yue Kingdom cannot stay for a long time. To a certain extent, it can also reduce the chances of the two countries going to war and reduce the casualties of soldiers.

The little fairy's storage container is constantly filled with new food. She smiles so hard that she can't see her teeth all day long. She is also very kind to real people. Every day, she will generously take out the stored spiritual food to eat guests, or give her to real people. Special spirit tea.

With spiritual food and spiritual tea to nourish the body and mind, real people are happy physically and mentally every day. Even those real people who have been stuck at the gate for a long time can feel that their true energy is growing, and they can relax more and more. .

The real people walked and played, and it took ten days to finally reach the border. They also saw the Cangyue Kingdom's army retreat, and the Mingyue Kingdom captured Cangyue Shucheng.

The real people do not get involved in the regular wars in the secular world, and they do not show up. They directly enter the border of Mingyue Kingdom, and they are divided into two groups. In the south of the country, help the little fairy collect the supplies in the empty city.

(End of this chapter)

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