magic eye doctor

Chapter 1399

Chapter 1399
Elder Mu Xiliang Changcha Hufa and others knew that the little fairy would stay in Mingyue Kingdom for at least a year, and they were idle, so it was better to collect some common supplies that the little fairy likes. The young monks happily rushed to the south of Mingyue Kingdom.

In order to prevent the materials in the empty city from becoming moldy due to climate change, all the real people rushed back to the empty city in the south in just a few days, collecting materials city by city.

Luocheng Yuqi wished Yu Mowen and the golden-haired lion with his junior sister on their backs to go to the imperial capital of Mingyue Kingdom. They only collected water on the way. It took more than [-] days to arrive at Mingyue Imperial Capital in early August.

The five people and one lion rested in the mountains of the imperial capital for one night, and set off when the sun rose to a height of one pole on the second day, flying to the sky of the imperial capital of Mingyue Kingdom, and circled the imperial capital to observe the distribution of the imperial city and the atmosphere of the imperial capital.

The four people and the big lion did not hide their whereabouts. They were flying in the sky hundreds of feet above the ground. The cultivators of the Immortal Cultivation Family in Mingyue Imperial City noticed it immediately, and immediately went up to check. They found that it was a combination of four people and one lion. They were very excited. Notify the family members, and then send the message to the royal family.

After the immortal cultivators of the Mingyue Kingdom learned that Fairy Le and the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect had arrived in the imperial capital, the monks above the foundation of each family rushed to the imperial palace as quickly as possible.

After hearing the news, the Beiting family of Mingyue Kingdom summoned their children to go to the main gate of the palace to wait for Daoist Yulanzong and Fairy Le. They also sent people to Zhongyi Mansion to inform the Luo family's descendants to take the descendants of the Luo family to the main gate of the palace to wait for the fairy.

Bei Tingyi, Emperor Mingyue, was eighty-seven years old at the time, the youngest son of the first emperor. He has been on the throne for 40 years, and he has completed the late stage of Qi refining, and he is still in his early twenties according to his appearance.

In the Mingyue Kingdom, the color of the bright moon’s light is considered auspicious, and the emperor’s court clothes also have moon white as the background color, embroidered with gold and silver silk patterns of the sun and the moon shining on the mountains and rivers, and the courtiers’ court clothes are mainly white with brown.

After the early court retreat, the Beiting emperor and his ministers dealt with political affairs in the conference hall, focusing on border affairs. When it was reported that the real Yulanzong accompanied Xiaoxian Le to the imperial capital, he jumped three feet high in excitement, and ran out while passing the news. The emperor and ministers were ordered to go out to welcome them, and an order was sent to the imperial chef to prepare a dinner, and then the emperor's relatives and courtiers' family members were ordered to enter the palace for the dinner at night.

Originally, the ministers thought that something serious happened at the border because the emperor ran out, but they heard that the little fairy and the disciple of the Yulan sect had appeared, so excitedly they lifted the corners of their robes and held on to their official hats, and followed the emperor like a swarm.

The emperor of Beiting and his courtiers ran out of the conference hall, and they couldn't wait for the emperor's chariot. They were about to walk to the gate of the palace. The Jindan or Bigu monks sent by several monk families in the imperial capital also flew to the palace. The monks summoned flying swords to carry the emperor. He flew out of the palace with the courtiers and rushed to the main gate of the palace.

The battle report sent by Lord Nanhou from Wanshui City was sent back to the imperial capital by the monks as quickly as possible. The emperor of Beiting and the ministers of civil and military affairs almost wept with joy, and without hesitation, the monks of the Beiting family wiped out several cities in the south of the empire overnight. Tell the truth to the whole city, and then spread it to the whole country, so as to set the record straight.

Today, the imperial capital of Mingyue Kingdom knows that there is a wicked Fairy Le in Dongchen Continent, who knows that Fairy Le entered the Mingyue Empire to find out the truth about the deaths of the people in the south, and seize the culprit who killed hundreds of millions of people in Mingyue Kingdom. His body and soul were sacrificed to the innocent souls of the dead people, and the respect and love of the people in the imperial capital for Little Fairy Le far surpassed that of the five great immortal sects.

The emperor of Beiting, civil servants and military generals also received the border letter and heard that the little fairy will live in the imperial capital, and hurriedly cleaned up the palace and the royal garden, waiting for the little fairy to arrive as if looking forward to the autumn water.

Today, upon hearing the appearance of the little fairy, the Emperor Beiting almost cried with joy, and was brought to the gate of the palace by the Jindan monks. After standing still, he straightened his hair and looked up at the sky eagerly.

After landing, all the ministers also arranged their appearances immediately, and then divided into civil and martial arts, and lined up behind the emperor to welcome them.

All the members of the monk family arrived before the emperor, each standing in a row, with the patriarchs or elders of each clan in front, and each of them tidied themselves neatly and meticulously.

The important members of the Luo family and the Beiting royal family in Zhongyi Mansion were also sent to the palace gate by the monks one after another. Everyone kept quiet and stood on the other side of the monks' family after silently saluting.

A group of people eagerly looked up at the sky, expecting the appearance of the little fairy riding a golden lion.

They waited for a stick of incense, but the little fairy hadn't appeared yet, and the emperor's chariot was long overdue. The most advanced ceremonial specifications were used for the emperor's ascension to the throne or for offering sacrifices to geniuses. The palace people, as well as armored guards.

"Little fairy and the four real people have arrived at the Sanze Mountain Royal Garden." A middle-aged handsome monk in the ranks of the Xiuxian family calmly informed the public of the whereabouts of the real people of the Yulan Sect that he had tracked by his divine knowledge.

Everyone: "..." The little fairy will not live directly in the royal garden, will she?
The imperial palace of Mingyue Kingdom faces south, Sanzeshan Royal Garden is located in the east of the imperial city, and the little fairy and Yu Lanzong real person first appeared in the west and north of the imperial capital.

After waiting for a while, the middle-aged handsome man calmly told Xiao Fairy the whereabouts of the group: "Little Fairy left the garden and moved south."

"..." The heroes were excited, the little fairy came to the south, and would soon arrive at the palace.

Little student Le sits on the back of a big lion and looks around the city. Big brother Xie catches her along the way to pick up a place in the royal garden, and she follows the Romans to Yuanlin, and picks a palace as a place to live in the Mingyue Kingdom. The temporary residence when the imperial capital stayed, and then flew slowly with the brothers.

From the northwest position, circle the city in a clockwise direction, and then fly to the palace. From a long distance, you can see a dense crowd standing in front of the main gate of the palace. The four senior brothers are not surprised. The distant place descends to the ground in a diagonal line.

The people who were waiting eagerly saw the big golden lion and the man appearing in their field of vision, they were so excited that they couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Seeing the little fairy and the four immortals on the back of the big lion float down from the sky, the emperor of Beiting was shocked. Uncover the court robe and kneel on one knee to welcome him.

The civil and military ministers, the palace guards, the children of the royal family, and the people of Zhongyi Mansion all knelt on one knee, and the monks and families bowed to salute. .

Hmm, it's pretty good.Golden Retriever Roar has a good impression of the people of Mingyue Kingdom who know the current affairs, and he landed on the ground with his head held high.

Luo Cheng and his juniors landed on the ground, and waved their hands to support the crowd: "Emperor Beiting and everyone are exempt from courtesy. The little fairy doesn't like to kneel and kneel very much, so there is no need to kneel to the little fairy in the future."

The emperor of Beiting and all living beings were lifted up, and then he slightly raised his eyes and looked straight up. Looking at the beautiful girl sitting on the back of the big golden lion, he bowed again in gratitude: "Bei Tingyi thanks the little fairy for rectifying the name of Mingyue people, Bei Ting The family is incompetent and unable to protect the common people. It is a labor of love for the little fairy to set foot in the secular world to uphold justice. .”

Hey, Li Changsheng card?Le Yun wants to look up to the sky. She doesn't want to be a flying fairy, and she is not from Dongchen Continent. If she sets up a longevity tablet, it is estimated that the power of faith will not be able to bless her. I am really grateful to her. Just give tens of millions of catties of gold. .

Of course, she is a noble and unparalleled little fairy in the eyes of others. She can't be too philistine, she still needs to be decent, so smile.

With a smile on her face, Le Yun watched Beiting Emperor's face and luck, while using her true energy to hold the bag up: "Bei Ting Emperor does not need to be polite, Mu's family harms living beings, this little fairy is the way to seek justice for the people .”

After thinking about it, I still made a special reminder: "Bei Tinghe, the emperor's son, has a celestial destiny, is protected by Tianze, has good fortune, longevity, morality and wisdom, and Youze will be blessed by future generations. Wang Haosheng loves and will benefit the people from energy."

"Xie Xiaoxianzi said auspicious words. After ten thousand years of loneliness, it will be passed on to be located in Beitinghe. The Beiting family and Zhu Qing must not have any private thoughts. When he is old and old, he will pick up the orphan and change the heir." Xiaoxian Jinkou commented Beitinghe was protected by Tianze, Beiting Emperor couldn't help being overjoyed, he decided the future successor with one bite, and beat all the officials and the royal family by the way, so that no one would be greedy for profit in the future, and do things that would harm the country and the people.

Although the person involved was not present, anyway, Emperor Beiting just threw the imperial mission to his fifteen-year-old son, and he didn't even feel guilty at all.

"I will follow the little fairy's words and follow the emperor's order, and I will do my best to assist the Ninth Prince as the next emperor and benefit the people." The Beiting royal family and all the ministers immediately took an oath to confirm their position. A little fairy personally praised the Ninth Prince Bei Tinghe for receiving Tian Ze's favor, and the next emperor of Mingyue Kingdom is not the Ninth Prince.

Anyone who dares to establish the new king who is not from the lineage of the Ninth Prince will be punished, unless all the people present today are silenced, or everyone present can agree that the succession of the Ninth Prince is not a blessing for the empire.

It is very difficult to obtain such a result. Others may be able to buy it off, and the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect will never give false testimony.

It's time to mention something, Le Yun didn't say much, turned to the monk family, and smiled at the most eye-catching middle-aged handsome man: "Master Changyun, long time no see."

There are also quite a few cultivating families in Mingyue Kingdom, and the Changyun family is one of them. The middle-aged handsome man named Changyun Wanggui is one of the trustworthy Nascent Soul cultivators selected by the five sects when he was in the secret realm of Wolf Mountain.

Changyun's surname is the native surname of Donglu, which is the same concept as Juerba's surname is the native surname of Westland.

Changyun looks back, the only Yuanying of the Changyun family, although he is not in charge of the family, the Changyun family only looks after him, and because he is the real Yuanying, he stands before the patriarch of the family.

"Little Fairy still remembers Changyun Wanggui as an unknown person, and she is extremely honored. Little Fairy came to the empire, the capital is thousands of miles away, and the sky is covered with clouds, and all people look forward to seeing the fairy face. The same is true for Changyun. Welcome to Changyun's family as a guest." Changyun Wanggui looked directly at the smiling little fairy with a bright smile.

"Reverend Changyun, you don't have such compliments, there are no clouds in the sky." Le Yun wanted to cover her face, is it okay to put a high hat on people like this?

"Baoguang Yunxia is immortal energy, which can only be sensed." Chang Yun looked back and looked at the sky with a smile: "I am waiting under the fairy light of the little fairy, and my heart is relaxed and happy, and there is no depression in my chest, which is the best proof .”

"I have nothing to say." Yuanying Daoist praised people like this, what could she do?
"This is because what I said is very correct." Chang Yun looked back with a smile and didn't say much.

The Changyun family actually had a relationship with the little fairy, and it seemed that their friendship was not bad. The members of the Beiting royal family and the courtiers were not embarrassed to rush to talk about each other, and they were all listeners, as quiet as chickens.

The little fairy greeted Immortal Changyun, and because it was not a good place to talk outside the palace gate, Emperor Beiting invited the immortal to board the imperial chariot: "Please little fairy and the four real men to board the chariot."

In the Jinyao Empire, people entered the palace in the emperor's chariot, and in the Mingyue Kingdom, they couldn't refuse. Le Yun was not pretentious, and readily accepted the invitation of the Emperor Beiting.

Luo Cheng and Yu Qi, among the four masters of the Yulan Sect, accompanied the junior sister and Emperor Beiting to the emperor's chariot, while Zhu Yi and Yu Mowen walked with Jin Maohou and Chang Yun and others.

The emperor of Beiting personally led the little fairy and the two real people to sit on the chariot, and he climbed on the chariot to accompany him. The imperial chariot started, and the monks and all the ministers walked on the side of the imperial chariot, forming a mighty army. team.

Surrounded by a group of people, the luxurious emperor's chariot passed through the main entrance of the palace, then passed through the outer court hall where the emperor and courtiers handled common affairs, and entered the imperial palace for receiving monks.

Chaoxian Palace has a main hall courtyard and nineteen exquisite courtyards, complete with pavilions, pavilions, buildings, pavilions, pavilions, etc. It is far from the emperor's harem, and not close to the outer court. The location is good and the scenery is beautiful.

The emperor's chariot entered Chaoxian Palace, and then got off the chariot outside the main hall. The Beiting emperor got off the chariot first, and then acted as a servant to pick up the two real people of the Yulan Sect, and the two real people picked up the little fairy.

The Beiting clan, all the courtiers, the family of cultivators and others surrounded the emperor and the four real people who were protecting the little fairy. The mighty procession marched into the main hall of Chaoxian Palace. They sat in the main seat together, and the monks and courtiers accompanied them in the accompanying seats.

The chefs and the palace people in charge of food made full preparations before the arrival of the little fairy when they received the emperor's order. Everything was ready. The little fairy and the immortals came to Chaoxian Palace. and refreshments.

August is the season when the crops are ripe. The palace people present to the table fresh melons and fruits in season. Assembled into a beautiful pattern, the tea is spiritual tea provided by the Xiuxian family.

The biggest hobby of the little foodie lolita is to taste the specialties from different continents. Seeing the fresh fruits, she is in a good mood. She grabs them one by one in her hand, eats them happily, and keeps sharing them with the golden retriever lion.

The little fairy gnawed the fruit happily, and the Emperor of Beiting and the courtiers were extremely happy in their hearts. They silently wrote down which fruit the little fairy liked to eat, and they were especially envious of the golden lion. The fairy beast was so happy to be able to follow the little fairy.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the golden retriever who was stuffed with fruit silently pretended not to see the jealous little eyes of human beings. The little one likes to feed him vegetarian fruits, what can he do?He is also very helpless.

Tasted melon and fruit snacks, drank spiritual tea, and got back to business, and said that the various matters to be set up for the Mingyue Kingdom to drive away the darkness and reunite the national destiny were mainly represented by Luo Cheng. The family needs to do something.

The four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect accompanied the younger junior sisters around the capital of the Mingyue Empire, and they chose the imperial palace, which was also the living hall of the emperor, so the emperor had to move to the palace temporarily.

The emperor of Beiting and the courtiers heard that the little fairy said that the emperor's living hall is suitable for forming the formation, so there is no objection, and they all nodded in agreement.

Luocheng and the monarchs and ministers of Mingyue Kingdom talked about the matters that the junior sister should pay attention to when trying to form a formation, and the most important thing is completed, and then talk about the proposal that the junior sister proposed to Mingyue Kingdom to build a monument, not only to build monuments in several cities in the south. The people and soldiers who lived and died together also proposed to build a memorial tower in the imperial capital to commemorate the heroic souls who have sacrificed for the country since the founding of the Mingyue Kingdom, including the soldiers who died for the country and those unknown people who always have their hearts in the empire.

Regarding the proposal of the little fairy, the Emperor Beiting, the aristocratic family, and the courtiers all obeyed, and earnestly and respectfully asked the masters of the Yulan Sect how to erect the monument, what should be avoided, and where is the best place to stand, no matter how big or small. record on file.

After talking about the business, the four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect explained common matters to the emperor and courtiers, and specially informed everyone that the junior sister had taken some supplies from the empty cities in the south. If the emperor and ministers took over the cities and found shops There is no need to make a fuss if the granary and other places are empty.

The emperor of Beiting and his courtiers were dumbfounded. The little fairy likes common things like food, cloth, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar? !
Amid the shocked expressions of everyone, Luo Cheng Yuqi calmly talked with the Xiuxian family, and asked the several Xiuxian families present to help mill rice for the younger junior sister. The monk family does not participate in the affairs of how the courtiers govern the country, only when the country is in trouble It is the most leisurely way to help each other in the court. Every family has enough manpower, so it is most suitable to ask them to help hustle the grain.

Several Xiuxian families were entrusted with important tasks, and they were overjoyed. Being able to be entrusted by the disciples of the Yulan Sect to do things is to give them face, or to do things for the little fairy, that is the great face given to them by the real people of the Yulan Sect. The heads of every family secretly made up their minds to achieve perfection.

Since the Xiuxian family is going to be invited to mill the rice on their behalf, Yuqiluocheng handed over the little junior sister's storage container containing grain to the family, and the other families are small storage containers, and the one entrusted to the Changyun family is a medium-sized storage container. There are tens of millions of catties of grain stored in the container.

There are cheap seniors to socialize on your behalf, and Le Xiao is a beautiful girl, tasting every kind of pastries, melons and fruits, happily figuring out the ingredients and steps of making pastries. Mouth: "What is the palace about a mile and a half to the southeast of the Emperor's Living Hall used now?"

Before the courtiers could react, the emperor's personal imperial steward replied: "Little fairy, the palace you pointed out is the academy where the children of the royal family study."

"Oh," Le Yun nodded to express understanding, pondered for a while, and made another suggestion: "If possible, move the study hall to another side hall or courtyard, and free the main hall for Bei Tinghe to live in, and Bei Tinghe lives in the other side hall." A position in the Empire is beneficial and harmless."

The little fairy looked favorably at Bei Ting He, and the Bei Ting Emperor and everyone in the Bei Ting Clan were overjoyed, and once again expressed their sincere gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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