Chapter 141

As soon as the loudspeaker rang, she was watching the rhythm of the crowd, and she had to turn her gaze back. During the interval of military training, she had studied various halos on the freshmen and the halo of items, and also had a small harvest. Now there are many people, There are men and women, young and old, and the halo is shining and extremely dazzling.

After a brief comparison, she came to the conclusion that the halo that represents health and disease is not only related to a person's health, but also to a person's age. There are also minor differences.

She felt that if she studied more thoroughly, she should be able to infer a person's age based on the subtle changes in the color of the halo on a person's body.

After observing useful information, I was about to put it into practice, but unexpectedly heard the loud trumpet, Le Yun was unprepared, and was shocked by the rustling in her ears, she immediately shook her head, threw away the noise, and waited for her three challenges. people play.

Instructor Wang, Instructor Li, and Instructor Han, when the young president Chao took the little girl out of the crowd, the instructors regarded themselves as air, and only occasionally looked at the two great gods wearing sunglasses. Know who those two people are who appeared with President Chao.

Even if the two were wearing sunglasses, they recognized the two as the people who accompanied Chairman Chao and the little girl to have a barbecue in the cafeteria the night before. However, neither Vice-President Le nor the student council had prompted them what it was. people, so they didn't know anything about those two.

They were a little far away in the cafeteria. They didn't touch the two people, so they didn't feel much. Now they are very close, only three or four steps away. A few instructors instinctively sensed danger. Those two people are very dangerous. Very strong feeling.

Without knowing the details of the other party, Wang Ziqiang, Liu Zhenjun and others tried to reduce their presence as much as possible, did not deal with them directly, and only observed in secret.

Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan occupied a favorable position and observed the surroundings. Young Master Liu took out a camera from his backpack and shot decisively. He also performed his duties very seriously. The audience.

Because the two young masters came with President Chao, no one questioned them, and the people on the high platform cooperated with Liu Shao very much, making way for him to make it easier for him to go up and down.

Because Zhao Guoxing sounded the horn, the onlookers fell silent after a burst of excited chatter, waiting to listen to the following.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen didn't appear until they appeared when they were little girls, and when she said she was not interested in accepting the challenge, the nerves were tense and relaxed, and the whole person felt a little vain.

When they heard the shouting and wanted to run out, they realized that their palms and backs were covered in sweat, and they hurriedly wiped it before trotting out.

Bian Yuan, hidden among the national defense students, also stands out from the crowd. He is Mongolian, about 1.8 meters tall, and looks very strong, strong and powerful.

He also has typical Mongolian features, with a long upper body, shorter legs, a broad face, thick lips, small eyes, brown eyes, and canthus eyes.

Bian Yuan wears blue sportswear, his exposed arms and legs are dark and dark, healthy and strong. When he walks on the track, he seems to hear the sound of "porphyr", and his face is calm and his appearance is also similar. The kindness and gentleness of the grassland peoples.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen are also in blue sportswear. Even though they are over 1.7 meters tall, they look small compared to Bian, and they lack a sense of strength.

"Hey—" The boys in the first class of the medical department couldn't help taking a deep breath when they saw the three boys who came out of the national defense students and guessed that the tall boy was Bian Yuan.

Before, they thought that classmate Bian was one of the crowd who ran to their class to challenge them, but now they found out that it was not.

They were sure that Bian Yuan had not challenged their class before, that is, they were seeing Bian for the first time.

Classmate Bian is so tall and looks so powerful, and the little loli in their class is so small and delicate, how can wrestling compare?
The boys in the first class of the medical department are gnashing their teeth in hatred for the defense students, a group of sinister villains!
Not to mention that the boys in the medical department were shocked, and even Professor Wan Cheng and others were shocked. How could this be compared?The defense students are clearly cheating!
People from the sports department: "..." Who will save them?
Everyone's heart is trembling, let the big classmate Bian wrestle with Le primary school girl, if you accidentally throw that white and tender little loli out of nowhere, President Chao will not be able to lift the defense students. table?
The people in the sports department wanted to run. They didn't want to see the tragic scene where the little loli was smashed into an eight-lobed butt.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang: "..." The defense students dug a big hole, they wanted to kill the little girl.

Ah!Chao Yubo sneered secretly, a bunch of newbies are playing tricks before all their hair grows, they don't know if they live or die!

"..." Le Yun looked at the sky silently when she saw the big man walking out of the formation. Was she bullying her for her low altitude? !

What's so special, isn't she just a little short, why are people taking advantage of her height weakness everywhere?Can't stand it!Absolutely intolerable.

Gritting his teeth, Classmate Le ruthlessly crushed the ground with his feet, the villain in his heart sneered gloomily, bullying her for her low altitude, her smallness, and her small strength, right?Everyone ride a donkey to read the songbook - just wait and see!
As soon as Bian Yuan appeared, there was silence near the referee stand.

The onlookers on both sides of the runway looked at each other, feeling that this scene was too exciting.

No one spoke, Le Shiyun quietly observed the expressions of the instructors and the students in the student union, and found that everyone had different expressions. She quietly took two steps forward and turned to look at President Chao, and found that President Chao's smile was as elegant and gentle as ever. Anxious, isn't Xiao Chao worried?
Vice President Le wanted to look at the little girl again, but her vision was blocked. She was worried that she would be criticized for her performance, so she stood two steps away from President Chao.

Li Yubo saw the challenger coming out and looked at his teammates above. Zhao Guoxing passed a numbering flag to the minister.

Sun Shilin, Wang Xiuwen, and Bian Yuan trotted to the referee's high platform, stood in a row on the track, and reported to the sports department.

Holding the command flag representing the referee, Li Yubo walked in front of the three freshmen and made several far-reaching actions. Facing the three freshmen, he solemnly announced: "Sun Shilin, Wang Xiuwen, and Bian Yuan, you three. The challenge initiated by the classmates is unreasonable in itself. The International Olympic Games are divided into male and female groups. If you are boys, it is reasonable to challenge boys, but it is unreasonable to challenge girls.
Second, the ages of the three of you on your ID cards will all be 7 years old before July 31 this year, and Le Yun will only be 6 years old on June 6 this year. You challenge a minor at the age of an adult. , each sport has certain dangers, which will endanger the health of minors to a certain extent. Such challenges are also unreasonable.

In this case, the Student Union, which supervises the study and life of the students in the whole school, has the right to veto the challenge initiated by your challenger in order to protect the underage freshmen. Similarly, if the challenged party applies for arbitration to the Student Union, the Sports Department also has the right to protect the challenged party. The security of the challenger can veto the challenger's challenge proposal.

Considering the freedom of students, the student union reserves a veto right, allowing both of you to freely decide whether to continue the challenge, and give you 5 minutes for free communication. After 5 minutes, the two sides did not reach a consensus, and the Ministry of Sports will make the final announcement of the challenge repeal.Now, you are free to negotiate, the timer is ready, three two one, time! "

Minister Li made a gesture, the sports department staff on the high platform were ready, and the timekeeper holding the timer pressed the timer.

唰 - The people nearby all looked at Xiang Le. They remembered that she said she was not interested in accepting the challenge. How would she react now?
Wang Ziqiang and the instructors also hoped that the little girl would nod in agreement. In that case, no matter whether they win or lose, at least they have a step to step down.

The people in the sports department are not in a hurry, but calmly wait for the challenger and the challenged to think.

"Classmate Le, do you accept the challenge?"

"Elementary school girl, make a decision quickly."

"Little Loli, think quickly, we are waiting to see your great achievements in picking three men and winning the game."

"Elementary school girl, don't be afraid, come on!"

"Elementary school girl, we support you."

What is the purpose of the people who came to Xicao?Of course, it's just to watch the war. When I heard the Ministry of Sports ask the two sides to freely negotiate a war or not, they immediately started shouting.

The sports department said that the two sides should negotiate. In fact, all the decision-making power is in the hands of classmate Le. If she is willing to accept the challenge, then there will be a good show to watch. If she does not accept it, the challenge of the three boys will be a one-man show, and there will be no more performances here. way to keep going.

Therefore, the melon-eating crowd cheered in unison, urging Le Le to make a decision.

"Don't look at me, everyone, I'm not interested in accepting the challenge of bullying people." Enjoying the attention given by everyone, Le Yun stepped back and jumped behind the beautiful boy to hide. She couldn't hold people's attention. After countless big scenes, let Brother Chao help block it.

There are thousands of college students. In broad daylight, Wang Ziqiang is not easy to change his face in front of everyone. If there were no outsiders, his face would have turned black, and he was repeatedly told that the students he taught were bullying others, no matter how good it was. Concentration is not enough.

Han Yuntao really hoped that he hadn't returned to his alma mater to become an instructor. The students of Qingda University have high freedom and democracy, and the student union has great power. There are students in the student union who cover the little girl. Between instructor Wang and the students, it is difficult to do both, and the left and right are not people.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao: "..." This little girl is too good at pretending, she even dares to beat soldiers, and dares to point people to acupuncture points to make people think, she is still afraid of being seen?This acting can win an Oscar in minutes.

Li Shao wanted to roll his eyes, elementary school girl, are you really afraid of people's eyes?Others have made a fuss, and you don't even bother to respond. You've already suffocated people's appetite. If you dare to do that, you will be afraid that people will look at you?

He also knew how courageous Little Lolita was. Of course, he would never try to expose her. He also wanted to follow Xiaochao to eat, so he had to stand firmly on Xiaochao's side without violating the principles of the student union. Safeguard all interests of Little Lolita.

"Don't be afraid, no one dares to come and beat you in the public eye." He was pushed out as a shield again, Chao Yubo smiled a little helplessly, and Xiao Lele sometimes pretended to be weak. If he doesn't know the inside story, he will also be deceived.

"Little Lolita is so cute, I really want to go behind the president and pull someone out and hug him to comfort." Wang Yinping saw Little Lolita's actions behind the timid Tibetan people, and his heart was softened. Bright eyes.

Student union members and members of other clubs: "..." Do you dare to snatch someone from the president?
Looking at the men and women in the past, um, the little girl made a lot of sense, it is indeed a challenge to bully others, but they still want to see a good show, how to break it?
Professor Wan Cheng didn't worry about the little girl at all. Anyway, with President Chao protecting her, no one dared to persecute her openly.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen Bian Yuan also heard President Chao's voice-over. He subconsciously meant that they would become angry and rush over to beat the little girl.

The three of them felt a chill in their hearts. President Chao must have remembered that they started beating people to start a group fight, so they had a very bad impression on them.

The little girl hid, and was guarded by President Chao. No one dared to say unpleasant words. They all laughed and urged her to make a decision quickly. She also joked that if she was hesitant, she could flip a coin and get castrated. toss...

Le Xiaoxue hides but doesn't show up. Occasionally, she sticks her head out and blinks her big watery eyes to look at everyone. When she sees people smiling at her, she also smiles shyly.

The little girl grew up white and tender, her eyes twinkling, which made her blood surging. They no longer urged her to decide, but asked her if she had a boyfriend, what she liked to eat, what color she liked, etc.

The scene changed and became extremely cheerful.

Chao Yubo was so sullen that he couldn't maintain his demeanor. What does this twenty-two-eight boys mean by chattering about Xiao Lele's preferences?Want to lure Lele into puppy love?

kill him!
There are [-] mythical beasts running in the young man's heart. It's very irritating. He finally waited until Lele came to Beijing. He hasn't had enough of his brother's addiction. Who dares to grab Lele, kill him, kill him and beat him To die, one has to kill one, two to kill one pair, all of them!
Anger appeared in the phoenix eyes of the beautiful young man, and the noble and elegant face appeared a touch of red.

Many people from the student union and the various clubs secretly laughed. Whoever wanted to make trouble, I felt that President Chao would take Little Loli for a walk, and then make some passionate speeches, which would surely lead to a riot.

"There is one last minute left." Others were watching and playing, while the timers dutifully stared at the timer.

That announcement stopped all the cluttering, and many people beat their chests and feet. Little Loli made them almost forget about the business.

When Wang Xiuwen and his companions heard that there was still one minute left, their hearts jumped suddenly.

Sun Shilin looked at the teaching officials, gritted his teeth, and went out of his way: "Le Yun, how do you accept the challenge?"

The nearby aura changed suddenly, and it became impossible to even hear breathing. It took about three seconds for the person to faintly hear breathing and the sound of a thumping heartbeat.

"If I can block it with a proposal, I can consider it." Le Yun stuck her head out from behind the beautiful boy.

"Pfft, little naughty." Professor Wan Cheng couldn't help but chuckle.

Professor Fu and Professor Zhai couldn't help but smile. They knew the proposed ban, because many years ago, in a challenge, the two challengers used the proposed ban as the rules of the battle.

"What do you mean?" Most people were at a loss.

Some people understand what it means to propose a ban, but they won't say it for the time being.

"There are still 40 seconds for negotiation." No one spoke, and the timer reminded at the right time.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen looked at each other and frowned. What the hell was that proposal to block?It feels weird.

"What do you mean by that, classmate Le?"

"What's the mystery of the conditions mentioned by the elementary school girl?"

Watch the lively discussions between the men and women.

Professor Wan Cheng and others knew what it was, but they just didn't say it, hum, let them guess.

Wang Ziqiang and others didn't know what the request was, and they all looked at the time. Sun and others didn't have much time. If they didn't make a decision, once the time came, it meant that the little girl would not accept the challenge.

"There are still 20 seconds." The timer reminded again.

Sun Shilin was sweating profusely and looked at Wang Xiuwen. The two nodded indiscernibly and reached an agreement. Sun Shilin hurriedly shouted: "Le Yun, we agree with your proposal to block it."

As long as she is willing to accept the challenge, they don't mind what condition she said, although they still don't understand what that condition means.

"Are you sure you accept my proposed blocking conditions?" Le Yun blinked and asked again.

"Ok." Time is tight, and they can't allow them to think. Only when the little girl Fang accepts the challenge can they reduce the penalty. As long as the little girl is willing to accept the challenge, then any proposal to block it is not a problem.

"That's it, I'll think about it." Le Yun jumped out from behind the beautiful young brother, and made a thought first: "Accept it or not..."

The hearts of those watching the excitement trembled, and Sun Shilin's nervous forehead oozes out a layer of sweat. Wang Xiuwen held his breath and did not dare to breathe loudly.

"There are still ten seconds." The timekeeper shouted again in a calm voice: "Ten, nine, eight..."

The hearts of the people beat with the beat of the time.

Wang Ziqiang frowned, Sun Shilin's palms were full of sweat again, and his face turned pale a little bit.

"Okay, the kindness is difficult, I will accept your challenge reluctantly." When the timekeeper called "three", the little girl spit out a sentence slowly.

puff tom -

Countless high-hanging hearts fell to the ground.

"Little ones are quite playful." Professor Fu smiled at his old friends like Amitabha.

"It is estimated that Xiao Chao's teaching was bad." Professor Zhai and others felt the same way. The little guy is a big beanie, and this method of appetizing people is very good. It is estimated that it was taught by President Chao, the stinky boy.

Classmate Chen and classmate Cai deeply sympathized with the innocent young president who was lying on the gun, Xiao Chao is so wronged, Xiao Luoli is such a clever person, what is the use of learning from Xiao Chao, she is black enough.

They really think that Xiao Loli is as dark as Xiao Chao. Look at her, she made a delicious meal for the first time, which made them addicted. Then, because they are delicious, it is estimated that no matter what Xiao Chao asks them to help in the future Busy they are also responsive.

Little Lolita or something, it's all deceitful.

The two classmates deeply felt that they had been led by Xiao Chao to a point of no return, but they were secretly happy that they didn't hate that kind of life.

The timekeeper who called out "three" cut off the timer, now it's none of his business.

Wang Ziqiang and others breathed a deep sigh of relief. Fortunately, the little girl agreed, and she felt a little bad in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

The little girl promised to fight, and Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen showed the most real relaxed smiles from the day before yesterday until now.

"Wow, there is a show to watch!" The men and women onlookers were extremely excited. After waiting for so long, it was not easy to finally wait for the result.

"Let's promise, right?"

"Let's accept the challenge, right?"

The classmates who were far away heard the shouting from the referee platform and asked anxiously.

"Yes, classmate Le accepted the challenge."

The affirmative answer continued to spread, and the crowd burst into applause, promising to wow, the good show is about to start.

Listening to the voices of watching a good show from far and near, the boys around the referee platform were afraid that they were not lively enough, and they all shouted: "Little Loli, first tell me what the condition you said before means."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and hurry up."

"We're also curious."

A roar.

"Proposal to block is a kind of combat rule in the challenge. One side proposes to fight in a certain way, and the other side can use the block method to prohibit the use of certain tactics or means. If anyone violates the rules, the other side wins." Seeing that everyone's thirst for knowledge is so strong, the president of the youth president briefly explained: "According to the challenge theory of classmates Sun and classmates Wang and Bian, the three classmates launched a challenge, which belongs to martial arts. The three classmates established three kinds of competitions: long-distance running, wrestling and push-up. The way, this is the proposal, Classmate Le can use the block to prohibit certain tactics and behaviors that may appear."

"Oh, I got it."

"Wow, that's what it is."

"It seems so interesting."

People who don't understand why, understand the meaning of the proposal to block, and talk in a low voice.

Wang Ziqiang and others suddenly realized that it was so!At this moment, they understood the little girl's intentions, but they had no reason to say that she was wrong.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen were suddenly shocked, not good!If little girls have the right to propose a ban, it will be detrimental to them, and they will be fooled!
The two felt that they had been fooled, and glared at the little girl, the little girl was too cunning!
Le Yun is not afraid of being stared at, and shouted with a smile: "The beautiful and beautiful beauty sister from the sports department, handsome, sunny and handsome seniors, I accept the challenge, and now I invite you to make a beautiful appearance. exciting and heart-warming challenge.”

Chen Shuyuan and Talent Jun covered their faces, Little Loli, are you complimenting the sports department like this?This is called language bribery, be careful people slander you.

"We've been waiting for a long time." The sports department responded eagerly. The members immediately took the props. The four of them took the flag and the whistle. They would set off at any time by the bicycle. The one with the timer walked down from the high platform and waited at the starting point.

If you have a folder, be prepared to record it.The deputy minister stepped off the stage and waited with Minister Li to hear the proposal from the elementary school girl to block it.

Le Yun handed the backpack to Brother Chao, and quickly stood opposite the three boys, waiting for them to take their places. Li Yubo stood in the middle of the two sides: "Classmate Le, you can put forward your proposal to block it now."

"My proposal is that the three challenges will be determined in one round, each challenge has a time limit, the challenge must be a heads-up, no substitutions or bans are allowed in the middle, and the lead and escort runners are prohibited in the [-]-meter race. The leading runners can run outside the field, and are not allowed to enter the track. For the rest, please ask the sports department to implement the regular competition rules." Well, when I asked her to propose a ban, she didn't ask much, just a few items.

Classmate Le proposed that the winner or loser will be determined in one round, and Sun Shilin's face suddenly changed. When he heard that the [-]-meter race was forbidden to lead and accompany the runner into the track, his face turned pale for a moment.

Wang Xiuwen's complexion was also clouded with clouds, the little girl was blocked, and their plan to win was dead, and the long-distance running could only run to the end.

"Why can't there be a lead and an escort?" Bian Yuan was the most honest and calmest, and was not ashamed to ask.

“Because, if there are leaders and runners, in case someone has bad intentions, they can deliberately hinder their competitors, or use dark means to deliberately push or trip their opponents, push or trip people, and injure their opponents, so as to benefit themselves. "

Li Yubo explained on his behalf, looked at the three boys, and slowly announced: "According to the agreement negotiated by the two parties, the proposal proposed by the challenger is valid, and each challenge project will be won or lost in one round. The project can only be played by the three original members of the challenger themselves. The leader and escort runners are not allowed to enter the track for long-distance running. In order to ensure the safety of everyone's life, the time interval between each challenge is arranged by the Ministry of Sports as appropriate. The challengers will discuss the order of the challenge projects.”

Minister Li made a final decision and determined that the challenged party's proposal would take effect, which also means strangling the possibility of any party trying to use escorts to increase obstacles to the opponent, and challenged the most fair and equitable way of competition.

The national defense students looked bad. They all put on sports uniforms and prepared to go off together. As a result, they were forbidden to enter the track and could not accompany them to run.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen's plan was disrupted, and she was so angry that she secretly vomited blood. At first, the little girl used the guise of not accepting the competition. The purpose was to talk about the requirements, so as to kill all possible unfavorable factors in the budding state.

Could it be that she really guessed their purpose?
He didn't believe the little girl could guess his purpose, but rather believed that the president of the student council had said something to her in advance, lest the challenge would be unfavorable to her, so that she could seize the sovereignty and thus check and balance them.

No substitutions are allowed in the middle of the challenge. Each challenge has a limited time, and the winner is determined in one round. All the back-end players are useless. When the challenge begins, they can only compete based on their true abilities.

Even if they were confident that they could win with an overwhelming victory, they would not achieve his goal at all. Such a result made Sun Shilin resentful, but it was a foregone conclusion. In front of the student union and countless students, they again I can't go back and can only bite the bullet and continue: "First run, then push-ups, and finally wrestling."

The result was a tactic they had already planned, Wang Xiuwen and Bian Yuan had no objection.

"The order of the projects is arbitrary, I have no opinion." Le Yun is gearing up, the three boys' challenge projects are not good for her, no matter which one is before or after the result is the same, the order is just a cutscene.

"Okay, both sides go down and get ready, start in 10 minutes." Li Yubo let both sides go down, he finished speaking, picked up the loudspeaker, announced to all the spectators, announcing the establishment of the challenge, the first long-distance race will start in 10 minutes, and announced at the same time According to the rules, it is forbidden for both leading or accompanying personnel to enter the runway.

"Hahaha, it was really lively."

"It's worth watching!"

The people who rushed to Xicao to watch rubbed their hands in joy.

"Gamble, whoever loses wins."

"This kind of challenge with disparity in strength, it's boring to guess who wins or loses. It's better to bet on which time period both men and women will lose in each challenge, so that it will be challenging."

People who are unwilling to be plain, start exciting games.

Li Yubo announced the establishment of the challenge. He did not manage the personnel on both sides. He calculated the time limit for each challenge project with the members of the sports department, and also asked the instructors what they meant. At this time, Wang Ziqiang and others all declined their good intentions and let the sports department decide that they did not Forbidding students to issue challenges, there is a suspicion of condoning the nonsense of national defense students, and then intervening in the decision of the sports department, that face is really embarrassing.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen Bianyuan turned around to make preparations, and the onlookers also secretly rubbed their patience to be the best melon eaters.

"Little beauty, are you going to change your clothes?" Seeing that he was finally free, Liu Xiangyang jumped out to show his existence.

"You don't need to change, this dress is very good." Le Yun looked from side to side. Casual shirts and short jeans are very suitable for sports. Why should you change them?
"The home clothes you wear are not suitable for sports. Shouldn't you change to looser sports clothes?" The denim shorts are so tight, can you run?
"No need, anyway, I'm tired from running and I don't want to run anymore. I can admit defeat at any time. This kind of challenge is not a meaningful competition like the school sports meeting. It's not ashamed to admit defeat."

The little girl's voice was sweet and sweet. Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen walked a few meters away. When they heard that, they paused and almost couldn't help but turn around. In the end, because there were people on both sides of the runway, they stood at the starting line.

"You said, are you ready to admit defeat at any time?" Liu Xiangyang felt that the young people's thinking was too jumpy these days, and he couldn't keep up with the jumpy thinking speed of Little Loli.

"Of course, this challenge itself is unreasonable and meaningless. I agreed to accept the challenge because the handsome guys and girls are so supportive. If I don't even go to the battlefield, it will be too impersonal and too unlearnable. For the sake of the seniors and seniors, in order to make the seniors and seniors run for nothing, I will accompany them to run for a run. It is all for the sake of everyone laughing. The gains outweigh the losses, so, if I can’t run and get tired, of course I will admit defeat decisively.”

"Hahaha, the elementary school girl is mighty!"

"Little Loli is too considerate, knowing that we have a heart that loves liveliness."

The onlookers were booing again. This kind of liveliness is not for nothing, as long as it does not affect the city's appearance and does not spoil the school spirit, you can make any comments as you want.

"Lele is right, just run after the end of the field. If you are tired, you don't want to run anymore, you give up at any time. No one will laugh at you. On the contrary, if the person who initiated the challenge admits defeat or doesn't run, he will be punished. Shame." Chao Yubo walked slowly to the little girl who was moving her ankles, and patted her head indulgently.

Wang Ziqiang was in a panic. The students did not make any remarks that said the defense students were wrong, but their attitude showed that they were on the side of the little girls. President Chao also indirectly expressed that the challenge was unfair. live.

The young president didn't hide his attitude, everyone knew what he had in mind, he didn't agree with them, didn't suppress the three boys, and changed the subject with a smile.

The Ministry of Sports discussed it for a while, and the personnel were dispatched. Several people rode to guard each track, not only to supervise the people in the race, but also to supervise the venue, so that outsiders would not be allowed to cross the track at will.

The timekeepers and registrars, the chief referee waited at the starting line.

Classmate Chao accompanied the little girl to the starting line. Shao Yan and Shao Liu did their part and moved with President Chao and the little girl. Because they were with President Chao, they were naturally able to stand on the runway, becoming a privilege. one of the staff.

The personnel from both sides of the challenge arrived, and the others stepped back. A man and a woman stood face to face. The Minister of Sports announced the regulations again: "After the members of the Sports Department agreed, the time limit for push-ups in the three challenge events is 10 minutes, and the rules are implemented according to regular competitions; wrestling, The time limit is 10 minutes, and the rules are implemented in a regular wrestling match; the time limit for the 10-meter race is four to [-] minutes. When the time limit is reached, the side that runs the most laps wins, and the winner is the one who finishes within the specified time. The rest time between events is determined by the Ministry of Sports Depending on the actual situation."

The three projects take a total of one hour, and when there is a break in between, it will take at least one and a half hours to complete.

"Agree." The two agreed.

After the rules were settled, the two signed the registration form. When deciding the track, for the sake of fairness, the sports department threw the paper balls with the first and second tracks on the ground, and both men and women chose it.

When the paper ball fell, Student Sun grabbed one, unfolded it, and handed the paper to the referee of the sports department on runway 2; Student Le picked up the leftover paper ball and handed it over to the seniors without looking at it.

The Deputy Minister of Sports took the paper ball, opened it in public, and showed it to the people next to it to show fairness, lest anyone suspect that the two pieces of paper were actually written on the No. 2 track, and there was suspicion of cheating.

"Runway No. 1." The bystanders were also very helpful, and said aloud with a smile.

There are regulations in the race, sprints are not allowed to grab the track, and races over 400 meters, excluding 400 meters, can grab the track.

The runway is a circular runway. In theory, the first runway with the inner diameter of the nearest circle is a standard 400 meters, the second runway is a few meters longer than the first runway, and so on.

So, to a large extent, those on the first track have an advantage.

Determine the runway, challenge both sides to their respective positions and wait.

"Lele, remember, you can't run, stop when you don't want to run, don't force it." Chao Yubo helped twist the bag and accompanied her on the runway. He wiped her hands and face with a towel, and checked her shoelaces. Not loose.

Everyone: "..." Although it's not ashamed to admit defeat, but you don't cheer up but make people give up, isn't it good?
"President Chao, you start driving, how can you not encourage athletes to give up instead." The people from the sports department went to chase people shyly.

"As the student council president, I have the duty to protect the underage students. As the elder brother, I have the duty to protect the safety of the younger sister. I am right." The camp, with a plausible statement of his attitude.

"Yes, yes, President Chao is right." A group of people laughed and laughed, laughing happily.

The stipulated 10 minutes hadn't arrived yet, so people got ready. When the timer reminded that the 10-minute limit was approaching, the student union staff stepped back a runway again and stood on the fifth runway, leaving a lot of space to avoid causing pressure on people.

Minister Li took the flag and stood at the starting point. Two timing referees who recorded the time for the athletes took their places and prepared to pinch the watch.

When the timer reported that the 10-minute time limit was up, the chief referee shouted "Everyone on your mark", and two students, a boy and a girl, got ready to start.

That kind of tension made no one noisy on both sides of the runway, and the heartbeat of the melon-eating crowd was intense, just like the school games and the Olympic Games, which were all awaited, just waiting for the starting gun.

Minister Li raised the flag high: "Prepare, three-two-run!"

No starting gun was used, and when the password came out, the timekeepers pinched down the chronograph.

The two who were ready to go early rushed out.

"come on!"

"Come on, classmate Sun."

"Come on, classmate Le."

After a brief silence, the crowd roared and howled.

The national defense students could only watch student Sun go toe-to-toe with others, and they couldn't help anything. Opposite them, the boys in the first class of the medical department were eyeing them to prevent them from causing damage.

When the long-distance race started, the referees returned to the referee's high platform to supervise. The onlookers were a little scattered and ran to another position to watch.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang didn't say a word, they returned to the referee platform with Chairman Chao, climbed to the highest point, and looked at the runway. There was a man and a woman on the runway with a distance of about 50 meters. Of course, the little girl was behind.

The onlookers also saw the distance between Sun and Le. No one said anything. The 25-meter long-distance race has [-] laps in total. Whoever runs at full speed at the beginning will undoubtedly lose, because with the running of athletes, people's calves Muscles will become sore and swollen, and it will become more and more serious. If you try your best at the beginning, you will be exhausted later;

The best way to run long distances is to start at a moderate pace, then increase your speed after a certain number of laps, and then sprint for the last few laps.

Sun Shilin was so aggrieved that he wanted to kill. At the starting point, he and the little girl ran at the same speed. After running more than [-] meters, he accelerated, but the little girl was indifferent and did not follow up at all.

The little girl didn't follow up, and he didn't dare to run fast. If he ran desperately and made a few laps more than her, the little girl came to admit defeat, wouldn't he be fighting in vain?

He accelerated, the little girl turned a blind eye, he slowed down, she turned a blind eye, she ran at her own speed, making his teeth itch with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

Mr. Sun is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and the distance is sometimes stretched to a hundred meters, and sometimes to fifty meters. When approaching the end of the first lap, the distance is kept at about 70 meters.

Classmate Sun hurriedly ran across the starting line, and Minister Li accurately reported: "One lap."

"Sun Shilin, come on!" The defense students roared.

Sun Shilin wanted to vomit blood, so he urged him to come on, didn't he push him into the fire pit?Depressed in his heart, he cut into the first runway, and he could grab the runway in the second lap. There were no other athletes, and he was not afraid of being bumped into the runway.

"Lele, admit defeat if you can't run." The teenager standing on the high platform, overlooking the runway, saw the little girl running close, and shouted as if no one else was there.

"Xiao Le, stop running when you're tired, and come to the teacher." Professor Wan Cheng was also reluctant to be involved in primary school students, so he responded to the call of the youth president and issued a second opinion.

"How are you doing?" The onlookers burst into laughter.

"Of course, I don't want to see my primary school students get involved in vain." Professor Wan Cheng answered righteously.

"Teacher, you won."

"Little Loli, come to the seniors when you're tired of running, and we'll give you a handkerchief."

"Elementary school girl, when you are tired, stop at the senior's place, and the senior will accompany you to move your joints."

Boys and girls burst into laughter, and they all joked.

The professor did not speak, and everyone continued to guess. Guessing how many laps could last for Lele, and how many more laps Sun could run, everyone sees wisdom, and benevolent sees benevolence.

There was a lot of laughter, and the challenge match became a hall for a moment of happiness. It was a common trend to believe that Classmate Le conceded in the middle. No one thought that was wrong. Did you not see that President Chao also made people give up?

The instructors such as Wang Ziqiang and Han Yuntao treated themselves as air and listened to the students' remarks. When the little girl conceded defeat, they would only give applause.

I'll go, is it really good for you to have such a thorny discussion?

Le Yun wanted to kick passers-by A, B, C, D, with her feet. Almost all the melon eaters believed that she would give up halfway. The most hurtful guess was that she would admit defeat if she didn't finish three laps.

The result was so shocking, it was like looking at people in the cracks of the door and looking down on them.Classmate Le was very injured, very injured, calmly ran across the starting line, and calmly ran the second lap.

Yan Xing's eyes followed the petite figure as she ran away, her long eyes were shining like stars, the little loli was breathing steadily, her pace was consistent with her heartbeat, and her face was sweat-free, so running was effortless for her.

On the other hand, the boy's speed is repeated and his breathing is extremely uncoordinated. If he doesn't adjust, he will lose miserably.

Yan Shao glanced at the Chao family boy. The boy was as gentle as the sun, with a full smile. He silently ordered a wax for the boys on the runway. The poor man was another victim of Xiao Chao's pitfalls.

Sun Shilin ran a quarter of the second lap, accelerated again, and opened up the distance. The distance was a full 200 meters, which was equivalent to half a lap faster.

The national defense students were overjoyed, and the spectators shook their heads.

Let's run, let's run, Le Yun is not in a hurry, just jump, jump, and do warm-up exercises for moving calves.

"Little beauty, are you tired?" Standing on the high platform, Liu Xiangyang let out a hard howl when he saw the little girl jumping and jumping.

That voice went down, causing everyone to be in an uproar.

Sun Shilin almost tripped himself into a duel, he accelerated, she simply stopped running?When I turned around, I saw that the little girl in the back was jumping and jumping, and I didn't know if she wanted to run.

He had to slow down, run slowly, and observe while running. When he found that the little girl was running again, he accelerated again.

"Second lap." The referees were very conscientious.

Le student chased after slowly, but Sun student did not dare to go fast, keeping a distance of more than 100 meters.

"Three laps."

"Wow, the elementary school girl hasn't given up yet."

Four laps, five laps...

Everyone: "..." Who said that Little Loli couldn't run three laps?Come out and make sure you don't kill him.

Seven laps, eight laps!
If you say you can't run, then give up?

The national defense students were stunned, and all the people in the sports department said, "..." Classmates, they said that it was President Chao who made the elementary school girls give up, and it had nothing to do with them.

Nine laps!

Who said little loli primary school girls are weak?Who said that elementary school girls will admit defeat if they can't run five or six laps, come out, let's talk about life!

ten laps.

Everyone: "..." I feel like I've been deceived!
Eleven laps.

Who, has anyone formed a team to chat with Chairman Chao?

Twelve laps.

Everyone: "..." The little girl is about to counterattack the rhythm.

The two people on the track still maintained a distance of about [-] meters, but Sun was panting like a cow and had a tendency to be weak.

Wang Xiuwen's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and Wang Ziqiang's face was as sinking as water.

The teachers and students who were secretly running to watch the excitement were no longer satisfied with the idle watch, but stood on both sides of the track, watching the race earnestly and studying the state of boys and girls.

Thirteen laps.

When running half a lap, the distance between the two sides is only about 50 meters.

Fourteen laps.

Sun's speed changed to a medium speed, and the follow-up weakness became more and more serious.

No. 15 laps, halfway through, Le student equalized the distance.

"Senior Sun, can you hold on?" Le Yun gently and skillfully caught up with the boy, smiling warmly and asking kindly.

"Don't worry about it." Sun Shilin was trembling with anger. He was fooled. He was deceived by the false language of the previous little girl, thinking that she would admit defeat halfway through. Running harder and harder.

"Senior Sun, come on, keep it up, this challenge was sent by you, it would be a shame if you couldn't even run away from me as a girl."

"You..." Sun Shilin was so angry that his chest almost exploded.

"Don't be angry, you can't run even when you are angry. Don't stare at me, I'm timid, I'm afraid, ah, I just don't speak."

Le Yun smiled at Mimi's persuasion, and when she saw that Sun was angry, she stared at herself fiercely, patted her heart in fear, and quickly moved away, before grabbing it, ran out a few meters, and moved forward at a constant speed.

Not tired!

She is not tired at all. She eats the space food every day, and she is full of energy every day. She does not struggle at all during military training, and her physical strength is left over every day. Now this kind of exercise consumes more, but it does no harm to her, and it can even be said to be beneficial.

The previous few laps did not consume much physical strength. Instead, it seemed that the cells were activated, the meridians of the whole body were unblocked, and the muscles and blood produced a slight burning sensation, which was very comfortable.

The beautiful feeling makes Le Yun fly physically and mentally, like a pony, running happily.

"Fifteen laps, there are ten laps left, junior and junior, come on!" Little Lolita ran across the starting line, Li Yubo counted, and shouted with arms raised.

"It took 25 minutes, and there are still 15 minutes." The timekeeper followed closely.

"Come on, elementary school girl!"

"Come on, apprentice!"

The onlookers on both sides responded with enthusiastic cheers.

Sun Shilin wiped off his sweat, accelerated, dashed across the starting line, and ran for a while, tying the gap.

"Senior Sun, there are ten laps left. When will you show your true level? Everyone is watching you, waiting to appreciate your style of showing off the Olympic long-distance running champion."

The tall boy caught up, and Le Yun grinned as she ran and connected her feelings.

Sun Shilin's nose was crooked with anger, wiped his sweat, and choked back angrily: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Don't I care about you? If you don't have a blockbuster performance and lose to me again, your face will be lost to your grandma's house. Your shame is small, and you are afraid that a mouse feces will ruin a pot of porridge and let the whole defense students lose face. No face to meet."

"Le Yun, you're deceiving people too much!" Sun Shilin's chest rose and fell sharply, and he moved his hand, almost uncontrollably waving his fist.

"Oh, I'm so angry that I have no manners." Le Yun accelerated at her feet, rushed out more than ten meters in one breath, opened the distance, and looked back at her classmates: "Senior Sun, you can admit defeat if you can't run, I believe liberal arts students , Science students, old and new students, and instructors can understand.”

"..." Sun Shilin's face twitched, twisted out of shape, he gasped fiercely, and chased hard, he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from being thrown off.

After chasing and chasing, classmate Sun was panting and sweating like rain; classmate Le's pale and tender face was slightly flushed, but the sweat was light.

"Student Sun can't win." Seeing people from far and near, Liu Xiangyang's eyes filled with pity, poor child, who is not good to pick, why go to challenge that terrifying little loli, fortunately, little loli doesn't use ancient martial arts, If she uses Gu Wu to plot against people, she will leave the boy seriously injured and lie in bed for several months without anyone noticing.

"Student Sun obviously still has spare strength." Wang Ziqiang refused to accept, although classmate Sun was out of breath, he still had the strength to fight.

Liu Shao didn't speak, Yan Xing glanced at the instructor Wang Mou, the eyes behind the sunglasses were cold, and he didn't explain, Little Loli's current heartbeat and pace have been very coordinated, and she didn't even sweat a lot, she hasn't taken it out yet. Come true.

"Sixteen laps." Li Yubo's loud voice spread all over the place.

Everyone: "..." I agreed to admit defeat, no more!Fortunately, they didn't make a bet, otherwise they would have lost everything.

After running more than [-] meters in one breath, Le Yun looked back and walked backwards to face the student Sun who was five or six meters away: "Senior Sun, after warming up for so long, should we show our true skills and run for a run? already?"

"..." Sun Shilin gritted his teeth secretly, accelerated and rushed forward, overtaking the little girl and running forward.

"Okay, this is a good guy! Our real competition starts now!" The strong wind blew, Le Yun turned 180 degrees and ran fast.

"Look, they speed up!"

"Wow, so fast!"

Spectators applaud.

On the runway, the two figures were like meteors chasing the moon. At first, the boy was in the first ten meters, but in the blink of an eye, the girl behind them took the lead, like a gust of wind swept the ground, like a galloping horse, galloping, galloping, and stunning.

"My God, so fast!"

"My mother, what speed is this?"

Even from a distance, everyone couldn't see clearly, and they screamed in surprise.

"This is the strength of the little beauty. This figure is too beautiful. She is as proud as a dragon and like a galloping horse." Liu Xiangyang shouted excitedly. Get ahead and poach talent.

Wang Ziqiang and other instructors had the urge to leave.

"You say how many laps can the elementary school girl be faster than Junior Brother Sun?" The people on the high platform looked dumbfounded, and Li Yubo rolled his eyes and offered exciting suggestions.

"I bet about 300 meters, and I bet on a meal of sliced ​​noodles."

"I bet one lap, two fried noodles."

"Be stingy, go away, I bet one and a half times faster, three Lanzhou noodles."

"Why is it all noodles, why can't we have something fresh?"

"I bet more than two and a half laps, but less than four laps. The bet is that there will be a dinner at Jinyu Mantang Hotel in the West District off-campus. The premise is that the loser must invite the little beauty to go with him."

"Liu Shao, don't frame my sister." The president of the beautiful young man was not happy, and the big hotel was in a mess.

"I bet more than three laps on the fast track. The bet, I can choose the restaurants on campus at will, and I will eat for a week. Whoever wants to bet, come." Yan Xing's eyes were brighter than Xingzi's behind his sunglasses.

As soon as the charming voice came out, the four fell silent, and it was more than three laps. What was the concept?
(End of this chapter)

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