magic eye doctor

Chapter 142 Winning streak

Chapter 142 Winning streak
The little girl had gone so far, Sun Shilin was so angry that she almost vomited blood, the little girl pretended to admit defeat and dragged him down, she kept her own strength, too insidious, too vicious!

He couldn't afford to lose anyone, so he chased after him with a sprint-like speed. It was him who accelerated, and the distance he opened couldn't make up for it. He could only chase the back of the little girl.

The petite girl, wearing casual clothes and jeans, did not affect her speed at all. The hat covered her short hair, so she couldn't see the explosive appearance of her short hair standing up like a steel needle. She was like a fierce horse in the sun. Flashing, astonished the eyes of the audience.

On the referee's high platform, Wang Ziqiang, Li Zuo, and several instructors originally heard that the student union and the two youths in sunglasses were gambling laps. They felt that they had been greatly insulted and were furious. With gasps and exclamations, he turned his head to look, and saw the little girl who was flying fast, and the anger that was full of it was extinguished.

If girls maintain this speed, then it is not a problem for girls to be two laps faster than boys. The only premise now is how long the speed of the little girls can be maintained.

The two instructors, Wang and Li, no longer had the intention to pay attention to the sports department and how people bet, and they watched Student Sun nervously.

There was a brief silence on the high platform because of Young Master Yan's words. After a while, Zhao Guoxing said with emotion: "I don't dare to gamble, I don't know how strong the primary school girl is."

"I don't dare to gamble. I only have so much to live on, and I can't afford to lose."

"Same as above."

"You can't bet, look at the elementary school girl, that speed is too ungamable."

The area of ​​the top of the referee platform is limited. There are instructors and people from the sports department, all of which cannot be accommodated on the top surface. Liu Shao and Yan Shao.

The person who looked at the runway and saw the flying little figure immediately took back the gamble that was like a huge gamble before. He couldn't gamble. Really, the elementary school girl was like a ticking time bomb and couldn't gamble.

"What a pity." Yan Xing shook his head regretfully.

The members of the sports department laughed. The minister and the president said that if you want to bet with someone, you must have a [-]% certainty.

"Brother Chao, good brother, the primary school girl belongs to our sports department." Everyone was not interested in gambling, and Li Yubo didn't continue the topic, instead he put his arms around Brother Chao's shoulders, saying that they were close to each other.

"As long as you can convince Lele." Chao Yubo couldn't hold back his pride, Lele is an all-rounder, such a person is his sister, it couldn't be better!

"Is this true?" Brother Chao didn't rob him?

"You persuaded Xiao Lele. That's your ability. If you can't persuade, don't ask me to be a lobbyist. I won't interfere with Lele's decision."

"It's a promise!" Li Yubo solemnly pressed Brother Chao's shoulder. As long as Brother Chao didn't obstruct him, he would be half-successful. He would try his best to persuade the little girl from Lolita to agree.

The members of the sports department looked happy, and the minister was so witty!Grab talent this kind of thing must be fast, not fast can only see talent fall into other people's pockets.

Le Shiyun's smile flickered, the little girl turned out to be a potential long-distance runner? !Fortunately, the president did not directly invite the little girl to join the club.

The distance between the two on the runway became wider and wider, and the more Wang Ziqiang looked at it, the darker the cloud in his heart became.

"Sun Shilin, come on!"

"Sun Shilin, you can't lose."

The national defense students are jumping in a hurry. They are national defense students anyway, and their physical abilities are far better than girls. If they lose to the boys among the freshmen, they have reasons to defend themselves. If they lose to a girl, teach them where to put the faces of all national defense students. ?

In particular, this was a challenge initiated by a boy who was a national defense student. The challenger lost to the challenged, which was a shame.

The national defense students were so anxious that they could not wait to get off the field to help them run. However, the staff from the medical department were staring at them, as well as countless freshmen, old students, and teachers.

Wang Xiuwen clenched his fists tightly. They made mistakes in their calculations. They thought the little girl was an ordinary soft girl, but she didn't expect that she was a potential athlete. She pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger and made them miserable.

If... Sun Shilin loses, their ambition will also plummet, which is extremely disadvantageous to him and Bian Yuan. If Sun Shilin loses, then as long as they win one more game in the next two games, they will win, and if Sun Shilin loses, They just have to work hard to win.

At this moment, Wang Xiuwen's pressure suddenly increased, and his nerves were extremely tense. He only hoped that the little girl was just going fast for a while and couldn't maintain the situation for long. Sun Shilin had the power to reverse the defeat.

"Seventeen laps."

The sound of the loudspeaker is transmitted to every corner of the West Playground.

Sun Shilin looked at the back that was getting farther and farther away, he almost vomited blood with hatred, so he could only try his best to run, run, run...

He hoped to shorten the distance, and then, in fact, no matter how hard he tried to catch up, the result was the same: the lame chased his wife—the further he went.

"Eighteen laps."

"Nineteen laps."

The figure of the little girl was moving like the shadow lights of the dance hall, and she swept away. On lap No. 19, the little girl caught up with the boy who was running at the end of lap No. 18, which was equivalent to a full lap faster than the boy.

The onlookers shouted cheers at first, and they were all dumbfounded. The little girls ran faster and faster, and the boys became slower and slower. If they shouted cheers again, the boys would misunderstand them and cheer them on.

"Twenty laps, classmate Le."

"...Classmate Le 23 laps."

"Student Le, 24 laps."

Everyone was silent. As time went by, the little girl had already surpassed the boy by three and a half circles!

The little girl ran the last lap. When her swift figure swept across the starting line like the wind, Minister Li reported the number of laps, and the timekeeper and registrar stepped off the high platform and guarded the finish line.

"Student Sun has 21 laps."

After student Sun trotted across the starting line, the referee reported the number of laps, and two members of the sports department pulled up the red rope to greet classmate Le who ran the last lap.

A rider and a timekeeper followed up with Student Sun. According to their calculations, Student Sun ran 150 meters at most, and Student Le reached the finish line. When the long-distance running challenge was over, they had to measure how many meters he had run.

Hearing the number of laps he ran, Sun Shilin's heart was full of desolation and his eyes were full of despair. He lost!
His legs seemed to be filled with lead, but he didn't dare to stop, and he couldn't stop. Everyone knew that it was his challenge. A little girl could admit defeat in the middle, but he couldn't give up until the end.

The lungs seemed to be filled with air, and they swelled uncomfortably. His vision was blurred by sweat. Sun Shilin gasped for breath and lifted his feet mechanically. His speed was much slower than that of the athletes in the walking competition.

Several instructors looked at each other, and their hearts rose for a while, the gap was too big!
As a result, the defense students also lost face.

Wang Ziqiang is also quite resentful. The classmates need to be friendly. The little girl obviously won. It's enough to run an extra lap and a half.

No matter how much resentment in their hearts, he and Li Zuo didn't show the slightest bit of it. They only had tight faces and walked to the runway with the people from the sports department.

Liu Zhenjun has always regarded himself as the air, always standing behind Wang Ziqiang and other instructors, intentionally or unintentionally, and his mood is also very complicated.

The youth president and the students of the student union were waiting at the finish line, and the people on the Hexi playground watched the approaching figure. The feeling of welcoming a hero made people excited and nervous.

At this moment, all the people look at it and give it to that person;
At this moment, I look forward to it with all my heart and give it to that person;
At this moment, the palms and congratulations accumulated by everyone are waiting to be given to that person.

The sprinting figure is getting closer...

The timekeepers who timed the athletes crouched at the finish line and pressed the timer. As long as the little girl touched the red rope, she ran across the finish line.

In the eyes of everyone, a leaping man roared and approached, and the sprinting figure, like a scorching sun, like a galloping horse, was getting closer and closer.

The wind rushed past.

A slight, faint floral scent brushed the tip of the nose, and in the breath that everyone held, the flashing figure hit the red rope together with the breeze.

Cha Cha, two timekeepers press the timer at the same time, one is the person timing the athletes, and the other is the timekeeper holding the timer for the limited time of the game.

"Shh-" At the same moment, a clear whistle sounded suddenly.

The whistle sounded, indicating that the challenge was aborted.

Sun Shilin, who was still mechanically stepping his legs, heard the whistle sound, like a mountain collapsing, his legs softened, and he knelt down to the ground, kneeling on the track with a thud.

"Sun Shilin, what's the matter with you?" The national defense students who were running outside the runway immediately rushed into the runway to see classmate Sun.

Sun Shilin was covered in sweat, his face was pale, and his muscles were shaking. He wanted to stand up, but his legs were limp, and he couldn't even move. He closed his eyes weakly, feeling embarrassed and anxious. awful!
He has been good at speed since he was a child. Although he is still far from his potential as an athlete, he is the fastest among his peers. From junior high school to high school, he has won the long-distance running championship every year in the school sports meeting.

Using his strengths to challenge girls' weaknesses was originally a sure thing, but as a result, who would have thought that little girls are also good at long-distance running.

If he hadn't kept testing the little girl at first and kept his speed, at least there wouldn't be that big of a gap, but he was dragged and exhausted at first, so he lost a crushing defeat in the end.

He was unwilling to lose, Sun Shilin put his hands on the runway to support his frame, his shoulders trembled.

"Sun Shilin, get up for a walk, loosen your muscles..."

A few boys who were close to him ran to the runway to support classmate Sun, carried him to the grass to lay flat, some pressed his calves, some rubbed his arms.

Sun Shilin was lying on his back, sweat dripping from his face. During the long-distance running, most of his clothes were soaked with sweat, and almost all of them were soaked in sweat.

Two people from the sports department went to see classmate Sun and confirmed that he was just collapsed and had no adverse reactions such as vomiting blood.

And Le Yun did not stop immediately after hitting the red rope, because of inertia and continued to run forward, only the speed slowed down and stopped after running for a while.


"Little Beauty—"

"Little Lolita-"

Chao Yubo chased after him, Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang chased after him, and a large group of people surrounded the little girl.

"Get moving quickly so you don't get cramps."

"Is there any discomfort?"

The people around them screamed nervously.

Le Yun stopped her feet, wiped off the sweat, and was blocked by someone, she was speechless for a while. When she ran across the finish line, she was able to stop the momentum at that time, because a sudden stop would easily hurt her legs and feet. For the sake of safety, she only Buffered dozens of steps.

She was fine at all, but a bunch of people were more nervous than she was, so she was overwhelmed, so she jumped gently and rubbed her wrists: "It's fine, I'm fine, don't be nervous."

"Is it all right?"

"Except for the rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing, do you think I look like something is wrong?"

"Okay, you're fine, you can move on."

The boys step aside to make room for the little loli.

What did she eat to grow up?Liu Xiangyang took a closer look. Apart from her flushed face and panting, the little beauty showed no signs of exhaustion. He suspected that she didn't eat the same rice as them, so her physical fitness was so good.

Simply monster!
After careful observation, I found that the little beauty was running out of breath, but she was only sweating slightly, and there was no sweat pouring down, which made Liu Shao feel so jealous that he wanted to raise his middle finger. Half-dead and paralyzed into a dog, the little beauty seems to have spare strength. Did God make the little beauty into a running machine?

The dragon eye behind Yan Xing's sunglasses hides shock, the physique of the little loli is too strong!No wonder she dared to haunt Shennong Mountain alone. With such a speed and such a strange power, she was not afraid of beasts and people when she walked among the mountains alone.

Neither student Chao nor the boys went to massage and rub her hands and feet. After all, classmate Le was a girl, and a little girl with pink and tender skin. No matter who ran to rub her hands and feet, there would be a Feeling cheap.

Therefore, the boys only talked about how to activate the blood and prevent cramps, and no one took the opportunity to wipe the oil and eat tofu.

She moved her hands and feet and rubbed her calf. Le Yun felt that everything was business as usual. She was afraid that Brother Chao and the classmates in the military training class would be worried. She still did as the classmates said. People rushed up and hurried up and stayed behind.

The staff of the sports department did their job well and waited for the parties to arrive; the crowd of melon eaters onlookers also waited at the finish line. Although the outcome was already decided, they knew that it was different from the official announcement. The official announcement was even more exciting.

The crowd watching the excitement saw a group of people hugging the little girl over, everyone was very... tangled, they said they couldn't run and then gave up, and they said they gave up when they were tired. As a result, they counterattacked perfectly.

You see, it was the defense students who had the upper hand and showed a sure-win situation from the very beginning. In the end, the challenger didn't finish the entire distance, and the challenger was dumped by the challenger for a few laps. This is God's rebellion.

Many people touched their faces, um, I wonder if the defense students' faces hurt?

It hurts, why doesn't it hurt?The national defense students had a burning pain in their faces. They had no doubt that Sun Shilin would win. After all, under normal circumstances, boys’ physical fitness was always better than girls’. Moreover, Sun Shilin privately boasted that he was going to win, but the so-called steady victory turned into a crushing defeat.

In the face of the tragic reality, the national defense students were beaten in the face and hurt, so they all kept a low profile. Some people went to take care of Sun, while others were waiting for the result.

Wang Xiuwen and Bian Yuan walked to the runway to represent the challengers and waited for the sports ministry to announce the result. Sun Shilin would simply walk for a while, and they were the only ones representing the challengers.

Le Yun stood on the other side, facing the two defense students, on different runways, separated by the runway boundary.

"Is Student Sun okay?" Le is a kind person, showing friendly concern to the challenger.

is a good boy!
The audience immediately learned that Little Loli is an angel. You see, she was challenged and won. She didn't step on each other to cheer, she didn't laugh and mock, and she cared about her opponent. How kind-hearted and how pure and innocent her heart was.

"...It's okay." Wang Xiuwen's back was tense, and his nerves were tense. After a while, he gritted his teeth and uttered two words. He hated him very much. She trampled Sun Shilin so badly. How dare you care?The weasel pays New Year's greetings to the rooster - not at ease.

Bian Yuan's eyes did not leave Classmate Le, and he kept observing. She smiled slightly, and he smiled naively.

The head referee stood on the middle line of the challengers. The timekeepers and recorders were on the left and right. The timekeeper first announced: "The total time is 37 minutes, 21 seconds and 42 seconds."

"Le Yun ran 37 laps in 21 minutes, 42 seconds and 25 minutes."


The recorder reports laps and times.

In the same amount of time, Le ran three laps and [-] meters longer than Sun, and overwhelmed Sun with an overwhelming advantage.

The most important thing is that Classmate Le was the challenged and finished the entire race within the specified time limit, while Classmate Sun, who was the challenger Fang, was still more than three laps away. Finished running inside.

"Sports Department's ruling: Long-distance running challenge, Le Yun wins!" The referee announced the result.


"Elementary school girl, you won."

"Little Lolita, it's too awesome."

"God's counterattack, give you a knee."

The belated congratulations and applause came like a tide, especially the science and engineering students clapped very hard. The liberal arts students challenged the science students, and the science students won, and the elementary school girls helped them live up to their expectations.

"Xiao Le, amazing." Professor Wan Cheng smiled very happily. His primary school student got full marks in his exams, and he won the challenge race so beautifully.

It was finally announced that she was free, and Le Yun jumped quickly, passed in front of several people, jumped up to the old professor, grabbed the teacher's old arm cover, and her eyes were shining: "Professor, your student If you win, you can give some incentives to encourage it."

The person next to him stared blankly, begging for a reward, what is this?
Everyone felt that the cute image of the little loli lost a bit of luster in an instant.Everyone looked at the young president in unison, and found that he had a bright smile and no strange colors.

"Brother Chao, what do you say?" Li Yubo quietly touched Brother Chao's elbow, why would a primary school girl run to ask for a reward in public.

"Don't be dry, Lele won't mess around. It is estimated that she found something she is interested in from the teacher." The boy whispered, like a gentle breeze and drizzle, like a spring rain moistening things silently.

Li Yubo nodded, he was just afraid that the elementary school girl would do something detrimental to her image and attract criticism. Brother Chao said that Little Loli would not mess around, so he was relieved, he believed in Brother Chao.

"Xiao Le, what reward do you want?" Professor Wan Cheng laughed.

"The professor knows taekwondo, right?"

The expressions of old and young are so colorful, the reward that the little girl wants is to learn taekwondo, right?

"Yeah, I know taekwondo, Xiaole wants to learn?" Professor Wan Cheng's face turned into a flower with his old smile. He tried so hard to entice the pupils to reveal the secret of a certain prescription. Take the chance.

"Yes, I want to learn. If I learn taekwondo, I won't be afraid of hooligans and terrorists when I go out in the future. When I meet a bad guy, I'll hit him with a left hook and a right kick."

Le Yun did a few fist-flying and kick-flying moves, and she was very happy.

At this moment, the men and women onlookers finally determined that the reward the little girl wanted was to learn boxing, and they couldn't help crying and laughing.

People from the sports department look up to the sky, little Lolita doesn't play cards according to the rules of the cards, she really is a guy who is not stable and speculative, and can't gamble, like this kind of person who you can't imagine what she will do next, Whoever wants to bet on her may lose the whole family.

"Little beauty, I can also taekwondo. You want to learn from me and I will teach you." Liu Xiangyang and Yan Mou stood aside, originally watching, when they heard that the little girl wanted to learn boxing, she jumped up excitedly, and Mao Tun suggested herself to be a teacher .

"Then whoever you go to, don't rob my students. Come here, Xiaolele. Your teacher, I do know Taekwondo, and I'm not a master, either." Professor Wan Cheng happily threw his hole card.

Professor Zhai, Professor Fu and their apprentice want to cover their faces, but you are not the most senior, so proud and not blushing?

"Brother Liu, what level are you?" Le Yun blinked and looked back with a smile like a mountain flower ******* Your teacher is a little bit more powerful, with a black belt of [-]th dan. "Liu Xiangyang was triumphant.

"Little Lele, don't listen to him, he's a young man, it's not safe for you to learn martial arts with him, what should he do if he takes advantage of you? You want to learn taekwondo, but he doesn't have to do his best to teach you, of course the teacher is Let me teach you." Professor Wan Cheng fiercely threw the knife at the young man with sunglasses, how could the stinky boy come and rob his students, whoever has a scalpel, bring a knife, he will shoot a flying knife!

"Yes, handsome Liu is a man, I'd better learn from the teacher to be safe. Professor, you have to remember this important event. After my military training is over, I will go to you to learn it when I have time. I'll learn from Shuai Liu." Le Yun thought about it and felt that it was reasonable, that guy Liu Shuai is too thick-skinned, if she learned boxing from him, he wouldn't have to go to eat every day.

Of course, she can't directly cut off the back road, leaving some room. In case the professor is too busy, she can also find handsome Liu, and it is also good for him to be the backup teacher.

"Okay, okay." Although it was a post-fill, Liu Xiangyang didn't mind at all, and happily agreed. The professors of Qingda University were very busy, and often spent ten days and a half in the laboratory and couldn't get out. Without her teacher, it was his chance at that time, and I felt that the future was very bright.

Yan Xing squinted at someone Liu, a little unhappy, he can also taekwondo, more advanced than someone Liu, he can actually teach little Loli.

Obviously he is his primary school student, what is that kid robbing?Professor Wan Cheng's desire to shoot flying knives is even stronger. He wants to use the young man as a target, shoot him with hundreds of flying knives, and stab him with holes all over his body.

Le Yun achieved her goal and ran back to Brother Chao with a smile: "Seniors, you can start the next challenge. After the competition is over, I'd better go back and read."

The little girl spoke lightly, and Wang Xiuwen was so angry that the veins in his temples throbbed, and the little girl didn't take her opponent seriously.

"Classmate Le, can your situation withstand the next challenge?" Everyone in the sports department was worried. It would be their dereliction of duty if the primary school girl suffered irreversible physical injuries due to vigorous exercise under their supervision.

"definitely no problem."

"Well, we respect your choice." Li Yubo saw that President Chao also acquiesced and agreed to the next challenge.

"The next one is coming!"

"The excitement will begin again."

Watching the excitement, lest others not know, shouted angrily.

A large group of people drove to the football field in the middle of the circular track. The middle field was full of Asakusa. They could sit and lie down, and do push-ups with their palms on the ground without hurting their hands.

The crowd moved like a cloud.

Sun Shilin was massaged by his classmates. After a long time, his sore and stiff calf became conscious. He stood up and tried to move. He just got used to being able to walk. Guessed that the push-up project was going to be performed, and with the help of the classmates, I also went to watch it.

There were a lot of onlookers. When they stopped in the stadium, they formed a big circle. There were three circles inside and three circles outside, and a place was surrounded by water.

Sun Shilin and his classmates rushed out of the circle, unable to squeeze in, and sat on the sidelines with the onlookers who also couldn't squeeze in.

The staff of the sports department, the parties, President Chao, the youth with two sunglasses, and the instructors stood in the circle. The professors and teachers, the rest of the student union, and members of the community were at the innermost level of the circle, and Bian Yuan also stood in the circle. Defense students are at the forefront.

Wearing a hat when doing push-ups is a bit of a hindrance, so the youth president took off the hat on the little girl's head and helped her hold it in his hand.

For the convenience of the competition, Le and Wang put their clothes on their waists and prepare for the battle.

When running, the little girl's casual shirt hides her advantage, she is running

Girl: "..." The skin is so good and the figure is so good, this is sent by God to attack people, right?By the way, what kind of skin care product did classmate Le use, and he didn't get a tan after ten days of military training?
It was also a military training. Nine out of ten boys and girls among the freshmen were sunburnt. Even if the girls covered up with make-up, their exposed arms and legs were iron-clad, but Classmate Le’s arms were as tender and white as her face.

Beauty-loving, the nature of girls, girls' attention shifted from Le's body advantage to the skin, and immediately began to think about which sunscreen Le was using, thinking about whether they should find a time to ask them. .

Boys who don't have girlfriends: "!" Wow, cute and cute little loli with big breasts, if you continue to develop, it will be a goddess level!

The boys are deeply regretful, but it is a pity that Little Loli is too young, not yet an adult. If you want to pursue her as a little girlfriend, you have to wait for two years before you can make a move; the old students are even more resentful. They're just graduating or nearly graduating, and they're just heartbroken.

Le Shiyun's eyes hurt, the little girl is so small and her figure is so good, she is born with disaster!
The two students are ready. The staff of the sports department will explain the rules. The challenge time is limited to 10 minutes, and the standard push-ups are performed. Within the time limit, whoever falls on the ground for 30 seconds will be considered a loser.

After explaining the rules, the challenger and the challenged stand side by side on the same straight line with a distance of 1.5 meters between them. The timekeeper and the counter stand opposite to each other.

"Liu Shao, when it comes to mastering push-ups, no one must be more precise than you. It's hard for you to be the director and supervise whether the movements of the two classmates are in place." Before the start, the beautiful young smiling La Liu Shao went into the water.

"No problem." Liu Xiangyang quickly took off his sunglasses, stuffed his glasses and backpack with Yan, and ran to the boys and girls with the most handsome smile: "I'll show you an example, and you'll take pictures later. This standard action is executed, the requirements are not in place, and a push-up count is deducted."

I go!Guys and girls, old and young men collectively rolled their eyes, that handsome guy, although you are very handsome, but you don't bring such a prank?

Liu Shaocai didn't care whether others were happy or not. He was happy. He walked to the space between the two, stood still, and threw himself on the ground.

Support the ground with full palm support, hands shoulder-width apart, toes support the ground, then bend down, elbows bent, head, waist and feet in a straight line.

"Alright, keep your whole body upright, your body should be in the same straight line, down, your chest and abdomen touch the ground, and then return to the original position." Liu Xiangyang explained while demonstrating, demonstrated three times, jumped up, and clapped his hands in a dashing manner: "Come on , Now you try it again, um, you are not professionals, you can first throw your body on the ground, and then support the stand with your hands, so as not to accidentally break your arm."

"..." Handsome guy, can you stop being so scary?
Wang Xiuwen lay down, supported the ground with his hands, and adjusted to standard movements.

"Well, the boys' performance is fairly standard. It can be seen that they have been trained. The only thing is that the head is a little higher and a little lower. Well, that's it." Liu Shao, with the high attitude of a general and a trainer, pointed his finger at the boy in an upright manner.

Wang Xiuwen tried several times, and he fell down and stood up again without being picked on.

Le Yun jumped forward, and when she was about to touch the ground, she put her hands on the ground, bowed her head, lowered her waist, straightened her whole body, lowered it evenly, touched the grass, raised her level again, and fell flat.

Everyone: "..." It's so heartbreaking to learn to sell now and to learn so well.

Yan Xing: "..." Little Lolita copied Liu's movements perfectly, and he couldn't fault it.

"This is too standard, isn't it? Stealing a teacher is not so fast, it makes people feel frustrated." Liu Xiangyangjun's face is wrinkled, if everyone is like this, why don't he drink the northwest wind?
"It's so simple, it's not technical at all." Le Yun got up neatly and rubbed her palms.

Heartbroken, everyone feels heartbroken.

Wang Xiuwen's heart tensed. The little girl looked like she was practicing regularly. The situation was not good!
Push-ups are the best exercise for men, but not suitable for women. When they were challenged, they studied for a long time before they picked three unpopular items. They decided that little girls were not good at it. Unexpectedly, the first two seemed to be miscalculated.

The sense of urgency floated over, and Wang Xiuwen's nerves were tense.

"Please be prepared, two students." The referees didn't ask people to wait for a long time, and reminded them to be prepared.

Two people stand up, the counters are in place, one has two counters, one stands in front of the challengers, the other sits between the two sides, sitting back to back, one counts clearly, the other wears headphones, counts silently. .

Bystanders can also help covertly count.

"Get in place."

A man and a woman pounced down, posing in a standard pose.

"Prepare, three, two, start!" After confirming the standard posture, the chief referee gave the order.

The two people who had been in place for a long time, lowered their bodies, began to fall to the ground, reset, fall to the ground, reset...

"One, two, three, four, five..." The counter quickly counted.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao also counted silently; Liu Shao stared at the two of them, and after a while, he realized that someone was playing tricks, and he immediately shouted: "The boy is cheating and slipping, only his abdomen touches the ground when he lowers, and his upper body and calf are not in place. , deduct a number."

Wang Ziqiang almost wanted to scold people. If you don't speak, others will know that you have sharp eyes, so you don't need to shout.

Wang Xiuwen shook his hand and almost fell to the ground, hurriedly stabilizing, not daring to cut corners again.

"Three-four, three-five..." Facing Wang's counter, he said quickly.

The counter in front of Classmate Le read quickly, "43, 44..." He hardly paused.

In order not to interfere with the counting of workers, the audience did not make a sound. They only used mobile phones to shoot, and there were only the voices of several people in the circle.

The sun shines down, and everyone is bathed in the sun. Many mobile phones reflect the light and dazzle people's eyes. A man and a woman are standing on the ground, ups and downs, and you can hear the exhalation sound of "huhu".

The little girl pulled it into a flat plate, rising and falling, very stable. The sun shone on her slender legs, like shining white jade, bright and bright.

The boy had thick legs and long hair. He straightened up, lowered abruptly, and rose. His face and arms were covered in sweat. The sweat on his arms was the most obvious. It slipped down his arms, and the backs of his hands were covered in water.

A lot of people want to step on someone the more they see it. They really want to jump over and step on the back of a male classmate and put him on the ground. That look is detrimental to the appearance. Well, they just want to watch the little girl do sports. The slender legs are simply works of art.

Liu Shao and Yan Shao have nothing to say. Little Loli is a genius. She rises and falls flat, and the height of each action is the same. You can't pick out the wrong position. The frequency, although it is a little worse than them, is absolutely Not the average trained person can compete with it.

When he heard Classmate Le counted to 100, Wang Xiuwen panicked and anxious, sweating like beans, his eyes hurt from the heat, he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and tried hard to go down-up-down...

At 480, Wang Xiuwen's hands were sore and sore. When he descended, his hands softened and he hugged the grass.

"One, two, three..." The person who was guarding him from falling down to count the time immediately looked at his watch.

"Wang Xiuwen get up!"

"Student Wang, get up!"

"Student Wang insist!"

When the national defense students heard that the number of the little girl had surpassed that of classmate Wang, they could only be anxious.

Lie well!
Many people who just wanted to appreciate the little girl's performance secretly applauded, whoever, just lie down and let the little girl come alone.

The national defense students were so anxious and shouted incessantly that Wang Xiuwen's back was stiff and he wanted to stand up. He couldn't use his hands, and the more he couldn't, the more anxious, the more anxious, the weaker he became, forming a vicious circle. He was so anxious. His eyes were red, but he couldn't hold it up.

"...687, 688, 689..." The counter on Student Wang's side had stopped counting, and the counter in charge of Classmate Le reported the numbers very quickly, and the numbers hit people's hearts one after another.

Counting the seconds, just counting how many seconds passed, counting to 25 seconds, Wang still couldn't stand up, 28 seconds, Wang failed the eighth attempt, 29 seconds, 30 seconds, he still couldn't stand up.

31 seconds, 32 seconds, the counting staff stopped counting, Minister Li calmly announced: "Student Wang Xiuwen fell on the ground for 32 seconds, it is considered as a waiver."

Wang Xiuwen wanted to support his hands, put them down softly, and collapsed to the ground. After three challenges, they lost two, and they were powerless to recover.

Watching the excitement whispered how many push-ups the classmate Le could do.

"One minute and 28 seconds left." The timekeeper announced how much time was left.

"...700..." The counter just reported seven hundred integers, and the little girl jumped to the ground and sat on the ground, and stopped doing it: "Okay, it's alright."

The audience, alas, they haven't seen enough!
"It's ok, 220 more and a nice win."

"Ha, there's no need to continue, I won."

Although I haven't seen enough, it's still very good. Classmate Le is very personable. If he wins, he will leave some dignity for the boys before the time is up.

Wang Ziqiang almost wanted to vomit blood. He lost two battles in three battles, and his strength was not as good as others.It simply humiliated the defense students.

Han Yuntao is not very good. The little girl has won two games. I just hope that the defense students can win the next game. Even if they can't win, it will be a draw. I just hope that if the little girl has the ability to win, she can show mercy. Put some water in and make everyone look better.

Chao Yubo stepped forward quickly, took out a towel from his backpack and wiped Xiao Lele's sweat: "Lele, does your hand hurt?"

Yan Xing stared at Little Lolita's hand. Little Lolita with thin arms and legs could support it for so long. That's called perseverance. Boys should study hard.

"The boy has to do a push-up. He had an irregular movement once." When the staff was counting the numbers, Liu Shao jumped over to remind him.

"..." Guys, look at the sky, handsome guy, it doesn't matter whether you deduct the number or not, anyway, there is not much more, it can't support the beam.

Wang Xiuwen, who originally wanted to get up, fell down again when he heard that sentence, and two of the national defense students ran out to help classmate Wang.

"Well, there are 480 students Wang Xiuwen, one is not standard, and one push-up is deducted. The total number is 479." The referee is very fair, and the deduction must be deducted.

Wang Ziqiang secretly hates, isn't it just a push-up, need to be so preoccupied?

In fact, the number of push-ups does not play a big role. It can be deducted or not, but the meanings are different. If it is deducted, it means that the boy's movements are not standardized.

Le Yun wiped her face with a towel, ignoring the public's eyes, took off her shoes and rubbed her toes. Push-ups were all supported by her hands and toes, and her toes were very painful.

Yan Xing stood beside him and saw Little Loli showing her little feet, and had an urge to help her put on her shoes. He went to Little Loli's dormitory for a meal and saw that she was wearing slippers, but her feet were very small, because she wore slippers, Only see part, not too much impact.

But now, the little loli took off her shoes and did not wear a scorpion, revealing her complete feet. A pair of slender feet were small and compact, the insteps were thick, the feet were as delicate as the calves, the toes were round and small, and the nails were cut very short. The feet are very white and tender.

So small feet should be hidden, it would be too bad for people to see, Yan Xing especially didn't like the way other people looked at the little loli's feet.

Classmate Le didn't know what other people thought. He rubbed his numb toes and put on his shoes. Because his hands were picking his feet, it was difficult to touch his face, and he looked at the beautiful boy embarrassedly.

Chao Yubo understood her meaning, touched the backpack, took out a bottle of water, and poured it for Lele to wash his paws.

Xian cleaned her hands, and Le Yun took a sip of water and finally remembered the business. She noticed that many people were staring at her and laughing unpredictably, and quietly moved closer to brother Chao. Safety.

Wang Xiuwen was helped by his classmates, and he was also rubbing his elbows and feet. His condition was very serious. No matter how much he rubbed, his hands and feet were numb, and he couldn't recover blood for a long time.

Both parties were at the scene. People from the sports department decisively announced the results. Zhao Guoxing's voice was loud: "Le Yun took 8 minutes and 32 seconds to do 700 push-ups; Wang Xiuwen took 8 minutes and 32 seconds to do 479 push-ups. The verdict is as follows: Game [-] Challenge, Le Yun wins!"

"Two wins and two wins, little Loli is amazing."

"It's the female god of war."

Watching the lively whistle, full of enthusiasm.

"I lost again!" Hearing the referee's announcement, Sun Shilin, who was outside the circle, turned gray and lost.

The national defense students really want to disappear collectively, and after repeated defeats, teach them how to see senior national defense students.

The second challenge is over, and the last one remains.

"Next time, next time!"

"Next time, come quickly."

"Thanks for the flowers I waited for."

"Classmate Le, make persistent efforts!"

"Little Loli, come to a complete victory!"

The audience was delighted and shouted excitedly.

The defense students were so angry that they vomited three liters of blood. What do you mean?
The audience was so happy, Professor Wan Cheng and others stopped speaking, and let the students liven up, so they just watched and acted as quiet and graceful spectators.

Others are in a hurry, but the people in the sports department are not in a hurry. Even if Le is very relaxed and doesn't feel uncomfortable, they don't dare to take it lightly. They want to give her time to rest to recover her strength to cope with the last challenge.

The last game is also the most anticipated. When we saw Bian's size, everyone didn't have any hope of winning. However, in the previous two games, everyone thought that Le's winning rate was not high, and she ended up with an absolute advantage. To win, so, now, everyone feels that the outcome of wrestling is unpredictable.

After a 15-minute break, at the request of the public, the last challenge begins.

(End of this chapter)

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