magic eye doctor

Chapter 143 One more win

Chapter 143 Another victory

There are many cute differences in this world, for example, tall and short cute, fat and thin cute, beautiful and ugly, and big and small. .

Bian Yuanbian's classmate is big, and he is tall and big. He stands there, like a small steel tower rising from the ground, with a heroic arrogance like a powerful and unparalleled hero.

Le Yunle's little classmate is petite and slender. She stands on the ground, like a newly planted sapling that has just sprouted and sprouts. She is quiet and indifferent to the world.

Student Bian is about 1.8 meters tall, and Student Le is only 1.5 meters. There is a height difference of more than [-] centimeters. One is like a telephone pole and the other is like a corn stalk, forming the cutest height difference;
Boys are as strong as cows, Kong Wu is powerful, girls have thin skin and tender meat, crisp as tofu, one looks as strong as a mountain, and the other looks weak as a willow, the two form a difference in strength;
Classmate Bian is tall, with round waist and thick legs, dark skin, mature and stable, Classmate Le is a slender person, with thin arms and thin legs. The two people are not far apart, one looks like an adult, the other looks like a child, and they are cute.

One big and one small, one tall and one short, one strong and one weak, one male and one female, one should look up and the other should look down. The contrast makes everyone laugh the more they look at them, and the more they look at them, the more interesting they are, so cute, right?

The onlookers were having fun, and the staff of the sports department were busy. They had to set up the venue, draw a circle that restricted the activities of wrestlers, and a protection circle.

Yan Shao held the camera and took pictures of the audience calmly. Liu Da Shao rolled his eyes, looking at the defense students, with a particularly beautiful smile.

"Liu Shao, what do you think of this year's National Defense students?" The delicate teenager found that Liu Da Shao was interested in the national defense students, and asked him his opinion in a light description.

As soon as the young president opened his mouth, Wang Ziqiang's heart tightened slightly. President Chao wouldn't want to invite that handsome young man to guide the defense students, would he?
Yan Xing glanced sideways at the Chao family boy. The boy's brows and eyes were soft and his smile was like a spring breeze. You can't guess his emotions and desires.

Xiao Chao has a conspiracy?
At first hearing that, Liu Xiangyang had an intuition that the little princess of the Chao family had a conspiracy, and he immediately became alert in the dark. The smile on Jun's face remained undiminished: "National defense students are all talents that are picked out of a hundred miles, and naturally they are all good seedlings."

"Liu Shao thinks so too. It's great. I also think that the defense students and juniors are rare talents. In order to raise the most outstanding talents for the army, I would like to ask Liu Shao to help make time for it. National defense students have a few classes and give pointers to national defense students, what does Liu Shao think?"

The boy's voice was like the spring breeze, warm and moist like the sun, and he did not shy away from everyone. In front of countless boys and girls, he said that he wanted to invite someone to teach the national defense students, and his behavior was open and aboveboard.

That worrying behavior for the national defense students also made ordinary students jealous. How much the student council president cares about the national defense students, such as teachers and teachers, the national defense students are too lucky.

Especially for the freshmen, the image of the student council president in their minds has risen to a higher level. With such a good student council president, the interests of the students are guaranteed.

The student union and the members of the various departments are extremely delicious, and the president helps the defense students to benefit, the president is biased!National defense and whatever, they are all bad guys who come to grab resources.

The national defense students were instantly excited. President Chao wanted to cultivate them. President Chao is such a good person!
Wang Ziqiang was agitated, and his heartstrings were tense. That young man with sunglasses turned out to be a soldier? !
Han Yuntao, Liu Zhenjun and others were also surprised. They thought that the person who appeared with President Chao was a privileged person, but they didn't expect that he was really a privileged person, or a very special privileged person.

Several people looked at another young man with sunglasses, and the handsome young man surnamed Liu was a soldier who went to Qingda University for further study, so the other must also be a soldier.

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo were also Huo Wu in the midst of lightning and flint. The two who were with President Chao must have high official positions, at least not lower than them. Otherwise, if they were lower than them, then seeing their major-level epaulets, the total Three points to respect.

I see!Yan Xing knew it, no wonder Xiao Chao would acquiesce that they would follow him. It turned out that he wanted Liu to be a free laborer. Xiao Chao knew how to use resources very well.They stayed at Qingda University, and Xiaochao probably planned to use them as coolies at any time. If they weren't careful, they would be fooled.

"Yo, Xiao Chao, I'm just a freshman, and I have seven or eight homework. I'm so busy every day that I can't find time. Besides, I don't know much about how to educate national defense students. In order not to delay the success of the national defense students, please find another elite person to guide the national defense students." Liu Xiangyang straightened his heart and said that the little princess of the Chao family has a dark heart and is always planning how to cheat people. , I really want to cheat him now.

"That's right, then I don't force it. I can't invite a model like Liu Shao to give lectures to the national defense students. It is the legacy of the national defense students. I will visit the other elite soldiers in the afternoon."

The young man's eyes flashed, hehe, can't think of anything?Just wait and see.

Liu Xiangyang breathed a sigh of relief in secret. Fortunately, Xiao Chao didn't invite him again. If he insisted, he would not know whether to accept or reject.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw the young man turn his face with a smile and looked at one place: "Senior Chen, are you free this afternoon? I want to ask the senior to do me a favor."

The instructors turned their eyes and looked in the direction the youth president was looking at, wondering where the youth president was looking for.

Chen Shuyuan, who was standing with the professors, didn't need to call him by his full name from classmate Chao. He knew that he was talking to him, and he immediately responded: "Yes, yes, I am free in the afternoon, what can I do for you? Instruct the defense students. I can't stop that kind of big thing, but I have to do my best for other things."

Professor Zhai: "..." The stinky boy, he is not a good young man.

"Lele's family sent her winter clothes and some medicinal materials a few days ago. I was originally scheduled to go shopping with Lele this afternoon, but now I'm delayed a lot by the things here. 04:30 Student Union There is a friendly football game, and I still need to visit a few seniors, and it seems that I don’t have time to go out now, so I want to ask Senior Chen to help me go shopping in the supermarket.”

The young man's voice is elegant and moving, soft and pleasant like the sound of a piano, and the tone is neither fast nor slow, even if he is talking about trivial matters in life, it feels like he is listening to a book, and listening to it makes people feel at ease.

what? !

Liu Xiangyang was suddenly startled, and the little beauty's family has sent medicinal materials again?

Chen Xueyuan's eyes were like lit torches, and he understood that what little Loli junior sister sent was the kind of delicious herbs for cooking, and Xiao Chao asked him to go to the supermarket to ask him to buy vegetables.

"No problem, I'll go there later. Send me a list of what you need to buy." Who would refuse such a good job?Whoever refuses is a fool of Tianzi No. [-].

"Okay, I'll send it to you later. Seniors don't need to be in a hurry. When the challenge is over, Lele will go back to the dormitory to change after sweating, and then she will read. She likes to be quiet when reading and doesn't like to be disturbed. It ends around 05:30, and there is still time for the senior to go shopping around [-] o'clock, and we will go there together when I come back."

"Yeah, okay, I'll wait for you in front of the building after 25:[-]." Chen Shuyuan suppressed his joy, and nodded solemnly, it was exactly what he thought, yum, there is delicious food again at night, so happy.

Talented man Jun smiled and didn't rush. With Senior Chen's share, of course he couldn't run. The reason why he didn't ask him to run errands was because he also had to accompany the student union league, and he couldn't find time to go out either.

The audience didn't know the inside story, but it was a pleasure to listen to them chatting, so it was very pleasant to eavesdrop on the small interactions between the members of the student council that were usually not heard, and I was very excited. The president of the student council is also very gentle in life.

The three professors and several teachers secretly flicked their fingers, um, they want to flatter people, today is Teacher's Day, okay, the stinky children don't invite the teachers to celebrate the victory dinner of Lexiao classmates for picking boys, one by one wants to be alone Sudden meeting, damn it!

No matter how stupid Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang are, they understand that the herbs Xiao Chao said must be the ones that the little girl said they had eaten up.
"Little Chao, you just said you wanted to invite someone to teach the defense students, right? I can't find time for class, so I can still set aside one or two nights a week to teach the defense students. Even spending half a day on the weekend to give pointers to national defense students is no defense." Liu Xiangyang rolled his eyes, with a sincere and handsome face, and leaned over to bring up the old things again.

Everyone was stunned, who, didn't you just refuse?Why are you taking the initiative to ask for help now? You are repeating this over and over again. Is it really a military style?

They felt that they saw a fake soldier. Although the soldier brother was very handsome and stalwart, the style of painting and the style of the soldier were obviously not the same channel.
Everyone should just watch the drama in their spare time. Today is really a good day. First, there was a lively challenge from Little Loli, and now there is a lively drama from President Chao. Life can't be happier.

The staff of the sports department drew a good circle, because President Chao was talking about matters related to the national defense students, and they were not in a hurry to start the challenge competition.

Wang Ziqiang was very nervous. He couldn't guess the position of the young man, let alone which army he belonged to. If it was someone from some special forces, if the young man really taught the national defense students, the national defense students would definitely have bad luck.

The national defense students didn't know the hardships of the instructor at all. They were all looking forward to it. Listening to Chairman Chao's tone, the handsome officer must have a lot of identity. If he is an officer of some special forces, come to teach them to see how well they are doing. , maybe they will have the opportunity to be recruited into those special special teams.

Yan Xing felt that Mr. Liu was getting more and more witty. The man could bend and stretch, and he could advance or retreat for the purpose. Mr. Liu's ability to adapt to changes was getting stronger and stronger, and he really was his good brother.

"Liu Shao is busy with homework, how can I bother you, Liu Shao don't have to worry, this year, several elite officers are studying in Qingda University. They take classes, instruct the younger generation to grow up, and cultivate more outstanding talents for the country. Those senior advanced students are all elites like Liu Shao. Please ask one of them to take a class, and the national defense students will also benefit. endless."

Chao Yubo calmly declined, humming, didn't he just say he was not free?If you don't have time, don't come over. People, he can find them, but it's because his understanding of those people is not as deep as his understanding of Liu Shao.

"Xiao Chao, you see that the trainees are so busy, usually three months or half a year. The time of other military brothers is precious. I'm sorry to ask them to teach the national defense students their time. Well, I need to train for half a year. Above, I have more time than them, and it is my duty to cultivate talents for the country, so it is more appropriate for me to teach the defense students.”

Liu Xiangyang wanted to vomit blood, but he knew it earlier, how good he promised at the beginning, what the hell, he didn't know everything earlier, he didn't know Xiao Chao's intention at first.

He was not willing to ask him to be responsible. Now that he wants to take on the heavy responsibility of education, it is not uncommon for people to vomit blood!
That little princess had figured out that he wanted to squeeze close to the little beauty, so she deliberately didn't talk about the things sent by the little beauty's house, and asked him to point out the defense students. When he refused, the little princess Chao would use the The fact that Lolita's family sent things expresses that asking someone to point out the defense students is actually trying to teach the defense students a lesson, which is too embarrassing.

Being tricked, he still has to smile and pretend he doesn't know, and he has to grab the opportunity. Liu Shao grinds his teeth and really wants to shoot the little princess Chao to death, but he can only think about it, the little princess Chao is the elder brother recognized by the little beauty. After taking a strand of Xiao Chao's hair, the little beauty ignited his acupuncture points, and could torture him in minutes.

"Let's not bother Young Master Liu anymore. Young Master Liu has a heavy class, and at the same time he has to take care of Young Master Yan. Before, I didn't think carefully, which made Young Master Liu embarrassed. Now that I think about it, I'm so embarrassed to work hard for you to point out the defense students."

"Xiao Chao, I don't need him to take care of me. Although I'm seriously injured, I can't move violently, and I can't be overworked. I can still take care of myself in terms of life. Let Xiang Yang guide the defense students. Maybe I can recruit a few special talents for the team. team member." Yan Xing immediately came out to clarify and give his brother a chance.

"Yes, I don't need to take care of Xiaoxingxing." Good brother, enough loyalty!

"Liu Shao and Yan Shao have the country in their hearts, and they do not hesitate to sacrifice their rest time to train talents for the country and take time out of their busy schedules to guide the national defense students, which is admirable. In this way, they will trouble Liu Shao, and they dare not take up too much time for Liu Shao. They can spare one time a week. It's good to go to three or two classes on the second night."

"No trouble, no trouble, no trouble at all. It is a soldier's duty to cultivate reserve talents for the country. I will go to observe and observe first tomorrow morning, and then discuss the course with President Chao." Liu Xiangyang was humble and polite, with a bright smile. When the opportunity comes, he even throws away his integrity. Is it easy for him?Fortunately, the hard work paid off, he finally got the chance back, and next time the little princess Chao asked him for something, he would definitely think twice before making a decision.

"You have to work hard with Lao Liu."


The two happily made a decision, and Liu Shao smiled brightly. Now, there is a reason to go to the little beauty in the evening. It's delicious, please wait for me!
He invited a good teacher for the national defense students. The youth president had a comfortable smile on his brows. His handsome face was as bright as a peach and plum, shining brightly, blinding a large piece of titanium alloy dog's eyes.

Chairman Chao negotiated with a handsome and sunny young man. The defense students felt that a bright door was opening to them, and they almost jumped up with excitement. Great, they have another instructor!

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo exchanged glances, their eyes full of worry. The young man who can bend and stretch is definitely not a vegetarian, and the defense students are worried.

No matter how worried they are, it is useless. They are only military instructors. President Chao is in charge of the party and group work of the national defense students. President Chao invites people to take ideological education classes. It is really normal. Besides, President Chao is still open. It is for the good of the national defense students. It is undoubtedly a good thing to ask senior soldiers to guide the national defense students. Even the teachers of the national defense students of Qingda University will only support and not oppose it.

Professor Wan Cheng and his companions looked at each other, the young man obviously refused, why did he take the initiative to do it later?Can't figure it out, teachers can't figure out the key anyway.

A group of people who have been watching the show for a long time are jealous of the national defense students again. The national defense students are too favored. Not only are they subsidized by the leading army every year, but they can also get scholarships. Even the student union and teachers are very tolerant and partial to the national defense students. Students are privileged.

Le Yun listened to Brother Chao and Liu Shuai arguing, and looked at the sky for N times without a word. Brother Chao did what he said, and really found a tutor for the national defense students. Poor national defense students, I hope they will not be spoiled.

Chairman Chao finally made a deal, and the staff of the sports department also got back to business.

The people inside and outside the third floor couldn't hold back their excitement. Wow, the last game is finally coming. Although there was such a small episode in the middle, it didn't affect everyone's mood to watch the excitement. Didn't I say, good things always come. is worth the wait.

The challenger and the challenged field enter the drawn circle. Regular wrestling competitions have special wrestling mats. It is stipulated that whether it is defense, offense, or escape from opponents, actions are limited to the wrestling mats representing the competition area. Beyond is considered to be out of bounds.

There is no wrestling mat here in the sports department. The grass is used as the mat, and a circle with the same area as the wrestling mat is drawn as the competition area.

The two sides of the challenge enter the competition area, stand face to face, and the distance is very close, and the difference in cuteness is even more obvious.

The smile on Chao Yubo's lips was more helpless, why didn't Xiaolele develop vertically, so petite, it's really easy to be pinched as a soft persimmon.

The young president was anxious about it, and everyone in the sports department was equally stunned. Looking at the comparison, they couldn't bear to look directly.

Wang Xiuwen and the national defense students stood together with a gloomy face. Sun Shilin lost, and he also lost, so there was only one last game left. This game is related to the honor of their national defense students. Can get a round back.

Bian Yuan, who was carrying hope, lowered his head slightly, and his brown eyes were slightly hesitant. The little girl did lose two games, but she seemed too fragile. He was really worried that if he couldn't control his strength, he might hurt her.

The altitude is anxious, Le Yun needs to raise her head slightly to see the face of classmate Bian, look at him up close, look for his weaknesses, and find her best starting point. He is so tall and she is small. To subdue him, she herself could easily fall into his attack range.

Before the wrestling began, the two looked at each other's state and assessed the strength of their opponents.

In a wrestling match, there are three executive referees, one chief referee, one on-court referee, and one side referee. The three executive referees can also ensure that they do not drop or miss every move of the wrestler.

The three executive referees stand in their respective positions and throw cards to decide which of the two wrestlers will attack first.

The method of throwing cards to decide who attacked originally occurred in the case of a play-off final when the two sides of the wrestling competition did not score or the points were tied. When girls attack, others may say that the sports department is biased towards girls.

In such a situation, the sports department simply decided who was attacking and who was defending by throwing cards, which was fair and just.

"Ah, why didn't the goddess of luck take care of the little loli?"

"Elementary school girl, hold on!"

The onlookers were immediately nervous. In the current situation, if the boys have the right to attack first and score first, then the chance of the little loli losing is increased by half. After all, the boys are too strong, and the little girls are so small and have limited strength. They want to overthrow It is very difficult for boys to get points.

When classmate Bian got the right to attack first by tossing the cards, Wang Ziqiang secretly relaxed.

Even if he loses two battles in three battles, he won't be able to pull back the defeat if he can win one game, but at least it won't be zero.

The toss decides that the boy is the main attack, then the little girl is the defender.

Le Yun stood firm, with one leg in front and the other behind, bent down slightly, and blocked with both hands, ready to defend at any time; Bian Yuan took the same posture, waiting for the referee to call to start.

Everything is ready, the referee shouts: "Go!"

When he could attack, Bian Yuan didn't hesitate or make a tentative move. Instead, he leaned forward, reached out and grabbed the little girl's shoulder, and his right leg caught her left foot.

Wrestling is divided into classical style and free style, classical style wrestling, it is forbidden to hold the opponent's waist below the waist, and it is forbidden to do tripping and active use of legs;
In freestyle wrestling, it is allowed to hold the opponent's feet, to do stumbling actions, and to actively use the legs to do actions. Of course, it refers to actions such as hooking, tripping, blocking, etc., but not kicking the opponent.

The pre-match decision was freestyle wrestling, so, except for fouls, hooking and hugging movements were all within the allowable range, and Bian Yuan did not hesitate to trip his opponent's legs with his feet.

Classmate Bian was strong and strong. He leaned over and hugged him. Le Yun felt a sense of oppression, not in terms of strength, but in terms of height and weight. Such a big body was like a piece of wood turned upside down. Don't be nervous.

Because she is the defender, it is impossible to fight like a fight. The opponent will dodge before his fist arrives. She can only passively wait until his attacking skills are in place. She uses skills to throw off or counterattack.

Bian Yuan's two broad hands pressed the little girl's shoulders, restraining her from moving, and his right leg caught her leg and pulled it back with force. On his back, his attack scores.

When his legs caught the little girl's legs and pulled back with force, he found that the little girl's feet seemed to be rooting, and they didn't move at all.

"Bian classmates are great!"

"Put her down!"

The defense students finally saw some hope, and shouted excitedly to bring down the little girl. As long as she was brought down, the classmates in the first round would be defeated.

Yan Xing's contemptuous mouth, a group of superficial and ignorant little hairs!If the little loli is so easy to put down, will she dare to accept the challenge of wrestling?
Weird Little Loli is full of strange strength, and even his skills have not escaped her poisonous hands. She grabbed her ankle and lifted it up and threw it away, making the boy bring her down and dreaming.

For the defense students who stand and talk without back pain, Young Master Yan has a bad impression of them, and he doesn't even have the desire to observe potential, so he is too lazy to give half attention.

The boys in the first class of the medical department held their breath nervously, and the staff of the sports department also raised their hearts. They must be hurt by the little loli, if the little loli, who is tenderer than a peach, is hurt , Chairman Chao 90.00% will go crazy in nine cases, it doesn't matter if the national defense students are punished, they are afraid of being angered.

Li Shao and the others can only hope that Little Loli can counterattack again and throw the big boy down. Anyway, the boy has a round waist and fat shoulders, and it will hurt at most, so there will be no big problem.

When her shoulders were pressed by a pair of hands, Le Yun felt as if she was being held down by an iron block. Her shoulder bones were numb, and the corners of her mouth were crooked in pain. The boy's strength was so strong!
She dared to bet that if she hadn't had a plug-in and gained power out of thin air, she would have been knocked to the ground in the first round, and she wouldn't even have the strength to fight back.

Just as soon as the contact was made, classmate Le judged how strong the opponent's strength was. Just when classmate Bian did not succeed in her first hook and was ready to try again, her hands moved extremely fast, and she twisted the boy's arm and probed with her right leg. out and hooked the boy's left leg.

He was counterattacked in an instant, and Bian Yuan was about to hang the little girl's calf. Who knew that his left leg became numb and suddenly stiffened. Then, he was pulled with a force and his left leg was pulled off the ground. .

His right leg tripped over the little girl's leg, his left leg was hanging in the air, his body lost his balance, and he leaned back.

"Ah?!" The defense students were dumbfounded, and the excited expressions became stiff.


The people who eat melons are stunned. Who, is anyone here to explain to them what is going on?

"Beautiful!" Seeing that the boy fell in the air, Liu Shao praised it. Good job, the defensive counterattack was successful!
What is it called?Can't you just relax?Yan Xing's foot moved, but he wanted to step on Liu's foot, but he held it back. He didn't find it strange at all, the strange little loli has a terrible strange power. If she can't defeat her opponent, he will doubt it. Has her magic power disappeared?

Wang Ziqiang saw classmate Bian attacking and restraining the little girl. He thought he was stable, but he was reversed in a second. His face turned black, and his facial muscles were shaken twice. Under such circumstances, he could still be defended. Fang's counterattack was successful. Is classmate Bian really Mongolian?
Porda-Bian's strong body fell to the ground with a slam, and the whole back and the lawn kissed intimately, and the little girl who stumbled on him also rushed down.

Classmate Le didn't fully jump on the boy. Her hands were tangled with the boy's arms, supporting her upper body to hang in the air, with one leg bent on the boy's abdomen.

The poses of the two were fixed.

"..." The onlookers were dumbfounded, that posture... um, so indescribable.

Chao Yubo's tense nerves relaxed slightly. Fortunately, Xiao Lele didn't fall on the male classmate. She is a girl.

The referee squatted down and waited for the students to counterattack. If the boy could turn over within a second after falling to the ground, and could attack again, if he was pressed on the ground on his shoulders and back for a second, then the other side would win.

Le Yun knew the rules, so she pressed her opponent down on her shoulders and back, preventing him from getting up.

Bian Yuan, who was facing the sky, looked at the white light above his head: "..." He felt that his opponent was a fake girl.

After a second, the referee judges the girl to win.

Le Yun let go of classmate Bian and stood up by herself; classmate Bian also jumped up.

The chief referee walked up to the two of them, grabbed the girl's hand and held it high: "Let's win!" After a pause, he announced: "According to the special way of winning in the wrestling rules, Le Yun won the whole match, and the sports department ruled. : In the third challenge, Le Yun wins!"

A regular wrestling match is divided into three rounds, and each time is limited to 2 minutes. Considering that the two parties are not professionals, the sports department has set a time limit of 10 minutes, which is actually an extra extension of time.

There are several special ways to win in wrestling, one of which is that either side of the game throws the other side on its shoulders, and at the same time controls the other side to make it on their shoulders for one second, and the controller wins the whole game.

That is to say, once that happens, no matter how many games in a game, the whole game is over, and at the same time, regardless of whether the other side has scored points before, it will be the loser.

Men, women and children: "..." Is this the end? !
What, they haven't seen it clearly, have they?
People watching the fun, you look at me and look at you, blinking blankly, only one game is over, and it's over?Who can explain the mystery?

Wang Ziqiang's entire face was black, and he didn't say anything. He turned back and squeezed out of the crowd. He lost three battles and three defeats. He was shameless.

Han Yuntao's heart is full of bitterness. The little girl is really merciless. She wins with one move. It's so neat and tidy. You say, how to let the defense students step down.

The defense students only felt disgraced and bowed their heads in dejection.

Wang Xiuwen's calf trembled, and he almost sat down softly, losing, losing again!
Minister Li's voice emerged from the crowd, and Sun Shilin felt as if struck by lightning, his whole body stiffened, his face, hands and feet trembled uncontrollably.

"Hahaha, classmate Le is stunned!" The boys in the first class of the medical department were stunned for a moment, then cheered and swayed. Little Loli won three battles and won a grand slam.

"Primary school girl, congratulations on the victory." Li Yubo put down the small arm he was holding and congratulated her. It was a miracle that the little girl Lolita could still be so beautiful after being made difficult by three girls' weaknesses.

"Thank you. The beautiful sisters and seniors have worked hard." Le Yun grinned, her eyes were bright, she bowed to the staff of the sports department, and trotted to the beautiful young brother: "Brother Chao, I'm tired."

The pink and tender little girl looks like dough, and she is as happy as a deer with a stunned head. It makes people want to laugh when they look at it. Everyone in the sports department happily packs up the props while laughing.

"Hey, who can explain, what happened just now, how did it end after only one fall?"

"I don't know, I want the truth."


"Deduct 1."

The bewildered melon-eating crowd shoved and hurriedly walked away, shouting at the same time.

"The reason why the competition ended is because there are special regulations in the wrestling competition..." The staff of the sports department and some people who had temporarily checked Baidu to know the wrestling rules patiently explained to the people around them the reason why the classmate Le was awarded the victory.

"Oh, oh." The person who couldn't understand the situation heard the explanation and finally understood the reason, and nodded his head to show he understood.

"Classmate Le—" Bian Yuan was not embarrassed after the announcement of the results by the sports department staff.

That sound also attracted the crowd who were about to leave.

Le Yun, who had just run three or two steps, stopped when she heard the sound, turned around abruptly, and tilted her cute little head: "Senior Bian, what's the matter?"

"Well, there's something wrong," Bian Yuan stroked his hard hair again, looking embarrassed: "Actually, this time, I'm just helping boxing. As far as I know, your surname is pronounced yue in the Han region. , in the minority area is Le, Yue is Han, Le is Mongolian. I heard that your surname is Le, so I agreed to help boxing to challenge you, I want to know if you have Mongolian blood."


A question mark in uppercase appeared on the faces of the people present. What does classmate Bian mean?
Wang Xiuwen's facial muscles twitched fiercely. Bian Yuan said that it was to help the boxing, and he completely took him out. Moreover, Bian Yuan was indeed invited by them to help the boxing.

"Oh, I understand what you mean, you want to ask if my ancestors were Mongolian or Han, right?" Le Yun blinked, why do you care about her ethnicity?

"That's right." Bian Yuan said naively: "Our province M has the surname Le, the descendants of the Mongolian Qinggeltai and Odungerile families. My neighbor's surname is le, and your surname is le. I think Know if your ancestors also came from those two races."

"I don't know this," Le Yun shook her head honestly: "My family name was passed down from my great-grandfather, who fled to my current place of residence to settle down in the wild years before the founding of the People's Republic of China. For the fourth generation, my great-grandfather and grandfather have passed away for many years, and there is no genealogy that can trace the ancestral origin of the surname. I can't verify where my great-grandfather's origin is, let alone whether the ancestor is Han or Mongolian. My great-grandfather and my grandfather are both of Han nationality in the agency registration information."

"Oh, I'm just curious, I don't mean anything else. By the way, classmate Le, your wrestling skills are very skilled. We prairie people respect wrestling warriors the most. When are you traveling to Caoyuan, M province, you are welcome to visit my house."

"Hey, our nation should be united and friendly. The Menghan family, if I go to M province, I will definitely visit Bian. You go to enjoy the scenery that is not recorded in the travel guide."

"Okay, when class is over, I'll go to learn and play with classmate Le." Bian Yuan's small brown eyes flashed brightly.

"Good guy." Liu Xiangyang leaped to the big man, put his palm on the boy's shoulder, and laughed outright: "Good job, lost the game, the friendship between classmates is not diminished, one wins brightly, the other loses honestly, this is the Good boy."

Bian Yuan was forcefully pressed to the ground, his shoulders tilted to one side, his face almost crumpled into a pile: "Sir, please be merciful!"

"Brother Liu, stop it!" Le Yun was about to turn around and run towards Brother Chao, but when he saw Brother Liu holding down classmate Bian, he couldn't help but panic: "Brother Liu, classmate Bian is injured, and you will aggravate it if you use so much force. his injury."

"Ah?" The crowd was stunned, what was going on?

Bian Yuan was so startled that he could hardly stand up, how did Classmate Le know he was injured?
Wang Ziqiang squeezed into the crowd, and when he heard classmate Bian talking with the little girl, his face was extremely gloomy. He was shocked when he heard the little girl say that classmate Bian was injured. Why did he not know when Bian Yuan was injured?

"Ah? Are you injured?" Liu Xiangyang quickly withdrew his hand and helped the boy with his hand, looking at him in surprise, why didn't he notice?
After that, he ran away, jumped to the little girl's side in three steps and two steps, and smiled embarrassedly: "Little beauty, I didn't know he was injured, I really didn't bully him, I admired his uprightness, so I thought Give him some encouragement. By the way, how do you know he's hurt? Where is he hurt?"

Everyone: "..." They asked the same question. They also wanted to know what happened to classmate Bian. It looked normal.

Bian Yuan quietly moved to the defense students team.

"When I was wrestling just now, I grabbed his arm and checked his pulse out of my professional habit. My classmate Bian was about one centimeter below the middle of the fourth rib on his left chest. He was hit by gravity recently and had a dark injury. It's not very serious, and it should be cultivated and cared for, and it will easily become internal injury if it is severely crushed."

Le Yun pouted and glared at Liu Shuai: "Don't look at me like you look at a monster, I am a medical student, I know the principle of disease and the different pathological reactions of injuries caused by external forces, and don't bully Human body tissues cannot speak human language, and every tissue in the human body can actually speak, and only professionals can read the language of a patient’s body from a person’s face, skin color, and pulse.”

"...I don't think the little beauty is a monster, I think your pulse-feeling skills are amazing, you can know that someone is injured when you touch the pulse, you are better than a medical machine, little beauty, little beauty, come to our army, we They will definitely give you the treatment of a first-class military doctor, and from now on, the tuition and miscellaneous expenses, living expenses, etc., are all borne by the army, you just have to study hard and improve every day, and you can report to the army happily after you graduate."

Seeing the little girl turned around and left, Liu Xiangyang had no time to take care of others, and happily chased after him, while chattering and throwing olive branches.


Professor Fu and Professor Zhai looked at each other, jealous to death, the little one is right, the human body has language, and those languages ​​are only understood by the most skilled professionals, the little girl is only 14 years old, she can feel the pulse from To understand the reaction of human tissue, this... Could it be that she has been studying medical theory and distinguishing pulse since she was born?
The two were particularly jealous of Professor Wan Ti, such a good genius-level child was picked up by the old guy Wan Ti, it was almost... They wanted to stamp Wan Ti, so they could snatch him back.

The jealous Professor Wan Cheng raised his head proudly. Fortunately, he started fast and ran to grab the right to teach the Chinese and Western clinical classes back then. There was a little enchanting student, and his mood couldn't be better.

Well, today is such a good day.

Inadvertently glimpsed the magical skills of elementary school students, Professor Wan Cheng suddenly felt like the spring breeze in March, and the [-] pores in his body were also comfortable and wanted to sing. Today is too right. If he didn't make this trip, he would definitely regret it. .

"!" The boys and girls in the medical department were shocked at first, but they covered their faces. The medical department has talents like classmate Le. They are all supporting roles. They feel that they will never have the face to say that they are academic masters in the future. The real school gods, they are far behind.

There was an uproar among the people in the circle. Some people sent messages quickly, and some people talked a lot. Although the crowds were scattered, they were also chaotic.

Bian Yuan touched his shoulder, walked back to the national defense team with a bitter face, and dispersed with everyone. Wang Xiuwen lowered his head and quietly retreated.

Chao Yubo took two steps to pick up the little girl, and took her under his wing. His phoenix eyes were full of anger, but he was not angry: "Young Master Liu, Lele is only 14 years old, and he is not yet an adult. Even if I promise you to be a military doctor, I will do it." Don't count, you want to lobby Lele to go to the army and wait for two years, Lele, don't pay attention to him, you are a minor, and he comes here again to try to influence your future, you ignore it."

"I don't want to influence the future of the little beauty, I just want to book a talent in advance, Xiao Chao, don't stare at me, it's my duty too, there are too few military doctors, and talents are rare, so I just want to make an appointment in advance. "Liu Xiangyang is very wronged, he doesn't have so many bad thoughts, so he wants to get on the number in advance, so that the little beauty will choose them when she wants to become a military doctor.

The young president ignored Liu Shao, put his hand on Xiao Lele's head, rubbed her head, and led her to the side.

The student union, people from various clubs swarmed up and surrounded Chairman Chao and the little girl.

"President, lend me the elementary school girl for 2 minutes." Wang Yinping ran the fastest, squeezed away another classmate, grabbed the little girl's side, and hugged the little girl: "Primary school girl, on behalf of the Ministry of Literature and Art, I invite When you join the department, you have a soft figure, light body and delicate body, and you move like a willow blowing the wind. You are the most suitable for learning dance. Come to our literature and art department, and the senior sister will teach you various dances."

"Minister Wang, elementary school girls love martial arts, so they should come to our Wushu Association, elementary school girls, seniors from the Wushu Association who know all kinds of martial arts welcome elementary school girls to harass."

"Hey, you are not being kind. The primary school girl belongs to our sports department. Everything has to come first, and you can't jump in the queue..."

"The primary school girl didn't promise you, how can you brazenly say that the primary school girl belongs to your sports department, the primary school girl, come to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the primary school girl has an angelic smile, entering our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is like a dragon returning to the sea. The development space of the sea and the sky..."

"Let's go, such a cute little loli, how can you let the elementary school girl show her face and run around? Come to our drama troupe and be our most lively and lovely little princess..."

"You are all wasting your time with the elementary school girls. The elementary school girls are the gods of learning. Our study department is the ideal place for the elementary school girls.

A large group of community members, you said to me, it was lively, and the scene was even more lively than the vegetable market.

Le Yun was bombarded by the sound and almost wanted to cry. The seniors and sisters are too scary, please help!

(End of this chapter)

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