magic eye doctor

Chapter 144 What is he doing here?

Chapter 144 What is he doing here?
The little princess of the Chao family ignored her, and Liu Dashao didn't care too much. He followed behind, wanting to go with Brother Chao. When the big group of people came around, Yan Shao's eyes were quick and he grabbed Liu's hands. The people pulled away, and the two left in opposite directions.

Liu Zhenjun and Instructor Li Zuohan also quietly disappeared into the crowd.

The students were chattering, and they didn't feel close to their primary school students at all. Professor Wan Cheng greeted the two old friends: "Old man, we have no part here, let's go have tea."

"Alas, today is Teacher's Day. Those of us who are teachers and role models have been ignored, and we can't be bothered anymore."

"Concentric plug."

Professor Zhai and Professor Fu quietly exited the stage with their old friends, and their best disciples also went to the student union to join in the fun, and they had no time to accompany them.

Several teachers walked around the group of young people with a smile and walked slowly away. On the way, they could not only see young people from their own countries, but also foreign students.

Following the local customs, foreign students go to Qingda to study abroad, and they also browse the school website. Most of them can speak Chinese very well, and there is no problem in communicating. Some people are attracted by the challenge and run to the west playground to watch.

There are as many as three or four thousand people flocking to the West Playground, the old and the young, and the new students almost come out of their nests, so that the West Playground is as lively as the school sports meeting. The dove of peace, flying in different directions, the picture is also very spectacular.

Sun Shilin was sitting on the grass, his muscles were trembling and his vision was blurry.

failed, failed...

The word "failure" kept echoing in his mind, his eyes changed from decadence to sadness, and his face slowly turned pale, as if he had been painted with a layer of white lime, pale and pale.

Why does she even do push-ups and wrestling?
Push-ups have always been a compulsory sport for boys from junior high school to high school. 1 in one minute is a pass, and 25 is a perfect score. Wang Xiuwen is very good at push-ups. He can do more than 50 in one minute, and the highest record is 1 minutes;
Boys test push-ups, girls test sit-ups, girls are good at sit-ups, as far as they know, girls can't even do ten push-ups;

As for wrestling, let alone wrestling, wrestling is one of the traditions of the most northwestern and northern horse races. Northerners have been taught since childhood, like their province is also in the north, but there is no wrestling training in each school, and he himself Don't know wrestling skills.

Therefore, he and Wang Xiuwen felt that push-ups and wrestling must have a 100% winning rate, which is still easier than picking up for nothing. They were defeated miserably.

Three defeats and three defeats, each of which is a complete defeat.

Thinking of the result, Sun Shilin's heart became cold little by little.

There were people walking past in front of him, he sat blankly, his eyes didn't have much focus, until a pair of shiny leather shoes stopped in front of him, his mindless eyes only focused, staring at the leather shoes for a while, his eyes slowed. Moving up slowly, high-top training shoes, army green trousers, all the way up, the same light green summer training uniform, with a belt around the waist, ... The last thing that appeared was a cold and hard piece under the military cap. Face.

Sun Shilin was subconsciously cold, his nerves straightened, his lips trembling uncontrollably.
They went to Beijing for early military training in early August, and were pulled into a military camp for training. One day they were walking around during a break, and they had a little conflict with people and then they didn't agree with each other.

If you fight, you will be punished. If you win, the punishment will be lighter. If you lose, the punishment will be heavier.

They fought, from the squad leader to the platoon leader and company commander to help cover all the way, and finally scolded, and then were fined for running a few laps, and did a push-up, and it was over.

Sun Shilin knew the unwritten rule that Xu Sheng was not allowed to lose in a fight. He picked three out of thousands of choices and believed that he was 100% sure to win, so he dared to post a challenge publicly, because as long as he wins, it will be considered a trouble. For a lot of movement, the instructor will help him cover it up, at most he will be taught to make a fuss, and then pass it lightly.

But it is not as good as the heavens, even if you don't count it, you can't even say that it is unpopular for girls, and even wrestling and push-ups, which are difficult for boys, can't stymie the little girl, so that she can be perfect. The advantage overwhelmed them to win.

The challenge he initiated, he himself was a complete failure. Presumably at this time, the news of the final fiasco of the national defense students and the three liberal arts students challenging the science girls on the forum has long been a storm. Punish him for disgracing the national defense students?
The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. As the loser, Sun Shilin has no right to speak. He looks up at the major instructor standing in front of him in horror, trembling like a bird with a bow.

Wang Ziqiang stood quietly in front of Sun Shilin, without reprimand or appeasement, just stared at Sun Shilin so calmly, staring at Sun Shilin so calmly that the boy didn't dare to look him in the eyes and lowered his head, he still didn't say a word, until Sun Shilin couldn't restrain himself from staring at him. Trembling, he turned and left without saying a word.

Seeing the brightly polished military high-top leather shoes turn the direction, the light green swayed farther and farther, Sun Shilin raised his head little by little, watching the instructor walk into the crowd of moving people, and quickly looked for it. No.

The national defense students retreated to the periphery and saw the instructor standing in front of classmate Sun. No one dared to speak or move. They all stood a few meters away. Just walked away without doing anything.

gone away...

Everyone looked at each other, Zhang Er King Kong couldn't figure out, the instructor didn't teach them, it felt... abnormal, some time ago, even if they did not meet the requirements in any small action, the instructor really lectured like people said to teach grandchildren. .

This time, I lost face in front of the whole school, but the instructor did not thunder or rain, and everyone was very uneasy, not knowing what would be waiting for them tomorrow.

Everyone can't get together to struggle with this issue at the moment. A few people walked up to classmate Sun and helped him up. Everyone went back to the dormitory in silence. Discussing matters outside, not only loses face, but also can't even save the last one.

The national defense students slowly walked away from the crowd who were running west to watch the fun, while many members of the student union and members of various clubs were still huddled together, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Listening to one person talking is sometimes enjoyable, listening to three people talking at the same time, it can be noisy, and there are a lot of people talking around, almost like listening to hundreds of ducks quack.

In the middle of the crowd, Le Yun's ears were buzzing with the sound bombardment, and at the same time, different body odors hit her. She felt bad all over. Back then, she was almost alone in high school, but now she is enthusiastic at first glance. Surrounded, she couldn't adapt.

"Lele has gone through long-distance running, push-ups and wrestling, and she is not in good spirits. Everyone is so enthusiastic, it will scare her. If you want to invite Lele to join the club, please show your feet when doing publicity tomorrow. Jin'er chatting with Lele alone and chatting about ideals." Surrounded by a group of people like wolves and tigers, it was almost impossible to move an inch, and Chao Yubo was also full of powerlessness.

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Primary school girl, you can't accept someone's invitation to join someone's team in private. Give us a chance to compete fairly."

"Elementary school girl, the senior invited you to tea yesterday."

"Elementary school girl, the senior asked you to talk about ideals yesterday."

The members of the club who were surrounded also knew that it was not a problem to fight back and forth. They smiled and waved their hands. They dispersed, and let President Chao and the little girl go.

Le Yun didn't know how many people touched her head, and she was stabbed in the face by several girls. She really wanted to cry without tears. Now she finally knows what it means to be scary. Being besieged by voice is more terrible than being besieged by force. ; she also finally learned how terrifying it is when people are enthusiastic as they are when they are indifferent.

The men and women dispersed in groups of three or five, and Chao Yubo finally managed to get out of the encirclement, because Xiao Lele, who was clutching his clothes tightly, was silent. The elder sister pinched it, leaving a light red mark, which was particularly miserable.

He scratched his head speechlessly, raised his white jade-like hand, and lightly poked her face: "Poor Lele, what a good little face, he was almost played badly, it's because Brother Chao is not good and has no protection. So happy."

"..." Le Yun pouted sullenly, the people around Brother Chao are so scary, can you research some medicine and put them all down?
Without making anyone laugh, Chao Yubo had no choice but to rub her head: "Lele's mouth can hold ten chamber pots now, and if he keeps raising it, he can hang twelve chamber pots."

"Humph." Le Yun arrogantly tilted her head, who's mouth is so twisted that it can hang twelve chamber pots?

Finally got a hum, Chao Yubo was satisfied, and walked towards the parking place with Xiao Lele, who still had a bitter face. To be honest, if he could, he really hoped that Xiao Lele would be warmly treated by those people every now and then. , In this way, she will show the childishness that she should have in the rebellious age, she will act coquettishly and arrogantly, and she will get angry with him.

There were too many people on the west playground, and Le Yun grabbed Brother Huang's sleeve, and it took four to five minutes to get to the car. He found that Liu Shuai's car had already set off, but because of the crowd, he hadn't gone far.

The two sat down, and the noble youth drove slowly through the crowd of three or five people to reach the West Playground Avenue. The road was wide, people walked on both sides, and all kinds of vehicles walked in the middle, and the speed was faster.

Liu Shao drove back to the apartment building area and sent Yan to a certain express delivery point. Yan Shao picked up a box, and the two returned to the apartment.

Downstairs in the apartment, Yan Shao picked up the courier and went upstairs. Liu Shao got on his beloved motorcycle and ran away in a hurry.

Classmate Chao drove back to the Zhuangyuan Building and parted ways with Classmate Le. He had to go back to the dormitory to change into his sportswear, and then go to the office building. He had to receive friendly players first, and then he would go off the court.

Le Yun twisted her backpack, clambered back to the fourth floor, went back to the dormitory, put down her backpack, took off her shoes and threw it aside, and ran back to the space with her bare feet.

The light in the space is very soft and bright, as if there is the sun above the white air layer, and you can feel the gentleness of the light, but it is not hot, gentle and comfortable.

The plants in the medicine field have splendid flowers, green leaves, green stems, buds that are about to bloom, heavy fruits hang on the branches, and round melons roll among the vines, whether it is medicinal herbs or fruits and vegetables, everything. Vibrant and thriving.

Le Yun flew to the medicine field barefoot and quickly pulled out the radishes. The radishes planted at the end of August, after more than ten days of growth, filled the ground. If they are not harvested, they will enter the breeding process of pulling stems and growing stems, then flowering and bearing seeds. Early growth period.

Under natural conditions, it takes seven days for radish to germinate in winter, three to five days in summer and autumn, and then it takes nearly two months to grow before it can be put on the market. It is planted in the space medicine field to germinate day and night, and it will grow after a few days. The fields, because they grow too fast, are not irrigated with well water. If the well water is irrigated, it is estimated that they must be harvested in about five days.

The cantaloupe and honeydew melons in the medicinal fields also germinate overnight, bloom on the third day, and harvest the melons on the fifth day. Except for the seed melons, the cantaloupe melons are harvested once a day and night, and the cantaloupe melons are harvested once a day on the second night, and can be harvested three times a day. Forty melons were harvested three or five times, and the picked melons were piled up into a small mountain of melons.

As for the pumpkins, not to mention, there is no sign of dying yet. They must be harvested twice a day, and the melons and flowers are piled up.

The growth of melons in the medicinal fields is amazing, while the loofah, gourd and other crops grown in flowerpots grow very slowly. Even if they are watered with well water every three days, the loofahs begin to bloom this morning. By noon, the gourds will grow A few inflorescences like winter melons shyly opened their smiling faces.

The apples, bananas, fragrant pears, and mangosteens were planted in late August. The tallest apple tree was about one meter, and the mangosteen was the shortest, about seventy centimeters high. The fruit trees grew slowly, but fortunately they grew strong.

After the dragon fruit emerged, it was transplanted and planted in a dozen pots; among the fruit seedlings that were planted, the best growing was pineapple, probably because it had been soaked in well water for two days, and the roots were transplanted into the pot and sprayed many times. Water, it grows to a height of about two feet, with egg-sized inflorescences growing on its top.

In general, the plants in the space are all going well. Only the production of matsutake mushrooms has decreased. It is estimated that some spores have developed into matsutake mushrooms, and some spores will take time to complete the cycle of nurturing into entities, so there may be green and yellow gaps.

Le Yun is not sad. The collected matsutake is piled up in a mountain. If you don't take out, the existing amount can be eaten for a year or two. Even if there is no new matsutake in the medicine field after harvest, there is no need to worry. Besides, it is If it doesn't grow new, you need to plant a few species of bacteria when needed, so that the spores slowly settle in the ground, and hyphae form an entity.

Today, Classmate Le is more relieved that the space has not increased or become smaller. The ancient understanding thrown into the space has been left for a few days, and those faint auras have probably melted into the air, leaving only the halo of the ancient understanding.

When Le Yun climbed into the medicine field to collect radishes, it was time to improve hand speed and waist strength. Code up on the face.

The white radish is tender and white, and its size is very large. It is pulled out from the soil, and it is smooth. The roots at the bottom are also very small and wrapped in the soil. , it makes you want to take a few bites.

"Pulling the radish, pulling the radish, oh, oh, oh, oh, I can't pull it out..." Le Yun hummed happily while pulling the radish, and she was very proud in her heart, and she didn't think about how many times she had to bend it every day to collect fungi, medicinal herbs and fruits. Waist, how much exercise should be done every day, how many times every day, the defense-born kitten was trying to challenge her with push-ups.

Thinking of the expressions of Sun and Wang that looked like the sky was falling after they lost to her, Le was in a good mood, very happy, and worked very powerfully. Sweeping from one end to the other, sweeping back from the beginning, sweeping the past again... Over and over, repeating seven or eight rounds, a small piece of white radish was settled.

Pull out the white radish and go to collect the carrots. The white radish is planted about [-] square meters wide, and the carrot area is slightly smaller, about ten square meters.

Carrots are small in size, and even though they are narrow in size, they are more numerous than white radishes, and they take a long time. Even if Le is super fast, it takes about half an hour to collect them.

She saved a few of each kind of radish for seed production; she collected the radishes, turned on the small motor, harvested cantaloupe, cantaloupes, and pumpkins, and then swept through the medicinal materials. She was so tired that she was sweating profusely, and found that it was already 50:[-] Too many points, quickly go back to the dormitory to take a shower.

After washing herself from head to toe, Le Yun cleanly washed her clothes, then quickly put away the Yunzhi and Matsutake on the balcony, dried the clothes, and went back to the living room to study hard.

When classmate Le was sweating in the space, the youth president put on sports clothes, and went to the office building with the sports department and other departments to deal with the chores of the student union. The student union team of the school warmly received friends from the brother schools and had a short exchange. The students of the two schools happily went to the east playground for a friendly match.

Friendship games are divided into basketball and soccer, women's basketball, and boys' soccer.

The student union members of the two schools are divided into groups. One team goes to the football field, and the other group goes to the basketball court. The basketball and football fields belong to the Dongcao area. .

Since President Chao took over as the chairman of the Youth Student Union, in the past, in friendly football matches with a friend school, the youth president seldom came off the court. This time, Chao led the student union football delegation to play football.

National Defense University Student Union: "..." Who will tell them what's going on today?In their previous friendly matches with the Youth University Student Union, President Chao never ended, right?

The delegation of the National University expressed their confusion. President Chao is not in good health. Now that he is off the court, are they polite or how to fight?
The team of Qingda University is also worried. The president's body is weak and weak. What if he is hit by the ball and hit by someone?
Players from both sides boarded the football field with a lot of anxiety, and then, within 10 minutes, the youth president kicked the opponent's goal. Everyone: "..." Didn't you say that President Chao is weak? Who is that leaping man?
You guys are stunned, okay?

"I'm going!" Liu Dashao, who was watching the game with binoculars on the referee's high platform outside the playground, saw that the Chao family boy was hit by the foot, and his whole person was not well. What about the weak little princess?It was said that he had never scored a goal, so who was the young man who ran fast and scored with a single kick?
The rumors are wrong, everyone has been deceived by the Chao family's previous image of winning and being weak, no, no, it's not that the rumors are wrong, it should be...

Suddenly, a light flashed in Liu Xiangyang's mind, and he suddenly realized that if he guessed correctly, Brother Chao's bravery should have something to do with the little beauty!

With little beauty, anything is possible.

Liu Shao felt that he had touched the truth and was overjoyed. He sent back news several times in a row telling that the little beauty above had infinite potential. If she was ordinary, he might be cut down. Extraordinary, the more attention he will receive, because of the merits of his recommendation, the family will also give him a good side, and will not force him to get married too eagerly, so that he will have a better chance of getting the freedom of marriage.

On the court, the players of the two schools were amazed. When they realized it, no one hesitated anymore. The two sides started a fierce competition. 22 people came and went, showing their youth to their heart's content.

Nearly halftime, the National University tied the score.

Four or 10 minutes later, the first half ended, and in the second half, Chao Yubo did not leave the field again. He felt that his body could support him, and it was not a problem to play the whole game, but he used to be vulnerable. In a football game, if people misunderstood that he was pretending to be weak before, it would be bad.

President Chao couldn't hold it at half time, but everyone thought it was justified, no one doubted him, and continued to fight happily.

Someone Liu couldn't be idle, so he slipped away to play, Yan Xing stayed in the dormitory alone, and worked silently until five o'clock, turned off the computer, cleaned up, carried a big bag and went downstairs, driving the cheetah, Niu coaxed to the Zhuangyuan Building.

On weekends, there are students everywhere on the campus of Qinghai University, and there are many people near the Zhuangyuan Building. Some are sitting under the trees to read books, and some couples are in love with each other, or have three or two conversations.

After parking the car, Yan Xing put on his sunglasses, picked up his things and got out of the car. He looked up, and a tangle of entanglement crossed his mind. If he came alone, he didn't know if he would be blasted out as a hooligan?

He hesitated for only half a second, went straight to the stairs, and climbed the stairs. He met several people on the way, some who went upstairs and some who went downstairs. He wore sunglasses so that others would not look at him much, and he did not stop.

When Le Yun was reading a book, she was completely absorbed and concentrated. No matter whether there was any noise outside, she would not hear what was going on outside the window, and only read the book in her hand.

When she was frantically scanning the book, she was shocked by the sudden knock on the door, jumped up subconsciously, ran to the door, opened the door, looked into the probe, and couldn't help but be stunned: "The castrated... ?"

I lost him as an ancestor of the Jade Emperor, why is the eunuch here again?
Seeing the handsome young man standing at the door, who was so elegant, elegant, with a face like a crown of jade, Le Yun's heart was irritable. She didn't say it earlier, don't worry about her cooking, she has used up all the herbs for cooking. Didn't I say earlier that everyone will return to the bridge and return to the road, what is he doing here? !

(End of this chapter)

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