magic eye doctor

Chapter 145 Let's Reconcile

Chapter 145 Let's Reconcile

Alas, I knew it was so!

Yan Xing, who was waiting at the door, saw the little Loli sticking her head out and her face changed as soon as her eyes touched her. She was a little frustrated. He had to make a small mistake at the beginning, but now even if the little Loli said she forgave him, In fact, he is still brooding in his heart, so he doesn't always look forward to seeing him.

"I..." He was about to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw Little Loli's almond eyes that were clear and dust-free, with black pupils like ink staring hard at her, her white and tender face wrinkled: "I told you before. Don't worry about the dishes I make anymore, I have no raw materials, no raw materials, no raw materials..."

Little Loli's face was tangled up, and it seemed like she was going to run wild. Yan Xing responded seriously, "...cough, I'm not here to eat."

Le Yun, who is frantic in her heart, opened her mouth into an "O" shape, not to eat rice, but to do what?Seeking a doctor?
"You didn't come to eat, but you came to seek a doctor? I said it earlier, don't come to me in the future, I don't have any medicines, understand? Repeat three times, don't look for me, don't look for me, don't look for me!"

She has medicinal herbs, but she can't use them. She has medicinal herbs that can restrain the poison of eunuchs, and she can't take them out and use them. Besides, the poisoning of eunuchs is so deep. In the middle of hatred, every family has a book that is difficult to read, and she has an old account of her own that has not been sorted out yet, so how can she care about other people's business.

As for the eunuch wanting offspring, don't look for her now. The types of medicinal materials she has collected are far from enough. There are not enough medicinal materials to make medicine. She can't help her.

Le Yun's only thought for a handsome young man with addiction disease is that everyone walks their own single-plank bridges and finds their own friends. It's best if they don't know each other.

"...It's not seeking a doctor either." Yan Xing felt a touch of bitterness in his heart. Little Loli's prejudice against him was really not that deep.

Le Yun, whose anger level was continuing to rise, opened her mouth again, not to eat rice, not to seek medical treatment, what was she here for?

Originally wanted to slam the door into the dormitory, but found that someone came downstairs. For the sake of his kind, beautiful, kind and lovely image, he held back his anger and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

"I'll give you something." Seeing that Little Loli's expression softened, Yan Xing explained her intention in soft words, and even picked up the bag in her hand to prove that she was not lying.

It was a boy who came downstairs, and he didn't see the face of the young man standing in front of the dormitory on the fourth floor. The others were still going up the first flight of stairs on the fourth floor to the fifth floor, and they were going down.

Send things?What good things will the eunuch give?

It is undeniable that Le Yun was a little stunned, she yelled angrily, but people said it was a gift, which seemed to be a kind heart, but it seemed that she treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Realizing that she was a little narrow-minded, she was too embarrassed to speak, she stepped back awkwardly, opened the door, and signaled to the guests to enter the dormitory if they wanted, or not, um, that's fine.

The tall and upright Young Master Yan smiled slightly, raised his legs, took a step with his long straight legs, stepped on the grounds of the girls' dormitory, took another step with the other leg, and the person had stepped into the small living room, he was familiar with it. Carrying things by himself, he walked to the pile of books, and sat down with his knees crossed.

Le Yun still had a book in her hand. When the guest stepped into the small living room and closed the door, she found that the guy was familiar, and she was pouting at the back. How could she feel that he said he was here to deliver something? , if he really only gives things to her, he can leave, does he need to sit down?

A little gloom appeared in my heart again, I walked to the stack of books and sat down, folded the book upside down on the top of the stack of books, and stared glumly at a certain handsome man who was most suitable for a vase.

Finally seeing the bitter look of little Loli in addition to her bright smile, Yan Xing was a little surprised. The strange little Loli's sunny and open-minded appearance was very sweet, this kind of stingy and sullen, and her face with a tiger face was even more attractive. Angry, but also closer to life.

He pushed the big bag in front of him to the little loli: "Look at it, I think you should like it."

"Is it a coconut?" Le Yun was still a little sullen. The guest brought a big bag with round objects in it, but she didn't know what it was.

"You look first." The corners of Yan Xing's lips rose slightly, forming a shallow smile.

He is handsome and extraordinary, showing a very light but very soft smile, and his whole face is like a peony dyed with the halo of the early sun, which makes his whole person beautiful and yet graceful, elegant and noble, with gentleness, handsome to be dazzling.

Fortunately, Classmate Le lowered his head slightly and didn't see his handsome smile, otherwise, she would probably despise him fiercely, suspecting that he wanted to charm people with handsome tricks.

Not what is coconut?
The eunuch deliberately sold off, Le Yun was full of doubts, dragged the red plastic bag closer, and made enough food and clothing by herself, peeled off the two outer bags, and there was a ligated bag inside. Reveal the true face of Mount Lu.

There are eight fruits in the bag, obovate and nearly spherical, each of which is wrapped in a thin white fresh-keeping bag, four of which are still fresh, and the surface is green; another four dried fruits are also wrapped in fresh-keeping bags. Well, the surface of the fruit is lighter than black and darker than tawny, and one of them was probably hit, making a concave pit.

? !
Le Yun's eyes widened, and after about four or five seconds, she looked at the eunuch with a slightly unbelievable look: "Breadfruit?"

If her eyes are not full, or the picture of the breadfruit displayed on the Internet is correct, the eunuch sent the breadfruit, which is the fruit of two kinds of bread trees of different varieties, one is spherical and the other is elliptical. shape.

There are also introduced breadfruits in the southern part of China, as well as imported ones, which are sold online. However, what she wants is the origin, so she did not sell them online.

How could the eunuch think of sending her breadfruit?

Le Yun, who was puzzled, frowned. She remembered that brother Chao had discussed that day to form a team to go to Africa to help her find breadfruit. The eunuch and Liu Shuai were also present. They knew that it was not surprising that she wanted to find breadfruit. The strange thing is why he kindly helped her find fruit?

"I remember that you said you were looking for breadfruit from the country of origin. I have a friend in Africa who asked someone to go to the country of origin to buy a few and send them back to China. Because the journey is too long, the express delivery was only delivered to Qingda today."

Yan Xing felt that Little Loli was very surprised to see the fruit at first, and she frowned for some reason. He took the initiative to explain, lest she suspect that he had bad intentions and deliberately kept it until today.

"Why did you help me find breadfruit?" Le Yun struggled for a while and couldn't figure out the reason, so she simply asked the reason straight to the point.

"..." Yan Xing pondered, but he was really stopped by the question. He could say that because he still wanted her in the future, he wanted to improve the relationship, deliberately launched the relationship, and did not hesitate to fly a few fruits from thousands of miles away. Go to the capital and give it to her to make her happy?

Can he say that he actually hid something, so he agrees first, and then when she sees that he gave her the bread and fruit she likes, can she blow him away without getting angry when he tries to confess?
Can he say that he helps find things, but in fact, he also wants to occasionally come to eat, chat with her, and be friends?

I feel that I can't even say that, if I'm really frank, I might be swept out of the house.

"What's this... this," In deep pondering, seeing Little Loli staring at herself with clear and bright almond eyes, Yan Xing quickly searched for the reason, waiting for a while to find a suitable reason: "This, it's actually me apology."

"What are you apologizing for?" Le Yun chased after her, feeling that the reason was a bit far-fetched, and it was more stressful to accept. If the reason was sufficient, no matter whether it was true or false, she could persuade herself to accept the gift.

"That, um, that, I'm hiding something. Before I tell the truth, can you promise that I won't get angry at me, and won't sweep me out of the house?" Yan Xing tightened his back slightly, little Loli. When beating someone, he would move his fist without saying hello, and he would not remind him of acupoints in advance. He could not guarantee that she would not suddenly hit his acupoints.

"Then let's see if you're sincere." A flash of light flashed in Le Yun's mind, she probably guessed the truth he was going to say, and what he was hiding should be the broken thing he used to take the alias of Zhang Jin.

"Did you promise not to get angry, not to beat people and not to use force?"

"I reserve my rights."

"..." Yan Xing sighed, the little loli was so beautiful, sweet and simple, how could she be so hard to cheat?Little Loli suffered at all, and it was no use talking about conditions.

Probably get beat up?

A guess flashed through his heart, he moved his legs slightly, and quietly prepared for the little loli to dodge the key position: "Well, because of work needs, I sometimes make up and pretend to be someone else. , When I was in Shennong Mountain, I used a pseudonym called 'Zhang Jin'... Well, it was really because of the special circumstances, so I didn't tell you my real name..."

Yan Xing stared at Little Loli's eyes and saw her smiling expression that was not a smile.

Will he still blush?
Captured the handsome young man's handsome face slowly dyed crimson, and the tips of his ears are also red, Le Yun blinked her almond eyes, the more she looked at it, the more interesting it became, the eunuch would be shy after all, today's sun must be out of the west.

"Why didn't you say it? You continue to say it." He stopped talking weakly, she urged with a smile.

Yan Xing's nerves twitched, and the little Loli smiled brightly every time she started. The more beautiful the little Loli laughed, the harder the beating. Experience told him that the current little Loli was in a dangerous stage before she became angry. !
"I didn't say my real name at the time, I didn't really want to deceive you, I just wanted to remind you that I was the one who mistaken you that day, I'm afraid you beat me again, I'm so badly injured, if you knock me out again I don't care if I leave it in the deep mountains and forests, I may not be able to stand it. The phone number I left for you is real. The phone card is a T city card not far from the capital. It is my personal number. "

Confession is lenient, and resistance is strict. Now that I have decided to confess, I just give it up. Anyway, one day the truth will come out. I will be beaten sooner or later, and I will be beaten sooner or later. In case one day, in the presence of others, it would be much more face to be exposed to a little loli's acupuncture.

It's very humiliating to be beaten like this. At least Lizi will keep it. If he doesn't say it now, when he is forced to expose it one day, Little Loli gets angry and tramples on him in public like the three boys today, and he can't keep his face.

Yan Xing was ready to be severely beaten, and tightened his muscles so that he wouldn't be hurt by the beating.

"Really?" Le Yun said two simple words slowly, bowed his head to unwrap the plastic wrap of a bag of dried breadfruit, the eunuch said that concealing the truth was not a sincere deception, then what he said more than ten years ago to She listened, she probably believed it, now, she is 14 years old, not three or four years old.

Little Loli didn't get angry?
"Yes, yes, I am also a five-good young man who grew up under a red flag and was born in peace. I have known gratitude and repayment since I was a child. What I said is definitely not a false story." Little Loli's fist did not Waving over, Yan Xing was surprised that Little Loli was not angry, it was incredible.

Gratitude?No hypocrisy?
What a liar.

Do not believe it, Le Yun does not believe in her heart that eunuchs will repay her kindness. If he really had that kind of heart, he would not have wanted to do it that day after she said that he was not welcome. , he is a soldier, as long as he speaks to the national defense student instructor, the national defense student instructor should also give face to the same soldier, forcibly order the national defense student to withdraw the war post, so that the two sides will turn the war into jade silk.

He said in his mouth that he knew how to repay his gratitude, but he had no sincerity in his actions. Although he didn't know which of his nerves was wrong, he would suddenly come to apologize and confess, guessing that he had hidden other thoughts.

Regardless of the eunuch's sincerity, he's just "a clever myna, just playing with his mouth", and when he really needs his help, it's probably "rabbit watching the vegetable garden - unreliable".

Although she really wanted to beat the eunuch again, for Breadfruit's sake, Le Yun decided to let him go. Fortunately, she didn't give him painkillers in Shennong Mountain, which made him half-dead in pain, so it was a reward. An arrow of revenge.

Anyway, no matter what he said, she would listen, as long as the reason could convince her, so that she could accept the bread fruit from him without any pressure.

"Oh, then I'll take what you said is true, and I'll accept the apology." What she said as a eunuch was true, Breadfruit, she smiled.

Yan Xing: "..." That's it?Little Loli really doesn't care about his concealment of her real name?Don't settle accounts with him?
I feel that Little Loli should have recognized him as Zhang Jin long ago, but he is not good to ask again. Little Loli is not very angry, but she is a good thing to be thankful for her majesty. If he moves his fist directly, he is asking for hardship.

He doesn't have a tendency to be abused, and decides that one thing is worse than one less thing. It's not too late to ask that question after getting familiar with Xiaoluoli. Some things should be taken slowly, just like his apology and confession are carried out separately, which is easier for Xiaoluo to ask. Forgive Li, if they all confessed together, Little Loli would be mad and it might be difficult to accept.

The work needs to be done step by step. The great job of being friends with Little Loli should be done step by step. Yan Xing convinced herself to watch Little Loli play with breadfruit.

Xiao accepted the eunuch's apology, and Le Yun held out two dried fruits with peace of mind, peeled off the protective film, and picked up the dried bread and fruit bun that had been hit with a hole for research. There is also a hint of sunshine from nature.

Africa is hot, and breadfruit trees grow in hot places and are exposed to sunlight all year round. It is not surprising that the fruit still has the taste of the sun; by the smell and color, it can also be judged that the breadfruit is the latest ripening.

Le Yun digs a few times and peels off the broken shell in the dented pit, piece by piece, and you can see a bit of pulp that is darker than milky white, and whiter than light yellow.

After sniffing the smell, Classmate Le looked up and saw the handsome little fresh meat staring at the dried fruit in his hand without blinking, afraid that he would have to go back halfway, so he quickly dragged the bag to the other side to hide it. Get up: "It's an apology, it's mine now."

?Yan Xing was stunned. He didn't say that he wanted to bring it back. Besides, even if Little Lolita didn't understand him, he wouldn't bring the things back. There is no reason to take back the things that he sent out. The principle is still there.

"Given it to you, of course it's yours, and I'll go back and get it back."

"The things have been delivered, you can go back."

"..." Yan Xing was embarrassed when he was ordered to be expelled. Didn't Little Loli say accept his apology?

He paused: "Liu Xiangyang may come over in the evening to talk to Xiao Chao about teaching the national defense students. I will wait for him, and wait for Xiao Chao to come over to discuss it together. Isn't it said that three cobblers are Zhuge Liang."


Le Yun stared, she wanted to curse, okay?After all, the ultimate goal of turning seventeen or eight turns is actually wanting to eat rice, right?
"To put it bluntly, you still want to eat." Any apology or waiting for Liu Shuai to discuss with brother Chao about teaching the defense students are all excuses. The real purpose is to eat, eat, and eat, except for rice Still want to eat!

Yan Xing only felt that his face was hot again, and his ears were also hot, but he just said, "The food you cook is delicious."

"..." Le Yun stared blankly, she'd seen someone with a thick face, but never seen someone with such a thick face, just because she cooks deliciously, so they will do whatever they can to shamelessly rub rice?
What's the reason? !
Also, if you dare to be cheeky and use the guise of an apology to eat rice, why is your face still red?

Seeing the eunuch's shameful blushing, Le Yun choked angrily: "It's delicious, why can't I support you guys!"

Little Loli didn't make a move but just stared, indicating that she probably wouldn't blow him away, Yan Xing was relieved, and answered honestly, "It won't last, last time you added more rice, and after three bowls, you were only seventy percent full. ."

what? !

What he means is that she cooks too little and never gets enough, right?Le Yun was stunned, she blinked, blinked several times, she couldn't help the corners of her mouth twitching wildly, and scolded angrily: "Rice bucket!"

Rice bucket rice bucket, eunuch and Liu handsome guy are definitely genuine rice buckets, three bowls of rice, plus vegetables, at least five bowls, eat five bowls and still not full, what is not a rice bucket?
Brother Chao and Brother Li had two meals, which was about a bowl and a half of rice. The meals she cooked were equal to half divided between the eunuch and Liu Shuai. If they ate like that and said they were not full, then they were at home. How many bowls do you want?

A few black lines dripped from Le Yun's forehead. Fortunately, she only had one older brother, Chao Chao. If it were all her brothers, she dared to say that according to their way of eating, she would be poor within half a semester.

"..." The second time he was scolded for rice buckets, Yan Xing was so embarrassed that the tips of his ears were burning like a hot iron, he felt ashamed and laughed at himself: "Xue Gangton entered the bucket of rice, and Lian Po can still enter the bucket of rice when he is old. Heroes from ancient times are all heroes. Good meal."

"Pfft-" Le Yun was amused: "Xue Ganglian, who is not a general who can lead thousands of troops, eunuch, how many soldiers and horses can you command?"

"Of course Han Xin ordered troops - the more the better."

"Eunuch, look, the cow is flying in the sky."

"..." Yan Xing sighed deeply, why did no one believe him when he told the truth?

"Eunuch, why don't you continue to blow?" I poured cold water on the eunuch, and seeing his handsome face full of depression and dissatisfaction, Le Yun was happy. What kind of bull, it's not too late to brag about himself if he finds a way to seek revenge on his own enemy.

"I'm not bragging. When I play games, I really send people thousands of miles away. I lead thousands of troops to push people into towns, and kill thousands of demons. I have always been invincible and invincible."

"...So, you're talking about leading troops to fight in a virtual game?" Le Yun almost choked on her saliva, she was talking about reality, reality, reality!Reality and online games are worlds of different dimensions, can they speak the same thing?
When it comes to games, Brother Chao is also a good player. I heard that he is still the NO in the regional server. 1. The same command of thousands of troops can kill thousands of enemy troops with one wave of arms.

She felt that she and the eunuch's thinking and IQ were not on the same channel, and even suspected that the eunuch's nerves were stimulated because of the poisoning, so his IQ ran away from home.

"Yes." Young Master Yan nodded proudly.

"I'm talking about reality. You're talking about online games. The bull's head is not right. You are so good in the game. In reality, you still need to eat?"

"..." The handsome Young Master Yan was speechless.

Blocking the person speechless, Le Yun was so excited that she handed over the dried fruit she was holding: "Ahaha, eunuch, you have no words, don't brag, just be a down-to-earth person. You want to stay. The rice will help with the work, cut this in half, and you have to grasp the strength, if you dare to let it be smashed to pieces by accident, you will only be allowed to eat a bowl of rice tonight."

Yan Xing was holding the hard dried fruit in his hand. It was very embarrassing. It was very easy for him to smash the fruit into five pieces. It was very difficult for him to protect it from accidental injuries. on the scalp.

Yan Shao took off his keychain, pulled out the small military knife, pressed the breadfruit on the ground, and saw it slowly from the place where it came out of the pit.

He didn't dare to use too much force, and saw the nut shell slowly and unhurriedly. He took a peek and saw that Little Loli was holding a dried breadfruit again, smiling slightly and looking very happy. He asked tentatively, "Little Lolita, I apologized, and you forgive me, we...reconciled, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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