magic eye doctor

Chapter 1502 Divided into 2 ways

Chapter 1502
Le Yun felt a little regretful when he found the star core's favorite food. If the celestial body stone has not deteriorated, it belongs to the most flaming thing, and it is the raw material that can be used to relieve the little fox's cold poison. Toxic effect is small.

Regardless of whether it has deteriorated or not, it is something the star core wants to eat, so don't say anything and continue digging.

During the excavation, I felt that monks were active near the Red Flame Desert. Le Xiao didn’t want to deal with the monks. In order to prevent the monks from seeing him when they passed the desert, he set up a psychedelic formation and continued to be a gerbil without saying a word.

She didn't use the mechanism beast to help, the mechanism beast was very good at mining and digging soil, so it was fine to dig the sand, and it was a waste of spirit stones to let the mechanism beast dig sand.

Mechanisms are useless, and Le students do it by themselves, because even if a wide circle has been cleaned around the celestial stone, as the pit gets deeper and deeper, the celestial stone becomes wider and wider, and the diameter of the big pit has to be widened again. , the progress of the project is relatively slow.

One person excavated day and night, and worked for two full months. The celestial rock showed its true appearance. It is about 4000 feet high, 1800 meters at the widest point, and more than [-] meters at the narrowest point. Like a bamboo shoot standing in the sand.

The red celestial stone is dense, no matter how powerful Le Yun's consciousness is, he can't move it, so he had to cut it. Please take out the emerald knife, inject true energy, and cut at the half-waist position of the meteorite.

It took her ten days and ten nights to cut the meteorite in half, and she rested one night plus half a day to recover her energy before she could move the upper half of the stone into the storage container and cut the stone again. It took another nine days and ten nights to get the stone from the celestial body Cut it down in the middle of the top and cut it into two, and then move them into storage containers respectively.

Once the celestial body stone is in hand, the pit is backfilled. Because the dug out sand is not enough to fill the pit, the sand dunes next to it are also removed and filled, and the place is leveled. No one knows that someone has dug out something.

After properly handling the venue, Le removed the psychedelic array, ran westward, ran to the semi-desert area on the western edge of the desert, found a suitable area, took out the celestial body stone, and poked some holes in the stone body , and then fried with talisman paper.

She bombed eight times in a row, smashed the three celestial stones, collected them and put them in a storage container, cleaned up the site, and changed the place before taking out the jade slip given by Senior Brother Yu Nineteen and releasing the golden-haired lion.

The golden retriever roared into the soul beast space and went to sleep. When it was released, it was a bit uncomfortable at first. Seeing the cute and charming smiling face of the little one, the spirit returned to its soul. : "Little one, little one, when I slept for a long time, I missed you to death!"

Le Yun, who was being hugged by a behemoth like a small ball, was extremely hard to urge. The warm-haired golden retriever is good at everything, but he always likes to treat her like a baby, which is super not fun.

It took a lot of effort to pull the big lion away, grabbed his hair and discussed with him in a friendly way, asking him to contact Brother Yu Shijiu where he is, because the distance is too far to sense, so send him to Yuheng Zong sent a letter.

Yuhengzong is relatively close to the Chiyan Desert, but it takes a year or two to go back and forth to Yuhengzong. Jin Maohou doesn't want to leave Xiaobudian, he is not very happy, and finally Xiaobudian understands it with affection and reason , promised to be a messenger.

After explaining the golden retriever lion as an errand runner, Le Xiao smiled and touched his big mouth, took out the table paper to write, wrote a few pieces of paper, and then took out two storage containers to explain to the golden retriever What kind of beast is contained in which storage, and which Zong is entrusted to help clean it up.

There are two storage containers containing wild beasts and monsters. One is entrusted to Yuhengzong to handle and the other is entrusted to Yuxiazong to handle it. The reason for this arrangement is because Yuxiazong has a natural hot spring, and there is no need to heat the beast to scald it. Water, good for helping with beasts that need scalding.

Yuhengzong's deep stream secret place produces fine nectar and jade liquid. Before returning home, she plans to take a detour to Yuhengzong to collect some fine nectar and jade liquid, so she entrusts Yuhengzong to help dissect some monsters that need to keep their fur.

Out of consideration for details, Le Yun specially wrote an instruction manual, indicating which monsters and beasts need fur and which ones need to be scalded, and which parts of the five internal organs and six lungs are left, each with detailed instructions.

The golden retriever who acts as a messenger, hides the storage and papers, and has a pile of stewed meat for the little one to serve as snacks on the road, puts away the spiritual food with bright eyes, and kisses the little one in his arms like a cub After a few mouthfuls, he flew in the direction of Yuhengzong as if he was having fun.

After the golden retriever lion ran away, Le Yun with a helpless face wiped his face a few times, wiped off the golden retriever's saliva, and set off on the journey, going in the opposite direction to the golden retriever roar, heading towards the south sea area.

Only the westward part of Chiyan Mountain is part of Chiyan Desert, most of the mountains extending to the east are not deserts, and the semi-desert area to the west of Chiyan Desert is a small mountain range.

Little Lolita was sweeping the plants along the way and feeding her arms to eat rocks, because the desert was getting closer to the sea, she guessed that when the cheap senior brother received the message from the golden retriever, she would definitely come to accompany her, what kind of cactus and plants would she need, please ask the senior brother for help Find, so the focus is on driving to the beach and feeding the arm to eat stones.

Even if it swayed slowly, it only took 20 days to reach the coast.

The southwestern part of the southern coast of Nanlu runs from south to west, and the climate changes from subtropical to temperate. The seasonal forecast is February and March in spring, and the vegetation is recovering. The seaside is relatively cold due to the strong sea breeze.

Dongchen Continent is not polluted, whether it is rivers, lakes or sea water, it is clean and clear. Walking along the coast, the sea water is blue, and the sand or reef, seaweed, fish and shrimp on the bottom of the water can be seen at a glance in the shallow water area.

Le Yun, who has deep hydrophobia, dare not go to the sea to collect water alone, and flies to the shallow water area with her own aircraft, throwing conch into the sea to absorb water.

First use two swallowing snails to fill the seawater, and continue to go west, while artificially raining the salt water area of ​​​​the small ocean to the west of the star core space. The soil in the sea basin of the small ocean is dry and hard. Sow seabed plant seeds or plant aquatic plants.

The southwest of Dongchen Continent is the place where the most rivers in the entire continent flow into the sea. Hundreds of large rivers originating from the east, north, northwest, or central and southern lands of the continent all enter the sea in the southwest. From west to east, a total of three 10,000+ li rivers flow into the Haikou area.

Therefore, more than 10,000 miles from west to east, and a large area of ​​[-]+ miles from the south coast to the inland are all flooded areas. During the summer and autumn floods every year, the flooded area is often a vast ocean.

An intricate water network is formed in the flooded area of ​​the river, and most of it belongs to swamps and wetlands during the non-flood season. There are countless large and small islands, and there are even monsters in the rivers.

The flooded area where the river empties into the sea is next to the Red Flame Desert, both of which are uninhabitable, making it an uninhabited area with a radius of 200 million miles.

(End of this chapter)

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