magic eye doctor

Chapter 1503 1 Nuo Jin

Chapter 1503

Le Yun, who was swaying slowly on the coast, walked westward for more than 1 miles, arrived at the pure fresh water area along the coast, and chose a corner of the coast not far from a large river entering the sea as a stopover.

The place she chose is at a high altitude, so even if the water level rises during the flood season, it will not be submerged. The land is a plain on the coast with a width of several hundred miles. Reefs and trees block the sea wind.

The location chosen by Le Yun as the foothold is less than fifteen miles away from the sea. First we cleared the weeds and trees, put in an artificial cave and a fir bark shed for shelter from the rain, and then set up a psychedelic array to protect his own. Wooden houses and wooden sheds do not allow wild beasts or monsters to enter their private land and cause damage.

Clean up the temporary residence, then take the stone kiln built by the real people to make pine smoke, disassemble its parts, and brush the inside of the stone kiln with mud, brush one layer to dry and then brush, and brush three layers in a row The protective layer.

Stones will explode or crack after being heated for a long time. The kiln for burning pine trees to make smoke is semi-sealed, and the temperature inside the kiln is high. Burning smoked stone can improve the life of the kiln.

It took two days to paint the inside of the stone kiln with a protective layer. Le Yun first hung the fish to be smoked in the wooden shed, and then combined the stone kilns, placing a kiln at a certain distance, and then officially lit the fire to make smoke from pine trees. .

When the fire in the kiln is burning, put a pot on the top of the stone kiln near the kiln door, add water, put Lingzhi to cook soup for marinated fish or animal meat, and take out two large pots to soak all kinds of bamboo. Make wooden tea caddies, or boxes for cosmetics, and bamboo tubes for wine.

Wooden or bamboo tea pots or boxes, etc. are boiled in a pot for one to three days each time, then dried until half-dried and boiled again, boiled for a few days and then dried, after seven cooking and seven drying, wooden or bamboo supplies are not only Hard, moisture-proof, corrosion-proof and insect-proof.

Without help, Le Yun needs to go back and forth to fetch water from the sea. When the water in the Tuntian snail used for artificial rainfall is used up, he will go to fetch water again. The work and rest time is basically clear. He collects water every morning and evening, and takes care of it by himself during the day. Fire, catch little fox and little Huihui out at night, let them help guard the kiln and add firewood.

The boiled medicinal soup is changed to one pot in about seven or eight days, and the smoked fish is removed from the shelves in about 20 or [-] days for another batch of smoked.

One and a half months later, the fire was turned off, the kiln door was closed to cool down, and the kiln door was opened again after about seven days.

Pine smoke adheres to the inner wall of the stone kiln, which is carbon black. The farther away from the kiln door where the fire is fired, the finer the carbon black is, which is also the raw material for making high-quality ink. The closer to the kiln door, the thicker the smoke particles.

Each time the carbon black from a stone kiln is scraped, the fire is fired again to make pine trees to make smoke, and then another kiln is collected to collect the carbon black. After a round of patrolling, the next time the fire is turned off, it will be turned off from the kiln that was first fired, forming reincarnation.

Repeated reincarnation several times, and in the blink of an eye, Le Xiaotong brewed a batch of wine grains. In addition to collecting seawater and feeding the birthmarks on his arms to eat stones, he often collected wild fruits and spiritual plants nearby, and left small ash in the wooden shed to help light the fire. .

Generally speaking, everything is fine, except that the birthmark on the arm has eaten countless catties of stones, and the space of the star core remains unchanged.

Time passed, and when the season seemed to be at the tail end of autumn, one morning, Le Yun, who was driving an aircraft on the sea surface and sucking water with conch, suddenly straightened her nerves, and she also entered a state of high alert—she felt A powerful creature is approaching the shore.

After about ten breaths of time, the sea surface less than a kilometer away in front of him fluctuated, and then three coquettish and beautiful men flew out.

Seeing the three sky monsters in human form, Le Yun wanted to cover her face. Shark King, Purple Whale King, and Sperm Whale King really came to the southwest area?
She also conveniently put away the lightning-attracting talisman in her hand, and in just a split second, three handsome and coquettish men had already floated in front of the human girl.

"Human friends, we meet again."

"My friend, it's nice to see you again."

"My friend, you actually reached the southwest one step faster than us."

The three-day demon looked at the delicate face and bright smile of the human girl, and greeted with a slight smile. After parting with the girl in the northern sea, they returned to the south from the sea. Because they were not in a hurry, they visited some places that they didn't care about before. deep sea trench.

Not long after they returned to the southern sea area, they first went back to their own cave, and then came to the southwest corner of the mainland together, because the girl once said that if she hadn't returned home, she might go to the southwestern region of the mainland to collect water.

They originally thought that the girl might have finished her tour and went back to her hometown, so they went out for a walk in the nearby sea. They didn't expect to smell a familiar fragrance in the far sea, and immediately rushed to the southwest corner. They really found a beautiful girl. Human girl.

Seeing the familiar sky monsters, Le Yun was also a little surprised. When chatting with the three sky monsters in the North Sea before parting, they talked about where they would travel in the future, and some said they would go to the Westland restricted area. Going to the southwest of the mainland to collect water, I didn't expect the three sky demons to really care about it.

"Long time no see, three, please help me look at the swallowing snails. I'll go back and change the magic circle I set up." Seeing the three sky monsters approaching calmly, Xiao Le decisively acted as the shopkeeper and took the two swallowing snails. The snails were taken out of the sea and thrown to the celestial demons.

The so-called seeing a share, can't just let a certain two sky demons go to work, she took out four swallowing snails and threw them all to the sky demons, asking them to help collect sea water.

Shark King Purple Baleen Whale King Humpback Whale's eyes lit up, immediately hugged the Tuntian Conch, happily said "no problem", then plunged into the sea, diving deep to collect fresh water.

There are three aquarium celestial demons who help to swallow the snails, and Le Yun returns to the coast to make changes to the magic circle. There is also a killing circle hidden in the protection of the magic circle. No matter whether it is a person or a beast, if it breaks into the magic circle without permission, it will attract thunder and bombardment.

In order to get mountain spring water or process ingredients conveniently, she set up a magic circle covering a range of ten miles.

Flying around the magic circle and changing a few positions, Le Yun walked into the place protected by the magic circle, placed a few fire stoves in the open space not far from the wooden shed, and started to heat up the spiritual food.

A few years ago in the northern sea area, she and the sky demon had a random deal. If she did not go home to the southwestern sea area, the sky demons could make another deal if they wanted. They helped her collect water and the area where the southwest river flows into the sea. The river sand and sea sand, as well as the collection of seaweed and seaweed, she exchanged with self-brewed wine and spiritual food.

Although it was said casually at the time, now the three sky demons have arrived as scheduled, and Le Yun also guessed that the three sky demons are willing to fulfill the verbal promises made a few years ago without needing to say so.

A gentleman makes a promise, and a thousand pieces of gold will never be moved. When the demons come as promised, she will do what she says.

When traveling north with the real people of the Five Immortals Sect, although they ate a lot of stored spiritual food, Le Xiao still had some in stock. He quickly put the stewed yaks and camels in the pot to heat up, and then used seaweed to cook the pot Fish head soup.

Before the fish head soup was out of the pot, it sensed the arrival of three sky monsters, and went out of the magic circle to pick them up.

(End of this chapter)

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