magic eye doctor

Chapter 1510 Blessing All Beings

Chapter 1510 Blessing All Beings
The aroma of spiritual food not only attracts human monks as a help in their cultivation, but also monsters flock to it. For more than ten years, some water and land monsters have been attracted to hide in the nearby mountains or seas.

Ocean monsters are the most numerous, and many high-level monsters lurk in the bottom of the sea or in the depths of rivers. There are many monsters at the level of gods and immortals, and even sky monsters.

Because of the secret warnings from the shark kings and whale kings, the land and water monsters are safe.

When the human race had alchemy and alchemy, Danxiang scolded the sky, and the monsters approached a certain place on the southwest coast again.

In order to prevent the monsters from causing chaos, the Shark Kings and Whale Kings patrolled around and issued a Heavenly Monster Order, restricting the monsters from all sides to cultivate with the help of visions attracted by humans, and not to kill or compete with human monks for territory. .

The monsters also obeyed the orders of the sky demon kings and beasts, honestly looking for a suitable place by themselves, that is, desperately absorbing the fragrance of spiritual food and spiritual energy.

Classmate Le only cares about alchemy and doesn't care about external affairs.

When she was making alchemy, she still used four wooden houses to form a zigzag shape. The fragrance of the alchemy attracted the spiritual energy to form clouds, and the white clouds of spiritual energy above the wooden house were one after another, which was very beautiful.

The disciples of the five immortal sects and the elders of Yancheng sat on the lawn in the circle, practicing day and night.

Half a month after Xiaoxianzi opened the alchemy mode, the alchemy was officially appearing, basically once or twice a day, and the alchemy covered three thousand miles.

The monks and monsters from all walks of life have benefited a lot, and monks or monsters are promoted every day.

The little fairy's alchemy continued until the beginning of September. Apart from the alchemy above the wooden house, there were often alchemy shining in the sky, and occasionally golden lights flickered.

Monster beasts and human monks once again started the promotion mode.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Double Ninth Festival of the year again. In the morning of that day, the alchemy clouds surged above the wooden house, just like the vision that the little fairy had seen when she was refining alchemy in the Yulan Sect. The aura clouds flowed downward, protecting the wooden layer airtight.

Near noon, the vision appeared again - Changhong Drinking Pill.

Four long rainbows come from all directions, and the whole territory of thousands of miles is full of strange fragrances.

In the wooden house, little classmate Le Yun, an alchemist, stood by the alchemy furnace calmly, letting the rainbow that passed through the house shine into the alchemy to help him test the alchemy.

After the two sticks of incense, the rainbow disappeared.

Le Yun, an earthling with super strong psychological endurance, calmly transferred the "Jiuzhuan Huanyang Pill" that he had successfully refined to the jade box to cool it down, and then quickly continued to pour the medicinal soup into the pill furnace to continue alchemy.

The rainbow is gone, but Danxiang is still there.

The monks and monsters who practiced by inhaling Danxiang ushered in the tide of promotion again.

Among the monsters, there are high-level monsters who have advanced, and among the monks, there are many golden cores who have been promoted to Yuanying, or monks above Yuanying have advanced to the rank, and the thunder catastrophe of some beasts or monks also arrived as expected. The sound came and went.

The thunder tribulations of the monks and the monsters were all small thunder tribulations, and they passed the level easily, without causing injuries or deaths to other people or animals.

The promotions outside the wooden house and outside the magic circle came one after another. The little fairy Dan Xiule who stayed in the wooden house didn't hear what was going on outside the window, and was only concentrating on alchemy. In the next few days, he practiced two furnaces of nine-revolution alchemy. And Jiuzhuan Huanpo Pill, the vision of Changhong Drinking Pill appeared again and again.

At the end of September, there was another big vision from the sky on the wooden house, and it was even more sensational than the Changhong Drinking Pill—seven rainbows descended.

Le Yun, a native of the earth, refined the magic pill of the Nine Turns God Pill - the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, because the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill can quickly repair the spiritual consciousness, it is extremely precious, and those who cultivate immortals cherish it as a treasure, and often only keep it in Fei It is only used when immortals, so the world of cultivating immortals also calls it Dadu Tribulation Pill.

There are only a thousand Nine-Turn Resurrection Pills in one furnace, and the size is slightly larger than a table tennis ball. The grains are as round as pearls, and there is a faint purple halo in the golden light, which is very beautiful.

Classmate Le is bleeding from heartache. One furnace of Resurrection Pill consumes about [-] million spiritual plants. Only [-] million high-level spiritual plants produced in the spiritual field or obtained from the secret spiritual field use [-] million. In just a few minutes, she can change from a big boss with billions of spiritual plants to a shabby household who is so poor that he drinks the northwest wind.

When Qihong dispersed, she moved a furnace of golden round balls to the jade box with an extremely painful heart, poured the medicinal soup into the alchemy furnace with her wrinkled bitter gourd face, and continued to make alchemy.

The alchemist in the wooden house was very calm, Wu Zong and everyone in Yancheng stared at the wooden house wrapped in the cloud of spiritual energy, their eyes turned into copper bells, the little fairy's alchemy actually attracted Qihong, what kind of alchemy is it?

The itchy people had no time to guess, because another wave of advancement had begun.

The number of promotions after Qihong Yindan has reached a terrifying level, the number of monks has reached as many as [-], and there are even a total of [-] monks who have broken through the bottleneck and advanced to Mahayana in one fell swoop.

The number of monsters promoted is even more terrifying. A total of tens of thousands of monsters have been promoted, and hundreds of monsters have been promoted to become sky demons.

There are too many human races and monsters advancing to the ranks, and there are too many high-ranking ones, and there are also many people who need to experience thunder disasters. Dark clouds cover the sky for [-] miles, and the rumbling thunder is endless.

People or beasts who have experienced thunder calamity take the initiative to stay away from the group and go to the sky to accept the baptism of thunder.

Thunder is dense, but there is also the weirdest scene in history: no matter whether it is a human or a monster, even if the thunder disaster is a purple gold thunder disaster, at most it will suffer a certain degree of trauma after the thunder disaster, and no one will be damaged.

Tens of thousands of people and beasts were promoted at the same time, and they experienced thunder and calamity at the same time, but none of them died, which can be called a miracle.

Many high-level monsters who have successfully advanced to the level of Lei Jie have dived into the deep sea, or hidden in the deep mountains to continue their cultivation.

Many monks who suffered trauma after the thunder tribulation were picked up by their respective teams to heal their wounds. Several monks from the Five Immortals Sect and Yancheng were also injured in the thunder calamity, and they were all taken care of properly.

After Qihong drank the pills, there were no special phenomena, and it was normal that the pill qi rushed into the night or the pill illuminated the sky.

At the end of October, Le Xiao's alchemy work came to an end, he packed up the tools for alchemy, and slept peacefully.

The elders of the five immortal sects waited until the aura clouds surrounding the wooden house dissipated before entering the wooden house, and found that the little fairy was sleeping soundly again, and no one disturbed him.

The head of the five sects walked around the circle and said that the little fairy had finished refining the alchemy, and the monks were free to do so.

The monks staying on the coast of the southwest corner heard that the little fairy had finished work, so they didn't wait any longer and set off for Yushi Mountain one after another.

For the first time, the monster beasts, which were always ready to fight at the slightest disagreement with human beings, did not trouble the humanoid two-legged beasts. They either left or continued to hide nearby.

Le primary schoolmate slept for three days and three nights, got enough sleep, got up and continued to make spiritual food, and at the same time asked real people to help build two wooden sheds, moved the new wooden sheds two miles away, and put burning fire in the wooden sheds. Stone kiln of pine trees, burning pine trees to make carbon black.

Because there is a distance of two miles between the two, the oily fume produced when making spiritual food has little effect on the pine smoke in the distance. Making spiritual food and burning pine smoke can take both into account.

Little Loli prepared the monster meat and condiments for the spiritual food, and threw it to the senior brothers to take care of it after putting it into the pot. She went to the wooden shed where the pine smoke was made to refine the spiritual plants, and placed large stones on the top of the two largest stone kilns. A pot boils carbon black to make ink.

(End of this chapter)

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