magic eye doctor

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511
Le Xiaoluoli focuses on ink making.

When making ink, first use the special Lingzhi soup as the soup base, put some chopped fresh pine needles, when the pine needles are boiled and melted, then pour in carbon black and boil, and the ink will be boiled to a certain extent before being poured into the mold to shape.

The carbon black is cooled and solidified in the mold, and when the finished product comes out, it is a bar-shaped ink ingot. Because of the addition of pine needles, the ink ingot exudes an elegant rosin fragrance, which is a veritable original rosin ink.

The surface of the rosin ink made by Xiaoluoli is smooth and smooth, the color is uniform throughout, the texture is hard and firm, and the surface seems to have a layer of protective luster. It is not easy to melt when slightly touched with ink, the ink is thick, and it will not condense under low temperature in winter.

The mold of rosin ink has patterns, and the ink ingots also have patterns, and then powders such as gold powder or silver powder are prepared, and gold and color are painted on the ink ingots. The patterned ink ingots are exquisite and have high collection value.

Elder Mu and other Mahayana real people took advantage of their age and shamelessness to decisively carve up the gold-painted ink ingots made by the little fairy for the first time. Not used.

Le classmate once burned pine smoke for six years and collected hundreds of millions of catties of carbon black. Naturally, it is impossible to complete the ink making in three or a few days, and it takes a long time.

She also likes to study, not only making rosin-type ink ingots, but also preparing ink ingots of several fragrance types, such as plum fragrance, orchid fragrance, jasmine savory fragrance, osmanthus fragrance, etc., making a total of twelve kinds of fragrances.

The head of Juerba and others are interested in making ink and often go to watch. However, they are still more interested in spiritual food. Most of the time they help to marinate monster meat and wild animal meat, marinate for smoked fish and The bad fish, drying the fish, busy hanging the fish or picking the fish off when the smoked fish is on and off the shelves.

Yuheng, Yuxue, Yuxia, Yulan, Yuqingzong and Yancheng were promoted by many people, and the overall strength was greatly improved again. They stayed in the place where the little fairy temporarily lived for the New Year. Men and Yancheng Ruan Zhenren led a team to explore the secret realm to Jade Lion Mountain.

The five sects left four real people to accompany the little fairy on the coast. The head of the Yuheng sect, Zhu Erba, stayed behind with three disciples. The disciples retained by the sect are all rising stars who have been cultivated with emphasis.

Ma Er also stayed behind to run errands for the little fairy.

The three sky monsters were originally very interested in the 10-year-old secret realm, and they had been with the human girl for more than ten years. They also knew that the girl would return to her hometown in a few years, so they decided to stay and help collect water.

Although the number of 10-year secret realms is rare, the lifespan of monsters is extremely long. They can wait until the next time they are opened, and if they become immortals before the next time they are opened, then there is nothing to be ashamed of.

The three heavenly demons did not hesitate to give up exploring the 10-year-old secret realm of Yushi Mountain, and happily ran to the sea to fetch water every day.

The Five Immortals, Yancheng, and various casual cultivators left, and the coast returned to calm.

Le Xiaoluoli was busy from the end of October of the first year to April of the next year, turning the carbon black she got from burning pine trees into ink ingots, and then melting and boiling the lower-quality ink ingots she collected from Dongchen Continent , do secondary refining processing.

The quality of the refined ink is improved, and the quality is equivalent to the top-grade ink ingots in Dongchen Continent. As for the collected medium or high-grade finished ink ingots, because the quality is higher than the ink ingots on the earth, it is also difficult to bring them back to the earth. It is still a high-grade calligraphy and does not require secondary refining.

Le classmate worked hard until the end of August of that year, and finally completed the secondary refining of all the average quality ink ingots. calligraphy.

Solve the carbon black and ink sticks at hand, and focus on refining rosin, spiritual plants and suet thread, disinfecting the film coating extracted from the abdominal cavity of animals that can be applied to wounds, and boiling donkey glue again.

She can also juggle spiritual food, make wigs, or sew clothes from treated furs at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, it's the Double Ninth Festival in September, and Little Lolita will not let go of the most suitable time of the year for brewing wine, allocating one day to brew Double Ninth Wine.

She used to brew a lot of wine, but the real people are foodies, they drink a lot of wine every year, so she had to brew wine once a year in Chongyang to supply the real people's foodies, and the wine stored in the cellar remained intact.

After the Double Ninth Festival, boil Lingzhi Chong and the wine fermented grains made during the Double Ninth Festival last year, distill white wine, and make distiller's grains into marinated fish. Of course, making wine and making spiritual food are not incompatible.

The five immortal sects, Yancheng and others rushed to the location of the 10-year-old secret realm of Yushi Mountain, and waited for several months. The secret realm was not stabilized until December of that year's midwinter.

The explorers who went to the 10-year-old secret realm not only had human races, but also a large number of monsters. The total number of humans and beasts exceeded 30, which shows how attractive the secret realm is.

The 10-year secret realm has been open for as long as three years, and many team members who are left alone are also self-reliant while waiting.

The heads and protectors of the five great immortal sects did not see the secret realm, and sat outside the secret realm waiting for the disciples of the sect to return with a full load.

The period when the 10-year secret realm of Jade Lion Mountain was opened was also the No. 18 year when Little Lolita settled in the southwest corner. She herself was not interested in the secret realm, but she was in a good mood. After 18 years of unremittingly transporting water to the star core, The yak plain in the north has been greened for nearly [-] miles, and the ecosystem has taken shape.

The chicken-heart-shaped island has also been developed. Because of the small ocean, it formed an ecosystem before the Yak Plain and has stabilized.

What makes little Lolita feel beautiful is the small ocean. Even though it has a large amount of evaporation, the water level of the sea has risen to a height of more than 6000 feet, which is about one hour away from the original sea level. Ten thousand two thousand feet.

The sea basin of the Small Ocean is trapezoidal, narrow at the bottom, and wider as it goes up. On the surface, it seems that the height of [-] feet is nothing, but the amount of water it can hold is amazing.

The three-day monsters took turns to fetch water as usual, and took turns to wander in the deep sea. When they were picking seaweed and water deserts in the distant sea, high-level monsters would often give them something, asking them to pass it on to the alchemy alchemist on the coast.

The monsters have their own principles, they have been favored by the alchemist of the human race to be promoted successfully, which means they owe a favor, so they have to give a gift to repay the favor.

The gifts given by the high-level monsters are various. There is a fantian shell that has been stuck in the fairy stage for several 10 years. The fairy-level swallowing snail was given to the alchemist of the human race to repay that great favor.

The fairy-level sky-swallowing snail is also rare in the ocean, and its capacity is ten times that of the demon-level sky-swallowing snail.

It has to be said that the gift came so timely that it was sent to the heart of little Lolita. She happily gave Bei Tianyao [-] jin of spiritual food and [-] jin of spirits in return.

With the demon-level swallowing snails, the speed of collecting seawater has risen to a new level, and the water level of the small star core ocean can rise a little every day.

A large amount of seawater is transported away every day, and the water level in the southern sea area of ​​Dongchen Continent has not been affected at all. After more than ten years, the water level has dropped by less than half a foot. Compared with the volume of Dongchen Sea, the water transported away is not as good as A drop in the bucket.

(End of this chapter)

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