magic eye doctor

Chapter 1512 Bold Ideas

Chapter 1512 Bold Ideas

Golden Retriever often pinches his paws secretly to count the time. When the 20-year time limit is getting closer, it means that the time to part is also getting closer. He is getting more and more nervous, wishing to cling to the little one all the time.

Yu Qiyu, Mo Wen, Luo Chengzhu, and the brothers and sisters of Zhuzong have been working as handyman disciples for several years, helping the junior sisters to kill all the monsters and beasts, and all the fish are also killed, and the spiritual plants that need to be cleaned are washed again Let dry.

They helped clean up the mushroom soil, helped remove the cactus thorns, chopped the spiritual plants that needed to be chopped, and dried the spiritual plants, seaweed and humps that should be dried; they also divided all the wood into planks according to the requirements , wooden blocks, etc., and tidy up the items that need to be sorted out.

After more than ten years of busy work, all the work that should be done has been done, and the time for the younger sister to leave is getting closer and closer, and Yu Qi and the others are becoming more and more reluctant. Be with you all the time.

Two years passed by like water, and Little Lolita lived in the southwest corner for 20 years.

When I have stayed in the south for the [-]th anniversary, in the early summer season, Le Xiao made arrangements for Jinmaohou and a group of cheap seniors to help burn pine smoke and make smoked fish and bad fish. She invited three demons As a companion, I ran into the river to do an experiment that I have always wanted but dared not try.

She has a bold idea - she wants to extradite water into the star core space.

It was a very dangerous experiment, and if he didn't do it well, he might suffer disaster. Since he was promoted to the distraction stage, Le Xiao had performed countless times by himself, but he didn't dare to try it himself.

She herself thinks it is feasible. After all, she can extradite spiritual energy to the star core, and extradition water should be no problem. If she doesn't give it a try, she won't be reconciled.

Le Yun, who mustered up his courage, flew to the mouth of a big river with King Shark and King Whale. Enduring the great fear of deep water, he slowly walked towards the shallow sea not far from the coast.

Shark King and Whale King expelled all the fish and shrimp, occupying three directions in the area far away from the girl to prevent monsters from attacking the girl.

They acted as protectors, protecting an area so watertight that if any monsters dared to approach without authorization, they would be crushed to pieces in minutes.

Le Yun, who has a deep water phobia, walked into the sea water with stiff legs and walked towards a deeper area, wearing an exercise suit with tied wrists and calves.

She covered her head with her zhenqi to prevent the seawater from choking her nose. She dared not go any further when she reached the shallow water area about three meters deep. It's the same as the way to extradite the aura to the star core.

Facts have proved that the extradition method she calculated is feasible, the star core was quickly activated, swallowed the water column, and sent it to where her consciousness pointed.

Le Yun used her consciousness to control the water to fall on the upper reaches of the river in the north of the star core space, which is wider than the Drake Passage on Earth. She personally named that river "Noodle River". For this reason, the little fox despised it for a long time. Said she was named useless.

The water column extradited into the star core from the outside world accurately landed on a large lake at the source of a tributary that supplies water to the river at the uppermost reaches of the Noodle River.

In the beginning, Le Yun was able to control the amount of water. In less than a stick of incense, Xingnuo probably thought that the water flow she sent was too little, so he simply acted and absorbed water by himself.

When she discovered the intention of the star core, Le Yun almost had a heart attack. After being at a loss for a short time, she immediately made up for it, and there was no time to do anything else. She just moved the water column above the small ocean.

The star core did not allow the host to snatch the sovereignty, it immediately took control of the overall situation, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the seawater frantically.

But for a moment, the sea water around the human girl was attracted and rushed towards the girl, forming a huge vortex. From the outside, the girl was in the middle of the vortex.

The Shark King and the Whale King saw a huge vortex appearing around the human girl, and the whole monster was blinded. What kind of water fetching operation is this?
The three-day demon in a daze stared at the vortex silently. After about half a stick of incense, they found that the water in the shallow water area was not enough to supply the swallowing capacity of the vortex, and the vortex was moving towards the deep water area.

The speed of the vortex was relatively slow at first, about three or two feet at a time, and after a dozen breaths, the vortex was like a hurricane, and moved to the ocean thousands of miles away from the coast at a speed that was more ferocious than a tsunami.

The vortex moves to the deep water area of ​​the ocean, expands dozens of times in an instant, and expands into a large vortex covering hundreds of miles wide.

After being shocked, the Shark King and Whale King rushed to the surrounding area of ​​the great vortex, and then dived into the water. They found the human girl after diving more than [-] feet deep. They drove the monsters in the ocean far away and did not let them approach. big vortex.

When the star core broke away from her own control and devoured seawater frantically, Le Yun could still convince herself that it would be easier for the star core to swallow water by herself. Seawater ended in failure, and the whole person was in despair.

In despair, Le Yun watched herself being dragged into the deep sea, watched countless fish and shrimp running around, and also saw many fish and shrimp being sucked into the stomach by the star core.

She is like a stiff log, unable to move, and can only passively "accompany" the star core to swallow sea water. The only advantage is that the star core swallows sea water, unlike swallowing aura, which needs her as a container. The star core directly swallows water without consuming her. She only needs to use her true energy to protect her head from choking on the water and drowning.

Le Yun has a deep fear of deep water. At the beginning, he was terribly afraid. It lasted for about a day and a night. He tried to observe the star core with trepidation, and found that the water column transported from the star core to space was 50 feet thick!

What is the concept of 50 feet?Such a large water column falling from the sky, what kind of picture is that?
Observing the rhythm of the star core space with consciousness, "seeing" a huge water column falling from the sky, hitting heavily on the freshwater area to the north of the small ocean, making a rumbling sound like landslides and ground cracks, stirring up layers of water waves, the water in that corner Boiling like a boil.

The amount of water swallowed by the star core is so amazing, Le Yun tried to divide the water column into several streams and move it to different areas, but failed again and again!

Anyway, she can't move, only her consciousness can be used, and she also made an effort with Xingnuo, try again if you fail, try again if you fail, never give up, whenever you consume part of your consciousness, hurry up to practice and recover, and then revive with full blood. try.

The little Lolita was fighting with the star core in the deep sea, and the whale king and shark king stayed in the sea to protect the law from a distance, and watched how the girl absorbed sea water by herself.

The speed at which the large vortex devours seawater is even more ferocious than the water-absorbing speed of the demon-level conch-swallowing snails. Every breath will swallow a large amount of seawater.

Little Lolita stayed in the sea that was ten thousand feet deep, the sea water was abundant, and the star core devoured the water recklessly.

Three days and three nights have passed, the star core is not satisfied, ten days and ten nights have passed, the star core has no intention of stopping, eleven days, twelve days... In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and the star core has no intention of stopping .

Le Yun was forcibly trapped in the sea as a fish, and she was on the verge of going berserk, but she couldn't do anything to the star core, and she was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, but there was nothing she could do.

(End of this chapter)

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