magic eye doctor

Chapter 1513 I don't want to be a salted fish

Chapter 1513 I don't want to be a salted fish

What kind of trial is the junior sister doing? Yu Qi and the others guarded the kiln burning pine trees in peace of mind. They waited for a month without seeing the junior sister coming back. They took out the spiritual food in the pot and put another batch of marinated animal meat on it. pot.

Because they couldn't see the little sister, the brothers ran to find someone, and found that the little sister was floating in the sea in the form of a fish, which should be absorbing the seawater with water droplets. They knew it, and went back silently to burn the pine tree, smoke the fish, and make spiritual food , or go to pick flowers and fruit plants nearby, and go to Chiyan Mountain to cut wood.

Le Yun thought of many ways to close the star core and stop absorbing water, but to no avail. When trying to close the star core by exhausting her true energy, she almost choked on water, so she had to give up fighting with the star core and let the star core be small. Goblins are in heaven.

In the blink of an eye, a month and a half passed, and in such a short period of time, the water level of the small ocean rose several feet.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed, and the star core is still swallowing a lot of water.

Le Yun, who was trapped in the sea water, experienced countless struggles in the third month, and finally succeeded in snatching food from the water column swallowed by the star core, and used it for artificial rainfall.

She continued to grab water unrelentingly. After fighting for half a month, she was able to snatch half of the water, divided it into several parts, and sent them to the upstream water source areas of several large rivers in the northern plain and other large rivers in the star core. A share of water rains down on land that needs watering.

After countless experiments, she also came to the conclusion that at most she can take half of the water column absorbed by the star core, and she can't make further progress.

Real knowledge comes from practice, and when there is a result, she will not die. She controls part of the water volume and arranges it according to her own ideas. As for letting the star core stop swallowing water, then don't even think about it. She can't shake the star core that is stronger than her. Cattle.

Le Yun, who is not as strong as the star core, is forced to be a salted fish in the sea, pretending to be on land, trying to grab water to irrigate the land and rivers in space, and practicing hard.

The little girl is delivering water to the space, and the little fox with Xiao Huihui is planting trees and spreading plant seeds in various source areas of the river day and night.

Day after day passed, month after month passed, and the first month of the second year was ushered in in a blink of an eye, and the spring girl came with great anticipation.

When the spring returned to the earth, the source of several large rivers in the star core space was soaked for hundreds of miles. The trees and grass planted by the little fox and Xiao Huihui survived, and the seeds of the plants that were sowed also began to sprout. The Noodle River appeared. Some river sections have been revitalized, and the source of many rivers can form an ecosystem within three years.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the mainland is ushering in another busy season of the year.

Little Lolita is still trapped in the sea as a salted fish.

She was depressed when she was forced to be a fish, but she was only depressed for a while. Overall, she was quite happy, because the benefits of being forced to be a fish were huge, and the small star core ocean was replenished with a lot of water. is continuing to rise.

The spring of the new year has not yet passed, and the water level of the small ocean is higher than the sea level, and the overflowing water diffuses to the land through the low-lying coastal area, nourishing the land.

Student Le Xiao didn't want to see such a result, because the middle of the small ocean is brackish or salty sea water to the south, but she couldn't stop it, so she could only "watch" the water of the small ocean overflowing the coast, entering the large and small seas. coastal plain canyons or endless prairie wastelands.

Time flies and several months passed, and in midsummer, little Lolita finally saw the good news—the southwest of the star core space was located in an area that was newly added more than [-] miles wide in one day and one night.

The newly added area is a fan-shaped area from the southwest to the west, because the newly added area exceeds [-] miles in length and width, and the entire small ocean also fully presents its true appearance.

The newly added area at the southern end of the small ocean is about 23 miles from north to south, and counting the former salt water area at the southern end, the maximum length from north to south of the southern salt water area is more than 8000 miles, and the maximum width from east to west is about 9 More than [-] miles, and the narrowest width is about [-] miles.

There is a huge trench in the new area, with a depth of more than 8 feet and a length of more than [-] miles.

Generally speaking, the southern end of the small ocean is narrow and long, the middle is wide, and the north is flat and oval. The small ocean looks like a whale as a whole, with the head in the north and the head bent to the northwest, and the tail of the whale in the south, which is a curved tail. The tip faces east, and the arc is a huge bay, which is also a natural salt field.

There is no water in the newly added area in the southern part of the small ocean, and the seawater it originally accumulated rushed to the lower part in an instant to fill the southern part.

"!" Discovering that Xiao Haiyang showed his true colors overnight, Le Yun couldn't find his soul for a long time, oh my god, the south of Xiao Haiyang is still so wide?
This... How long will she have to stay in the sea to fill the sea basin?

She could already predict her end: she had no choice but to continue being trapped in the sea as a fish!

When she came back to her senses, Le Yun's heart and liver were trembling. She really didn't want to be a salted fish anymore. Could you let her go out? At worst, she didn't pick the plants in the restricted area of ​​Xilu. She dressed Xiao Haiyang at the beach. Just go home with full water, okay?
Facts have proved that the little loli wants to be beautiful!

Ignoring the master's resentment, the star core aggressively swallowed sea water, and the amount of water swallowed increased again, and the diameter of the water column increased from 50 feet to a million feet.

The small ocean in the space of the star core is like a black hole, and it seems that it can never be filled.

Unable to choose to escape from the deep sea, Le Yun shed tears and threw the water snatched from the star core into the freshwater area at the northern end of the small ocean, constantly observing the water level of the small ocean.

The seawater accumulated in the small ocean poured into the southern end in large quantities. After a full month, the sea level of the small ocean from south to north was at the same height, and the water level was about [-] feet away from the previous sea level.

Le Yun didn't even cry anymore, she just hoped that the star core could swallow water faster, quickly absorb enough water, and let her leave the terrifying deep sea early.

Time is like the sand at the fingertips, from spring to summer, from summer to autumn, it is just a snap of the fingers, and with another snap of the fingers, it goes from the golden autumn to the bleak winter.

That year was also the year when the 10-year secret realm of Yushi Mountain was closed. When the midwinter came in December, the [-]-year secret realm of Yushi Mountain entered the countdown to closure, and the closing mode was officially opened on the first day in the second half of the month.

The time for the closure of the secret realm is up, and the monks who ventured into the secret realm leave the secret realm. When they walk out of the 10-year secret realm, they feel as if they have passed away.

There used to be more than 30 people or beasts entering the secret realm. When the secret realm was closed, there were about 21 survivors, and a total of about [-] people or beasts stayed in the secret realm. Alive, but trapped in a corner.

The teams of the Five Great Immortal Sects and Yancheng were also damaged, losing hundreds of people each, and gaining a lot.

The members of each team who stayed outside Mimi received their own team and set off on their own the next day. The Five Great Immortal Sects and the Yancheng team stayed in Yushi Mountain for more than ten days to share the spoils and supplies, and the soldiers divided their ways. .

Some of the people from the five great immortal sects set off to return to their sects, and the heads of each sect took a few elders to transfer to the west land, first going to the west land to wait for the little fairy to see him off.

Yuqingzong and Yancheng's team also detoured to the southwest corner when they returned, and found that the magic circle clothed by the little fairy was still there, so they went to visit again. They waited for a month and did not see the little fairy coming out of the sea. The Yuqingzong team returned to Yuqing Mountain , Yancheng team returned to Yandao.

(End of this chapter)

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