magic eye doctor

Chapter 1514 Out of the Sea of ​​Misery

Chapter 1514 Out of the Sea of ​​Misery
The 10-year-old secret realm of Yushi Mountain was closed, and the junior sister still stayed in the sea and could not get out. Yuqi and the others calmly burned pine smoke and made smoked fish.

Every three months, they go to the sea to find three heavenly demons, give them some spiritual food, and take a look at the little junior sister by the way. They can only see a huge vortex in the deep sea from a distance of a few hundred miles. Seeing the figure of the little junior sister.

The three heavenly demons were loyal to their duties, and they perfectly interpreted the meaning of the word "protector". They guarded the human girl and did not let any high-level monsters approach.

Trapped in the sea as a salted fish, little classmate Le Xiao has no hope of escaping from the sea of ​​suffering. He takes pleasure in suffering every day, and occasionally divides a column of water to irrigate the land in space, or to rain on the upper reaches of rivers that have not yet formed a complete ecosystem.

The thing that made her most gratified was Little Huhu and Xiao Huihui. She couldn't enter the star core space by herself, so she sent the two cuties to different areas to help plant trees and forests. The land of success grows day by day.

I can't move, and naturally I can't take food. The only good thing is that the cultivator won't die if she doesn't eat for a few years, and she doesn't have to stretch every day. Otherwise, she would starve to death if she wasn't drowned, or because of Soaking in water with your own poo in it makes you sick.

Xiao Le can’t eat by herself, but her consciousness can be used. She can transfer the spiritual food in the storage container to the star core for the little fox and Xiao Huihui to eat. She also wants to give the spiritual food to the three-day demon, but, Spirit Food cannot send vortexes.

The human girl soaked in the sea as a fish, and the shark and whale king dutifully acted as a guardian. As long as she stayed, they guarded her.

Time flies, one year passes, and it is summer in the new year in a blink of an eye.

In the second month of summer of this year, Yu Qi and his seniors also smoked all the fish handed over by their junior sisters into smoked fish, with some condiments. Alright then grill the fish.

The senior brothers were also relatively free, and a group of people went to the flooded area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles to pick lotus leaves, lotus flowers, grass pearls and other spiritual plants, and a group of people went to the Chiyan Desert and Chiyan Mountain to collect wood and pasture.

The disciples of the five sects and Ma Erbing were divided into three teams, and they kept in constant contact. Once the junior sister came out of the sea, they would call her back so as not to delay the junior sister's trip.

However, in fact, their worries were unnecessary. From summer to winter, the little fairy still stayed in the sea, making no movement at all.

The junior sister did not crawl out of the deep sea, and the brothers still rushed back to the southwest coast to celebrate the New Year, and after the year they divided the labor to collect resources.

Le Yun, who stayed in the deep sea, could sense where the three sky monsters were, and could also sense high-level monsters prowling in the distance, but her eyes could not penetrate the water wave barrier of the great vortex.

She seemed to be imprisoned in the sea, unable to live without the vortex, and the creatures outside could not pass through the vortex. If there were any living creatures, they would be small shrimps and fishes, directly swallowed by the star core and water, and transferred into the star core.

There is no difference between day and night in the deep sea, only the water temperature changes slightly due to different seasons, it seems to be isolated from the world, and Le Yun doesn't know how long it has passed.

With the arrival of the new year, it is also the No.20 second year when little loli lives in the southwest corner.

Day after day, month after month, around the beginning of July of that year, the water level of the small ocean of the star core finally rose to the original sea level. The most important thing is that the sea basin at the southern end of the small ocean was also infiltrated by water, and the entire ocean Evaporation reaches normal levels.

The star core probably also sensed the deepening resentment in the master's heart, and finally "knowledgeably" returned the control to the master, and quietly retreated to the second line.

At the moment when she got control of the star core, Le Yun immediately turned off the star core devouring function, and rushed out of the sea like a rocket.

Oh my god, it's not a salted fish at last.

Trapped in the sea as a zombie fish for more than two years, she was almost soaked into a floating corpse.

Close your eyes, Le Yun just wants to stand up, the deep water is so scary, I need to be quiet!
The human girl left the deep sea, the great vortex disappeared, and the sea was calm.

The Shark King and Whale King also flew out of the sea, turned into a human form, and floated to the side of the aircraft to see a pale girl lying in the aircraft. The purple whale king held the aircraft under the aircraft with one hand, brought it back to the coast, and was protected by a magic circle. place.

Human monks rushed in, and the purple whale king handed over the aircraft to the young monks who were called senior brothers by the girl, and they sat calmly basking in the sun.

Yu Qi and her fellow apprentices hugged the aircraft, sent the little junior sister back to the man-made cave, sent her to her wooden house, and asked her to wash and change clothes.

Junior Sister has been in the deep sea for nearly three years, except for a little pale skin, there is nothing else, and they are not worried about the health of Junior Sister, so they quickly contacted the companions who went out to return quickly.

The little classmate Le, who was lying in the corpse, was resurrected after lying down for less than half an hour. He dried the wet clothes with true energy, and then went to the bedroom of the wooden house to take a shower and wash his hair. After complaining about the pain for a while, he quickly lit a fire to make spiritual food.

It took five days to make my best spiritual food, and when the brothers who went out came back, I cooked sea snail soup, and invited Tian Yao and cheap seniors to have a big meal, which was also a farewell meal.

Shark King Whale King and human monks ate spiritual food and drank heavily, drinking to their heart's content all day and night.

On the No. 15 day of landing, Le put away all the pots, stoves and wooden sheds. The pine trees used to make carbon ink have not been burned, so they can be brought back to the earth to make carbon ink.

No. On the 16th day, the celestial monsters helped the girl fill the conch with water, and parted on the morning of that day. The celestial monsters did not send the girl to the west land, so everyone said goodbye.

The three celestial demons collected water for themselves and protected the Dharma for themselves. They worked hard without complaint. Le Yun was very moved, and sent the three celestial demons thousands of miles away, giving each of them a storage container.

The gifts she gave are also in the storage container. Each celestial demon has tens of millions of catties of cooked spiritual food, 50 catties of liquor, a Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, a Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, and a bean-sized soul jade.

The soul jade is packed in a spirit stone box, and two pills are packed in a wooden box. When presenting the storage device to the sky monsters, he specially asked: "I have a special gift for you, and I put it in a wooden box. , the three of you don’t have to wait until you return to your cave and open it after confirming it’s safe.”

The Whale King and Shark King also guessed that there must be spiritual food, so he took the storage container and asked the girl to stop: "My friend, let's say goodbye here, and hope to meet again in the upper world."

"I wish the three Flying Immortals an early date, and there will be a date later!" Le Yun cupped his hands and said goodbye, turned around and left without looking back.

The Whale King and the Shark King watched the human girl fly back to the coast to meet the human monks, and they flew towards the central land together until she was no longer seen. A lot of spirits, that is joyful and moving.

The three-day demon dived into the deep sea and rushed towards the far sea without stopping for half a moment. It took five months to return to the cave, and then checked the wooden box according to the words, and suddenly found that the girl had presented the elixir for flying immortals and a piece of soul jade. She was so shocked that she couldn't get out of seclusion, she devoted herself to cultivating, and waited for the day when she would become a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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