magic eye doctor

Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515
The head of Zhu Erba led a group of young people on a journey day and night, except collecting some water occasionally, and did not stop for other things. It took eight months to return to Yuheng Mountain.

Yuxue Yuxia Yulan Yuqingzong's young monks and Ma Er wandered around Yuheng Mountain. The head of Zhuerba brought his sect disciples back to Yuhengzong with the little fairy.

Some of the disciples of Yuhengzong who went to the secret place of Yushi Mountain were brought back to the sect by Mahayana real people. They returned to the sect first. When the little fairy came again, the elders of Yuhengzong led their disciples to welcome them warmly.

Classmate Le Xiao had a reception feast at the Yuhengzong, and then took the golden lion into the jade slips, and took him into the deep stream secret realm of the Yuhengzong to find the jade liquid.

The first time she entered the deep stream secret realm, her strength was too low and her flying speed was slow. The second time she revisited the old place, she was already a monk in the distraction stage. cave.

After several decades, the number of swiftlets has not changed much, and bird's nests are densely hung on the stone wall.

Le Yun, who flew into the cave, ignored the bird's nest and went straight to the cave with fine nectar and jade liquid, first to the area protected by the barrier.

It has been more than 50 years since she visited the cave last time, probably because she buried soul jade nearby, which affected the surrounding areas. The amount of water in the spiritual spring in the top-quality suet jade mining area increased, the deep pit was filled with water, and there was still a trace of spring water overflowing .

Apart from anything else, the spirit spring water was first collected and sealed in a jade jar, and then entered the intersection area of ​​mutton fat jade and spirit stone. Small drops of water condensed on the wall of the area, and a small amount of jade liquid was also accumulated in the pit under the stone wall.

The enchantment that protects the fine nectar and jade liquid is full of aura. Le Yun took out a man-made cave and put it in a corner, and moved the little fox and Xiao Huihui out of the star core space and put them in the cave, allowing the two cuties to absorb the aura.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui who have worked hard for several years naturally don't mind taking a good rest if they have a good place. The little fox eats spiritual food to wrap their stomachs, and Xiao Huihui works hard to cultivate.

Le Yun instructed the two little cuties to leave the enchanted area of ​​fine nectar and jade liquid, and go to the area where the golden bird's nests are densely packed in the cave to pick bird's nests, and let the organ beasts help dig up the swallow's excrement.

It was the end of the first month when she entered the secret place of Shenjian, and it was February when she arrived at the swiftlet's cave, which was also the season for picking bird's nests.

There were still a lot of bird's nests that hadn't been removed before. When she was in the southwest corner, because the senior brothers had a lot of people, she handed them over to the senior brothers to help clean the bird's nest fluff. They had already cleaned it up, and some of them were prepared with spiritual food, or extracted for use There are less than [-] pharmaceutical plasters and pills reserved for food.

In order to pick as many bird's nests as possible, Le Yun took out the soul jade knife to scrape the joint between the bird's nest and the stone wall, and a bunch of bird's nests could be removed with one knife. Sometimes the wall was smooth, and dozens of strings of bird's nests could be scraped off with one knife.

Swiftlets stack new nests on top of old nests. A string of nests is often dozens or more than a dozen. Three or two nests or a single nest are the nests of young swiftlets that have only hatched in recent years.

It has only been more than [-] years, and the golden bird's nest is very good, and there is no abandoned bird's nest that has turned black.

I am currently a distracted cultivator, and with the help of the Soul Jade Knife, Xiao Le can pick bird's nests very fast, and can pick tens of thousands of bird's nests a day. Because the time to pick bird's nests is only one month, he works overtime day and night.

There is a soul jade light shining in the cave, which makes the swallows feel comfortable. Even if humans are picking bird's nests at night, the swallows are not panicked.

The little fox stayed in the cave for a few days to eat the spiritual energy, and when the little girl returned to the enchantment one day, she stuck to the little girl and followed her to help her share her worries.

Xiao Huihui practiced in the cave, helping to clean the fluff of the bird's nest, and then meditating after exhausting her true energy. She practiced repeatedly for half a month and finally succeeded in building a foundation.

The little black monkey was cultivating in the cave, and was promoted from the [-]th level of Dzogchen in the Qi refining period to the foundation building, and his power only ran around in the man-made cave, and did not cause any harm to the origin of the fine nectar and jade liquid outside.

After successfully building the foundation, Xiao Huihui couldn't stay idle, and followed the little sister to the cave to help pick bird's nests.

Little Lolita took two little beasts to pick bird's nests day and night, until the end of March to light up the bird's nests that could be picked, and then go to pick the nests of swiftlets, the spirit beasts that have opened up their wisdom.

After [-] days of hard work, student Le Xiao harvested more than tens of millions of bird's nests. With a beautiful mood, he quietly caught a hundred pairs of swiftlets aged seven or eight, and a hundred pairs of swiftlets aged three or two years old and transferred them into the star core. The space is placed in a mountain cave among the southeast mountains.

She moved swiftlets into the space and observed secretly. At first, the swiftlets were at a loss in the new environment, but after a few days they adapted, settled down in their new homes, and looked for nesting materials to build their nests.

Le Xiao observed the results, and happily transported the primates caught from the sea to the Jixin Island of Xiaohai Ocean for stocking.

Primate apes, monkeys, orangutans and other animals are better able to adapt to the environment than swiftlets. It takes less than a day to accept the new environment calmly, scurrying around in the bushes, looking for edible flowers, fruits and plant stems, and playing.

The animals live and work in peace and contentment in the star core, and Le Yun has a sense of accomplishment. First, he rests in the enchantment, uses the soul jade knife to carve Jiuzi bamboo products, and recuperates for several days. Store in a bamboo tube.

She searched very cleanly, not a single drop of the fine liquid was left, and felt that the hole dug before was still a bit narrow, so she expanded the hole again and dug the hole a few feet wider. It is estimated that the entire pit can hold hundreds of thousands of catties of fine liquid.

I am very satisfied with my results, and based on the principle of doing good things to the end, I once again widened the puddle in the top-grade suet jade mining area by several tens of feet.

Le Xiao, who did a good deed without leaving his name, took another day off, quietly left the Swiftlet Cave, and walked towards the exit of the secret realm, catching wild animals and transferring them to the star core space for stocking.

In order for the animals and plants in the star core space to achieve an ecological chain balance, the captured animals all have mutual constraints, such as birds and insects, of course there must be eagles and eagles;

If there are primates, there will naturally be natural enemies such as monkey-faced eagles, leopards, and tigers. If there are large beasts such as tigers and leopards, of course there must be wild boars, cattle and sheep.

Yuhengzong's deep stream secret realm has a vast area, and there are many wild beasts, so it is not afraid that they will not be found.

Little student Le went around catching animals that can form a biological chain, catching insects and birds, and also caught many kinds of frogs and threw them into the space. He also found a few nests of honey, and moved them into the star core space together with the nests.

In order to replenish the space with saplings, she released the golden lion, dug a large number of saplings of slow-growing trees, and also dug up several colored mineral deposits that the Xianzong sect didn't like very much.

Walking east and west, the little loli dangled for four months before reaching the exit of the secret realm. First, she used the swallowing snail to collect the lake water from the lake with the teleportation array, leaving a small amount of lake water, and threw a few rough emeralds into the teleportation array , and then enter the teleportation array to leave the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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