magic eye doctor

Chapter 1518 The Farewell Gift

Chapter 1518 The Farewell Gift
The Yulan Sect has always regarded Xiaoxianzi as a member of their sect. Now that Xiaoxianzi is about to leave Dongchen, they are not stingy, and they are very generous.

The gifts presented by the Yulan Sect include 1 million yuan each for top-grade and middle-grade spirit stones, 500 million spirit plants produced in Lingtian, [-] million catties of grain from Lingtian, [-] million catties each of bamboo rice and wild rice, ordinary rice purchased from the mainland, [-] million catties each of corn and wheat, and millions of catties of other beans;
There is also a container containing some odds and ends collected from the mainland, including tea oil, olive oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil, which are [-] to [-] catties each.

There are also a variety of common spiritual plants, mushrooms, flowers, wild fruits, bamboo shoots and other items filled with two storage containers; a small storage container is filled with plant seeds and seedlings of some rare plants;
There are also two storage containers containing various ores; one storage container contains animal ashes; the other storage container contains some jars, which are filled with spiritual spring water.

There is a storage container for porcelain clay and pottery clay; the other storage container contains very fertile leaf humus soil and tea seeds, tung seeds, tea raw sesame seeds, olive seeds and other oil-pressed residue cakes.

Yulanzong custom-made thousands of sets of clothes for the little fairy, made hundreds of sets of clothes according to the size of her family members or friends, and purchased tens of thousands of pieces of fabric, as well as colored silk threads, unwoven silk or polyester, There are thousands of handkerchiefs.

Sect Leader Li sent out the gift, and then sent out a storage bag: "This is the treasure left by the little fairy in the Yulan Sect."

Le Yun took the two storage containers in her hands and looked at the gift from the Yulan Sect. She couldn't see her eyes with a smile.

The head of Cun gave away the gifts from Yuqingzong, and also sent back the soul jade that Xiaoxian had entrusted to Yuqingzong for safekeeping and trading to the original owner; The preserved soul jade.

Yuxia Yuheng Yu Qingzong handled the monster and beast meat on behalf of the little fairy when they went to the secret land of Yushi Mountain to visit the little fairy at the seaside. After the meeting, I returned it to the little fairy, and now all I give are gifts.

The spiritual stones given by each sect are the same. The spiritual plants and grains produced by the spiritual fields are different from ordinary spiritual plants, rice and other grains. Some things are more than Yulan sect, and some are less than Yulan sect.

Because Yuxia Yuxuezong is located in the northern land, the forest resources are the most abundant. Every year, the sect mission is issued for the disciples of the outer sect to collect. The collected plant seeds are the most abundant, and they have also collected the resin or juice of tens of thousands of trees. Flowers, mountains of pasture and wood, firewood, and charcoal alone fill a storage container.

Yuheng Yuqingzong collected the most bamboo rice or wild rice, wild rice, bamboo and so on.

The five great immortal sects made extraordinary moves, and Le Yun was so happy that he could hardly find the north. He gave the gift he had prepared to the five sects. Each immortal sect had tens of millions of catties of spiritual food and a million catties of spirits. An extra batch of beast meat was processed, plus 20 catties of spiritual food and [-] catties of wine.

She also gave the soul jade that she entrusted each sect to trade as a gift: "The treasures I left in each sect are given to each sect. I am sure that before I came, the soul jade had disappeared from Dongchen. Soul jade is rare, so don't cherish it in each sect." .When I went to various secret realms and played in the Five Immortals Sect, I buried soul jades in secret places. The soul jades are endless, and Dongchen will not have any worries of collapse within three to five billion years."

The elders of the five sects looked at the little fairy in astonishment. The little guy went to play in the sect and buried the soul jade in their sect mountain? !
"Thank you, little fairy!" After being shocked, all the real people expressed their gratitude very gratefully. The soul jade will not go away, and the continent will not collapse. As long as they pass on the soul jade, Dongchen Continent will not collapse.

Le Yun accepted the monks' thanks with a smile, and took out five pots at once. Each pot was planted with a small tree less than an inch high. The small sapling shone with the light of a star. .

"Kirin tree?" Yuling saw the little guy take out five unicorn trees again, his calm handsome face changed instantly, and he looked at the little sapling excitedly. Kylin trees can no longer reproduce.

"噗" the head of the five sects, when the elders heard the handsome man say the word unicorn tree, it seemed like there was a spring under his buttocks, and they flew up all of a sudden, their eyes opened wider than a bull's.

The five masters stared straight at the starry saplings and forgot to breathe.

"It is said that the Qilin tree has the power to mend the rules. I brought the seeds of the Qilin tree from my hometown and cultivated it several times before I was able to successfully cultivate the saplings. I will present them to the five immortal sects. Each immortal sect takes good care of them and should be able to support them."

Le Yun sent the five flower pots to the heads of the five sects respectively: "The unicorn tree seedlings are hard to distinguish between male and female. When the tree blooms, you go to other sects to gather flowers and pollinate the tree. I have been to all sects. , to the east of Yuqingzong..."

In order to allow each sect to successfully support the unicorn tree, Le Yun also broke her heart and told them how to maintain it and where it would be easier to live.

When the little fairy confirmed the existence of the unicorn tree, the heads of the five sects and the elders were dumbfounded. They saw the flowerpot flying towards them and woke up like a dream. They hugged it quickly, sat down in a panic, and listened to the little fairy's words of golden rules. .

The heads of the five sects sat upright, as earnestly as disciples who had just joined the Immortal Sect and listened to their masters' teachings on cultivating immortals. When the little fairy explained how to take care of the tree, the head of Zhuerba asked cautiously: "Little fairy, little master. Nephew, on the day of the Double Ninth Festival decades ago, the stars of the Jade Lantern School shone brightly in the sky, was it... a Qilin tree was born?"

"Yes," Le Yun nodded with a smile: "The first unicorn tree I successfully cultivated was only a sapling, and I gave it to the seniors on the top of Yulan Mountain for maintenance. It was the day when the unicorn tree reappeared in the mainland and the vision came from heaven;

These few saplings are the ones I successfully cultivated after several years of failure in the southwest corner, and only five survived, which is also your luck.

Dragons and snakes are mixed in Yancheng, so it is not appropriate to give them a unicorn tree as a gift. After thousands of years, the unicorn tree will take root and sprout in Dongchen Continent, and produce offspring, and the real people of the five sects will send the seeds to all parties.

I have also sowed the seeds of the kylin tree in various secret places, but I don't know if they will germinate one day in the future. "

Master Li of the Yulan Sect, Elder Mu and other real people have mixed feelings in their hearts. That year, Yulan Mountain was shining with stars for tens of thousands of miles. It turned out that the Qilin tree was born. No wonder the little fairy said that the time was not enough. She was worried about the Qilin tree. The news of the reappearance of the mainland has leaked, and the Yulan Sect will become the target of monks from all sides.

Today, the little fairy has cultivated five more unicorn trees, Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and Yuqingzong all have a share, and no one needs to be jealous of each other. Since then, the ties between the five great immortal sects have deepened, and each sect will naturally keep their mouths shut for the future of the sect. Help each other.

The little fairy has been bringing good fortune to the Yulan Sect since she came to the Yulan Sect. Before returning to her hometown, she left the most precious unicorn tree for the mainland. She has worked hard for the mainland. Xiandu should be grateful to her.

Perhaps, it is also one of her duties as a heavenly favored person that Little Fairy brought the soul jade and unicorn tree to the mainland, and the beneficiaries are the monks of Dongchen Continent.

Sect Leader Li and all the elders also became more and more reluctant to part with Little Fairy, thinking that she was about to leave, they felt lost.

(End of this chapter)

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