magic eye doctor

Chapter 1519 It's time to return it to you

Chapter 1519 It's time to return it to you

Head Shang, Head Zhuerba and others were shocked. Xiaoxian went to their sect as a guest and buried the soul jade secretly in the mountains without their knowledge. The secret place she visited not only buried the soul jade, but also Sowed the unicorn tree seeds?

Little fairies regard the "garbage" resources that they despise as treasures, but bury treasures all over the mountain, and use soul jade and unicorn trees as gifts. Such little fairies... are rare in eternity.

Thinking of what Little Fairy did, all the real people were grateful and moved.

The real people of the Five Great Immortals, who were agitated in their hearts, looked at the most treasured unicorn tree that had long been extinct in the mainland, and greedily stared at the starry unicorn tree, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

After a long time, everyone realized the problem belatedly: Kirin tree has stars!If the starry sky appeared again, wouldn't it attract monks from all sides?
Suddenly awake, the heads of the five immortal sects put the unicorn tree and the pot into the storage container containing the soul jade presented to them by the little fairy as quickly as possible. I hope it can also cover the starburst of the Kylin tree.

Yu Ling remained silent all the time, quietly acting like a handsome man.

Waiting for the spirits of the Five Sects to calm down, Le Yun took out another item: a elixir for the Five Sects, [-] Yangyang Pills, [-] Dujie Pills and [-] Dadu Tribulation Pills.

The number of Dadu Tribulation Pills she refined is limited, and she is reluctant to give away too many. Giving each sect [-] pills is her bottom line.

Each kind of elixir was packed in a jade box. She felt sorry for her own jade box, and worried that the real people would not return the jade box. The elixirs presented to the five sects were all the most common jade boxes.

The head of Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, Yulan, and Yuqingzong received a gift again. He opened the small box to see, and when the box was opened, there was a radiance of pills. They were all surprised. Purple pill halo?

All the real people looked over in unison, and Le Yun pursed her mouth in great depression: "Don't look at me, I only got a few hundred pills of Dujie Pill and Dadu Tribulation Pill, don't ask me how many more, just ask me I won't say it either."

"Little girl, you are not kind. That Changhong Drinking Pill was made into the Tribulation Pill, right?" Elder Xiliang and Elder Mu stared at the little guy with itchy hands, wishing to grab the little girl and rub his head fiercely. The girl hid it really deep enough, and only today let them understand why the vision of Changhong drinking pills appeared when she was refining alchemy.

Guessing it and asking it knowingly is not cute at all!Le Yun rolled her eyes at the elders quietly, despising a group of old people who once looked curious but pretended to be calm and didn't ask herself, but now they have a clear expression.

The little guy's reaction proved to be exactly what he thought, Elder Mu Xiliang, Elder Master Shang and the others couldn't laugh or cry, and they were extremely calm. The little fairy even gave the Kirin Tree and Soul Jade as gifts, so what's the point of giving someone the Dujie Pill?
There is boundless passion in everyone's heart. With the Tribulation Pill, their chances of success in flying immortals will increase by [-]%!

The little girl and the heads of the five sects exchanged gifts, and Yu Ling said softly, "You have said what you should say, so please avoid it for a while. I would like to have a few words with the little girl alone."

The elders of Yuxue Yuheng Yuqing Yulan Yuxia Sect responded immediately, got up, opened the door, flew out of the cave, closed the door again, they flew out of the wooden house, stood and waited on the meadow outside.

The disciples of the five sects who stayed outside quietly walked behind their respective masters and elders, and waited quietly. Golden Retriever stood under the stairs of the wooden house.

After blowing away the real people from the five sects, Yu Ling patted the head of the little human girl: "Little girl, you have been in Dongchen for less than a hundred years, are you really leaving?"

"I've stayed in Dongchen long enough, and I'm homesick too." Le Yun removed the paw of the inhuman handsome man from the top of her head without a trace, and stuffed him with a small storage device: " This is a little gift for the elders."

Have a present yourself?Yu Ling was surprised at first, but then relieved, the little girl has always been polite, and gave the Five Immortals a gift, how could she lose her own?
After receiving the storage container, he saw that there were 500 million catties of spiritual food, 20 catties of wine, and a thousand catties of Baihua Niang, as well as two pill bottles. Without looking at it, he could guess that the pill bottle contained the Tribulation Pill And Dadu Tribulation Pill.

Yuling put away the gift from the little girl, and gave the gift she had prepared to the little guy: "Little girl, I originally wanted to wait for you to enter the restricted area before giving you a little gift. You are generous, and I don't care for this little gift." How dare I give it to you."

Le Yun happily accepted the gift from the non-human beings. The handsome man gave her 20 catties of fruit wine, as well as piles of flowers and fruits piled up like hills, and spirit plants from the main peak of Yulan Mountain, and [-] spirit plants containing spirits. There are jade tanks with spring water and [-] jade altars that can hold water. In addition, there are many beautiful jewelry and clothes.

The jade vat gift from the non-human came to his heart, Xiao Le smiled and put the gift in his pocket, and then took out a storage container and asked the beautiful non-human man to pass it to Senior Brother Yuqi of the Yulan Sect.

The direct disciples of the five sects had collected a large number of spiritual plants or mushrooms for her, and it was impossible for her to return gifts one by one.

Yuling also guessed what the little girl was thinking, so she took the storage container on her behalf, and handed him the gift from the little girl to Yuqi when she returned to Yulan Mountain or when it was convenient.

Everything in the world is forever, and Le Yun has decided to enter the restricted area to wait for the time-space gate to stabilize. She doesn't procrastinate, and doesn't bother to pretend to be affectionate. She tidied up her clothes and wiped her forehead, got up and walked out of the cave.

Yu Ling, who has practiced for tens of millions of years, is also used to seeing joys and sorrows, even if she feels reluctant to part with her, she doesn't say a word, she gets up and walks out of the man-made cave together with her, puts her hand on the top of the little girl's head and rubs it affectionately, then binds her hands, He flew out of the cabin first.

All the real people outside the wooden house saw Da Neng coming out of the wooden house, but none of them could clearly see what he looked like. The only memory was that Da Neng was wearing a white robe and was extremely handsome.

Yu Ling fell not far from the big lion and waited for the little girl.

Le Yun, who was half a step behind, floated out of the long corridor of the wooden house, stood in the air, first put the wooden house into the storage device for storage, then turned around and floated to the ground, and landed in front of Yancheng Ma'er, sending a storage device: "I accepted the gift from Yancheng. When Reverend Ruan returned to Yandao from Jade Lion Mountain, I practiced in the sea and failed to return the gift. Senior Brother Lao Ma gave it to me."

Ma Er stood beside the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect, saw the petite and sweet little fairy stopping in front of him, guessed that there must be a gift in return, took the storage container calmly, and thanked him: "Little Junior Sister, I will live up to the entrustment and hand it over to the Lord of Yancheng."

Le Yun smiled meaningfully at Master Ma Er, turned around and looked at the big lion who was running fast, reached out to touch the big lion's head, led him to his partner, and shook Brother Yu's sleeve Liao Huang: "Senior Brother Nineteen, I borrowed your partner for decades, and I should return it to you today."

(End of this chapter)

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