magic eye doctor

Chapter 1521 I Think I'm Too Small

Chapter 1521 I Think I'm Too Small
The little one was about to leave, the golden retriever hugged the little golden man and wanted to rush over to hold her back, but was sent to a certain adult, and just watched the little one fly into the restricted area.

The blue fog didn't change much, and the power of thunder and lightning in the sky didn't change at all, all the real people felt sad, the little fairy really went home.

The golden retriever was stupefied for a while, then jumped forward, lying on the outside of the blue mist, hugged the little golden man and cried, "Small, little..."

The sound of the golden retriever's whimpering call spread far and far away, startling the wild animals and birds in the meadow and running away in all directions.

The head of Juerba considers himself a rough guy, and can't help being moved, Jin Maohou has followed the little fairy for decades, and has the deepest affection, Jin Xinghou can't bear to leave the little fairy.

Yu Qi wiped her eyes, went to sit next to Jin Mao, and watched the cyan fog layer of the restricted area with him; Yu Shijiu also had a sore nose, so she flew to Jin Mao's right side and sat hugging Jin Mao's neck.

The golden retriever roared and called, but the little one came out from the blue mist, hugging the little golden man with tears in his eyes: "Seventh senior brother, I think the little one is missing."

"I miss my junior sister too," Yu Qi touched the face of the big lion, "Look, you still have the little golden man left by your junior sister. If you think you can carry the little golden man for a while, the younger junior sister didn't give it to you. We keep the statuettes, and we can only look at the portraits of Junior Sisters when we miss them."

Golden Retriever feared that his senior brothers would snatch his little golden figurine, so he quickly put the little golden figurine into the storage container. He missed the little one so much that he panicked, so he took out a deliciously grilled fish and sniffed it.

"Jin Mao, would you like me to warm up the fish for you?" Yu Mowen hugged his contract partner's neck and stroked his hair.

"No. The little one left me the spiritual food, eat a little bit less, and eat sparingly." The golden retriever sniffed the aroma a few times, and put the fish back into the storage container. The little one left him a whole million catties of spiritual food , [-] catties of bamboo tube wine, and four bottles of elixir.

There are a lot of spiritual food, but, the little boy has gone home, and no one will prepare delicious spiritual food for him in the future, so he has to save it, and it will be gone after eating.

After collecting the spiritual food, Golden Retriever took out the little golden man to hold him again, thinking about the little one even harder.

"..." Yu Qiyu and Nineteen were even more sad. The golden retriever never kept overnight food before. He ate as much as he had, and he learned to be frugal after decades of following his junior sister.

Little Junior Sister, what a miraculous little Junior Sister.

The senior brothers also miss the little junior sister, the petite and cute girl who would pull their sleeves and call them "senior brother" sweetly. When they saw mushrooms, bamboo rice and wild fruits, they couldn't move their feet, their eyes would sparkle, and they would give The little junior sister who they touched their heads.

All the real people stood on the meadow, watching the blue mist quietly, knowing that it was impossible for the little fairy to come out again, they still looked forward to it.

Yuling stood for a long time, then floated to the two young disciples of Yulan Sect and the big lion, touched the golden-haired lion's head, then Yu Shijiu's head, and then the top of Yuqi's head: "The little girl should have gone I don’t know how many miles away, you two children spend more time with the golden retriever, don’t let him do stupid things and break into the restricted area.”

The two senior brothers whose heads were touched were dumbfounded at first, and then they responded respectfully: "Yes, my lord, we will accompany the golden retriever."

The golden retriever who was hugging the little golden man roared, in a slumbering manner: "I will never do stupid things. The little one doesn't like clumsy, stupid lions. The little one likes the clever golden retriever the most."

"This is the spirit beast that the little girl likes." Yu Ling touched the head of the golden-haired lion again, and then Yu Shijiu and Yu Qi. Give the storage device to Yu Qi, and send it to him via voice transmission: "This is what the little girl left for your brothers."

A storage device flew into the sleeve, Yu Qi was surprised, and then she suddenly realized when she heard the voice transmission from the adults, the junior sister must be because there are too many people seeing off, and it is inconvenient for her to give gifts one by one, so she asked the adults to pass them on to their teachers. Bros.

Yuling touched the heads of the two youths and the lion with pity, and his figure turned into a white light and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

A certain lord came and went without a sound, and all the real people witnessed a certain lord disappearing from the field of vision, and they couldn't feel any traces, so they became more and more awed.

Yu Qi glanced sideways when her head was touched, and saw the lord's sleeve, and then the lord disappeared, turned her head to wait and see for a while before she retracted her gaze, quietly put the storage device passed by the lord into her storage bracelet, and checked again.

When he saw it, he couldn't help being stunned, and the younger junior sister left a gift for him and senior brother Yu Shijiu Zhushiliu each, 50 catties of spiritual food, [-] catties of wine, three bottles of pills, and stickers for each pill bottle. There are characters, which read "Peiyuan Pill", "Dujie Pill" and "Dadu Jiedan".

There are also two spiritual foods for the direct disciples of the Yulan Sect and for the inner disciples, 20 catties and 30 catties respectively.

Checking the gift left by the younger junior sister, it took Yu Qi a long time to calm down, the younger junior sister has always been like this, if you don't give a gift, you can give it, and if you give a gift, you will give a big gift.

After Yu Qi inspected the presents, she couldn't calm down, and Ma Er couldn't calm down even more.

Ma Er and Zhu Zhenren watched the little fairy enter the green group garden in the restricted area, and witnessed a certain master of the Yulan Sect ordering Jin Maohou and Yu Zhenren to leave. After a while, they checked the little fairy left for Yancheng one's gift.

The little fairy gave two gifts, one for Yancheng and one for him!
The little fairy returned gifts to Yancheng with 50 catties of prepared spiritual food, [-] catties of wine, [-] centenarian pills, and [-] tribulation-crossing pills!

Seeing the pill bottle with the words Transcending Tribulation Pill on it, Ma Er almost thought that he had "read" it wrong, and looked at it several times, yes, it was clearly marked as Transcending Tribulation Pill.

He remembered the vision of Changhong drinking pills that appeared in the alchemy in the southwest corner of Xiaoxianzi, and suddenly realized that the pill that Xiaoxianzi's junior sister refined that time should be Transcending Tribulation Pill!
Shocked in his heart, Ma Er hurriedly looked at a gift of his own. The little fairy gave him one hundred thousand catties of spiritual food, a soul jade, and a tribulation-transcending pill.

The little fairy actually gave him Soul Jade and Transcending Tribulation Pill!

Seeing his gift, Ma Er's heart surged like a sea wave. Whether it is the Tribulation Pill or the Soul Jade, it is the highest panacea that flying immortals can't dream of. One is a treasure. If any monk gets one, he will remember and be grateful In his life, the little fairy gave him two treasures as gifts.

It took a long time before Ma Er calmed down, and he was extremely thankful that he understood the meaningful look that the little fairy gave him. Otherwise, if he really handed over the storage device to the city lord, his gift would most likely be lost. Not in my own hands, after all, there are many monks who are fit to cross the catastrophe in Yancheng, if they can't hide it, they will try their best to let him cede it out.

The lord from Yulan Mountain left, and the Daoists of the Five Sects stood for a long time before returning to the man-made cave to practice. They were also prepared for a long stay, and they expected to wait three to two years before leaving.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteen sat and waited until it was dark, and successfully persuaded the big lion to return to the cave.

The Golden Retriever lay sprawled at the entrance of the cave, his eyes looking in the direction of the restricted area.

(End of this chapter)

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