magic eye doctor

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522
Le Yun, who flew into the restricted area through the blue fog with the momentum of a moth to the fire, did not hear the wailing and crying of the golden lion. sound.

What's more, since she has made up her mind to enter the restricted area and wait for the time-space gate to stabilize, even if she really hears the call of the golden retriever, she will not turn back. Going away and turning back will only make the big lion more reluctant.

There was a cyan mist floating around the restricted area, there were no monsters, and flying machines could not be used, Le Xiao hurried on the road at the fastest speed, non-stop running, flying day and night for three months, crossed the outer area, and entered the middle area of ​​the restricted area.

There are monsters in the restricted area, but for the distracted little loli, the monsters of the demon emperor level are not enough to look at. She is too lazy to hunt the monsters, so she continues to run wildly in a canoe-shaped aircraft.

The water source in the middle of the forbidden zone is clean. Le students do not dig spiritual plants, but they still collect water. They found that the reserves are considerable and the more precious mineral deposits are still digging. After digging, they run away.

At the speed of the monks in the distraction period, some areas can be assisted by aircraft, and they can reach the central area of ​​the restricted area for up to a year. However, Le Xiaoluoli sometimes digs ore, and it took six months to fly over the middle circle and enter the inner circle.

The inner circle of the forbidden zone is similar to the outer circle, and aircraft cannot be used, and there is also blue fog. Le Xiaostudent dug three large, four small and seven mine deposits, so that it took another five months to cross the inner circle.

The central area of ​​the death penalty zone was peaceful, and the dark clouds shining with purple and golden light in the distant sky were still so dazzling.

The central area is a safe area. Le Yun flew in a canoe again, and only when she flew close to the area covered by dark clouds did she put away the aircraft, and flew into the mountains protected by dark clouds.

Last time it took three days and three nights to cross the mountains and arrive at the gate of time and space. This time, with the speed of the distracted monk, it took only half the time to reach the goal.

It took nearly 28 years from the time when I left the central area to entering the time-space gate area again. The area surrounding the conical mountain has another aura vortex that is spinning rapidly. The three auras that were not stable before The vortex also stopped.

The space of time, where the earth is connected to the Dongchen Continent, is located in the southeast of the east, and the invisible vortex of spiritual energy nine feet nine from the ground is still rotating slowly. The speed is very slow, slower than the speed of the bamboo water wheel, about It takes half a day to complete a circle.

Le Xiaoluoli flew to the canyon between the cone and the mountains surrounding it in the middle of the morning, when the sun penetrated the dark clouds and illuminated the canyon, the sun was bright and bright, and the breath of summer was obvious.

Looking at the gate of time and space from a distance, after studying it for a while, Le Yun let out a sigh of relief and complained dissatisfiedly: "It really takes so long to say that it will take 37 years, can't some miracle happen?"

The vortex of the Time-Space Gate rotates very slowly, but it still does not stand still, which also means that it is not stable. In its current situation, its stable time is almost the same as the time she deduced in the past twenty years.

There are no miracles, only waiting.

Le Yun sighed in resignation, stared at the conical mountain and valley again to study, studied for a long time, and pondered for a long time, turned around, and dug a hole thousands of feet away from the conical mountain.

There are no large animals in the space-time gate area shrouded in dark clouds, and the canyons around the conical mountain are not allowed to approach any living animals. Once an animal approaches, it will be thundered.

Similarly, trap animals or aircraft cannot be used in the dark cloud cover area.

If you ask how little Lolita knows, of course it is true knowledge through practice. She has tested it out from her own experience. Last time she tried to use a mechanism beast to help in the space-time gate area, and the sky thunder came with a bang, which scared her Immediately hide the organ beast.

In addition, she also learned another fact from her own experience: she can catch little foxes and Xiao Huihui out, but the little fox, Xiao Huihui, can only stay within three feet of her. Will mercilessly chop beasts.

After the last test, Le Yun has already figured out the laws of the space-time gate area. She doesn't need a mechanism beast, and does everything by herself, trying hard to dig holes with earth-shaking techniques.

The soil in the Time-Space Gate area was relatively solid. It took her two hours to dig a huge pit with a width of [-] feet. She threw a lot of spirit stones into the pit, then filled it with fertile soil, and threw a few rough emerald stones, and then filled it with soil.

When the soil is about three feet away from the surface of the ground, put a tall Hualan stone near the edge, and then fill in the soil until it is about half a foot above the surface of the ground, then build a circle with stones, fill in fertilizer soil, and finally fill the pit with soil. A Podocarpus seedling is planted in the center.

After planting a unicorn tree, Le Yun waters the seedlings, waters the ground thoroughly for the first time, and then engraves words on the granite surface, admonishing those who are destined later not to be greedy, to pick the branches, leaves or flowers and fruits of the unicorn tree, and not to connect the tree poach together.

The unicorn tree is shining with stars, and within ten miles it descends like stars.

Satisfied with his achievements, Le Xiao spread his feet and ran counterclockwise around the cone, ran to the north-east position and dug a hole, planted a unicorn tree; There is also a unicorn tree in the west angle.

The four unicorn trees are on the four diagonals of the conical mountain. When the fourth unicorn tree falls to the ground, it will automatically form an array - the four-element array. The four unicorn trees not only protect themselves, but also protect the entire conical mountain. The guard is in the center, and because of the effect of the magic circle, the ring-shaped canyon surrounding the conical mountain is also bathed in starlight.

Seeing the four-element magic circle she made, Le Yun murmured to herself: "In this way, he is no longer a thief, fair trade."

She stayed in the southwest corner of Dongchen for more than [-] years, moved away a huge amount of water, and searched away countless spiritual plants and ores from all over the mainland. I feel that I owe Dongchen Continent.

For the five great immortal sects, she does not think she has treated them badly, and it can even be said that the value of the soul jade and unicorn tree she gave to the five sects is far more than what they did for her.

Water and various resources belong to Dongchen Continent, and she owes the land of Dongchen Continent after removing the massive resources.

Today, planting unicorn trees and burying rough jadeite in the safest place in the West Continent is equivalent to paying Dongchen Continent.

The most magical power of the Kirin tree is said to be the power to make up for the rules, and it is also an indispensable treasure for cultivating immortals to create their own world.

The Xilu restricted area is a safe area. The Qilin tree grows in the time-space gate area, which can stabilize the rules and laws of the time-space gate area, and can also supplement the power of the heavenly rules in Dongchen Continent. It has the best of both worlds.

After planting four unicorn trees, Le Yun rushed into the mountains outside the conical mountain canyon with complete peace of mind, started the mopping mode with peace of mind, and frantically collected resources.

(End of this chapter)

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