magic eye doctor

Chapter 1526 Acting Master Wang Ju

Chapter 1526 Acting Master Wang Ju
Wang Cuifeng didn't have much sense of urgency, even if she heard someone from Tan say that her two sisters and brother-in-law couldn't turn over after being raped, she was a little scared when she heard the news, and forgot about it after a while.

He even heard that his younger brother Longsheng died in a car accident, and thought that the local ruffians who were oppressed by Longsheng in the past might not buy the Wang family's account again, but he still didn't think it would be too serious.

Even if he was rubbed when he got off the car, there was no sense of danger. At this moment, seeing the living room where even the furniture was emptied, and thinking of the capsized brothers-in-law, he suddenly realized that the women on the streets of the village dared to fight She, because she knew that her sister and brother-in-law couldn't turn over, dared to beat her blatantly.

With a sense of crisis, Wang Cuifeng felt a chill down her back, belatedly remembering her father, Long Sheng is gone, and her father's legacy is still there.

Thinking of her father, she hurriedly asked, "Mom, where did dad go? Whose house did you go to drink or rub hands?" She knew that her niece and nephew were still studying, so on Monday that day, they naturally went to school. Why is dad not at home?

Mother Wang, who was howling like ghosts and wolves, was stunned for a moment, and answered with sobs: "Golden branches and gold treasures are expensive, and the family has no money, so you can't count on them all. Your father dragged the old bones to the county to find work, and he worked for half a year. many."

The family used to have a small amount of money, and Jin Bao spent a lot of money on his fracture. Later, he got into several fights with others, and it was not enough to lose all the money. I wanted to find someone to borrow some money, let alone people in the village. He was crying poor and unable to borrow money, so he had to sell all the valuable furniture or food.

With no source of income, Wang Jinbao has always been used to spending money lavishly. How can he save money? Wang Ju is reluctant to let his precious grandson be wronged, so he drags his old bones to find things to earn money to support his grandson.

As for the granddaughter, because she was a sophomore in high school last year, in order to make a lot of money for her granddaughter in the future, the couple patiently let her continue to study in high school, and planned to let her go out to earn money to support the family after graduating from high school.

"?" How poor is the family?Wang Cuifeng opened her eyes wide in disbelief: "Dad didn't look for me, didn't he look for Xuanxuan?"

She felt that even if she was locked up in a small dark room, her father would not be able to find her, wouldn't there be Xuanxuan?

She went in, and Tan looked at Xuanxuan's face and would take care of her father a little bit, and give her a thousand or two thousand a month, so she wouldn't ask her father to do the hard work himself.

Tan Xingxing is quite generous to his own woman or the woman or family members who helped him raise children, and would not mind a little money. Wang Cuifeng felt that her father must have never approached Tan Xingxing.

"Why didn't your father look for you? Your father and brother went to look for you, and they met Xuanxuan's own father. Xuanxuan's own father didn't know what happened. He beat your brother, and said...and said... "There are some things Wang Ma didn't dare to say. She also heard from the old man after Long Sheng's accident that Xuanxuan's father cleaned up when she went to find a girl.

"What else did Dad Xuanxuan say?" Wang Cuifeng felt terrified inexplicably.

There was fear in Wang Ma's eyes: "Xuanxuan's father may know something, saying that anyone who bullies Xuanxuan again, whoever dares to take Xuanxuan's money... will kill whoever..."

"..." Wang Cuifeng's back shivered, she was thinking about giving the money from Xuanxuan's card to her parents in the future, but fortunately she hasn't moved yet, if she really uses Xuanxuan's money at home, Tan will definitely not know it polite.

Now, she no longer dared to take the idea of ​​using her son's money card privately, and quickly took out a handful of money from her bag: "Mom, I just came back, Xuanxuan's father gave some money, you and dad will use it first." on."

The dead girl has a bit of a conscience, she knows how to be filial to her mother and father, Wang Ma snatched the money, she drool over it and counted it, her face is not very good, only 5000 yuan?

Feeling uncomfortable, Wang Ma didn't scold her face to face. The eldest and second child will be in prison for several years, and now they are counting on the third child to subsidize the family. I won't talk about it this time, and ask her to give more next time.

After counting the money, Mama Wang took the money and sent it to hide, and then asked the third child if she would go to the village to buy some medicine to wipe her face, but she didn't, she called her father and said that the third child was back Now, tell him not to do any work, and come back quickly to enjoy the happiness.

At first, Wang Ju wanted to go to the construction site in the county to find a light job such as looking at the site and materials. However, his son and son-in-law's "fame" was a bit big. At first, he was still required to work on the construction site. He didn't work for three days. So-and-so, he was fired, and then there was no construction site to accept him.

He also thought about doing his old job, looking for a place to find a target to lie down on the spot and wait for the ticket to be collected. He tried a few times but failed, and was almost arrested and detained in the police station. In desperation, he had to go to Get to know yourself and pick up waste in C City.

In the first one or two months, it was only one or two thousand for picking up waste, which was too little. He had a good brain, and after thinking about it for a few days, he made himself worse when he went to pick up waste. After being taken care of, I have an income of about [-] a month.

With a stable income, Wang Ju was able to live on. He still went out to pick up waste that day as usual. On the way, he received a call from his mother-in-law saying that the third child had returned home.

Chong C City is far away from Guangzhou City, and he returned to the town where he lives in the middle of the morning of the next day. Thinking of the return of the third child, and the support of his own family, his self-confidence was inflated, and he didn't care about the pointers from the people on the street. He was full of vigor home.

Before returning, Wang Ju deliberately wore very old old clothes, and carried a woven bag containing quilts and clothes, just like a hard worker who had suffered a lot, and hurried home.

When he arrived outside his courtyard, he saw the third child sitting outside the eaves. He immediately slowed down, made a sad face, and walked home slowly as if he was exhausted.

When Wang Cuifeng returned home, she was not ordered to work like before. For the first time, she felt a sense of accomplishment. Sure enough, without her younger brother, she will have a bright future. Best of all... the eldest sister and the second sister will never be able to turn over when they come out. In this way, she is the only person the family can rely on.

All the high-end goods at home were sold off, and the quilts and the like could not be sold. Wang Cuifeng didn't suffer much at night, but because she didn't go to the hospital to find a professional to get the anti-swelling medicine, her face was more swollen the next day when she woke up.

Her face was swollen like fermented steamed buns. She was embarrassed to walk around the village, let alone go to the streets to find someone to repair shoes. She stayed at home and played with her mobile phone. When the sun came out, she moved a chair and sat under the eaves to dry her feet.

While playing with the mobile phone, I heard footsteps coming from outside the yard. I looked towards the door and saw my father carrying a striped woven bag on his shoulders, with his shoulder tilted to the side with the bag, and he stepped into the yard with great difficulty.

Seeing his own father suddenly, Wang Cuifeng stood up in disbelief: "Dad?" Why does Dad look like an old man picking up rags?

He had seen Wang Ju, the third child of his family, and pretended to have just discovered his daughter. He responded with an "ah", looked over, and suddenly saw a bruised and swollen face, and was shocked: "What's wrong with your face?" ?”

He was really taken aback. Yesterday, the wife called only to say that the third child was back, but didn't mention the third child's face, and she didn't look at the third child's face when she was far away, so he really didn't know it beforehand. Knowing the situation of the third child, I was really surprised to see the blue and purple face of the third child.

The third child's face was swollen like that. Could it be that she did something and was beaten by someone Tan?

Or, the third child didn't come back to see them, but because he couldn't get along in the county town and came back to join his family?
In the blink of an eye, Wang Ju thought of certain possibilities, and his heart sank. If the third child is really rejected by Tan, then there is really no hope.

"When I came back yesterday, I heard some women swearing with unclean mouths on the street. I went up to tear their mouths, and was beaten in the face by the stinky bastards on the street. It didn't heal overnight, and it's still swollen today."

Hearing his father's concerned question about his face, Wang Cuifeng was moved. He felt that his father's idea of ​​favoring his younger brother was a bit extreme. The younger brother is the youngest, and he is a boy who inherits incense from the royal family. It is normal for parents to prefer some. He also cared about her.

Feeling the love of my father, when I was moved, I ran to meet my father.

Hearing that it wasn't someone from Tan who beat you, Wang Ju's heart dropped to the ground, and he pretended to be angry and wanted to jump up: "The stinky mothers on the street are too much, they dare to beat you! Longshenglongsheng, Someone hit your sister..."

Awowed, pretending to suddenly remember that Long Sheng was gone long ago, his voice lowered, and he sighed in pain: "I forgot that Long Sheng... is gone, Long Sheng is gone, the family has no pillar, you were bullied on the street , and no one backs you up... Sigh!"

Originally, Wang Cuifeng still had resentment towards her father's patriarchal preference for her younger brother. When she heard her father's painful words to herself, she suddenly understood her father.

Men are the pillars of the family. It makes a big difference whether there is a man in a family, just like Tan Xingxing’s wife, because she and Tan are a serious couple with certificates, so Tan is the pillar, earning money for his wife, his wife doesn’t have to worry No money, just spend money and be a rich wife.

As for her, she didn't have a man called "husband", and she didn't have a pillar of support in her family, so she had to find a way to make money by herself.

For example, Tan Xingxing's wife gave birth to daughters, and the Tan family needed a son to support their family, so Tan's parents wanted to recognize their grandson. Tan's wife turned a blind eye to the fact that Tan Xingxing took money to support their mother and child. If she hadn't given birth to a boy, Tan Xingxing's parents would never let Tan raise their mother and child, nor would Tan's wife.

My father prefers Longsheng, because Longsheng is the boy in the family, the pillar of the family, and the incense that is passed on from generation to generation. Because the pillar of Longsheng is gone in the family, the women on the street dare to scold her and beat her. In the past, who would not To please their family?

Because of understanding, Wang Cuifeng's remaining resentment towards her parents' partiality has almost dissipated, and she comforted her father with nice words: "Dad, it's nothing. If I hit them, this time they rely on the large number of people, at worst, I will call back when I have a chance in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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