magic eye doctor

Chapter 1527 Revealed

Chapter 1527 Revealed

Hearing his daughter's comforting words, Wang Ju's heart sank. The third child said that he had a chance to fight back by himself, not that he asked someone Tan to help him find the place!
With just one sentence, Wang Ju noticed the difference. Under normal circumstances, if someone beats her with the temper of the third child, she will definitely make a fuss. If she can't get back by herself, she must find someone from Tan to help her back up.

Wang Cuifeng is his daughter, he still doesn't know?

This time, being beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, he could still bear it, and he never even mentioned asking someone Tan to help him take revenge on others, which meant that someone Tan might have warned the third child, and the third child did not dare to cause trouble.

If Tan doesn't support the third child, the third child has no ability to protect the family. Those who were trampled by Long Sheng will definitely trample on their family.

Analyzing the situation from her daughter's attitude, Wang Ju was in a bad mood, and she couldn't bear to scold the third child for being hopelessly stupid. She had given birth to someone Tan's only son, but she still couldn't catch that man's heart. She deserved it. If she was belittled and so on, now that the third child has come out, and she is still counting on the third child to support the family, she must give her a good face.

Wang Cuifeng carried the woven luggage bag and followed her father into the house; Wang's mother also came out of the house when she heard the man's voice, asking if she had eaten, whether she was thirsty or hungry.

When he got home, Wang Ju was the uncle, who was tired while sitting, talking about how tired he was picking up trash outside, how much he had suffered, and his nose was tearing up.

Wang Ma burst into tears when she heard that, she fetched hot water for the man to soak his feet and change his shoes before going to the street to cut meat for cooking.

Wang Cuifeng was very distressed when she heard what her father said about her work experience. She wanted to say that she would not be so tired in the future. She gave money to support her parents, but she also thought that Tan only had about [-] living expenses per month, which was not enough for her, and she had no money to subsidize the family. I didn't dare to boast that I gave the family money every month.

Wang Ju cried poorly and cried for a long time but failed to get the third child to promise to support the family. He was so angry because he still expected the third child to bring money back to support the family.

Bearing back the uncritical Wang Ju, after lunch, when the third son went to sleep on the second floor, he had a chance to have a private conversation with his wife alone, and asked the mother-in-law that the third son would be filial when he came back.

When it came to money, Wang Ma drooped her face, "I only gave you 5000 yuan."

"So little?" Wang Ju's complexion was very bad. The third child didn't come back for two years, and he didn't show filial piety during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
He also selectively forgot that he was picking up junk outside. He was busy from beginning to end for a month, and he had to pretend to be poor and cry poorly. He only earned 4000 yuan for a month of hard work.

Even if he remembered, he would not feel that making money is not easy, he only felt that he was working hard, and it was not easy to make some money. When a man serves well, he will get money.

In the past, the filial piety of his three losers was generally more than [-] yuan, at least eight or nine thousand, and three or five thousand were pocket money for buying clothes or something.

It was the first time that the mother-in-law said that the third child only gave 5000 yuan as a filial piety. Wang Ju was extremely disgusted, and the third child was too picky. How could she afford such a small amount of money?
"The money is a little less. I thought that the eldest and the second have gone in, so I counted on the third to subsidize the family. I didn't mention her this time, and I will ask for more next time." Wang Ma also thought that the money was low, and expressed her concerns. out.

"That's right, I won't talk about it this time." Wang Ju also agreed with the mother-in-law's approach, walked out of the house with his hands behind his back, and went shopping in the streets of the village.

The third child is back, so he has to walk around to let people know that his family Long Sheng is gone, the eldest child and the second child have gone to drink tea in the bureau, don't forget, there is still the third child and Tan in his family What about the backing mountain?

Wang Ju pretended to be wandering the streets of the village, as if his family had a strong backing, and the people in the same village were a little bit jealous.

People in the town and the country streets have heard the gossip that the three sluts of the Wang family have offended the big shots and are unable to turn over. There is always the possibility of bad luck.

The little bitch of the Wang family used to rely on the power of a certain man to back up Wang Longsheng's short-lived ghost to do evil, but now the little bitch of the Wang family is backed by "the mud bodhisattva crossing the river-he can't protect himself", what is the little bitch Wang like? ?
If Wang's little bitch's backing is still as stable as before, the women on the street slapped Wang's little bitch in the face yesterday, and the little bitch who might swallow his anger in vain will definitely make a fuss and move her concubine to find her place again .

Little slut Wang was slapped in the face and didn't even have a fart. Doesn't it mean that the little slut's backing is no longer reliable?

After yesterday's test, the people on the street also saw clearly that the slut daughter of Wang Ju's family had no power to fight. Wang Ju thought it was impossible for a dog to fight against others.

Wang Ju, who was walking around the street, felt that the vendors were looking at him a little strangely, and he couldn't figure out why, so he went shopping again after thinking for a long time. If the vendors were afraid of his third child, he could repeat the old trick. on credit.

However, when he said that he wanted to buy something, the vendors still had the old attitude - pay first and get the item later!
Those who are in the society must be good at observing their appearance and knowing who can be provoked or misunderstood. Wang Ju noticed the unusual attitude from the vendors and felt bad. go home.

He wanted to ask the third child if Tan did something, or if he told someone that the Wang family was not allowed to use Tan's influence to let the people on the street know, so the vendors also heard something Feng Sheng, don't buy Wang's account now.

Wang Ju held back for a long time, but finally didn't ask, pretending that the third child still had a strong backer, so as to comfort himself not to show timidity.

Wang Cuifeng stayed at home for another two days, and hurried home early on Friday morning. In case her son didn't see her when he came home, he called Tan Yanxing to ask. Tan guessed that she had returned to her hometown, and the monthly payment might be reduced again.

She rushed back to her home in Guangzhou, and she was also very timely. Within two hours of arriving home, Tan went to pick up her son and send him back.

When Wang Cuifeng saw Tan Xingxing who sent his son back, he felt a lingering feeling of fear, and stood up nervously: "Brother Xing, are free today..."

Tan Xingxing, who sent his son home, entered the room and smelled the stifling smell that had been sealed for a long time. He glanced at the room that seemed to have been untouched for a long time, ignored the woman, and whispered to his son: "Shengxuan, go get something. Take it and I will take you to school."

"Okay." Wang Shengxuan nodded obediently, trotted into his bedroom with a shrunken backpack on his back, and hurriedly looked for clothes and books and supplies.

When his son entered the room, Tan Yanxing went to the sofa and sat down with a cold face, took out a pack of cigarettes and smoked one, took out the lighter and lit it with a "crack", took a puff, and exhaled a string of beautiful smoke rings.

Seeing someone's expression, Wang Cuifeng felt that something was wrong, and leaned over with a smiling face: "Ah Xing, Xuanxuan is going to school, are you working overtime?"

Tan Yanxing gave the woman a cold look: "Tuesday, Shengxuan came to you and wanted to tell you that the head teacher asked the child's school supplies to go to school on Friday afternoon, and held a parent-teacher meeting. You didn't answer your phone, so I had to call me yesterday." , I want to discuss business with someone today, grandpa Xuanxuan went, but his grandpa is still downstairs."

"Hey," Wang Cuifeng felt that something was wrong, and hurried to make amends: "Ah Xing, I went to play mahjong. I didn't bring my mobile phone. I probably missed the call. I... I will definitely pay attention to the phone in the future..."

"Heh, where did you play mahjong?" Tan Yanxing sneered, stood up abruptly, and kicked him.

Suppressing anger in his heart, he mercilessly kicked the woman in the stomach, kicked the woman back two steps, and sat on the ground.

That fall, Wang Cuifeng's buttocks were split into two pieces. The pain was so painful that she screamed "Ah yo", and hugged her stomach, the pain was so cold that she rolled into a cold sweat.

She had just hugged her stomach, and there were two extra legs in front of her eyes. When she looked up, she saw the gloomy face of the man. His eyes were as sharp as knives staring at her, and his voice was gloomy: "Why, don't continue making up, you should continue." Make up, continue to talk about where you play mahjong? Who did you play mahjong with?",
"I..." Wang Cuifeng was terrified for a while, and she bit the bullet and lied: "I...I the next county..."

She hadn't thought of grabbing that street to make a lie, Tan Yanxing couldn't bear it anymore, raised her big slap, and slapped the woman hard: "I don't hit women, you really think I have a good temper and can't cure you, do you? I'm a bitch, I'm ashamed of my face, I'll fulfill you."

The man was so strong that he slapped him twice, and the woman's face immediately showed fingerprints, which were more obvious than the marks left by some women who had slapped her mouth.

Wang Cuifeng was stunned by the two slaps, her face turned to one side and slowly turned upright, looking at Tan someone like a fool, with a dumbfounded expression.

"Let's go on, which street are you playing mahjong on?" Tan Yanxing's face was as black as the bottom of a pot after slapping the woman twice, "Having been in the game for two years, have you forgotten your weight, or do you think Am I easy to lie? It feels good to be a filial daughter back home, right? Do you think it’s amazing to be a master and rely on your parents?”

Hearing someone from Tan say "be a filial daughter", Wang Cuifeng, who was in a daze, was shocked as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her, and her brain buzzed, it was over!

Thinking of Tan Zai's warning when he first came out, Wang Cuifeng's heart turned cold, and he cried: "Ah Xing, I... I'll go back and check, I didn't take Xuanxuan's money to support my parents, really, I didn't, you check Xuanxuan Xuan Xuan's bank card, I did not take half of Xuan Xuan's money."

Seeing the woman looking away with guilt, Tan Yanxing sneered: "Wang Long is dead, and your two sisters are still locked up. You go home to show your loyalty and enjoy the feeling of being held in the palm of your hand as a princess? Have you succeeded in replacing her?" What is your brother's status?"

(End of this chapter)

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