magic eye doctor

Chapter 1528 Lessons

Chapter 1528 Lessons
The man's tone was sarcasm, and Wang Cuifeng was so guilty that she didn't dare to look him in the eyes. She knew that Tan was angry, and she was shocked and frightened, so she didn't dare to argue.

"Being a princess at home is a good feeling, and it must be a good feeling to be beaten with a black nose and a swollen face when you just returned to the town. You can also claim credit for your parents with your swollen face. You think the beating was worth it, right? "The woman pretended to be well-behaved, and Tan Yanxing unceremoniously took off her face.

"!" Wang Cuifeng looked at Tan in horror, he... how did he know that he was beaten when he just returned to town?He... Did he arrange for someone to follow her secretly after she came out of the police station?Did you know that she played mahjong outside and fooled around with poker players, so she didn't stay overnight?

"Can't speak?" Tan Yanxing sneered and kicked over again, kicking the woman sitting on the ground to the ground, and took another step forward, stamping her foot on the woman's face: "I warned you earlier!" If you dare to mess with your family and affect my business, don't blame me for being ruthless, you don't even have a long memory, I don't mind letting you clear your mind and let you realize how much you have."

After being kicked over, Wang Cuifeng was trampled to the ground before she got up, her heart was so panicked that her soul was trembling. This time, Tan Yanxing was really angry!

She has seen how ruthless Tan is.

Tan's method was used on others, she felt happy to see it, but she wanted to save it on herself, just thinking about it, Wang Cuifeng felt cold all over, so cold that her blood almost froze.

She was afraid of death, so she confessed her mistake tremblingly, with a trembling voice: "I...was wrong, I will never go back to my hometown again...I... didn't want to spoil your business..., I promise not to take Xuanxuan's money for myself...really .”

"Your guarantee is not as good as a fart. Tell me how many times you have guaranteed it? I am raising your family. Wang Longsheng Wang Ju Wang Jinbao beat Xuanxuan behind my back and robbed Xuanxuan. The money I gave Xuanxuan It all went into the pockets of those three dogs, Wang Ju, Wang Longsheng, and Wang Jinbao, so what did you do? Your own son is no match for that scumbag nephew of yours, right?"

The more Tan Xingxing thought about it, the more angry he was, and he trampled on the woman's face: "In your eyes, your son is just a cash machine for you to make money, and those vampires in your family are your relatives, so you always despise your son Ingratiate yourself with your old ghost father and dead ghost brother.

I didn’t care about it before, but now, you have caused me to lose my business. I didn’t take your knife, and you still ignored my warning. , your dad is right, you are a bitch, bitch. "

Wang Cuifeng was trampled so hard that her face was in close contact with the floor, she couldn't even struggle, she was tearing up in fright, she was scolded and sobs, and she was sobbing.

Tan Yanxing was so angry that he refused to raise his feet: "I didn't take Xuanxuan's money when I went home this time. Next time, when are you going to cheat Xuanxuan's bank card to subsidize your dead old ghost parents? Or, isn't it? Then he made his idea to E Bei, planning to go to E Bei with your old ghost dad to extort money?"

Hearing Tan mention E Bei, Wang Cuifeng was so frightened that her hands and feet stiffened, and she denied it flatly: "No, there is no such thing, there is really no such thing, oh..."

She has thought that if Xuanxuan's money cannot be moved, and if Tan does not give the money, she will ask her parents to go to Ebei to find the little loser born by herself. It is only right and proper to pay filial piety to grandparents.

She hasn't told her parents that the child she aborted back then didn't die, and she wants to save the opportunity to make a fortune until the family really has no money. If her parents can get pension money from someone who lost money from a young age, she naturally doesn't need her to subsidize her father. Mom, she can still get some pocket money from home.

Tan discovered her thoughts, and Wang Cuifeng was terrified.

"Hehe, that's right, I want to plot against that child again, and I don't know how to live or die!" Tan Yanxing was amused: "I was imprisoned for two years and haven't learned the lesson, so I still want to die, right? Dogs can't change eating shit Right, let me tell you clearly, if you are a monster again, you don’t need others to do it, I’ll take care of you first, Wang Ju dared to put his hand on Xuanxuan’s head, and asked him to buy a coffin for his precious lump Wang Jinbao first.”

Tan Xing stared at Wang Jinbao, and Wang Cui was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, crying and begging for mercy: "Ah Xing, my brother is gone, and Jinbao is the only incense in the Wang family. I will not go to Ebei... nor will I spend Xuanxuan's money anymore. I will never give money to my family again. I will be obedient, Ah Xing. For Xuanxuan's sake, please let Jinbao go , don't touch him... woo woo-"

Wang Cuifeng's reaction made Tan Yanxing very angry. He only threw down a threat, and the woman was scared out of her wits. It shows how nervous Wang Jinbao is and how kind he is to Wang Jinbao.

It can be seen from this that if Wang Jinbao bullies Wang Shengxuan, Wang Cuifeng must turn a blind eye and close one eye. With her protecting Wang Jinbao, Xuanxuan can only accept the bullying, and dare not say anything when all the good things are robbed.

"In your heart, a nephew is a thousand times more important than a son. For more than ten years, you and Wang Ju Wang Longsheng have spent my money, raped my baby, and treated me as a fool. Your life is too good to forget. What kind of thing are you, I will help you sober up."

Who is Wang Cuifeng? Tan Yanxing knows it all too well. To put it bluntly, she is a cheap bone who is afraid of being hard. Remember the lesson.

In order to prevent the woman from acting like a demon again, he decided to teach her a good lesson and ask her to remember something. He trampled on her a few times, kicked her a few times, and sent out a spy: "This is the last time!" Warning, there will be no next time. Before you want to become a demon, you should save enough money to book a coffin at the funeral home, pay the funeral fee, and let the funeral home do the funeral for you after you die.

There are also the two elders of the Wang family and the two young debt collectors, who dares to touch Xuanxuan's money, spend 100 yuan, ask someone to take a finger to pay off the debt, more than [-] yuan for an arm, before trying to get Xuanxuan's idea, You can count how many fingers and arms Wang Jinbao has to pay off the debt. "

After giving the final warning, Tan Yanxing flicked his trouser legs without looking at the woman curled up in a ball, turned around and sat back on the sofa, took out a cigarette again and lit it, and slowly blew out the smoke ring.

He tidied up the woman, as if nothing happened, his eyes lacked any warmth.

The face was stepped on, so that the other side of the face rubbed against the floor. Wang Cuifeng obviously felt the face was scratched, burning pain, and the waist was kicked a few times, and the pain was excruciating. Because it was Tan who did it herself, she did not dare to scream. Pain, let alone cry.

Enduring the pain, when Tan let him go, he got up enduring the pain, trembling and stretched out his hand to touch the right cheek that had been in contact with the ground.

Her face was bruised and bleeding, Wang Cuifeng shuddered, she carefully peeked at someone Tan, saw his profile, thought of his warning words, her heart trembled, Tan really detested her!
Tan used to speak harshly before, but for Xuanxuan's sake, he never really got angry. No matter what she did, she just turned a blind eye to it. I despise her, and will never show mercy to her again.

Without Tan's protection, she would not have a good fruit in Guangzhou. The only thing she can count on is Xuanxuan. Only by holding Xuanxuan firmly can she get shelter.

Burning pain in the face and waist, Wang Cuifeng did not dare to say a word, endured the pain and panic, got up tremblingly, moved lightly to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and saw a palm print with five distinct fingers on each side of the face , there was still a bruise on the left side of the face, and a scar was scratched on the right side of the face, bleeding.

Seeing my own face, I felt more pain, and tears rolled down my face.

My heart is full of grievances.

No matter how wronged I was, I didn’t dare to cry. I tidied up by myself, washed my face, fixed my hair and clothes, and went back to my room to look for medicine. After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find a band-aid or other ointment that could cover the wound. I was afraid that Tan would see me when I went out. Seeing his own appearance, he felt an eyesore and hated himself even more, so he stayed in the room to hide for a while.

The woman didn't howl, didn't cry, didn't make any fuss, and Tan Xingxing didn't bother to pay attention. It would be better if he didn't come running in front of his eyes. After smoking a cigarette, he put out the cigarette butt and waited quietly. After waiting for another ten minutes, his son cleaned up. Something, open the door and come out, stand up.

He was irritated by Wang Cuifeng, he punched and kicked the woman, he didn't bring his emotions to Er'er, and his tone was still calm: "Xuanxuan, have you got everything?"

"Yeah." Opening the door and looking out, Wang Shengxuan only saw Uncle Tan, lowered his head and responded in a low voice, turned around and picked up the full backpack, and carried the other bag.

When there was a quarrel outside, he heard it in the bedroom, and he heard what Uncle Tan and his mother said clearly, feeling ashamed, but helpless.

Hearing the sound, he knew that Uncle Tan had fought with his mother. Someone told him not to get involved in the war of adults if he had no power to protect himself, so as not to get hurt, so he didn't open the door to look out.

He doesn't like his mother to be a nasty mistress, but he can't control his mother, and likewise, he has no right to control the grievances between Uncle Tan and his mother.

Unable to do anything by himself, Wang Shengxuan silently listened to the quarrel outside through the wall, and knew from his mother's voice that he was not as important to his mother as his cousin Wang Jinbao, and he was very sad.

The war outside ended unknowingly. He continued to pack his things, found out the clothes that needed to be taken to school for a change of clothes and books for review, packed them in a backpack and a bag, and waited for a few minutes before opening the door to observe.

Mom was not in the living room, Wang Shengxuan pretended not to know that Uncle Tan and his mother had a quarrel, walked out of the room with his supplies, and closed the door.

Seeing that the child's luggage was heavy, Tan Xingxing hurried over to help carry the bag, and walked out of the house with his son with his head slightly down, and went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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