magic eye doctor

Chapter 1529 How to Make Money

Chapter 1529 How to Make Money
Wang Shengxuan followed Uncle Tan out of the house without a word, went downstairs without a sound, and got into the car without a word, never saying a word.

Tan Xingxing said that the child's grandfather was actually lying to Wang Cuiguan that he was downstairs. The child's grandfather really went to the school to help hold the parents' meeting.

Therefore, there was no one else in his car. After the child put away his luggage, he sat back in the driver's seat. He didn't rush to drive, so he turned sideways to the back seat: "Xuanxuan, do you have anything you want to ask?"

When he taught Wang Cuifeng a lesson, he didn't deliberately evade it, or he did it on purpose when Wang Shengxuan was at home, just to let the child recognize the reality and not have too many delusions about his mother. In her mother's heart, nephews are more important than sons. Wang Jinbao is the family member his mother cares about most.

There was such a big commotion in the living room that it was impossible for Wang Shengxuan not to know, but the child didn't come out to persuade the fight at that time, and he didn't ask why afterwards.

Such a child feels a little wrong.

Tan Yanxing wanted his son to recognize his ancestors, but he didn't want to frighten the child to have a psychological shadow because he taught Wang Cui a lesson, and he was even more afraid of himself.

"No." Wang Shengxuan shook his head and answered a word, what's the point of the long silence?

Mom is not a good person, he knows it.

Dad is doing the same dishonorable business, and he knows it.

What do you know, as their child, but can't change the thinking and behavior of adults, what can he say?
Wang Shengxuan misses Lejia's sister even more, and really hopes to finish high school soon. As long as he leaves Province C, he should be able to get out of his quagmire-like home.

The child didn't have anything to ask, and Tan Xingxing couldn't force the child to ask him why he beat his mother. After thinking about it, he asked, "Xuanxuan, did you remember my number?"

"Remember." He has a number, which is memorized by heart, and he can accurately report the number without looking at the phone book.

"Just remember, your uncle is gone, and your two aunts are in jail. No one at your grandpa's house gives you money, so you must be watching your money. Your cousin Wang Jinbao or your grandpa will cheat you or rob you." money, they are too insidious, you are not an opponent, you find a way to call me secretly."

The Wang family used his baby as a cash cow, and they didn't treat Shengxuan kindly, so they can't get used to it anymore. Tan Xingxing was afraid that those vampires would snatch the child's bank card while he was away, so he had to be vaccinated before the villain.

"Yes." Wang Shengxuan replied in a low voice. Although Uncle Tan is not a good person, at least he treats himself very well, better than his uncle and grandpa and mother, and he is the only person he can rely on at present.

The child is very well-behaved, Tan Yanxing felt relieved a little, started the car without endless nagging, drove out of the community and went straight to his son's school.

The third-year students are similar to the third-year students in high school. The curriculum is very tight. From the weekend of the week, the class method is implemented as a monthly holiday. When Tan sent his son to the middle school, he saw many students who went back to pick up their things and went back to school to work overtime.

He parked outside the school upon request, waited for his son to get off the car, watched him enter the middle school gate, and then drove home.

Because of a detour on the way, I had a meal with the younger brother who was following Wang Cuifeng, and it was three hours later when he rushed home.

He is considered a successful person. Because his family history is not particularly bright, he didn't dare to make a high profile. He didn't buy a villa. He lives in a high-end residential area in the city. The floors are all small high-rises with more than ten floors, with a skip-floor structure.

Tan Xingxing lived on the seventh floor. When he got home, he saw his wife alone in the living room, walking towards the sofa while untiing her tie.

Tan's wife, Chen Hanxiang, is two years younger than him. She is a typical hot girl. She is tall, fair-skinned, and pretty good-looking, with shoulder-length hair.

Chen Hanxiang was chasing dramas, saw her husband came back, raised her head and asked, "What's the big deal, why did you come back so late today, have you eaten yet?"

"Wang Shengxuan has something to do at the school. I went there. It was a bit late when I came back. I ate it on the way." Tan Yanxing did not hide anything, and said what he had done openly. He untied his tie and threw it on the sofa. He also fell down and leaned against the back of the sofa and raised his legs casually.

Chen Hanxiang's eyes flickered: "What's wrong with that child, has he been bullied?"

She knows Tan Xingxing's old friend Wang Cuifeng, and also knows that Wang's son is from the Tan family, but so what, she is the main wife, and the women outside don't say that they give birth to a man with handles, even if they give birth to a dragon. She is still a foreigner, so don't try to steal the property of her girls.

"No, the parents were notified that the school started working overtime. The woman went back to her hometown to be courteous. I couldn't get in touch. I went to get things for the child. When will the eldest girl of our family work overtime?" His eldest daughter is a few months older than Wang Shengxuan , also in the third year of junior high school.

"Let's say it starts next week. The three sisters went to grandma's house today."

"My girl is filial. She has to work overtime next week, and she will spend less time going home in the future. She knows to spend time with her grandparents."

"You should be proud." The child's father loved his three daughters very much. Chen Hanxiang was very happy, and took advantage of the situation to tentatively propose: "His father, it's not me who said things were wrong. Wang Cuifeng is not very reliable. That child is yours after all." Flesh and blood, it's not a problem to follow her, you might as well take her back to the Tan family."

Tan Yanxing looked at his wife with deep eyes: "Do you really want me to take the child home?"

Chen Hanxiang's heart skipped a beat when she was stared at, and her expression was a little unnatural: "To be honest, it's not my baby, so naturally I don't want to see him dangling in front of my eyes, so I don't agree with you taking him back and talking to him." We live together, and we only agree to hand him over to his grandparents, so you don't have to worry about that child all the time."

"You don't have to think about it. That child doesn't want to recognize his ancestors. At most, he will be sent to college, so don't worry about it in the future." Xuanxuan is currently unable to support himself, so he is willing to accept his upbringing. After finishing university and being self-reliant, I'm afraid that even if he wants to take care of it, the child will not accept it.

"I didn't think about it. It's because the child's grandparents asked me every now and then. Probably they want to recognize their grandson, and they are afraid that I will make trouble."

"I'll tell my parents that you don't have to worry about it. Besides, the Wang family will never let the child come back. After picking it up, the other side will find excuses to come to the door every day to beat the autumn wind, or just hang on. It's even more annoying."

"Okay, your son, you decide." Chen Hanxiang didn't continue to discuss the topic. Haita's father didn't plan to bring him back, which means that there is no threat to her girl's interests at the moment, so it doesn't need to be an enemy, just pay more attention to it in the future.

Tan Yanxing's business is the focus at night, and usually he has to go home very late. The reason why he went home early was because it was Friday and wanted to see the child. The girl went to grandma's house, and he was not disappointed. A small world for two people.

Tan lived a life with his wife and children on the hot kang, Wang Cuifeng was in a miserable situation. When Tan sent Wang Shengxuan to school, she dared to go to the living room to find medicine.

She remembered that there were Baiyao and Band-Aids at home. It was because Wang Shengxuan sometimes scratched his hands when cooking, and often fell when mopping the floor, and his wounds were often bruised. He bought Band-Aids and Baiyao and kept them at home for later use.

After searching for a while, she found a band-aid and Baiyao in the drawer of the TV cabinet. She didn't even check the date, so she poured the powder on the wound, and then put a band-aid on it.

Healed the wound on his face, and then looked at his waist. There were bruises where he was kicked, and it was always in pain. Wang Cuifeng was so painful that tears fell again.

Originally, she had an injury on her face, and she was afraid that people would see and laugh at her, so she didn't want to go out, thinking that it would be even worse to go out with her face on her face tomorrow, and when it got dark, she went downstairs to buy bruises and bruises.

There are many people walking on the streets at night. There are crowds of people watching in many places where mahjong is played. Hearing the pleasant sound of "crawling" and bumping, he hasn't played mahjong for several days. Wang Cuifeng felt itchy again.

The mahjong addiction came up again, almost ignoring the dull pain in the waist, and walked towards a mahjong table, before approaching, heard the end of the round, and was calculating who won and who lost, and the loser was muttering how much money he lost .

When it comes to "money", Wang Cuifeng seemed to have been stabbed, subconsciously covering her wallet, she has no money!
Part of the money she gave to Niang Laozi was living expenses from Tan, and part was for extra meals and clothes for the holidays. She withheld it and didn't buy clothes for Xuanxuan, and took it back to honor her parents.

When she came back from her hometown, she only had pocket money of 600 yuan. Xuanxuan was working overtime at school, and it was impossible for Tan to pay any more. With nearly half a month left, she could only live on a few hundred yuan.

Reminiscing that after Tan said that she would only be given 2000 yuan a month, Wang Cuifeng felt troubled. [-] yuan was only enough for living expenses. How could she use it to honor her family?

Tan doesn't give money to spend, so he can't take Xuanxuan's money. The money given to the family can only be earned by himself.

How can I make money?
Thinking of finding ways to make money by herself, Wang Cuifeng's liver became entangled, and she couldn't help but think of the little loser she gave birth to, that short-lived little loser who is so rich, but doesn't even raise his own mother, it should be struck by lightning!
Why did the short-lived little money-loser have such a long life in the first place? He didn’t die after an abortion, and he couldn’t be strangled to death. He lived longer than a cat. If the debt collector died, wouldn’t everything be fine?

The short-lived ghost Xiao Qian Huo didn't survive that year, so there will be nothing later. She doesn't know if Xiao Qian Huo is alive, where will he go to E North, and if he doesn't go to E North, Tan's business is doing well, and she has With a fixed source of income, if you don't lose money playing mahjong by yourself, you can be regarded as a petty bourgeoisie.

All my bad luck started when I went to E North to meet the short-lived little loser. Thinking of the bad luck brought to her by the little debt collector she gave birth to, Wang Cuifeng gritted her teeth with hatred, and cursed the little loser in her heart angrily. Died early and reincarnated early, moved to buy medicinal wine for scratches.

Shy in cash, with wounds on her face and body, unable to see anyone for a short time, Wang Cuifeng only bought a bottle of spray, went to the mall to buy some instant noodle hot dogs, and scratched herself when she returned home. The cat recuperated at home. Thinking about how to make money.

She racked her brains and figured out that the only way is to find a rich man. It is impossible for the rich second generation and the rich second generation's father to fall in love with her, so she can only find old men like nouveau riche or demolition households.

(End of this chapter)

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