magic eye doctor

Chapter 1530 Fishing an Upstart

Chapter 1530 Fishing an Upstart

Wang Ju saw off his third son, secretly proud of himself. During the few days when the third son was at home, he often talked about the pain of being forced to sell high-end furniture, and the bitterness of having to pick up garbage to support the family. He said it so hard, and the third child obviously felt distressed.

The girls were all losers, and he didn't drown or throw them away when they were born. He raised them all and sent them to study. It's only natural for losers to adopt their parents.

From my own observations, I feel that the brainwashing of the third child was successful, and Wang Juzhi was full of ambitions. Jiang is old and spicy, and the third child was raised by him, so it is impossible for him to run out of his palm.

The third child has gone back to the county seat, and he will wait for the third child to come back with the money.

Wang Ju, who was in a good mood, waited for his precious grandson to come home. When it was dark, he quickly called to ask if he was working overtime. Only after asking did he find out that his grandson had gone to an Internet cafe to play computer games.

Hearing that his grandson went to an Internet cafe to play games, his heart ached. Jinbao used to have a computer, which was a high-end product. A hard disk was worth seven or eight thousand, and all the parts were said to be worth more than 4. Later, he had to pay for fights , The computer is also used to pay off the debt.

My grandson's computer was lost to others, and I don't have a computer, so of course I can only go to Internet cafes.

The grandson was greatly wronged, and Wang Ju didn't want to spoil his mood, so he didn't urge him to go home. As for the granddaughter, he didn't care at all.

Wang Jinbao played in the Internet cafe for two nights and one day, and spent all his money before noon on Sunday morning before getting off the plane and riding his own motorcycle back home.

He stayed up all night for two nights, obviously lacking in sleep, and there were thick blue shadows outside his eye sockets. He rode the motorcycle fast, speeding across the street, leaving behind a piercing sound.

Some people on the street saw the motorcycle flying past, and recognized it as Wang Longsheng's short-lived little debt collector, secretly spit: "Hurry up to reincarnate, sooner or later you will end up with his father!"

If Wang Longsheng is a piece of shit, his son has also stepped on his father's footsteps and followed in his footsteps. He is also full of bad water. When the street is busy, he often steals things by stealing things while others are not paying attention, and bullies his classmates and girls at school. Children are happy.

Children of the same age as Wang Jinbao were often bullied on the street, and a few girls were bullied badly by the little short-lived ghost who killed thousands of knives. In the past, those people dared not speak up until Wang Longsheng went to see the short-lived ghost Hades, those people just found a chance to avenge themselves.

As much as the villagers hated Wang Longsheng, they also hated Wang Jinbao as much. They hoped that the little short-lived ghost would be reincarnated early, so as to harm less people.

Wang Jinbao, who was regarded as a scourge, drove home on a motorcycle, parked in the yard, and got out of the car gracefully.

Wang Jinbao is a few months older than Wang Shengxuan. He was born in April. He turned 1.7 in the first half of the year. He is quite tall, about [-] meters tall. He is relatively thin. He has a monkey face and triangular eyes. It is easy to get along with.

He was wearing a T-shirt with a hood and ripped denim pants. He just put his legs over the car and landed on the ground when he saw his grandpa coming out of the house and called out, "Grandpa, you're back."

Seeing his grandson, Wang Ju was full of joy: "Jin Bao is back, come in quickly, your grandma made you your favorite pork belly and chao shou."

"Grandpa and grandma have worked hard, grandpa and grandma love me the most, and leave me all good things." Wang Jinbao flattered me.

That sentence lacked sincerity and emotion, but Wang Ju just followed that. He only felt that his grandson was the best child, and his eyes narrowed with a smile: "My grandson is so good, eat more later, look at you thin Well, the school food is poor, it’s hard for you.”

Wang Jinbao hit the snake with the stick, telling how bad the school food is, how unpalatable the dishes are, similar to pig food, and expensive, and so on. At the end, he pretended to remember: "Master, how long did you come back to rest this time?" My God? Are you still looking for a job? It’s hard work, don’t go, I’m graduating soon, I’ll go out to earn money to support you and your grandma after graduating from junior high school.”

When the grandson walked into the house, Wang Ju looked at the joy, and when he heard the thoughtful words of the grandson, his heart was warmed: "My Jinbao, you are still so young, how can you do anything, study hard, and get a good high school next year. In the future, I will go to a good university and earn a lot of money to honor my grandparents."

The grandson is so filial, his heart is sweeter than eating honey, and he said good news to his grandson: "Your third aunt is back, and there will be your third aunt in the future, so I won't go to work. Wait a month or two and ask your third aunt to give me money." Buy a computer for you, and you don’t have to go to Internet cafes to suffer.”

"Third Aunt is back, that's great. I'll go to see Third Aunt after the holiday." Wang Jinbao's eyes lit up in surprise. The third Aunt is back, so there is a reason to go to San Aunt to find Wang Shengxuan.

He has long fallen in love with a certain brand of motorcycle in country M, and it costs more than 3 yuan. His grandparents have no money, and his sister made a friend who doesn't have much money. He only helped him buy a domestic motorcycle. Three thousand yuan, not cool at all.

The third aunt's son, Wang Shengxuan, was rich, so he went to the third aunt's house to frighten Wang Shengxuan, and the counselor would honestly hand over the money.

Thinking of having a cool motorcycle soon, Wang Jinbao was overjoyed, and followed his grandfather into the house. When he saw his grandmother, he smeared some honey on his mouth and praised his grandmother for being the best milk in the world. his stomach.

Because he stayed up all night for two nights, Wang Jinbao went to bed in the afternoon, slept until evening, and went to school after dinner. Because his third aunt came back, he also brought a whole 1000 yuan of pocket money when he went to school, which allowed him to live a week. very chic
I squandered all my pocket money in one week, and went home with another thousand pocket money in the second week and the third week, and continued to be chic.

The fourth week was also the beginning of a month, and it was the first week of November. His sister Wang Jinzhi also came home, but she only got 200 yuan of living expenses from her grandparents.

Wang Jinzhi didn't complain about the lack of money, anyway, she could support herself. A few months ago, she met a rich man. She made appointments twice a week and had [-] pocket money every month.

Wang Ju has always been generous to his grandson, giving him what he wanted. He gave his grandson [-] pocket money for four weeks in a row, and spent some more.

Wang Cuifeng recuperated at home for half a month, and did not go out until the scabs on her face could be covered with cosmetics.

Probably it was her turn to turn around. She made a lot of money playing mahjong for the first time after the injury, and she won more than she lost in the next few days. By the end of the month, she had won back 5000 yuan.

On the weekend of the first week in November, she was waiting for her son at home. Seeing that her son Wang Shengxuan was the same as before, and he was not alienated from her because of what happened last time, she also took the 2000 yuan that Tan asked him to bring back. When she came back, her heart was safe.

When the family called, Wang Cuifeng was in a good mood. She deposited [-] in her father's bank card, and went to play mahjong to find suitable poker players to go fishing.

Wang Ju called in the morning and got a promise from the third child to transfer money. In the afternoon, he went to check the bank card and saw that it was only 5000 yuan. He was so angry that his nose was crooked.That little money is barely enough for the grandson to spend a month.

He wanted to call and scold him, but he endured it. When he got home, he asked his mother-in-law to call the third child at night, complaining, asking for money here, and asking for money there, Jinzhi Jinbao wanted to buy study materials, and the old couple’s hair was grey. up.

When the family asked for money, Wang Cuifeng didn't have much money, so she had to wait until she won the money before giving pocket money to her nephew Jinbao. In order to win money, she spent most of her time in the mahjong parlor except when Tan would come home every weekend.

Sometimes things backfire, the more she wants to win, the more she can’t win, the more she wants to win, the more she loses, and by the end of the month, she loses only a few dollars, and has no money left to play mahjong. Back to December's living expenses, she has the capital to go to the mahjong table.

But she was unlucky, and she kept losing. In less than three days, she almost lost the [-] living expenses.

Fortunately, she was not lucky in mahjong, but she was lucky in other aspects. A demolisher who had been fishing for a long time was hooked. Although the nouveau riche was nearly fifty years old and a little bald, he was rich and powerful. He didn't blink, and he shot very generously. He went fooling around once and threw a whole [-] red bills.

Getting a sum of money from the nouveau riche also solved her urgent need. With the money, Wang Cuifeng proudly honored her parents with 7000 yuan, kept some money for gambling, and played mahjong for a few days. She also figured out the basics of the nouveau riche Situation, the nearly 50-year-old outburst lost his wife last year and is a widower.

Widower Well, there is no better candidate than a widower, who is perfect for building a long-term relationship.

It is said that the nouveau riche gave the widowers tens of millions of demolition funds, some of which were distributed to his children, and he still has more than 1000 million. Moreover, he has a facade, and now he doesn't have to do anything, and the monthly rent is 10,000+.

In a word, the widower is definitely a super nouveau riche, the kind of rich as hell.

Wang Cuifeng was very moved, such a goal is a very suitable partner for marriage, so every time I go to play mahjong, I dress up beautifully every time, and from time to time I wink and discharge.

She worked hard to catch golden turtles, but she didn't catch other poker friends. It took more than a month, and her hard work paid off. With her means, she also successfully took down the upstarts.

The nouveau riche widower became the servant of the single Wang Moufeng, and after being a dewy couple for a few days, he felt that it was too troublesome to open a house every time, so he simply rented a house near the community where Wang lived as a love nest. sticky.

With a stable source of income, Wang Cuifeng's life is enjoyable again, even more nourishing than before.

Tan Yanxing received a report from his younger brother that Wang Cuifeng had paid him money, but he didn't say a word. It would be better for Wang Cuifeng to find a successor, so as not to be a demon again when he runs out of money.

Tan knew that Wang Moufeng had found his next home, and Chi Shisi, who was far away in the capital, also received the news. Because the captain did not return from a mission, he and his brothers discussed plans together.

(End of this chapter)

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