magic eye doctor

Chapter 1532

Chapter 1532

Oriental girls have appeared in international books one after another, causing a lot of repercussions in Europe and the United States, and their popularity in Yi country has increased the fastest, because Chinese girls have entered and returned to Yi country many times, and among the three people who were cured by her Two of them are from Yi country.

With the evidence of those two moats and a certain hospital in Rome, the name of the Chinese girl with unnatural medical skills quickly spread in the middle and upper social circles of the country.

Time is not for anyone, and New Year's Day is coming.

The new year is 2020.

People all over the world are full of yearning and enthusiasm for the new year.

After New Year's Day, there was a blizzard in the capital of Huaxia Kingdom, and it also ushered in extremely cold and severe weather. When the weather improved a little, major colleges and universities also entered the examination period, and they would be on vacation after the examination.

Colleges and universities in all provinces across the country are on vacation, and primary and secondary schools are also on vacation one after another, because the winter vacation was shorter that year, and there were no make-up classes before the Spring Festival for the third and third grades of senior high school and junior high school.

Wang Jinbao's school exams were completed on the 10th of January, and the official holiday was on the 11th. He went home on the evening of the 10th, rested at home for a day, and waited for his sister to come back. On the 12th, he and his sister went to Sangu's house in Guangzhou.

The siblings of the Wang family changed cars a few times, and they didn't arrive at the community where the third aunt lived until after noon. They didn't call in advance to tell the third aunt that they were going to play in the city and carry out a surprise attack.

The siblings entered the community and found the building where the third aunt lived, and climbed the stairs, because the siblings are both fanboys, and they are both strong outsiders. After climbing three flights of stairs, they were so tired that they were out of breath, and they rested twice before climbing When I reached the fifth floor, I took a breath before knocking on the door.

During the middle school holiday, Wang Shengxuan studied as hard as he was at school without the supervision of a teacher after returning home. He made his own plan and had to review his homework and brush up questions every day.

On the same day, my mother went out to play mahjong in the morning. He reviewed Chinese and did two sets of questions in the morning. He cooked and ate by himself at noon. After finishing the housework, he went to the bedroom to continue studying. There is a knock on the door.

Who is knocking at the door?Wang Shengxuan was always weird. They had never had guests in their house, and his mother had brought the key herself. Uncle Tan went to school to pick him up and send him back on the day of the holiday, so it was impossible to see him again so soon.

The courier will call first, and most of them are placed in the shops in the community, and they usually don't come upstairs, so he really can't figure out why someone would knock on the door.

With doubts, he put down his book and got up to check the situation, and there was a series of more rapid knocks on the door, and he trotted out of the study room, and when he was almost at the door, there was a third knock on the door.

"Come here, who is it?" Wang Shengxuan quickly ran to the door, twisted the doorknob, did not open the door all at once, and kept the safety chain, looked outside, saw Wang Jinbao's face, and was stunned. Stopped: ""

After knocking on the door three times, no one responded. Wang Jinbao was so impatient to wait, his face was extremely ugly, but when he saw his cowardly cousin, he immediately put on a smile: "Cousin, you didn't work overtime? My third aunt Are you taking a nap?"

Wang Jinbao is in the boy's voice-changing period, his voice is a bit thick and sharp, very close to the voice of an adult man, when stabbed by that voice, Wang Shengxuan shivered, took off the safety chain and opened the door: "My mother Going to play mahjong, your...cousin...sister."

He was just about to ask Wang Jinbao if he didn't call his mother when he came. If Wang Jinbao had called his mother, she would definitely not go to play mahjong, but before he could ask that sentence, when his cousin walked into the house, Only then did he see his cousin Wang Jinzhi behind his cousin.

Seeing the cousin, Wang Shengxuan swallowed the other words first, called the cousin first, and subconsciously stayed on the cousin for a while, the cousin was much taller than the Le family sister, and she wore lipstick like her mother, and she should also put on powder.

Cousin is not as beautiful and friendly as sister Lejia, she is also a girl, sister Lejia doesn't wear lipstick or nails, she is very white and beautiful.

After a pause in sight, I realized that my cousin was dressed in a very foreign style, a white fur coat with fur, black stockings in a short skirt, shoes that came up to the knees, and she was carrying a beautiful handbag and a backpack.

As far back as I can remember, my cousin didn't like me. Wang Shengxuan only took one more look and then looked away: "Cousin, cousin, you didn't call my mother when you came, did you? You come in first, and I will call my mother later."

Wang Jinzhi is only 1.6m[-], shorter than her younger brother. She didn't see his cousin behind him. When his younger brother moved his body, she saw his cowardly cousin. When he called her cousin, she twitched her lips in response. With his chin held high, he entered the third aunt's house with his younger brother.

The third aunt went to play mahjong, and only her cousin was at home, Wang Jinbao was so happy, her aunt was not at home, so she could just ask Wang Shengxuan for a bank card to withdraw money.

Hearing that Counselor Baozi wanted to call Sangu, he immediately stopped him: "Sangu is playing mahjong with friends, so there is no need to call Sangu, so as not to affect Sangu's good mood."

?Question marks flashed in Wang Shengxuan's mind, when did Wang Jinbao respect his mother so much?Anyway, my cousin said there was no need to call, but he didn't insist. He let his cousin enter the house and closed the door.

He didn't know what his cousin was doing in Guangzhou. In the past, when his cousin or uncle came, the men would grab his bed. When the cousin came, he must sleep in his own room. He let the cousin sit and go first. I found a few apples and put them on the table, and then I went back to my room to pack up my belongings first.

Counseling Baozi didn't care whether he had lunch or not, and he didn't treat him with good things. He just took a few apples like a beggar. Wang Jinbao's face turned dark because he wanted to ask Counseling Baozi to give him money to spend, so he resisted scolding Impulsive, Baozi went back to the room and followed with his backpack.

Wang Shengxuan heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, and still silently endured his cousin's doing whatever he wanted as before. After entering the room, he first tidied up the books on the side of the pillow on the bed and moved them to the desk, otherwise his cousin would If it gets in the way, it is thrown all over the floor.

Wang Jinbao followed Counselor into the room, and observed that the room was still the same as before. Counselor loves cleanliness, the quilts are neatly stacked, but there are books everywhere.

He was familiar with himself, so he closed the door first, and then went to the wardrobe to open the door to look at it. He hadn't been here for two years, and there was no furniture in the bun's room, but there were a few more expensive-looking winter clothes in the wardrobe. It was set up by the Tan family.

He was a bit taller than Zhibaozi, unable to wear his cousin's clothes, he threw his backpack into the cabinet, turned around, and saw that Zhibaozi had moved the books on the bed and was moving the books on the bedside table. Grabbing his cousin's shoulder stably, he stretched out one hand and made a movement of twisting money.

"Wang Shengxuan, bro, I'm short on money recently, so I need to borrow some money to spend."

Wang Longsheng loves to borrow money from various shops on the street. The so-called top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked. A dog borrows a bone—if there is a loan, there is no repayment."

Being held down by the shoulders, Wang Shengxuan frowned. He had known for a long time what kind of pee his cousin was, and his cousin used to be like this. Every time he said that he had no money to borrow money to spend, and he never paid it back. If he didn't borrow it, he would get a meal beat up.

He guessed that his cousin must have come to extort money, but he didn't expect to be so impatient. When he first arrived, he asked for money even before the bench was warm. No wonder he was not allowed to call and tell his mother.

Being caught and unable to make money, Wang Shengxuan cooperated coldly and stood still: "Cousin, I have no money."

"Hehe, you're shameless, right?" Wang Jinbao was impatient, and when he was rejected, he stretched out his hand to grab the bun, pushed him hard against the wall next to the bed, stepped on Wang Shengxuan's instep, rolling.

Youdao is ten fingers connected to the heart, and the same is true for the toes. Being trampled on the back of the instep, Wang Shengxuan cried out in pain, tears flowed out, and bent down.

Wang Jinbao grabbed Wang Shengxuan by the neck: "Be sensible, bring me the bank card and copy the password to me, otherwise you will suffer."

"I... really don't have any money," Wang Shengxuan burst into tears in pain, and responded with sobs: "My card is with my... dad."

"?" Wang Jinbao almost choked to death, and his father took away the bank card that he had been coddling with for a long time?
I was so angry in my heart, I taught people with a dark face: "Why did you give the card to your dad? My aunt raised you when you ate everything from inside to outside, and you ate and drank Wang's food, and you still only thought about your dad. Oil bottle, cumbersome goods, how much my third aunt has suffered because of you, you f*cking don't let mom control the money, instead you give the card to the dad in Waisanlu, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, a wolf-hearted dog!"

"I didn't give it to my dad. It was... On the day of the holiday, my dad went to pick me up from school. He was afraid that I would spend money indiscriminately, so he asked me for the card to keep it for me." Wang Shengxuan was stuck in the neck, and was also sprayed by Wang Jinbao's saliva With a look on his face, it was clearly the Wang family who ate and drank his father's, and even shot him backwards. The grandfather's family were the white-eyed wolves.

Counseling Baozi is an empty head, he can do whatever he says, his father said he would keep the card and he really gave it, Wang Jinbao was so angry that he wanted to strangle him to death, Counseling Baozi's card was given to his own father, what would he buy a motorcycle with? car?
Counseling Baozi is a worthless coward, but he has a rich father, and the Tan family is not short of money. The two elders of the Tan family are rare grandsons, and each of them will give at least [-] yuan in New Year's money every year.

His aunt has been squatting in the shift room for nearly two years. He hasn't asked Baozi for money for two years. He has accumulated at least [-] to [-] yuan. Asking him to come over is enough to buy a motorcycle and a computer.

Thinking that so much money is in the hands of Baozi's own father, isn't this a duck with its mouth—flying?Wang Jinbao didn't give up: "Call your father to ask for a card, and just say you want to buy study materials."

Wang Shengxuan was so painful that there were still tears in his eyes, sobbing: "My dad has already bought me all the materials that the school said he would buy, he won't believe it."

"You..." Wang Jinbao's patience was almost exhausted, and he was about to move his mouth away, but stopped his hand again, his eyeballs rolled around, scanned the room, and had an idea: "You just say that you need to find information when you study, I want to buy a computer."

(End of this chapter)

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