magic eye doctor

Chapter 1533 The small one comes to the big one

Chapter 1533 The small one comes to the big one
Wang Jinbao found a reason, and he applauded his own wit, look at how smart he is, and how good his ideas are!
"..." Cousin made up his mind to ask for money, Wang Shengxuan sobbed and didn't say anything against it.

Counseling Baozi to be honest, Wang Jinbao let go, and stepped on Wang Shengxuan again in order to give him a warning: "Call quickly, if you dare to be dishonest, I will break your leg."

"...Mmm." Wang Shengxuan was so painful that he wanted to squat on the ground again, and was kicked again, dragging his toes that hurt like they were about to break off, looking for his phone.

His feet were rolled over, no matter how painful it was, he did not throw away the book in his hand, with tears in his eyes, he limped to the desk, put down the book first, and then took out the phone from the drawer.

Wang Jinbao stood by and stared at Tong Baozi, watching him turn over the phone number, turned to the place marked "Uncle Tan", and stared at him to dial the number.

Tan Yanxing's business is entertainment-oriented. Basically, he rests in the morning and opens in the middle of the afternoon every day. He goes to KTV city after having dinner at home. On the way, his mobile phone rang, and he was driving, so he didn't answer it for the time being.

Wang Shengxuan pressed the number, listened to the singing voice coming from the phone, and waited until no one answered, sniffing and sobbing: "No one answered."

"Hit again." Wang Jinbao wanted to kick someone again, idiot, just hit again if no one answered, such a simple thing needs to be taught.

Wang Shengxuan pressed the dial button again.

Tan Yanxing, who was driving the car, heard the ringing of the mobile phone stopped, and it rang again after a while. He took out the mobile phone with one hand and saw that the number was his son. He paused for a moment, and let the car drive automatically while there were few cars on the road. Connect the phone with the headset, answer the call, and then drive by yourself.

"Xuanxuan, what can you do with me?"

"Uncle," the phone was connected, and Wang Shengxuan yelled, sobbing: "Uncle, I am doing my homework. The homework is so difficult that I can't do it. I want to buy a computer to check the information by myself. Can you give me my bank card?" I?"

Hearing the child's voice was wrong, Tan Yanxing was about to ask if his mother beat him again, and then heard the child say that homework was so difficult and wanted to buy a computer, and asked him for a bank card, he was stunned, what bank card?

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Xuanxuan, did your mother hit you again?"

"No... yes," Wang Shengxuan sniffed, his voice still trembling: "Mom went to play mahjong in the morning, and my cousin and cousin came to visit my mother in the afternoon, but my mother hasn't come back yet."

When the child mentioned his cousin, Tan Yanxing suddenly realized that Wang Jinbao must have asked Xuanxuan for money when Wang Jinbao came, but Xuanxuan refused to give it, so he said that the bank card was in his hand.

No need to guess, that bastard from the Wang family hit Xuanxuan again, and forced Xuanxuan to ask him for a SIM card, probably that little bastard was monitoring Xuanxuan's phone calls by Xuanxuan's side.

Tan Yanxing was so angry that there were flames in his heart, and he suppressed his anger and cooperated with the child: "I see, I will send you a card later, and take you to buy a computer. The homework is too difficult and I won't do it. You Wait at home."

"Well, I'll wait for uncle, I'll hang up first." Wang Shengxuan knew that Uncle Tan understood what he meant. Uncle Tan said that if his cousin asked for money again, he would call him and tell him that his cousin was here. , Uncle Tan guessed that his cousin bullied him again.

Hanging up the phone, he looked at Wang Jinbao who was standing by and staring at him with tears in his eyes: "My dad said after a while to send the card and take me to buy a computer."

"Listen well, you get the card back, no matter what method you use, anyway, I don't want your dad to take you to buy a computer today." Wang Jinbao threatened viciously, as long as he delays for one night, he will take all the money at night and empty it tomorrow. Ka returned to Counseling Baozi and let them buy whatever they wanted.

Wang Jinbao raised his fist, Wang Shengxuan stepped back in horror, and responded with a frightened "Yes."

Satisfied with the obedience of Wang Shengxuan, the cowardly steamed stuffed bun, Wang Jinbao demanded, "My sister and I haven't eaten yet, go make us something to eat?"

He also wanted to go to the restaurant while getting the bank card to withdraw money, so he was not in a hurry to let the steamed stuffed bun cook for him. He didn't get the money, so he could only wait for someone from Tan to deliver the card.

"My mother hasn't bought groceries for two days. There are only some vegetables and instant noodles in the refrigerator." Wang Jinbao is taller than himself, and Wang Shengxuan knows that he can't beat him, so he doesn't resist.

"Do whatever you have." Wang Jinbao disliked the poverty of the third aunt's house, and had an empty stomach, so he had to make do with it.

Wang Shengxuan silently stuffed his phone into his pocket, walked out of the bedroom, opened the refrigerator to get some vegetables, and then went to get instant noodles into the kitchen to cook.

The younger brother went to Wang Shengxuan's room. Wang Jinzhi was sitting in the living room playing with his mobile phone slowly. She heard the noise in the room and listened calmly. It was enough for Wang Shengxuan to have a younger brother alone. She didn't need to help her. When the cousin gets the money, he usually gives her some pocket money, so she just waits for the dividend.

Hearing Wang Shengxuan's sobs, she didn't have any sympathy or intolerance, her younger brother was her own younger brother, and Wang Shengxuan was just a cousin of Wai Sanlu, so there was nothing to be concerned about.

Not only did she not think about helping her cousin, but she also never thought about calling her aunt back. When her aunt came back, she and her younger brother couldn't beat and scold Wang Shengxuan in front of their aunt.

When the negotiation in the room was over, without exception, it was the younger brother who won a complete victory, and disdainfully despised Wang Shengxuan, a counselor, shameful!
Guessing that his younger brother was coming out soon, Wang Jinzhi pretended that he didn't know anything, and swiped his phone seriously.

It doesn't take much time to cook the instant noodles. It took Wang Shengxuan 10 minutes to cook the noodles and served them to his cousins. One bowl per person, all plain noodles.

The siblings of the Wang family looked down on the vegetarian noodles with no meat, no eggs, and no meat, but they had nothing to eat, so they had no choice but to eat the noodles while disgusting them.

Wang Shengxuan silently sat aside and waited. After the two lazy pigs had finished eating, he took a bowl that was cleaner than a dog had licked it into the kitchen to wash it, and then went back to the room to do the test questions.

The siblings of the Wang family who were full sat in the living room and swiped their phones, secretly waiting for a certain fat sheep to give Wang Shengxuan a bank card.

Tan Xingxing, the fat sheep in the eyes of the Wang family, ended the conversation with the child, turned around at the next intersection, and went straight to a corner of the city. He called the KTV manager at a parking place and went straight to where Wang Cuifeng lived. .

He tried his best to walk in a straight line and was blocked several times in several road sections. It took him an hour and a half to get to the ground. The car entered the community and stopped by the road in front of the building where Wang Cuifeng lived, and climbed up the building.

Climb up to the fifth floor, listen to the sound through the door, hear the voices of the characters in the game and various soundtracks, guess that it is the Wang family siblings playing the game.

Thinking of those two sluts bullying their children as soon as they arrived at Wang Cuifeng's house, and extorting money without changing their will, Tan Yanxing's heart ignited an unknown fire, but he didn't shout, and reached out to knock on the door.

The sound of knocking on the door also made the siblings who were playing games in the room look towards the door, and they all thought of the same direction: the fat sheep is coming!

Thinking that a large sum of money would soon be in his pocket, Wang Jinbao happily stood up with his mobile phone in one hand, ran to the door to open it, and asked pretendingly, "Here you are, who are you looking for?"

Before he finished speaking, he opened the door and saw a man wearing a mid-length trench coat standing at the door. Wang Jinbao had seen someone from Tan before, so he naturally recognized him, and pretended to be shocked: "Hey, Uncle Tan, it turned out to be you Ah, you are looking for cousin Xuanxuan, please come in."

Seeing the tall and thin young man who opened the door, Tan Yanxing thought of how his child had been bullied by him for more than ten years, and his heart was so angry that no one could see him, so he strode into the house with high spirits.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw a young woman with yellow hair sitting on the sofa, and his heart burned even more. That son-of-a-bitch girl of Wang Longsheng was as cheap as the three girls of the Wang family. Wang Jinbao had all kinds of poisons, and had no money, so the siblings asked Xuanxuan for it, and beat and kicked Xuanxuan.

The siblings of the Wang family have bullied their son for more than ten years. It was due to his own negligence, so he did not settle the score with the siblings of the Wang family. Xuanxuan, I can't tolerate it,
Tan Xingxing, who was full of anger, closed the door with one hand, and grabbed the thin and tall Wang Jinbao with the other hand, and slapped the wall with the force of lightning.

Entering the door, closing the door, slapping people, slapping people, a series of movements are done in one go, each movement is smooth and rhythmic.

When his younger brother went to open the door, Wang Jinzhi put out what he thought was the most beautiful smile, and sat waiting for someone to come in. He just saw a person in a windbreaker walking in, and called softly, "Uncle Tan."

She just yelled, and in the blink of an eye, she saw the man grabbed her younger brother and slapped him against the wall, and then slapped wildly, she was so shocked that she forgot to close her mouth.

Baozi's father ignored him, and Wang Jinbao didn't take it seriously. He just wanted to close the door, but he didn't want to be caught by his collar. He just yelled "ah" when he was slapped against the wall by a strong force.

That bump made the sky spin dizzy, his eyes glowed, his mobile phone flew out of his hand, and then landed freely with the momentum of a free body, the sound of the mobile phone landing was crisp and clear.

As for Wang Jinbao, who was slapped on the wall, before he could react, he received a series of slaps and slaps in the face. He was stunned and his mind froze.

Lifting the young man up to the wall and kissing him intimately, Tan Xingxing slapped him a few more times, then kicked his chest and knocked the man down on the ground. Lifting his feet was two heart-warming kicks, and put the young man under his feet to rub against the ground.

"Shameless bitch, I used to be too easy to talk, so that you guys, young and old, forgot who you are, spending my money, bullying my children behind my back, "

He was angry and didn't show mercy: "I warned Wang Ju, Wang Longsheng, and Wang Cuifeng, the three sluts, whoever dares to stretch out their hands to Wang Shengxuan, I will chop whose hand, you dare to be my words, you are too impatient to live Alright, I will help you, you bastard!"

Wang Jinbao, who was knocked down on the ground, rolled on the ground in pain, only reacted when he heard the man scolding angrily, and shouted in panic, "Uncle Tan, I didn't bully Wang Shengxuan, I really didn't..."

(End of this chapter)

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