magic eye doctor

Chapter 1535 Choose by yourself

Chapter 1535 Choose by yourself

Tan Yanxing is not interested in whether Wang Cuifeng is helping his younger brother or his mother's family, but if his son is sacrificed to achieve her great dedication to helping her younger brother and family, then she has to ask him whether he agrees or not.

For Wang Cuifeng, who could not change his nature of helping his younger brother even if he died, Tan Yanxing gave up saving and sneered: "Arguing? You think Wang Jinbao's behavior of injuring Xuanxuan and grabbing Xuanxuan's bank card was just arguing. Let me tell you, Wang Jinbao injured Xuanxuan today. Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan may have broken a bone, do you think it's just a joke?"

"This," Wang Cuifeng choked for a moment, wouldn't Jin Bao really beat Xuan Xuan to serious injury?

Seeing Tan's expression, it might be true. Wang Cuifeng was afraid that Wang Shengxuan would really have a big problem if Jin Bao beat him up, and someone Tan would deal with Jin Bao with an eye for an eye, and said embarrassingly: "Brother Xing, what you said is too serious, the relationship between brothers and sisters is too serious." It's normal to fight between people, it's impossible to break someone's hands and feet on purpose, and if someone breaks a bone, it must be an accident.

Jinbao is a bit spoiled at home, and his nature is not bad. When he fights with others, it is because others beat him. It is our family who compensates other people's medical expenses, and the family is almost bankrupt.

Jinbao and Xuanxuan are cousins, and the whole family has broken bones and tendons. Jinbao really did not intentionally hurt Xuanxuan when he fought with Xuanxuan. Brother Xing, Jinbao is still a child. If you teach him a lesson, he will definitely I also know I was wrong, and I will ask him to apologize to his cousin later, and this matter will be over, Brother Xing, do you think it will work? "

"You think it's okay?" Tan Yanxing was so angry that his liver was about to explode, hehe, women are mothers like this, they don't care about their son's injury at all, they just want to try their best to help her nephew get rid of the crime, she treats her son as a grass, He is not!

"Brother Xing, look at what you said, didn't you show mercy because Jinbao and Xuanxuan are cousins? Xuanxuan was born to me, and I feel sorry for him. My brother is gone, so Jinbao is left behind." , if something happens to Jin Bao, how can I explain it to my parents, this time, Brother Xing, I will definitely keep an eye on Jin Bao and prevent him from fighting with Xuanxuan."

Hearing Tan's tone, he was a little loose, Wang Cuifeng's hanging heart was loosened, she cast a wink, and slowly moved towards Tan, her tone became softer: "Brother Xing, I really don't know today. Jinbao Jinzhi has come to the city, otherwise I would have come back, Jinbao would have fought with Xuanxuan, maybe Xuanxuan didn't open the door for them..."

The more the woman talked, the smoother she was, and she gave her son a pot of shit. Tan Xingxing stood up abruptly, picked up the kitchen knife on the short table and chopped it towards the table table.

When Tan picked up the knife, Wang Cuifeng, who was chattering, stopped suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then enlarged, his legs and feet were stiff, and he was like a wooden pillar, unable to move half a step anymore.

"Wang Cuifeng, I warned you, Wang Ju and Wang Longsheng, and said that anyone who dares to reach out to Xuanxuan will chop off his hand. You think I'm farting, right?"

Tan Yanxing smashed the table and rushed to Wang Jinbao angrily: "I am waiting for you to come back so that you can see for yourself whether what I say is worthwhile. You dare to lie and favor Wang Jinbao in front of me. I will let you know today. The consequences of angering Lao Tzu."

"No, brother Xing, don't!" Seeing Tan's furious anger, Wang Cuifeng was so frightened that he lost half of his soul and seven souls, and the handbag in his hand was also frightened. The man in the middle wanted to stop him from asking Jinbao to settle the score.

Tan Xingxing, who was furious, was full of anger from his hair to his toes. When he saw the rushing woman, he kicked her upside down with a heart-warming foot, and because of this, he became even more angry and walked faster.

Wang Jinzhi turned his head when he heard the sound of the door, and saw the third aunt came back and wept with joy. Because he was afraid of someone Tan, he didn't dare to cry out, and waited nervously for the third aunt to save himself from the fire.

After listening for a long time, I thought that the suffering was about to pass, but Tan became furious, not only smashed the table, but also rushed towards Jin Bao angrily, and collapsed on the ground with his eyes open in fright.

After taking a kick, Wang Cuifeng fell down heavily, her back and the back of her head hit the ground, her bones seemed to be broken, and tears burst out of her eyes in pain.

She was so painful that her brain went blank for a moment, she just curled up subconsciously.

At that moment, the murderous Tan Xingxing rushed to Wang Jinbao's side, raised his butcher's knife towards a certain culprit who would not change his mind, raised the knife in his hand, and put his words into practice.

Wang Jinbao, who fainted from the pain of a broken bone, was hit hard again and woke up in pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw someone from Tan swinging a knife at him. Both panic and severe pain came to his heart, and he screamed like killing a pig. Howled, howled twice, rolled his eyes white, and passed out again.

The howling of pain stimulated Wang Jinzhi, and when he turned his head to look, he was also dumbfounded.

Wang Cuifeng was so frightened by the sound that his brain became sober. He rolled over, propped himself up and looked over, and saw Tan Yanxing chopping the ground like chopping firewood. Brother, please don't hurt Jinbao, please stop, please let Jinbao go, I will definitely watch Jinbao in the future, and never let him meet Xuanxuan again."

While crying and begging, seeing that his guarantee was useless, he cried and shouted: "Xuanxuan, save your cousin, Jinbao is your cousin, please tell your father to stop, if you continue to fight, Jinbao will die, Xuanxuan, Mom, I beg you, save Jinbao..."

The woman panicked and frightened, and cried heart-rendingly. Tan Yanxing did not shake off Wang Cuifeng after a few shakes. Looking at his masterpiece, the effect should have achieved the desired result, and he grabbed the woman's hair: "Spicy next door , try howling again, I even chopped off one of his paws."

"Woo, uh-" Wang Cuifeng, who had to raise her head while her hair was being lifted, saw the cold expression on Tan Xingxing's face, crying stuck in her throat.

"I will give you face, you bastards will give you shame, if you dare to step on my bottom line, I will fulfill you." Tan Yanxing stared at the woman's face coldly, with a ruthless mouth: "I know how to explain when I send someone to the hospital." ?"

"I...I..." Wang Cuifeng was shaking like chaff.

"I can't think of a reason, or do you want me to go to jail?" Tan Yanxing smiled darkly: "Don't think that you have a backer because you found a nouveau riche couple who have been dew for a few months. I told you very clearly. You, the person you are looking for is a fake nouveau riche, and the real nouveau riche with that name has long since gone to settle in Songhai City with his son.

You have hooked up with too many married men, and someone spared no expense to set up a trap for you. Do you really think that you are so charming that you caught a golden turtle?You think you are raised by a nouveau riche, and that it doesn't matter if you have a father or not, don't you?
I tell you, your family is too young to want to play dirty with me. Before you want to do something, you have to buy a coffin. If you don’t believe me, try it. The disaster of extermination. "

"No, it's impossible, no..." Wang Cuifeng collapsed when someone from Tan said that a certain upstart was a counterfeit. How could it be fake?Who would spend so much money to set her up?Who would be willing to spend [-] to [-] yuan a month for setting up a scheme?
"Do you not believe that the upstarts are fake, or do you think I dare not touch you?" Tan Yanxing looked at the woman who was still dreaming pitifully: "You offended that person, and there are too many people in Guangzhou who know about it. There are more people who took the opportunity to take revenge on you, because Wang Shengxuan was bleeding from the Tan family, and I didn’t fall, so you and Wang Ju, Wang Jinbao, and Wang Jinzhi can be alive and kicking, otherwise, you will either be disabled or reunite with Wang Longsheng underground up.

I forgot to mention that a certain nouveau riche used to be a regular customer of my place. He likes fresh and pure girls. For an old woman like you, not to mention living together, he won't even take a look.

Now, do you know what to tell the doctor about how Wang Jinbao was injured?I don’t know what Lao Tzu taught you. Wang Jinbao asked for money to buy fans, but his family wouldn’t come to you. "

Tan's words were like a basin of cold water, and Wang Cuifeng was poured with chills, as if her strength and vitality had been drained, she sat down limply, trembling, and nodded desperately: "Understood, understood, understood..." .

Tan Yanxing shook off Wang Moufeng, walked up to another little slut in the Wang family, and mercilessly fractured someone who had beaten Xuanxuan a lot, looking condescendingly at the woman who was writhing in pain but still not dizzy The young man smiled: "What about you, do you know how to say it? I don't know, I don't mind teaching you personally, whether to go to the hospital or lie in a coffin, you choose."

Wang Jinzhi was already scared to death, and he was punished with a broken arm, but his brain was so clear that he couldn't faint even if he wanted to. Brother, I was accidentally pushed into the wall and fell... I fell and broke my hand."

"You're very smart. Just based on your point of view, you should live longer than the rest of your family. Your brother, third aunt, and grandfather are all self-righteous idiots. No matter how stubborn they are, they are not too far away from death." gone."

A certain woman's niece is more knowledgeable about current affairs than Wang Cuifeng. Tan Yanxing gave him an appreciative look, then turned around and stuffed the kitchen knife into Wang Jinbao's hand for a few times before throwing it far away.

After properly arranging the aftermath, he made an emergency call in a calm manner. Of course, his tone was anxious. After communicating with the emergency center, he hung up the phone.

Slowly sat down on the sofa, slowly reminded: "Today is a warning to Wang Jinbao, whoever dares to play Xuanxuan's idea, I will kill anyone, Wang Jinbao will be safe in the future, if you dare to find someone to fight Xuanxuan or Before you trouble Xuanxuan, tell him to buy a coffin and dig a grave before coming."

"Yeah..." Wang Cuifeng and Wang Jinzhi nodded desperately, expressing that they remembered it.

When Tan smoked again, the aunt and nephew sat on the cold floor for a long while, and the ghost who had wandered around in some world without knowing it finally came back.

Returning to sanity, Wang Cuifeng looked at Wang Jinbao and saw a pool of blood and Jinbao's severed hand. She was afraid and frightened, sobbed again, crying with snot and tears.

(End of this chapter)

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