magic eye doctor

Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536

The pain of the fracture made Wang Jinzhi break out in a cold sweat, because he was too afraid to make a sound, and when the pain became numb, he felt better, so he still didn't dare to make a sound.

The aunt and nephew of the Wang family were scared out of their wits. As the originator of the figurines, Tan Xingxing smoked calmly and exhaled smoke rings calmly, and he could also spit out a variety of beautiful smoke ring shapes.

There were four people in the living room, one passed out from the pain, two were subdued, one was smoking, and no one cared about Wang Shengxuan in the room.

Because the instep was swollen, painful and swollen, Wang Shengxuan sat at the desk for a while, rubbed the instep by himself, and tried to walk slowly after rubbing.

He didn't want to go to the hospital, he hoped that his activities could make the blood flow. When he heard the voice of his mother coming back, he held the door to listen to the movement, and he listened to the conversation outside.

As before, my mother never cared whether he was injured or not, but only cared about Wang Jinbao. Even if she saw Wang Jinbao beat him with her own eyes, she always asked him to give way to his cousin and told him not to tell his father that he was beaten by his cousin.

His cousin stole his money, and his mother always asked him to tell his father that he honored his grandfather. No matter how much his cousin bullied him, his mother felt that he was wrong, that he shouldn't fight with his cousin, Let the cousin give what he wants.

He was used to his mother's eccentricity, and he no longer expected his mother to care about him, so he didn't feel any sadness when he heard his mother blindly protecting Wang Jinbao.

Uncle Tan said that his cousin fought with him, and his mother didn't ask the reason, nor did he ask where he was hurt, and she didn't tell the truth. The grievance could no longer be controlled, and tears flowed out all at once.

Obviously wearing thick clothes, but Wang Shengxuan felt so cold, held the door, sat down against the wall, hugged himself, and wept silently, the song said that a child with a mother is a treasure, why did he have a mother? Is it grass?
After Tan Yanxing finished smoking a cigarette, he watched the Wang family's aunt and nephew coldly. He missed his son, but he didn't want to go over to see how the child was doing and whether he was sad.

The child used to be unwilling to recognize his ancestors, and was willing to follow his mother no matter how bad his mother was. Now, he has to let the child see the reality clearly and let him understand that he has no place in his mother's heart.

He doesn't force the child to go back to the Tan family right now, but just feels that he must see the situation clearly, let him know that he is not important to his mother, and let the child know how to choose when he grows up, so that the child will not be a lifetime for his mother and the Wang family. oxen and horses.

Tan Yanxing was calm from beginning to end, so calm that it was terrifying.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the siren of the ambulance came from far to near. A few minutes later, an ambulance drove into the community where Wang Cuifeng lived, turned around several buildings and arrived downstairs. The ambulance staff who came to pick up the patient carried Stretcher upstairs.

When he heard the sound of an ambulance coming downstairs, Tan Xingxing got up and opened the door and stood outside to look around. Following the sound of footsteps, he soon saw accompanying doctors and nurses in white coats.

Seeing the ambulance personnel coming, he immediately acted nervous and excited, and shouted: "Doctor, doctor, you are here."

The male doctor accompanying the patient saw someone calling from the upstairs at the corner of the platform between the fourth and fifth floors, and trotted quickly, leading the person all the way up the stairs: "You called the emergency call, right? How is the child?"

"He should have fainted from the pain. We haven't studied medicine, so we didn't dare to touch him. Please go here—" Tan Xingxing quickly pushed the door open, and invited the medical staff to enter the room.

While inviting people in, he sighed: "Oh, that child, his parents are gone, his grandparents have been spoiled and spoiled, and his temper is like a cow..."

He was sighing, the medical staff rushed into the room and saw a man lying in a pool of blood and a middle-aged woman sitting next to him, a knife not too far away, and a younger woman .

Because the person lying in the blood was facing away from the door, the medical staff didn't know where he was injured. The emergency doctor ran over quickly and found that it was a thin young man with his left sleeve pulled up a bit, facing towards the wrist joint. About two inches from the elbow was injured by a sharp weapon. Once the hand and arm were severed, only a piece of flesh remained, and the blood flowed all over the place.

Seeing the horror, the doctors and nurses gasped.When Wang Cuifeng saw the doctor coming, she was so out of breath from crying that she couldn't speak. Wang Jinzhi saw the doctor was like a drowning person seeing a life-saving grass. The doctor came and was saved.

She scrambled up and rushed to the side of the medical staff, crying: "Doctor, doctor, how is my brother, how is he?"

Seeing that the young man was seriously injured, the visiting doctor immediately began to deal with it, and asked, "The treatment is timely, and the severed hand should be able to be reattached. How did it happen?"

"Doctor, woo..." Wang Jinzhi was so sad that his nose and tears flowed: "My brother... I don't know when he was spoiled by someone, secretly sucking powder, and his family is poor. He came to my aunt to ask for money to buy powder, but he didn't." When we got the money, there was a commotion, and he threatened my aunt with a knife that he would cut off his hand if he didn’t pay the money. We thought he didn’t take it seriously, but we didn’t expect him to really slash himself. We...wanted to grab the knife, but my brother waved it. The knife slashed randomly, we couldn't get close, he chopped himself like this in a few strokes..."

The doctors and nurses shook their heads without any doubts. When drug addicts broke out, they would deny their relatives and do everything. It is not uncommon for powder addicts to kill their parents, wives and children in a trance.

Wang Cuifeng and Wang Jinzhi occupied the space, hindering the rescue work of the nurses and doctors. A nurse persuaded and dragged them aside and asked them to sit and wait. She and her colleagues did first aid work.

A certain woman only knew how to cry, and Tan Xingxing picked up her handbag and gave it to her: "One of the two children fainted, and the other seemed to be injured. You go and wash your face first, and you will take the ambulance to the hospital first. Xuanxuan I was frightened and injured my foot, I will settle down and go to the hospital later."

Tan Yanxing's aura was cold and stern, sobbing Wang Cuifeng raised her head subconsciously, saw Tan's gloomy face, and nodded hurriedly: "Well, I...I know."

Hugging her handbag, when Tan moved away, she hurriedly stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her face. She was stimulated by the cold water before she fully woke up. Thinking of Tan's harshness, she shivered again, and dared not What care.

Thinking of Jinbao's tragic situation, it would cost a lot of money to be hospitalized. Wang Cuifeng immediately went back to her room, found out the 3 yuan she had hidden, took [-] yuan and put it in her bag, and then went back to the living room to wait for the doctors.

Tan Xingxing stood by and watched the doctor take emergency first aid measures. After they cleaned up Wang Jinbao's broken hand and wrist, he helped carry him into the stretcher, and thanked the doctor sincerely, saying that if there is anything wrong, please call Phone notifications and more.

The wounded were given rough treatment, and the medical staff took the wounded back to the hospital. Wang Cuifeng followed behind with a handbag, and Wang Jinzhi grabbed her own handbag and backpack and followed, fleeing from the third aunt's house as if fleeing.

The medical staff carried the cantilever down the stairs, stuffed it into the ambulance, took it along with the two family members, and hurried back to the hospital.

The ambulance arrived at the city hospital and took the emergency channel. The injured were sent for necessary examinations. Wang Jinzhi also went to take a film, and Wang Cuifeng went to the hospital to go through the admission procedures, pay the deposit, and pay various fees.

Wang Jinzhi went for a bone grafting operation immediately after the film was taken, but Wang Jinbao was sent to the operating room a long time later for continued wrist surgery.

Wang Cuifeng didn't feel tired when she ran here and there, but she felt exhausted when she was waiting outside the operating room, but her nerves were tense and she didn't dare to distract herself, let alone call her parents.

Tan Xingxing sent the medical staff away, turned around and closed the door to see his son, opened the door gently, and found his son sitting against the wall, hugging his legs, with his face buried in his knees, he knew that the child was sad because of his mother.

He didn't comfort him, nor did he say good things to Wang Cuifeng, he gently patted his son's head: "Xuanxuan, I'll take you to the hospital for an examination."

Hearing the sound, Wang Shengxuan raised his head with his head buried. Because of crying for too long, his eyes were sore, and the people he saw were a little blurred. He hummed, leaned on the wall with one hand, and stood up by himself.

There were tears on his son's face, and his eyes were red like rabbit eyes. Tan Yanxing paused his gaze on his son's face, pretending not to know why he was crying: "Xuanxuan, your mother may take care of Wang Jinbao in the hospital for a few days, or I will Take you to live with your grandparents, and pick you up when your mother comes back?"

"No, I live at home, and I will take care of myself." Wang Shengxuan refused. He didn't want to live with his mother, let alone go to his grandparents. In comparison, he should live in his own home.

The child rejected his proposal again, Tan Xingxing didn't mention it anymore, told his son to wait, turned around and went back to the living room, quickly cleaned up the blood on the ground, rinsed the kitchen knife and threw it into the trash can, and he didn't even blink his eyes when he was fighting and beating people. But he didn't want his son to see the bloody scene.

He only roughly cleaned up the place, then went to his son's room, asked the child where Wang Jinbao's luggage was, found Wang Jinbao's backpack from the cabinet, and brought it out. He originally wanted to go to the hospital immediately, but after thinking about it, he asked his son to call Wang Jinbao .

Wang Shengxuan found his grandfather's phone and dialed. No one answered the first time, and he dialed again. After waiting for more than forty seconds, someone answered. Hearing his grandfather's voice, he called "Grandpa" timidly.

Grandson Jinzhi went to the city, Wang Ju sent him to the street for a ride, and then wandered around, deliberately showing off to people that his grandson and granddaughter had gone to find their third aunt, and told the people on the street that his two daughters had gone to eat the national grain. There is also a third child, the third child has Tan's only son, and of course Tan must protect the Wang family.

The people on the street didn't buy it, they watched Wang Ju's bragging with the mood of watching a monkey.

Wang Ju wandered out for a long time in the morning, and wandered around the township streets in the afternoon, completely ignoring the attitude of others who looked down on him, and forced himself into the mahjong playing field of others.

In order to let others know that his family has Lao San and Tan, and is rich, he often brings money to play mahjong, and his poker players bring funds to the table, and the mahjong staff will not forcefully drive him away.

Just after halftime, Wang Ju heard the phone ringing and thought it was his grandson calling back. He took the phone to look at it and saw that it was the child of someone named Fei Yang Tan. , The three poker players were not in a hurry, and waited for him to answer the phone, and he answered it.

Because the grandson went to his third aunt's house, Wang Shengxuan called again. He guessed that the third child asked Wang Shengxuan to call him. In order to show the third child's love for Jin Bao, he deliberately put the mobile phone on the card table and turned on the voice, and touched the cards with one hand. While talking: "Wang Shengxuan, has your cousin come to your house? Your cousin is not in a good mood recently, so don't make your cousin angry..."

Wang Shengxuan made the phone call, called his grandfather, but didn't say a word. Tan Xingxing listened to Wang Ju's angry voice on the phone, but didn't say a word. The Wang family and his son are both soft and hard-headed bastards, and he doesn't want to be as knowledgeable as them.

When Wang Ju asked Wang Shengxuan not to mess with Wang Jinbao, he let out a lion roar: "The hot next door, M's scumbag, Wang Ju, you old dog is getting impatient, right? I warned you, who dares to bully Wang Shengxuan, I will chop it off!" Whose hands, you mother and your bastard dare to ignore my words, I keep what I say, Wang Jinbao is now in the city hospital, you go to the city to take Wang Jinbao away, whoever in your family dares to touch my son One vellus hair, I will let you cut off your children and grandchildren."

Wang Ju was educating his grandson complacently. When he first heard someone from Tan yelling, his hands trembled in fright, and the piece of mahjong he just touched also dropped. Because of fright, he jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. step back.

The onlookers didn't like to get too close to Wang Ju, they were all far away from him. When he jumped up and retreated, no one was blocking him, he retreated several steps as soon as he retreated, and then he seemed to see a dinosaur. Staring at the mahjong table.

Those who were playing mahjong and those watching were stunned when they heard the voice coming from the mobile phone. Then what, someone from Tan called Wang Ju an old dog and a cheap man by name?

Didn't Wang Ju say that Tan treats his little bastard son better than his wife, and treats him more respectfully than the real father-in-law, so who is this one who not only scolds his mother, but also scolds Wang Ju as an old dog?

In an instant, the men and women were all overjoyed. Wang Ju was bragging that he had a Tan mask in the morning, but he was slapped in the face immediately, and they wanted to ask him if his face hurt.

Everyone is not in a hurry to play mahjong anymore, smiling and waiting for the next article.

Wang Ju took a few steps back in fright, and the person on the other end of the phone also finished cursing. After waiting for three or four seconds, he yelled again: "Wang Ju, are you a fucking dead person? Are you dumb? Are you a fucking fucker?" Yes, come to the city and bring back Wang Jinbao and Wang Jinzhi, who was raised by the dog N, if you bitches dare to appear in front of my son, you will wait to buy a coffin for your grandson for the funeral."

Hearing Tan's voice again, Wang Ju came to his senses, and found that everyone was looking at him, his face was on fire, he rushed forward desperately, rushed to the card table, picked up the phone in a panic, and turned it off tremblingly. The voice from the outside, ran out and replied in a panic: "Tan... Mr. Tan, I am here! I beg you to be merciful and let my grandson go. Jin Bao has offended you. Please forgive me for the sake of Xuanxuan and his mother." He once...well, I'll go to the city right away, and promise not to let Jinbao Jinzhi go to Wang Shengxuan..."

He didn't know what happened to Jin Bao, he wanted to use the faces of Wang Shengxuan and the third child to plead for mercy with his grandson, but he was scolded by someone Tan, and he was so frightened that he never dared to rely on Wang Shengxuan's relationship to claim credit in front of Tan. He promised to go to the city to pick up his grandchildren.

 Little fairies, since my little Lele little angel hasn't effervescent yet, so I'm afraid of being snarled, so I don't effervescent anymore

(End of this chapter)

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