magic eye doctor

Chapter 1537 The wicked grind the wicked

Chapter 1537 The wicked grind the wicked

Wang Ju rushed out of the shop next to the street with his mobile phone in his hand, and subconsciously ran towards home. When he heard a "beep" sound from the other side of the phone, the call was cut off.

Tan's curse-like voice disappeared from his ears. He didn't have time to imagine how the people on the street would look at his house in the future, so he ran towards the house in fear.

Wang Ju ran home in one breath, ignoring the mother-in-law who rushed out to ask what was the matter, ran back to the room to get the money, then went to the grandson's room to rummage through the grandson's student ID card, he wanted to find the school's accident insurance receipt Waiting for documents, but couldn't find them.

Finding his grandson's student ID card was better than having nothing at all. Wang Ju rushed to the street with the money and ID card. He couldn't wait for the bus, so he ordered a taxi to take him to the county and then took a taxi to the city.

The men and women playing mahjong or watching in the shops on the street witnessed Wang Ju's act of running away. Hearing Wang Ju's words of nodding and bowing to be careful, everyone looked at me and looked at you, showing expressions of mutual understanding.

The gossip said that the little bastards of Wang Ju's family had offended the big shots, and the third son of the Wang family, Mr. Tan, was also unreliable. It was true!
Look, they've made a fortune today, Wang Ju was scolded like a dog, that old guy didn't even dare to fart, that bear look is really satisfying!
Wang Ju's family lost their backing, which was great news, so what happened in the store spread like wildfire, flying all over the town as if they had grown wings.

Tan Xingxing scolded Wang Ju like a dog. Wang Ju, Wang Cuifeng, and Wang Jinbao are all those who remember to eat but not beat. This time, they will take Wang Jinbao to see if they still remember the lesson.

The anger in my heart finally dissipated a little, and I stopped moaning, and took the child to the hospital, because Wang Shengxuan's feet were swollen badly, and he walked very slowly. When he walked out of the house, he carried his son down the stairs.

Lying on his father's back, Wang Shengxuan was not as excited or touched as he imagined. He was carried downstairs and put into the car, where he sat quietly.

After Tan Xingxing settled his son, he threw Wang Jinbao's backpack into the car. Instead of going to the city hospital, he drove to the nearby Chinese medicine hospital.

Registered, went to a doctor for diagnosis, took the form and paid the fee, and then took a film. The film came out soon. There was a crack nearly half a centimeter long in the metatarsal bone of the third toe of Wang Shengxuan's left foot.

Seeing the film, the child was really broken by Wang Jinbao. Tan Yanxing only felt that his attack was too light. He should have chopped Wang Jinbao's legs a few times at that time.

Cracks in the bones are also fractures, because they are minor fractures, so you don’t need to be hospitalized, just stick them with a plaster, and change the dressing after seven days, and you don’t need to take any medicine orally.

After putting on the medicine patch, Tan Yanxing took his son back, and went to buy vegetables on the way, and went to the mall to buy some food and a new kitchen knife. In addition, he went to the furniture market to buy a wooden table and table, and then went back to Wang Cuifeng's place. Family.

After sending the child home, he was worried that the child would be pierced by broken glass, so he swept up the broken glass and packed it up. Because it was close to evening, the child’s foot was injured, and he had to cook by himself when he was alone at home. He felt sorry for the child, so he went downstairs to buy He also took the broken glass and the kitchen knife downstairs and threw them into the trash can.

He went to a restaurant to order food, waited for it to be ready before packing it, waited for a full hour, and then went back to accompany his son to have dinner, and went to the hospital slowly after eight o'clock in the evening.

Tan took his time, and Wang Ju was in a hurry. He took a taxi from the county seat and went straight to the Guangzhou Hospital. He finally arrived at the city hospital at around [-]:[-] p.m.

At that time, Wang Jinbao was still in the operating room, and Wang Jinzhi had done the bone surgery after six o'clock in the evening. She broke her right hand, so she hung one arm and went to wait outside where her younger brother was undergoing surgery.

Wang Cuifeng was afraid that something might happen to her nephew, so she didn't dare to take a step away.

Wang Ju rushed to the city hospital, because he didn't dare to ask Tan where his child had the operation, and the hospital's supervisor was not there, so he had to call his granddaughter.

Seeing the call from his grandfather, Wang Jinzhi changed his expression in shock: "Third Aunt, my grandfather is calling, what should I do?"

Wang Cuifeng also turned pale in shock, and responded bravely: "This... this, let's take it."

Wang Jinzhi was afraid, but she didn't dare not to answer, so she had to answer. She just called "Master" when she heard Grandpa's urgent voice: "Where is Jin Bao? Has the operation been done? How is he? You and you?" Which floor is Sangu on?"

Grandpa knew that Jin Bao had entered the hospital?Wang Jinzhi was terrified, and replied in fear: "Master, Jin Bao is still in the operation, and Sangu and I are outside the operating room. Master, where are you? We are..."

Knowing that grandpa was coming to the hospital, she was so frightened that she almost lost her mind. She nervously reported the floor number, stood up in a panic, and rushed to the elevator to pick him up.

Wang Cuifeng was also terrified, and dragged her stiff legs to pick up her father.

Wang Ju made a phone call, quickly asked someone for directions, then went to the building, and when he found the building, he rushed into the building and took the elevator up. When the elevator reached the floor mentioned by his granddaughter, he rushed out and saw the third child and his wife waiting outside. A granddaughter with a dangling arm.

Seeing the people running out of the elevator, Wang Cuifeng, whose heart was trembling, asked softly, "Dad, why are you here?"

"Boss Tan called me." If it was normal, Wang Ju's big ears would have already called out his grandson being bullied by his daughter, but this time it was Tan who did it himself, and he was afraid when he thought about it. There is no time to get angry, and hurriedly asked how Jin Bao was.

Someone Tan called her dad himself, presumably as a warning, her dad didn't make a fuss, Wang Cuifeng escaped, and told the truth in a low voice: "Jin Bao's left palm was chopped off, and the doctor is still operating."

Hey, Wang Ju was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, someone Tan chopped off Jin Bao's hand? !

He was about to fall down, so he held onto the wall, and when he heard the elevator door opening again, he ran forward and ran several meters before breaking out in a cold sweat.

Wang Jinzhi was afraid that his grandfather would beat and scold him, so he didn't say anything, so he and his third aunt trotted with his grandfather. After a while, they returned to the operating room.

There is only one operating room in the operating room on the floor, and naturally there is no one there.

Wang Ju went outside the operating room, sat down on the stool, and asked the third child angrily: "He beat Jinbao, why didn't you protect him, and let Jinbao suffer so much?"

"Dad, Jinbao Jinzhi didn't call me when he came, I wasn't at home... I don't even know what happened, Tan said that Jinbao beat Xuanxuan to the bone, and I tried my best to save Jinbao's other one after I got home. arm."

Wang Cuifeng was aggrieved to avenge the injustice for herself. Between her son and nephew, she always protected Jinbao first.

Hearing that Jinbao hit Wang Shengxuan, Tan was so angry that he chopped off Jinbao's hand. Wang Ju thought of Tan's warning, and his back felt cold. He still didn't believe that Jinbao really hit Wang Shengxuan, and asked his granddaughter, "Jin Zhi, did Jinbao and Wang Shengxuan fight? "

"I'm not sure," Wang Jinzhi trembled in fear, "My brother and I went to the third aunt's house. My cousin opened the door. My brother and my cousin went into his room. I didn't go. I don't know if my brother beat someone. I I heard my younger brother ask my cousin for a bank card, and then heard my cousin cry. The cousin said that the bank card was in the hands of his father, and the younger brother asked the cousin to tell his father that he wanted to buy a computer and get the bank card back.

The younger brother asked the cousin to call Uncle Tan, and the cousin also called the younger brother. Later, the younger brother asked the cousin to cook noodles for him. After that, Uncle Tan came, and Uncle Tan entered the third aunt's house. Without saying anything, I beat my brother up, and then asked me to call my third aunt to go home, and then, Uncle Tan...then my brother's hand was broken, and mine was also broken..."

Although no one was around, Wang Jinzhi didn't dare to tell the story of how Tan had chopped off her younger brother's hand. She was afraid of being overheard, so she kept her voice low.

When Wang Ju heard that Jin Bao forced Wang Shengxuan to get the bank card from his own father, he lost half of his three souls and seven souls. Someone from Tan warned Wang's family not to try to get Wang Shengxuan any more. Jin Bao secretly asked Wang Shengxuan for money. He even directly brought the matter to Tan, who must have thought that they ignored his words, so Tan attacked Jin Bao.

Jin Bao provoked someone Tan, and Wang Ju was startled and terrified. He didn't ask any more questions, restless, and only hoped that his grandson would finish the operation soon, and he would be discharged home tomorrow.

Tan Yanxing moved slowly to the hospital. He knew a lot and had connections. He found someone who found out where Wang Jinbao lived and where he had surgery. He went upstairs directly. When he found the floor where the surgery was performed and saw Wang Ju arrived, he walked over with a cold face.

Wang Jinzhi was the first to discover Tan and told the third aunt and grandfather.

When Wang Ju and Wang Cuifeng heard that someone from Tan was coming, their hearts arose and they stood up nervously. When they saw Tan Han approaching with a straight face, Wang Ju nodded and bowed like a wobble: "Mr. Sensible, I have caused you trouble, after the operation is over, I will take him back to discipline immediately, and I will not let him play with his cousin again."

Even though he knew that Tan had chopped off his grandson's hand, he didn't dare to show any resentment, and he had to take the mistake on his back to prevent the other party from having an excuse to teach his grandson a lesson.

Those who recognize current affairs are heroes, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Wang Ju has no other skills.

Tan Yanxing didn't even have a bird, that old guy who only knew how to flirt, went to the family waiting area, sat down with a big horse, and took out a cigarette from his mouth.

Wang Ju, who is used to winking, quickly took out the lighter, and respectfully lit a cigarette for Tan, with a correct attitude and a sincere smile.

Wang Jinzhi huddled beside the third aunt, trying to reduce the sense of presence, and Wang Cuifeng did not dare to make a sound.

Tan Yanxing took a puff of cigarette, exhaled a circle of smoke, and said in a faint voice, "I took Wang Shengxuan to the hospital to take an X-ray. Wang Jinbao fractured Xuanxuan's left instep. My son suffered such a big crime. Wang Ju, you Tell me what to do."

Tan was neither angry nor angry, and his words were flat, which made people panic even more. Wang Ju's back was stretched like a bowstring, and his heart was beating suddenly. Jin Bao really broke Wang Shengxuan's bones. This...

The grandson not only asked Wang Shengxuan for his bank card to be caught, but also broke Wang Shengxuan's bones. Would someone Tan want to kill his grandson?

Wang Ju broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to look at someone Tan's face, and bowed his head: "Mr. Tan, that kid Jin Bao doesn't know how serious it is, and he made Shengxuan wronged. I... have a hard time at home, and I want to give my child I can’t get any nutritional expenses, I only brought five thousand, and tomorrow I’ll go buy some supplements for the child.”

"Wang Ju, do you think my son's feet are not precious, or do you think one of your grandson's feet is only worth five thousand?" Tan Yanxing sneered. , want to send him with 20 yuan?
As soon as he opened his mouth, the three generations of the Wang family turned pale with fright, and Tan was still angry and wanted to continue to settle accounts after autumn!
"Tan... Mr. Tan, you misunderstood... I didn't mean that, you said... how much?" Wang Ju was terrified. In order to keep his grandson, he didn't dare to sing about poverty and hardship at all. It's not a problem that can be solved with money. Son, if Tan wants to fight an eye for an eye, Jin Bao won't even be able to keep his feet.

"For the sake of Xuanxuan and Wang Jinbao's blood relationship, let him keep his feet first. You can give him [-] yuan for nutrition, which is the minimum requirement." Tan Yanxing reported a number casually. He is not short of money, let alone It's short of nutrition expenses, but the father, son and grandson of the Wang family robbed Xuanxuan of all the lucky money, so they have to spit it out.

"Five...fifty thousand?!" The eyes of the three members of the Wang family, young and old, were about to drop their eyes. Wang Shengxuan only had a broken foot, and Tan wanted fifty thousand for nutrition. Isn't this blackmail?

Thinking of blackmailing people, the three of them came to their senses, and their spines were chilling. They used to take money from Xuanxuan for three to fifty thousand, so now Tan started to take revenge.

"My son is growing up. Fractures will affect his growth. I didn't ask you to write a guarantee letter promising that if the child's growth is not affected by the fracture, it would be good for you to bear the consequences. In such a winter fracture, the child will suffer. Chinese New Year is coming soon, according to the time of the first month, you have to go to the hospital to change money, how unlucky, I haven't asked you about the expenses and medical expenses to go to the unlucky."

As for the reasons for compensation, Tan Yanxing can find a few casually, and guarantees that each reason will leave Wang Ju speechless. When it comes to blackmailing people, he is the ashes, and Wang Ju is a bird.

The members of the Wang family couldn't refute a single word, the main reason was that the person who said that was Tan, if it were an ordinary passerby, A, B, and C, Wang Ju would slap someone in the mouth or roll around in minutes.

"Five... ten thousand," Wang Ju wiped his forehead with cold sweat, and stammered: "Tan... Mr. Tan, my family is old and young, life is hard, can you... allow I will pay in installments and promise to pay off in full within two years."

"I'll only give you five months. If you don't pay for your nutrition within five months, you can count your grandson's fingers and toes. Each finger is worth one or two thousand. I'm done talking, so you can take care of yourself."

Tan Yanxing flicked the cigarette ash, stood up and straightened his collar, and walked towards the elevator without looking back.

five months?Wang Cuifeng felt that she was going crazy. Even the furniture at home was sold out, so how could she get it out? She had saved [-] yuan, and she didn't know how much Jinbao would charge for the operation.

What does Tan mean by not having enough money to chop Jinbao's fingers to pay off the debt?Wang Ju was trembling with fright, but his reaction was not slow. He bowed his head and said, "Mr. Tan, go slowly!"

(End of this chapter)

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