magic eye doctor

Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542
Zhou's house is a quadrangle-like house surrounded by two upper and lower buildings, and a wing room is built between the two floors, so the light in the alley from the gate to the house is slightly dim.

Due to the lighting problem, Brother Zhou, who came out of the kitchen, did not recognize who the visitor was at the first time, especially the group of people were all wearing coats and scarves, and the two in front were wearing hats, all tightly wrapped.

When the leading old lady approached, Brother Zhou saw her face clearly. He was very surprised, but pretended not to recognize her, and looked up and down the visitor: "Whose relatives are you, did you go to the wrong door? Who are you looking for?" what?"

Zhou Xialong saw that he didn't call "aunt" and even asked who to look for. Zhou Xueli was a little embarrassed, but quickly put aside the discomfort, and shouted warmly: "Nephew, I am your third aunt. If you don't see me in three or five years I don’t remember aunt.”

A guest came, Grandma Zhou was waiting, when she heard her son talking to someone, her expression changed, Xia Long's third aunt, isn't she the third sister who was his father's third sister?

His father's third sister's family thought his family was poor, so they stopped seeing her for a long time. Why come to her house now?

Listening to the voice, Grandma Zhou knew who was coming, and she also pretended to be stupid: "Xia Long, who are you talking to, my son is busy, and someone goes to the wrong door, so hurry up and show them the way." , What are you doing talking so much nonsense, it's not in vain to waste people's time."

Grandma Zhou's words spread from the kitchen to the alley, and the Song family's young and old listened to them. Song Pengcheng's face burned as if he had been slapped. Zhou's mother and son didn't really know them, but pretended not to know them!
The Zhou family's mother and son should still be worried about his family's failure to return to Plum Village to send Zhou Fu back then, so the Zhou family doesn't want to be relatives with them anymore.

Feeling extremely embarrassed, Song Pengcheng squeezed out a smile: "Sister, it's us, Xia Long and his third aunt and I brought the children here to wish you New Year's greetings."

The Song family brothers were also very clever, and immediately called: "Happy New Year, Auntie! My nephew wishes you a happy New Year. I wish you good health in all seasons and happiness every day."

I said auspicious words to my aunt, and hurriedly confessed to my cousin: "Happy New Year, cousin, I wish you a prosperous New Year."

The two grandsons of the Song family immediately followed suit and wished their elders a happy new year: "Happy New Year, grandma and grandson. My nephew and grandson wish you good health and success in the new year."

Then say hello to my cousin: "Happy New Year, cousin, I wish you a fortune in the new year, and pick up gold while walking."

Grandma Zhou inside the house: "..."

Zhou Ge didn't want to pay attention to it, but it was the first lunar month, so he couldn't drive people out, so he said "yes" lightly: "Tong Fa Cai, please sit in the kitchen first."

Zhou Xialong didn't call him "Gu" or "Uncle" because he didn't want to recognize his relatives. Zhou Xueli and Song Pengcheng felt extremely uncomfortable, so he bit the bullet and followed Zhou Xialong into the kitchen.

The upper house of the Zhou family was built in the [-]s. Except for the two grandsons of the Song family, everyone is familiar with it. The new building of the lower house was built after [-], but the layout of the upper house and the kitchen has not changed.

Zhou Xueli entered the Zhou family's kitchen, and the interior of the house remained largely unchanged, except for new furniture and wooden benches.

Seeing her younger brother's daughter-in-law sitting by the firepit, and seeing that she didn't stand up to greet her, Zhou Xueli couldn't move forward or retreat for a moment, but she mustered up her courage and stepped forward, sat down next to her sister-in-law, and hugged her sister-in-law affectionately. Hand: "Sister, how's your body these years..."

She only said one thing, Grandma Zhou took her hand away from her aunt on the grounds of holding the tongs for the fire, picked up the tongs and picked up the firewood, her tone was also indifferent: "His aunt, did you come back too late?" It's a bit early, it's still early in April, and going to the mountains at the beginning of the first month is a bit..., it's okay if you don't mind that.

Xia Long, give your old cousin the fruit to eat first, then you take out the lunch dishes first, I will cook later, you change your clothes, wait for the children to warm their hands, take the time to accompany your aunt and the others to the mountain to eat Your grandma sacrificed to sweep, they are in a hurry and have to go back in the afternoon, so don't delay their time. "

"Okay." Zhou Xialong agreed, and poured tea from the cup first.

Song Pengcheng brought his sons and grandchildren into the house and walked to the fire pit. He and the children just sat down when he heard his sister-in-law directly say that he and his wife came back to pay homage to their mother-in-law and father-in-law, and their faces were flushed.

My aunt obviously didn't welcome me, and Song Deyang and Song Dexu were too embarrassed to know what to say. It was Song Haoyu's first visit to the countryside, and it was very strange to see a firepit, so there was no embarrassment when he was studying the firepit.

Zhou Xueli's face also changed, and she continued to explain: "Ah Fu's wife, your third brother-in-law and I have retired, Qingming is not busy, this time I am not coming back to worship my mother, I intend to bring the children back to you for New Year's greetings. "

"His aunt, you don't have to be embarrassed. You are a married girl. It's okay if you don't have time to come back to visit your parents' graves. It's normal to come back during the first month of the year. I'm worried that you will be seen when you go up the mountain and say that you are passing by your natal brother's house." It's not good to even enter, so come in and sit down, I am a person who covers my neck with dirt, there is nothing to be shy about, and you don't have to worry about me being unhappy."

Grandma Zhou just had one idea: No matter what the reason is for him to come back, it won't be a good thing anyway.

The third aunt's family used to look down on Zhou's family, because the Song family was from the working class, and the family was relatively affluent, while the Zhou family was mud-legged and had little money.

When Zhou Fu was still there, they were brothers and sisters after all, so they still walked around from time to time. Zhou Fu had just passed away, and there was fear that the Zhou family would stick to him. Get rid of this poor relative.

After so many years, the whole family of the Song family ran back again, it must have something to do with Zhou Qiufeng's marriage to Yueqing. Yueqing has a good girl. I heard that the younger generation of the Chao family said that Le Yun has already gained a certain reputation abroad. The Song family may have heard some rumors before running back to marry.

The Song family came to the poor relatives' house to marry, of course, not because of the Zhou family, but because they wanted to take advantage of the wind and get in touch with the Le family.

After hanging out with Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wu for a while, Grandma Zhou has also gained some insight. Now her mind is turning very fast. Not to mention drawing inferences from one instance, she can also guess some clues from the behavior of certain people.

Brother Zhou poured tea, and when he heard a set of phrases from his old mother, he was so impressed that Jiang was old and hot, and his mother was close to Zhu Zhechi after staying with old ladies who had seen the world for a long time. Compared with the old mother, he is still a little tender.

With his mother in the way, Zhou Ge didn't interrupt, and served tea to the Song family.

Song Haoyu was the youngest, curious, and also a foreign minister. After receiving the tea, he asked enthusiastically, "Cousin, this... is where the fire is burned. Is it the same way to burn wood in summer? Is it like this in every household?"

The young man in the Song family is about the same age as his son, and Brother Zhou is quite tolerant towards the child: "Almost, most of them have fire pits for burning firewood. Cook with an appliance or stove."

"Uncle, it takes a lot of wood to burn the fire every day. Doesn't it mean that you often have to go to the mountains to cut firewood? How can you have time to work and farm?" Song Haoyu has a strong thirst for knowledge, so he has nothing to ask.

"You don't need to cut firewood too often. Three or two months of firewood in autumn and winter every year is enough for burning. The grain stalks and sorghum stalks in the field can be used as firewood when they are dry. If there are no pigs in the family, it doesn't cost much. firewood."

"Cousin, do you chop firewood everywhere, or do each family chop in their own mountains..."

Song Haoyu has to ask why there are [-] reasons, breaking the casserole and asking to the end.

The little grandson of the Song family asked one question after another, and Brother Zhou patiently answered him, and successfully diverted the words of the old people.

Brother Zhou served hot tea and dried Sixi fruit before he confessed: "You guys sit down first, I'll go change your clothes and find a hatchet, and then I can go to the mountains when I turn back."

My grandson changed the subject, Song Pengcheng and Zhou Xueli took the opportunity to talk about how busy they have been these years, often where the pain is here, seeking medical advice and so on, the subconscious meaning is to explain their behavior when Zhou Fu passed away and they did not come back. , Said that they had forgotten the relationship between siblings, but they really couldn't get away at that time.

Originally thought that the matter would be exposed, but when Zhou Xialong mentioned the matter of going to the mountains again, the old Song family was stunned: "?"

The Song family brothers were also taken aback. The aunt and the old cousin still don't want to restore the old relationship?

Song Dexu reacted, stood up, took a few steps to catch up with Zhou Xialong, and put his arms around his shoulders: "Cousin, we haven't been able to come back these years. If there is something wrong before, please tell my cousin a lot. Remembering my aunt and my cousin's family, today we are really here to pay New Year's greetings to my aunt, and my brother and I will accompany my mother and father back to pay homage to grandpa, grandma and uncle in Qingming."

"Aren't you paying homage to your parents?" Grandma Zhou didn't wait for her son to answer, and took the lead first: "Xia Long, your aunt is here to visit, so you don't have to go to the mountains, you hurry up and make lunch. They are going back in the afternoon, so they will have lunch early and leave early, so the road will be safer."

"I..." Zhou Xueli wanted to say, "We're not in a hurry, we'll come back and stay for a few nights before going back." But just as he opened his mouth, Zhou Xialong answered quickly and loudly: "Okay. The road from Jiudao to Changshi is relatively short. It’s difficult to walk, it’s easy to drive at night when it’s snowing, and it’s safer to drive during the day. I’ll ask Tianming to come back to accompany the guests first, and then I’ll cook.”

Zhou's mother and son repeatedly expressed their intention to drive people away. The Song family's old couple were so ashamed that they wanted to find a place to hide, but where could they find it?
Song Deyang did the same thing, his aunt and cousin treated his family as strangers, what else could they do?
Song Dexu was embarrassed, still holding his cousin's shoulders, and changed the subject: "Cousin, is my nephew at home? I thought my nephew, niece, and cousins ​​went back to my grandmother's house."

No matter how shameless the third aunt's family members left, Zhou Ge decided that the third aunt had a very important purpose in coming back to recognize her relatives, so she would not be enthusiastic anymore, and did not shake off the old cousin, taking it easy Walking out: "Chunmei has to go to work on the eighth day of the lunar new year, and the child's mother takes the girl back to grandma's house to pay New Year's greetings. I'm at home at dawn, so I went to play."

"Where did you go to visit? In fact, there is no need to call him, we are not outsiders, so we don't need to be accompanied." Song Dexu clasped his cousin's shoulder to express his closeness.

"You are guests, and you are city dwellers. You are all rich and expensive. Burning firewood in the countryside smokes a lot. If sparks damage your clothes, it will be a serious problem. I will ask Tianming to come back and turn on the electric stove in the lower hall to warm you up."

Unhurriedly, Brother Zhou raised his legs and stepped out of the threshold, walked towards the gate, and arrived in a few steps, then stepped out of the door, stood on the doorstep and shouted diagonally to the opposite side: "Tianming, Tianming, there is something at home, come back."

Zhou Tianming watched Le Shanxue write calligraphy at his aunt's house, and when he heard his father calling him, he immediately trotted out of Le's house, and then ran to the village road, and saw his father calling him at the door, he answered and ran home .

He ran fast, and the road was not very wide. After a short run, he rushed across the village road to the front of his house. He also saw a person standing behind his father, who looked familiar. He smiled first, and then asked: "Dad , What's the matter with calling me back?"

The old cousin said he was going to call Tianming back, and Song Dexu also guessed that Zhou Tianming must have gone to Qiufeng’s old cousin’s house. He originally thought that Zhou Xialong would go to Le’s house to call someone, but the old cousin didn’t go at all. He stood at the door and called out. up.

Song Dexu was a little disappointed that the old cousin didn't go to Le's house. He stood on the threshold and looked outside. When he saw the young man running back from the opposite side, he was surprised. The old cousin's son looks really upright!

He had met Zhou's sister and brother when he was a child, and Zhou Chunmei a few months ago. To be honest, Zhou Chunmei is really not good, not to mention her appearance, but her temperament. one by one.

Surprised, without waiting for Zhou Xialong's introduction, he greeted with a smile: "Tianming, I'm Uncle Dexu from your third aunt's family, do you remember?"

When an old cousin abducted his son, Brother Zhou immediately rushed to speak in front of his son: "Tianming, your third aunt and her family come to our house to sit and sit. They rushed back to Changshi after noon, so stop playing. Go to the next room and turn on the electric stove, and invite the guests to warm up in the main room of the lower room."

"Oh, it turned out to be the cousin of the third aunt's grandma. I haven't seen it for more than ten years, so I don't recognize it anymore." Zhou Tianming smiled at the cousin, and then talked to his father: "Dad, my uncle heard that my sister and my mother I went back to my grandma's house, I originally wanted us to have dinner there at noon, but we can't go because we have guests at home, I'll go tell my aunt, I'll be right back."

He said, turned around and ran, rushed across the village road between the two families in one breath, rushed into the eaves of Le's house, trotted to the main room of Le's house, winked at the aunt who was sitting warming the fire, and whispered in a low voice: "Gu, third aunt My family is here to pay New Year's greetings, so my grandma and I won't come over for dinner, my dad probably wants to see off the guests as much as possible in the afternoon, so you and your aunt don't go over there to say hello."

Zhou Qiufeng was startled at first, and then laughed: "You are such a clever little ghost, I know, you go back to help, and when the guests leave, come over whenever you want."

"Well, aunt, I'm going back." Zhou Tianming smiled shyly, without stopping, trotted out of the main room, and then ran faster.

When Zhou Tianming didn't give anyone a chance to speak, he turned around and ran to Le's house. Song Dexu had no choice but to do so. When Zhou Xialong turned back to the house, he followed him back to the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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