magic eye doctor

Chapter 1543 To the best relatives

Chapter 1543 To the best relatives

Zhou Tianming ran from Le's house to the village road again and didn't see his father at the door, so he was not in a hurry. He entered the house slowly and then went to the living room of the next room. First, he cleaned up the kotatsu table, turned on the electric heater, and put the quilt on It's getting a little warmer, and I'll go to the kitchen to ask the guests to move.

When you open the door and see a few old people, regardless of 21 [-], you open your mouth and say: "Happy New Year, Grandma Sangu, Grandpa Sangu, Happy New Year to Cousin, Happy New Year to Cousin! I turned on the electric furnace in the main room of the new building, please Move over to the fire, the smoke is so smoky here.”

Zhou Xialong went to call Zhou Tianming, Zhou Xueli pretended not to know that she was unwelcome, she held her sister-in-law's hand and talked in commonplace terms, asking how the harvest was in the fields, how the livestock were, and whether they were affected by the swine fever storm in the first half of the year.

No matter what the third aunt was rambling about, Grandma Zhou responded calmly, and the general meaning she expressed was that it was the same as before, that the days could pass without being hungry or cold.

The brother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't get involved, and Zhou Pengcheng couldn't find a breakthrough, so he listened to their ramblings.

When Zhou Tianming came to invite everyone to go to the main room of the Zhou family’s new building to warm up the fire, the old couple had to move places if they didn’t want to go. They stood up and walked out. Zhou Xueli smiled kindly: “I haven’t seen you for a few years, Tianming has grown into a handsome man.” , time waits for no one, we are old.”

"Grandma Sangu won the award. The people in a small place like ours are all rustic. They can't be called handsome. A city person like Grandma Sangu's old cousin has a good background, looks good, and has received a good education. That's what makes him truly handsome." Zhou Tianming smiled, and while politely reciprocating, stepped out of the threshold first.

Don't blame him for not giving Sangu grandma face, Song's cousin once wanted to play with him, what did Sangu grandma say about him?She said that the children in the small place know how to play all day long, they are dirty and smelly like a mud monkey.

He remembered what the third aunt said, although the younger generation does not discuss the faults of the elders, but when he was so young, the elder third aunt belittled him and despised him, which made him sad for a long time. Grandma found out, asked him why he was sad, and explained to him that he didn't feel inferior and gave up on himself.

There is another reason why he doesn't like Sangu's grandma's house. In the past, Zhou's family was so-so. Sangu's grandma and Song's family always said that their family was poor. , I gave him and my father a lot of supercilious glances.

Le Yun is a grudge, Zhou Tianming is also close to Mo Zhehei, he also holds grudges, he still remembers the old things in his heart, if he doesn't say it, it doesn't mean he has forgotten, I heard my father said that the third aunt's grandma came, so I didn't feel the slightest excitement.

She politely praised her child, but was blocked back with words. Zhou Xueli touched a soft nail that was neither soft nor hard. I just praised you, but you praised your cousins ​​to the sky."

"The cousins ​​of the third aunt's family are taught by the third aunt. They are all well-educated, smart and capable, and have a bright future. They are the kind of big men who can go to heaven without being praised by others. Country bumpkins like me can only look up to them."

Zhou Tianming stood on the side facing away from the gate, and blocked it with a smile on his face. Grandma Sangu used to say that the Song family was not ordinary people, and that the children would be officials in the future. It will stick to the poverty of the Zhou family and affect their happiness.

Once again hit a soft nail, Zhou Xueli was speechless, and vaguely guessed some reasons in her heart, her brother's grandson must still remember what she said before, so now he has paid off the debt.

Song Pengcheng, Song Deyang and Song Dexu also felt that something was wrong. What Zhou Tianming said was indeed exaggerating on the surface, but the occasion was wrong, so the meaning was wrong. They didn't understand why Zhou Tianming kept complimenting them.

Grandma Zhou and brother Zhou also heard the sarcasm in Zhou Tianming's tone, and pretended to be stupid, thinking that Zhou Tianming was really praising the Song family.

Back at her younger brother's house, Zhou Xueli was so frustrated that she couldn't show it on her face. This time it was their family who came here by themselves, not invited by the Zhou family, so she had to bear with it.

Zhou Tianming invited the Song family to the lower room, and then went to serve a plate of nuts and a plate of apples and oranges on the kotatsu table, and sat on the side for company.

The grandson of the Zhou family sat far away from her, and Zhou Xueli had no chance to get close to her. She was concerned and asked how old she was, where she went to college, and whether she was used to studying in school.

The Song family had already inquired about the situation and knew that Zhou Tianming had been admitted to Fuda University. They didn't go back to Zhou's family to make contact at that time. Now of course they have to pretend not to know.

Zhou Xueli and Song Pengcheng thought that in a poor rural place like Meicun, the level of education is poor, it is said that it is difficult for poor families to produce noble children, and rural people do not pay attention to education, so it is impossible to produce talented people. Who knew that a golden phoenix would fly out of the small Meizijing Village one day. .

They used to think that Zhou Tianming didn't look like a material for studying, and he wouldn't have much promise. As a result, Zhou Tianming, who they were not optimistic about, also had a big turnaround one day, and even passed the exam that even their grandchildren couldn't pass. University, the grandson of their family went to a key high school and was admitted to a secondary university.

Feng Shui took turns, and the Zhou family really changed their luck.

Zhou Tianming didn't know why the family of the third aunt's grandma came to see him suddenly, so he stabbed a few words, but he didn't keep targeting them, and answered the question of the third aunt's grandma very meekly.

When asked why he didn't go back to his grandmother's house with his mother and sister, he looked calm: "My aunt's house has a high-achieving student from Qingda University. I don't know if he will return to the capital that day. I have to ask him about my studies as soon as possible."

"That high-achieving student is willing to guide you in your studies. He must be a very easy-going person. If you have time, invite him to sit down and let your old cousin get some credit. Ask him a thing or two." Zhou Deyang seized the opportunity and gave his own The son seeks benefits.

"My cousin said this as if I have a lot of face. That person is not a relative of my family, and I don't have the face to invite him to come to my house to guide my old cousins. He is a stranger. Besides, Grandma Sangu and Grandpa Sangu have eaten more rice than people of our age, and old cousins ​​have been taught by Grandma Sangu and Grandpa Sangu, so there is no need to ask others for guidance."

Let's just say, if there is nothing to show courteousness, it's either rape or stealing. The third aunt's grandma's family must have no good intentions when they come back to visit relatives. It turned out to be the idea of ​​the Le family.

Zhou Tianming thought, hehe, Sangu's grandma's family is really worthless, and such relatives are called-extreme relatives!It's just, who do they think they are, who want to talk to Le's family?

Song Deyang's face became hot from being stunned, how could they offend the old cousin's children, so disrespectful?
Zhou Xueli and Song Pengcheng were pulled out again to become a target. She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what expression to make, especially Zhou Xueli. She only went to the second grade of elementary school and didn't know much. After learning some, she was only a little bit better than illiterate .

Song Pengcheng is slightly better, he has a junior high school education, but it is impossible for him to guide college students in this life.

Being pulled out as a negative teaching material, the old couple could only laugh at each other. Song Pengcheng had to say: "You kid, your aunt didn't even finish elementary school, and I'm only a junior high school student. How can I teach you old cousins? Cousins ​​and cousins ​​keep in touch, you young people have common topics."

"Look at what Grandpa Sangu said, the Song family was born as an intellectual. My family has mud legs for ten generations. I was lucky enough to get into a university, but I can't get rid of the fact that I am a countryman. How can I dare to be like Sangu? Grandpa's family is a cultural person who lives in a big city.

Old cousins ​​are also in contact with young children who have the same status and dignity as you. Country people like me who often walk around will lower their grades. Third Aunt, Grandpa, don’t make things difficult for your children. You say that, old man If they don't contact me, you will say that he is not filial and has contact with my family. If people find out, they will be ridiculed for having a group of poor relatives in the Song family, which will make them feel ashamed.

Grandpa Sangu really loves your children, so don't force them to do things they don't like. The old cousin and the others are sandwiched between your elders and their friends, and become like a trumpet in a strong wind. How sad it is. "

Zhou Tianming spent a period of time with the group of proud sons that Le Yun knew, and he also deeply realized the lack of certain areas in the countryside. He also worked hard when he went to Songhai Fuda University. In order to make himself better, he worked hard on learning and When participating in club activities, I used to be silent, but I have been in contact with young talents in universities for a long time, and now I am very angry, and I talk in a different way.

Song Pengcheng was so stupefied that he couldn't say a word, his face turned blue and white, he finally understood, it turned out that the Zhou family still remembered that he used to look down on them as country people, and now they seized the opportunity , There is a complaint to complain, and there is anger to vent.

Zhou Tianming felt much more comfortable when he scolded his best relatives, no wonder Le Yun started fighting when she was young, and swearing when she should swear.

Fortunately, my elder sister went to my grandmother's house. If my elder sister was at home, she would definitely be led by the nose by the third aunt's grandma's family with her temperament of being praised for three good words.

Having been underestimated by relatives for so many years, it was finally his turn to vent his anger. Zhou Tianming was very happy. Anyone who wanted to find something to do should hurry up. He could fight another [-] or [-] times. Secretly ask for advice.

Grandpa, grandma and father said everything they said was ridiculed by the old cousin. Song Haoyu looked at his family, then at the old cousin, and asked in a low voice: "Cousin, did my family do something excessive before to offend you?" With uncle and grandma?"

"What can you say to offend and not to offend? Your Song family has a good education and a good background. They are not of the same class as my family. We are the ones who are guilty. Our family used to be poor, so we often went to your house to beat the autumn wind. Relatives will not let go."

Zhou Tianming casually revealed that in the past, when he went to pay New Year's greetings with his father, the little old cousin liked to play with him very much, but every time he was scolded by the third aunt and refused to allow them to get close.

Song Haoyu vaguely recalled what happened when he was a child, looked at his grandparents, and stopped talking.

"Tianming, my mother used to concentrate on planning for her little family and children..." As a son, Song Dexu knew the inside story. His parents really regarded the Zhou family as poor relatives before, and he still wanted to save it.

"Uncle, a married daughter is like water poured out. The third aunt married to the Song family is the Song family. From husband to son, my grandma and I understand that the third aunt's heart is devoted to the Song family. Contact the two relatives. The relationship between my grandfather and my third aunt was divided between siblings. My grandfather passed away many years ago, and the ties between relatives have also been broken. The two families have been divorced for many years and do not disturb each other. This is very good. There is no need to continue. We The family is still poor, and they will not be able to become rich relatives of other families in the future."

Ming people don't speak in secret, Zhou Tianming thinks that it is better to be more straightforward than the secret contest between you and me. He will say what adults can't say, and he will do things that are inconvenient for adults.

He also learned this trick from Le Yun, not to mention, it's easy to use!
Especially when he saw the faces of Song's aunt and the two cousins ​​suddenly turned ugly, Zhou Tianming felt that Le Yun's idea was right, why should he bear it, and why should he be wronged?It's not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, how uncomfortable it is to endure.

Zhou Tianming hates people so much, Grandma Zhou and Brother Zhou can't laugh or cry, how can Tianming let people step down with such a knife?
My own child can't let people get off the stage, so of course I have to pull it, Grandma Zhou held back her smile, opened her eyes and said nonsense: "Tianming, the garlic at home is gone, go and help your father go to the garden to pull the garlic back. "

"Oh, grandma, I heard that, I'll go right away, grandma, do you want any other dishes?" Zhou Tianming heard grandma calling him, and guessed that grandma asked him to avoid it, giving the Song family a step down.

"There seems to be no shortage of others. You can pick some if you are not afraid of the cold." Grandma Zhou instructed again: "Go and come back quickly, your father will be cooking soon."

"Understood." Zhou Tianming stood up and got out of the chair, quickly answered, opened the door like the wind and rushed out, and then ran out of the house to pull garlic in the garden behind the house.

My aunt called Zhou Tianming away, and Song Dexu's embarrassment was relieved. If Zhou Tianming sat by and stared at him, what should I teach them?Should he slam the door and leave, or continue to humbly apologize to the Zhou family for what happened before?

Zhou Tianming went out, but the Song family's complexion was still not good. They thought that Zhou's mother and son would politely say that it was a child's idea that they don't need to renew their relationship. Don't worry about relatives, they can also communicate frequently. .

Unexpectedly, there was nothing to say after waiting for a long time, the faces of the young and old were particularly bad, and it took a long time to calm down, so they simply put on the TV and let the living room have more sound, so as not to embarrass themselves.

Brother Zhou also didn't want to entangle with the third aunt's family, and was eager to send them away early, so he didn't hesitate, and called his son back to wash rice and cook, and take out meat and fish from the refrigerator for lunch.

Grandma Zhou is too lazy to talk nonsense with the snobbish third aunt, and she doesn't go to the new building to accompany the guests. Wronging myself to stage a hypocritical drama with the aunt who looked down on me before.

The mother and son listened to Tianming's left and right sentences in the kitchen, so that his third aunt and grandma's family couldn't find a way out, full of joy, Tianming really changed a lot after hanging out with the young people of Lele's family. More and more assertive and promising.

(End of this chapter)

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