magic eye doctor

Chapter 1544 Ginger is old and spicy

Chapter 1544 Ginger is old and spicy

Grandma Zhou's reputation in the village is excellent, she has always been tolerant and generous, and she seldom haggles over others, but that doesn't mean she doesn't hold grudges, she just keeps them in her heart.

In the past, the third aunt, brother-in-law and his son and daughter were born in the working class, and all three generations of the family had read a little. way of lecturing.

The previous generations of the Zhou family were indeed mud-legged, and they could not read a few big characters. Therefore, the Song family "taught" them how to behave, and they had to accept it.

Now, the Zhou family has Zhou Tianming, who can stand up straight in front of the Song family. Grandma Zhou never thought of retaliation for an eye. She raised her hands and feet in favor of her grandson being able to show his support for the family.

In particular, the elders and young people of the Song family showed that they obviously wanted to join the Le family, so she became even more impatient with the Song family. Qiufeng was at odds with someone Li, and it happened that the third aunt and Song Pengcheng returned to Zhou At home, the child's father thought that his sister and brother-in-law were educated, so he went to support his child, knowing what his third aunt said?

The aunt who married out of someone else's family knew that her niece was being bullied, so she rolled up her sleeves to stand up for her family, but the third aunt of the Zhou family said that she married her husband, and women can't have children. It's right for a man to find a woman outside Well, what face does the Zhou family have to argue with the Li family!

The third aunt's words were poking at her and Qiufeng's heart, and the child's father gradually lost contact with his third sister after that.

The third aunt looked down on her, she didn't hold grudges, she stabbed a knife in the heart of her own girl, she would never forget it for the rest of her life, if it wasn't for the grandson's last words that were too straightforward, and she was afraid of being gossiped, she wouldn't have rescued her.

Grandma Zhou was very happy that the grandson could choke those snobbish eyes to the point where she found a step for him to avoid first, and her own cat warmed herself in the kitchen, regardless of the embarrassment of the Song family.

Zhou Tianming went to the back garden to pluck garlic and cilantro, and then plucked a cabbage. After returning home, he washed it with water from a pressurized water machine.

After washing the vegetables, I took them back to the kitchen, and instead of going to the main room to accompany the best relatives, I helped my father find things, and took charcoal and put them in the firepit to burn first.

The father and father worked for 10 minutes, and they also prepared the dishes. They didn't move to the main room to eat, so they ate lunch in the kitchen.

Brother Zhou didn't make any ten bowls, he started a ribs pot to eat hot pot, and another bowl of fish, pig's trotters, a bowl of chicken, and vegetables are always available.

Zhou Xueli and Song Pengcheng took their sons and grandsons to sit in Zhou's room. After eating the third bowl of vegetables, their faces changed. In the past, when they returned to Zhou's house in the first month, they received the best gifts in the countryside, that is, they were treated as newlyweds. The treatment of my aunt and son-in-law returning to their natal home for New Year's greetings in the first year-ten bowls, ten dishes are essential.

This time there are only three dishes, and with the starter hot pot ingredients, there are only four meat dishes, that is, only four bowls!
There are only four bowls, which is the same treatment as ordinary friends visiting. The mother and son of the Zhou family neglected themselves so much, the old couple of the Song family felt extremely humiliated, and they could still eat there.

After eating it, it is natural to just eat hastily and let it go.

The brothers of the Song family also saw from the dishes that their aunt did not welcome their family, and pretended not to know. The little grandson of the Song family had a big heart, he ate happily, and was the only one who was full.

After a hasty meal, after sitting for a while, Grandma Zhou yawned, got up to take a nap, and told her son: "Xia Long, our family is in the countryside, and we create food from the soil. There is nothing we can sell, and we can't get on the table. If you give your third aunt something, they will throw it away halfway, so there is no need to waste it. When your third aunt's house returns later, you will give them all the New Year's greetings they brought as return gifts."

Finally, he asked his grandson: "Tianming, you are young and have good legs and feet. Help your third aunt to bring the gift to the village office building and wait. Your aunts and grandpas are coming by car. When they leave, you can help them put the gift in the car." , the road is slippery, be careful not to slip and break things, and don’t fall on anything.”

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll be careful. I'll take things to the ground in front of the village right now. Grandma, you should sleep right now when you're sleepy." Zhou Tianming happily agreed, in a hurry He jumped up, rushed to the pile of presents in the corner of the kitchen, and immediately picked up things.

The younger sister-in-law was going to take a nap, Zhou Xueli was secretly happy, she went to bed, and their family had an excuse to stay overnight, when the younger sister asked Zhou Xialong to bring back their return gifts to his house, she opened her mouth to say that was The supplements bought for her don’t require a gift in return, and she hasn’t interrupted the conversation, but the sister-in-law immediately asks the grandson to pick up the things and send them to the village office building.

The sister-in-law almost said something like "Hurry up", Zhou Xueli's face was stiff, and she was bumped by her wife, and immediately stood up to stop her: "Third sister-in-law, we bought the things to make up for you... ..."

"His third aunt, are you going to leave now? The nobles are busy, and you are all busy people. I will not waste you. Xia Long, you send your third aunt, third aunt, and your old cousins ​​to the village floor. On the way Help drive away a dog and drive away a cat, don't let someone's dog in the village frighten your three aunts and uncles."

As soon as Grandma Zhou stepped out of the threshold, she turned around to watch her little grandson pick up gift boxes from the ground. When she saw the third aunt standing up, she immediately hit the snake and asked her son to see off the guests.

That wave of operations was a stroke of genius, and Song Pengcheng was stunned.

Zhou Xueli was speechless, when did she say she was leaving?
Brother Zhou responded immediately, and looked at the third aunt with a smile: "Uncle and old cousins ​​are all dignified people. I think there are often visitors in the first month of the year. I won't waste your time. I will take you to the entrance of the village."

Zhou's mother and son had already talked to such an extent that the Song brothers couldn't bear it no matter how calm they were, they immediately stood up and said, "It's time for my cousin to go back. We don't need my cousin to send me off. We remember the way."

The two children of the Song family also got up. No matter how cheeky Song Pengcheng was, he had to stand up and walk out with his grandson.

Zhou Tianming quickly picked up the gift box, but in the end there was only one carton of milk that could not be lifted, so he asked his father to help him carry it. He carried the lighter gift box, and left the kitchen first, and started to run: "I'll go to the road to see if there are any dogs. If you see it, you can ask the owners to lock up the dog first, and if there is dog poop, ask the owner to sweep it up, so don't stink on the young and old of the third aunt's family."

The grandson of the Zhou family mentioned dogs again, and Song Pengcheng remembered that he used to say in front of his third sister-in-law and his family that there was nothing that could stand up in the countryside. Every household in the countryside raises chickens, ducks and pigs, and the smell of feces can be smelled in the house.

Sister-in-law and her grandson slapped him in the face again!

After being slapped in the face, Song Pengcheng choked heavily as if a plum had been stuck in his throat.

His wife and sons couldn't stay any longer and wanted to leave. Zhou Xueli made the last struggle: "Third brother and daughter-in-law, these are brought by my family to make up for you. The third child and I are real siblings, and I have always regarded you as a As a dear sister, I will come back from a long distance to see you, courtesy is light and affection is heavy, no matter what the gift is, don't look at my face, but for the face of your two little nephews and grandchildren, you should save a little."

"His third sister, my daughter and my uncle's daughter have told me not to take any messy health supplements. I haven't taken any supplements for a long time. You take them back and give yourself and your third brother-in-law more supplements." Replenishing the body, you didn't say that your old couple has not been in good health in the past ten years, either this pain or some pain, you need nutrition more."

Grandma Zhou blocked it back with a smile, and called her son: "Xia Long, you hold that box. That box looks very precious, so don't break it."

"Mom, I know, third aunt and third uncle, please go ahead." Brother Zhou lifted the milk box and stood aside to ask the third aunt's family to go forward.

The natal sister-in-law didn't even talk about affection, Zhou Xueli's old face was burning hot, she walked out of Zhou's room first with her head down, and wrapped her coat tightly.

Song Pengcheng and his grandsons walked out of the Zhou family's kitchen one after another, and were "accompanied" by Zhou Xialong through the alley and out of the Zhou family's gate.

Grandma Zhou didn't see her off. She stood in the alley and saw the Song family coming out of the gate, so she immediately turned to the main room to avoid it. If she sent someone to the gate, maybe those cheeky guys would make excuses and come back to live don't go.

The snow hadn't melted, and the places where no one stepped on the village road were still covered with thin snow, which was very cold.

Walking out of the gate of Zhou's house, Zhou Xueli and Song Pengcheng looked back and saw no sister-in-law seeing her off, and her face was even worse, because Zhou Xialong kept shouting "Third aunts and third uncles, you go where there is no snow, stay steady and don't fall", Had to follow the road to the direction of the village.

Zhou Tianming ran all the way carrying a few gift boxes. On the way, he met some villagers and asked him what he was doing. He didn't hide that a third aunt married to the Song family had brought someone back. Let's go, he first helped their family to bring the New Year greetings they brought to the village office building.

Villager: "..." Then who and Zhou Xialong broke off their relationship, and ran back to do something.

Zhou Tianming ran to Zhou Bapi's house next to the village office building, and saw Uncle Man eating at Zhou's house, when he was stopped and asked, he told the truth about the third aunt who brought someone back to pay New Year's greetings.

Village head Zhou turned dark: "That family is so snobbish," he cursed, and Grandma Zhou Man asked, "Tianming, do you know what your third aunt and grandma are planning?"

"I showed that meaning, maybe I want to use the relationship between my grandma and dad to get my aunt's idea." Zhou Tianming didn't help the Song family cover it up. He told the truth and asked for credit: "Many grandpa Man grandma , eighth grandpa and eighth grandma, I choked them hard today, I figured that the third aunt probably hated me to death, if they speak ill of me behind my back, call me disrespectful to the elders, you have to help me stand up .”

As soon as I heard that, I knew that Zhou Tianming had given Zhou's parents a face. The village chief was a little happy, and Zhou Man's grandma smiled Mimi: "Don't worry, even if you choke them so hard, there are old hoods like us." looking at you."

Zhou Tianming smiled happily, guessing that the Song family might come soon, he didn't stand at the door of Zhou's house, and asked the elders to close the door, lest the Song family find excuses to talk to Zhou Papi's family and stay away .

Zhou Xueli's popularity in her natal family is really not good, and Aunt Pa couldn't understand Zhou Xueli's villainous face, she closed the door, and it was not yet 11:30, they hadn't eaten yet, and they were going to eat soon, now Just wait for a while.

Zhou Tianming stood waiting under the eaves in front of the village office building. There were several cars parked on the ground in front of the building, and it was unknown which car the Song family had.

He waited for a few minutes before Brother Zhou sent the Song family to the ground in front of the village office building.

The Song family brothers went to their cars and opened the door. Their cars are all [-] to [-] yuan, not too expensive, after all, they are still cars, and they are better than people without cars.

Zhou Xueli moved to the floor of the village office building and saw that the door of Zhou Bapi's house was closed tightly. No one spoke, but the fragrance wafted out. When she saw Zhou Tianming again, she guessed that Zhou Tianming might have said something to Zhou Bapi's house. Looking at himself, his face turned black and white with anger.

Brother Zhou and his son stuffed all the Song family's gift boxes into Song Dexu's car, and his car was in the back, very close.

The things were returned intact, and the four adults of the Song family felt uncomfortable, with dark faces in the car, the old couple took the eldest son's car, Song Haoyu also took the same car with his father, and Song Haobo took the same car with his father.

Brother Zhou and Zhou Tianming watched the Song family's car leave the grounds and turn into the urban and rural roads, and then went out to see that the car was heading towards Changshi. The father and son were relieved that the best relatives had finally left!
After seeing off the best relatives, the father and son turned and walked back.

Village head Zhou watched secretly at Zhou Bapi's house, and only opened the door when he saw the car leaving. He waited for Zhou Xialong and Zhou Tianming to turn around and called him in for dinner.

Although I had lunch at home, my uncles called me, Brother Zhou didn't refuse, so he called his old mother first, saying that he and Tianming were at his uncle's house after seeing off his relatives.

Grandma Zhou stood in the upper room for a while and went back to the kitchen to warm up the fire. When she received a call from her son, she felt relieved. She boiled water, washed the dishes, and swept the floor. Her hands and feet were quick.

Zhou Bapi, the head of the village, called Zhou Tianming and his son together. While drinking a little wine, he listened to Zhou Xialong and Zhou Tianming talk about the performance of the Song family, and listened to Zhou Tianming describe the scene where he choked his third aunt's grandmother so that her face turned red and white. laugh.

After eating at Zhou Bapi's house, Brother Zhou and his son went home, and Zhou Tianming slipped to his aunt's house to play again.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng served hot medicinal dishes at noon to entertain the handsome guy and the two elders at home. After eating, he sat and chatted, and Zhou Tianming came after a short time.

Seeing his nephew's high-spirited appearance, Zhou Qiufeng poured him a glass of water amusedly: "Look at how successful you are, you must have won a battle."

"That's right, aunt, I've gotten acquainted today. The third aunt's grandfather's face is really thicker than a brick. I said it so hard, but they didn't leave the door..." Zhou Tianming babbled again. My aunt talked about her great achievements, how she was annoying, how the third aunt, the third aunt, and the two cousins ​​pretended not to understand.

The two elders and the handsome guys in Lejia were very happy to hear it. Sure enough, the environment makes people. The grandson of the Zhou family went to university for half a year, and his skills have improved greatly.

Zhou Qiufeng almost narrowed his eyes when he smiled, and Le's father was stunned: "They are not annoyed by losing face, what exactly do they want to do?"

The beautiful boy blinked his eyes: "Fourth Uncle, I guess, they are here for Fourth Aunt."

"Your fourth aunt? My family?" Le's father frowned: "They married my family and wanted to get something from Le's family. Did they want to borrow money from my family?"

Ant Laoyan always smiled and said nothing, Lejia and his wife are fine, their girl has thick thighs.

"Actually, it should be for Lele. Tianming, you said earlier that there is a girl in their family who is also a Beijing drifter, and she is in the capital, right?" The beautiful boy turned his head to look at the little grandson of the Zhou family.

"Yes, I heard from my father that the daughter of my third aunt's eldest son graduated from university last year and went to the capital to develop. What is it called? It seems to be called Song Shi... Rain, is it a poem of poetry, rain of heavy rain, or silk and bamboo I don’t know much about silk and bamboo.”

"Young Master Yan, I don't take credit for your job." The beautiful young man casually threw the Song family to a certain bodyguard, and it was Young Master Yan's job to find out why those people wanted to join the Le family.

Yan Xing twitched his lips silently, hum, the Chao family boy is getting more and more comfortable in ordering people around.

(End of this chapter)

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