magic eye doctor

Chapter 1546 Sending Letters

Chapter 1546 Sending Letters
When talking about the past, Chen Kang's eyes were full of water, and he gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from swallowing.

Zhou Wei understood his wife's mood, and patted his shoulder lightly: "It's okay, it's all over..."

Mrs. Chen Dalian and Mrs. He were a little at a loss because of the sudden return of the old uncle and aunt of the Chen family. Seeing the appearance of the elderly couple, they are even more of a pair of kings. .

"It's a long story, let me say it briefly," the old father couldn't explain clearly, and Chen Xin answered on his behalf: "My father went to work in a factory in another county back then. After the people left, my dad also settled in a factory in another county.

One and a half years after my father settled down in another county, he and my mother established a romantic relationship, and because my grandfather was approved to return to his hometown to work, and my grandfather was going back to his hometown in Shonan, he brought my parents back to his hometown to discuss marriage matters with the family members. My father and my mother got married in my grandfather's hometown. My grandfather has three sons. My father is not a door-to-door son-in-law.

My dad wrote letters to my aunt every month when he was in the factory in another county. At the beginning, he often kept in touch with my aunt. He didn’t receive a reply one month before my dad went to Shonan. My dad wanted to go back to his hometown to see Look, my grandfather was in a hurry because of work, so he went to Shonan before returning to his hometown.

Before my father went to Shonan, he also wrote to my aunt about where he was going, and when he arrived in Shonan, he also wrote back to tell us the date of marriage and the address of his current residence, but there was no reply to the letter he sent. My dad managed to settle the work. , People have been in southern Shonan for eight or nine months.

My dad couldn't wait for the letter from home, but received a letter sent to his hometown that was returned, showing that there was no such person.

My father was worried about my aunt and wanted to go back to his hometown to see. At that time, my father and mother's wedding date was imminent. My grandfather asked my father to get married and then took my mother back to his hometown to pay homage to the ancestors of the Chen family.

After my parents got married, they were unable to get up and go back to their hometown. They actually received a letter from a fellow villager in my hometown, saying that my aunt...she had a difficult labor in the first year, and she couldn't keep her size.

My dad was devastated at the time, and what made my dad even more devastated was that the letter said that my uncle married another daughter-in-law half a year after my aunt's dystocia and was pregnant with a child.

Younger brother, you probably have also heard about how deep the relationship between my father and my eldest aunt is. After my grandfather and my grandmother passed away, my father and my eldest aunt depended on each other for life. The sky is falling, and I heard that my uncle married another Xuxian. My father blamed himself for not being able to return to his hometown in time, so that he and his sister were separated forever. After that, I didn't talk about my hometown anymore.

However, no one thought that the letter my dad received saying that my aunt had a difficult delivery and that the news that my uncle married a second wife was false. City, so close to my hometown, I didn't have the courage to go back to my hometown to take a look. "

Sister-in-law He was overwhelmed: "Uncle, wouldn't you confirm whether the contents of the letter are true or not? If you don't confirm whether it is true, then...believe it?" If you believe it without confirming it, what is it?
"If someone else wrote the letter, my dad might not believe it, but the person who wrote the letter is... the Chen family." Chen Xin smiled helplessly: "My dad wrote to my aunt but there was no reply. The letter asked about the situation, and the reply from the family members surnamed Chen, who would have thought that it was a lie."

"Which bastard from the Chen family lied to Uncle Chen Kang?" Chen Dalian couldn't figure out why Uncle Chen Kang was so easy to be fooled. Hearing that the letter was written by the Chen family, he understood it. If it was him, he would accept the letter. When the family members wrote a letter saying that someone was gone, he also believed it.

"Well, little brother, don't ask that person, you don't have to embarrass everyone if you know who it is." Chen Xin begged embarrassingly.

The clan brother showed a look of embarrassment, Chen Dalian didn't follow up and asked: "Okay, let's not ask who that bastard is for now, so why did the old uncle suddenly come back to his hometown?"

"This," the Chen brothers were even more embarrassed, and Chen Jie sighed: "This is from me. The reason why my dad suddenly returned to his hometown was because at the end of October last year, there was an opportunity to tear up the truth about being cheated, which led to some doubts. , this opportunity appeared thanks to the blessing of my kid."

He pointed to the child he brought back to his hometown: "This kid likes basketball and buys sports magazines. He collected several sports magazines last year, and one of them introduced my aunt's granddaughter.

This boy saw a sports star in a magazine from his own country, and found that the girl's appearance was somewhat similar to his aunt, that is, my sister. At that time, he paid more attention to it. I found that there was a "Chen Hongying", who had the same name as the aunt mentioned by his grandfather. The little star was from E Beijiudao Township, and he lived in the same place as his aunt and his grandfather's hometown. I thought it was amazing, so I gave the magazine to his grandfather. look strange,
There is only one family with the surname Le in my father’s hometown, and the Le family has a simple population. The magazine clearly states who the starlet’s father is, who his grandparents are, and when his grandparents died.

The situation reported in the magazine about my aunt's house is completely inconsistent with what my dad said in a letter from a person surnamed Chen. Then, Brother Li can imagine how shocked my dad was when he saw it.

My dad couldn't believe it at the time. He was alone for a few days before telling us brothers and sisters. At that time, even our brothers and sisters were scared. Our brothers and sisters heard my dad say about the eldest aunt since they were young. We thought that the dystocia was gone. The eldest aunt in the house did not seem to be dead, and we all suspected that there was something wrong with our ears.

In order to verify the authenticity, I asked the WeChat agency to help me. I received the information from the WeChat agency to confirm that the report of the sports magazine is true. I can’t escape because of work. In order to be safe, my brother asked for a few days when he went on a business trip to a neighboring province. He pretended to detour E province and visit Jiudao in person to confirm the authenticity.

My brother was sure that my aunt actually passed away a few years ago. My dad felt ashamed of his sister and her children. Because of his avoidance, he missed the truth. Since the end of October last year, my dad has not had a good night’s sleep. My dad was homesick and timid, and he was also afraid of his hometown. In fact, he didn't have the courage to come back. He was afraid that people would say that he had the cheek to marry him because his nephew's child was promising.

This time it was our brothers who persuaded my dad to go back to his hometown for a walk. Our brothers and sisters all have our own jobs. My aunt said I'm sorry, and we also want to say sorry to my aunt's cousin. If we knew that my aunt was still alive, why would I not set foot on the land of my hometown for decades.

By the way, the letter my dad wrote to my aunt has been kept, and the letter my aunt wrote to my dad has also been kept. This time we also brought it back together. "

When Chen Jie mentioned the letter, he immediately got up and dragged the combination box to his side, unlocked the combination lock, opened the cover, and put a rectangular wooden box with a lock on the table.

The son was explaining to himself why he was deceived so much that he didn't dare to go back to his hometown and why he came back again. Chen Kang lowered his head and felt so guilty that he wanted to dig a hole in the ground. .

Those who lied to him could be punished, and he was half responsible. If he hadn't been timid, he wouldn't have been kept in the dark for decades, causing him to miss it when he clearly could have supported his sister through the storm.

Chen Kang felt sore in his heart, and his eyes sparkled.

Zhou Wei didn't speak, and quietly handed the tissue to his wife. She understood his wife's suffering. For decades, his wife had been unable to let go of the fact that he didn't go back to his hometown to see his sister before going to Shonan. Kang's return to Shonan made their siblings unable to see each other again, so they felt guilty, and even when they died, they still held it in their hearts.

When the adults talked, he couldn't talk to a child. Chen Fengnian listened quietly. It was said that his grandfather discovered the truth of being cheated because he liked sports magazines. You have to look a little like your aunt to pay more attention.

Sister-in-law He paid attention to the wooden box. There was nothing shiny about that box, but the area around the lock and the sides of the box were very polished, which showed that the owner opened the box frequently.

Seeing his son holding the wooden box, Chen Kang almost shed tears again. The letter he wrote to his sister was returned but he was not willing to throw it away. He kept it together with the reply letter written by his sister. Take it out and have a look.

The letter from his sister to him and the returned letter from him to his sister accompanied him through decades of ups and downs. When he decided to leave, he took it with him to sleep forever, but he didn't expect it to reappear in front of people one day.

Chen Kang turned his face away, not daring to think any more.

Uncle Chen Kang still kept the letter from that year, which shows that he really did not forget his sister. Because of the deep love between his sister and his brother, he was reluctant to throw away the letter. What I want to see is Yueqing.

It's just that he couldn't decide what to do, so he thought for a while before speaking: "Actually, I made an appointment with my good friends to go to Yueqing's house for dinner today. Before you came, old man, my wife and I packed our things and were about to go..."

Chen Xin understood in seconds: "Little brother Li, you and your sister-in-law lock all the doors of your house, and take your niece over there quickly, we will warm up in your main room. I just ask you to help give this box to cousin Yueqing. As for cousin We have no complaints after seeing what will happen.”

"Big face, go there first. My uncle and nephew are tired from the car ride after coming back from such a long distance. I'll give my uncle something to eat first." Sister He winked at the man and urged him to send a letter to Lejia.

"Alright, I'll go first." Chen Dalian also felt that it would be better for him to go to Lejia first to see the situation before talking about other things, so he left as soon as he said, first went to collect the annual gift, and then took a red plastic bag to pack the wooden box, Headed to Lejia hurriedly.

Chen Kang quietly wiped his eyes, and sat drinking tea.

Mrs. He went to the wing room to make pancakes, a local snack, while her two girls helped light the fire and find seasonings.

Zhou Wei asked her son to pick out the gift box for her nephew's house, and she took it to her nephew and daughter-in-law, and found that the wing room was warm and comfortable, so she asked her wife to go to the kitchen with her son and grandson to warm up.

Chen Kang took his son and grandson to turn off the electric heater, and went to Chen's guest room to watch and make food.

(End of this chapter)

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