magic eye doctor

Chapter 1547 What to Do Now

Chapter 1547 What to Do Now

Chen Dalian was hiding something in his heart, and walked quickly, passing one after another along the village road, and hurried all the way to the north building of Lejia, where he was warmly welcomed by the big wolf dog.

He walked into Lejiatang and saw Lele's handsome bodyguard and her brother were there. The men and women were chatting happily. He smiled innocently and looked around: "Where did Yueqing go?"

Seeing that Chen Dalian was alone, Liu Lu and the others asked strangely, "Why didn't your mother-in-law and your girls come?"

"There is a visitor from afar at my house, and my mother-in-law will come back later." Chen smiled innocently, and when he saw Yueqing sticking out his head from the kitchen, he suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved by half, and rushed forward: "Yueqing, let me tell you something, Chen Kang is back."

"Chen Kang came back when he came back, what are you excited about?" Zhang Pogong's voice was very loud, Chen Kang was from the Chen family, it didn't matter if he came back or not.

"Big Face, what's wrong with Chen Kang, what did I tell you?" Zhou Qiufeng was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes that might be needed at noon, and when he heard Chen Big Face yelling, he guessed what a certain Chen family member might have said , also related to Yueqing.

Chen Dalian ran to the door of Guy Le's room, and handed a piece of meat to Yue Qing, holding the wooden box wrapped in a red bag in his hand, with a bitter face: "The Chen Kang I'm talking about is not the Chen Kang of my generation, This Chen Kang is... that is Chen Kang, the younger brother of our old aunt Chen Hongying, who is Yueqing... uncle."

"What?" Zhang Laosan, Liu Lu's father Liu Laishun, Cheng Wu and others almost choked on saliva. Zhang Poluo, Liu Lu and other younger generations were naturally not familiar with Chen Hongying's brother Chen Kang, but they were familiar with the older generation.

"I... my mother's younger brother?" Le's father was stunned. His mother had mentioned his younger brother Chen Kang when he was alive, and told about his uncle's past.

My uncle joined a state-owned factory back then, and it was quite an enviable job for anyone to be a worker in a state-owned factory in those days. My uncle went to work as a worker and would send letters back every month, with money and shopping tickets always included in the letters.

Later, there was no news of his uncle, and he didn't know where he went. His father went to inquire about his whereabouts, but there was no result. After that, his uncle didn't hear from him anymore. Privately, everyone in the village thought that he had disappeared. After all, Chen Kang and His sister Chen Hongying's sister-brother relationship is obvious to all.

In that era, information and transportation were backward, and looking for someone without an address was like looking for a needle in a haystack. His mother lost contact with his younger brother and never saw each other again until his death.

Suddenly hearing that his uncle came back, Yue Qing was at a loss for a while, and murmured: "He's back, what are you doing..."

Yan Xing Lansan heard that Grandma Little Lolita's brother had come back to her hometown, and quickly glanced at each other, well, they knew who the brother of Grandma Little Lolita's family was, and where they lived now.

Yueqing was talking to himself, and Zhang Laosan also had question marks on their faces, what did Chen Kang do when he came back?

Liu Lu and the others also looked eager for knowledge.

No one spoke, the beautiful boy straightened his sleeves lightly, and asked slowly: "Uncle Big Face, the person you are talking about is the person my sister Lele should call Uncle Grandpa, right?"

"That's right, Xiao Lele should be called Uncle Grandpa," said a beautiful boy. Chen Dalian, whose heart was pounding, found a savior, and quickly rushed to the table where the beautiful boy was sitting, and took the box in his hand. Handed it to the beautiful boy: "The reason why Chen Kang has never contacted his hometown for decades is that it makes people want to scold his mother. Look at the contents of this box, brother, and you may be able to guess a thing or two."

Everyone looked curiously at the box that Chen Dalian sent, not understanding what kind of medicine Chen Kang was selling in the gourd.

Zhou Qiufeng and Yueqing also gathered around the table to watch.

The beautiful boy who was full of everyone's expectations, did not refuse, folded the red bag, and took out the wooden box with many edges that were worn away. A small lock was hung on the keyhole of the box, and a key was attached. .

The handsome young man stretched out those white jade-like, evenly slender hands, took the key to unlock the lock, and opened the lid. Inside the wooden box were neatly packed letters bound with strings. One letter was with the back facing up, and a red seal of "No such person found, returned to the original place" was stamped on the top.

Seeing the return postmark of the letter, the handsome boy guessed the reason. Uncle Lele wrote to his sister in his hometown, but he didn’t know why it was returned. He might think that his sister moved or didn’t want to contact him, and later on Slowly no longer contact.

A guess is a guess, and you have to see it to be sure.

Huang Yubo carefully took the returned letter and untied the rope, turned it over, and there was also a return postmark on the front. The address of the recipient on the envelope was Chen Hongying, Meizijing Village, Jiudao Commune, and the sender's address was Shonan Province.

Back then, Jiudao Township was not called Jiudao Township, but called Jiudao District or Jiudao Commune.

Alas?Zhang Laosan and the others also saw the address on the envelope, and they were very surprised. Didn't Chen Kang go to work as a worker in the machinery factory in Han City, this province? When did he go to Shonan Province?

The beautiful boy calmly arranged the envelopes, and arranged them in order of year, month, and day. At the bottom, there were two letters whose mailing addresses were written as the address of a factory in E North's current Han City, and they were also returned.

Look at another bundle of letters, all sent from Meicun to Hanshi. I took away two stacks of letters, and there was another letter at the bottom of the box, also sent from Meizijing Village. The handwriting was different from other letters sent from Meicun. , the recipient address is written in Shonan Province.

Intuitively, the last letter is the key.

The beautiful boy took out a letter at the bottom of the press box, and pulled out a stack of letters. The stack of paper was not a handwritten letterhead, but a copy of the letterhead scanned and printed on A4 paper. There were three pages in total, and the final signature was covered. I don't know who the writer is.

Chao Yubo read the letter quickly, the more he read, the more... annoyed, his beautiful eyebrows were almost twisted into threads, and the young man who was always gentle and elegant, his phoenix eyes were as cold as a knife: "It's too hateful, who is this bastard who actually wrote a letter?" Tell Uncle Lele that Grandma Lele had dystocia and that her size was not safe. She also said that Grandpa Lele remarried shortly after the death of her original partner and was pregnant with a child.

This guy who killed a thousand knives obviously wanted to break off the relationship between Uncle Lele and Grandma Lele. He cursed my righteous grandpa and grandma like this, and his heart is damning! "

The beautiful young man's face changed when he read the letter, and Cheng Lao and others were terrified when they saw it. The gentle young man's face change made people feel terrible!
When I heard that someone wrote to tell Chen Kang that Chen Hongying died of dystocia, Zhang Laosan, Cheng Wu, and Liu Laishun were struck by lightning, this... which wicked ghost who killed a thousand swords did this?

Zhang Pogong, Liu Chengyou, De Cheng and Youliang also understood that someone intentionally cut off the letter Chen Kang wrote to Chen Hongying and returned it, and then wrote that Chen Hongying was dead, Le Hong asked for another wife, and Chen Kang was in pain. In the case of losing my sister, I will definitely not go back to my hometown again, so the siblings naturally broke contact.

Le Dad was so angry that he clenched his fists: "Who cursed my mother to give birth?!"

Yan Xing frowned slightly. The letter written by Chen Kang to Chen Hongying was returned. They did not find this item during the investigation. The letter was returned through the post office. Presumably the person who wrote the letter must be very familiar with the post office staff, so they can Get the letter, or someone in the post office will directly cut the letter and return it.

Here, the possibility of the Huang family's handwriting cannot be ruled out.

Calculated according to the age, the rise of the Huangzhazha family is not so fast, and it should not be so fast to place their own people in the Jiudao Post Office, and probably bribe someone to help him with affairs.

Those who used to work at Jiudao Post Office or in charge of postal work in Jiudao District all have records and can be found. District staff checked again.

Uncle Lele even concealed the person who wrote the letter, saying that he did not want people to know who that person was. The beautiful boy folded the letter paper and stuffed it back into the envelope. He also gathered the opened envelopes into bundles and put them back into the wooden box. .

After tidying up, I asked: "Uncle Big Face, did Uncle Lele say why he didn't come back to confirm the authenticity when he received the letter?"

"Uncle Chen Kang's son once said that Uncle Chen Kang fell in love with his current wife in a certain factory and worked for more than a year. His father-in-law was also approved to work in his hometown..."

Chen Dalian recounted the general content of what Chen Xin said, and he said it more briefly. After all, it is impossible to completely repeat it, and he does not remember the order of all the words.

Lan San asked a lot: "They haven't returned to their hometown for decades, why did they suddenly find out that they were cheated?"

"It is said that Uncle Chen Kang's grandson saw a report on Xiao Lele from a sports magazine at the end of October last year. He saw that Xiao Lele looked a bit like his aunt. After paying more attention, he discovered that the report on Xiao Lele's family members With information from grandparents, seeing that Chen Hongying's name is the same as the aunt's name his grandfather mentioned, even the place of birth is exactly the same, so it's strange to show it to his grandfather.

Uncle Chen became suspicious when he saw sports magazines. Uncle Chen's son invited someone to investigate the authenticity, and Uncle Chen's eldest son also came back to check for himself before returning.

When they went back to the village, they went to my house and asked the villagers to lead the way. I was also fooled at first. When the box came over, they meant that Yueqing saw this, even if they resented him, they would have no complaints. "

Papa Le stood there in a daze, with his head down, without making a sound.

The elegant and beautiful boy re-locked the box: "Fourth Uncle, if you and Fourth Aunt are undecided about this matter, you might as well leave it to Lele to make a decision. Lele Xiongzi has sharp eyes, and can tell the truth from a traitor."

"En." Father Le responded softly. His parents had passed away. He had never seen his uncle since he was born. Now he suddenly told him that his uncle was back. He really didn't know what to do.

Whether the Le family recognizes their relatives can be handed over to Xiao Lele, but Xiao Lele is not at home, Chen Dalian scratched the back of his head with worry: "Brother Chao, whether Lele recognizes uncle and grandpa is a matter of the future, now What should I do, Uncle Chen Kang brought two sons and a 13-year-old grandson, and they are still waiting at my house."

(End of this chapter)

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