magic eye doctor

Chapter 155 Accident

Chapter 155 Accident
New students choose courses, including national defense students. When national defense students found a class organization, most of the students were smoothly integrated into the group. Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen were not so lucky. They recognized them and knew that they were the two challengers who challenged the little girl in the medical department a few days ago and were beaten in the face. Many people were quite resentful and ignored the two classmates.

Sun Shilin and Wang Xiuwen also felt the alienation and indifference of their classmates. Facing the obvious isolation and rejection, they could only silently knock down their teeth and swallow blood.

In the evening, ordinary students do not need military training or classes, and national defense students also take national defense education classes.

Liu Shao is very responsible. Accompanied by President Chao, Xiong Jie went to teach the ideological education class to the national defense students. It was fine for him to go. The characters teach the national defense students, and of course Instructor Wang and Instructor Li accompany them all the way.

I don't know if it was because Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan had a lot of face, or what the president of the youth said. Many people cheered, which gave Liu Dashao's face and stature.

Liu Shao went to work, but he was no longer the handsome handsome guy he used to be. He seemed to have changed his personality. The stranger is tense, and dare not wander.

The freshmen successfully completed the training during the military training. On the 13th, the freshmen who took a day off ushered in the same boring training.

On the new day, as soon as the two instructors of the national defense students started work, they started the most ruthless training for the national defense students, which was severe to the point of harshness. The national defense students complained a lot, but no one dared to be lazy.

The requirements of ordinary military training classes are similar to those of the previous days, probably because the season is here, and it is the time of autumn tigers in the year. The temperature continues to rise, and it is almost noon every day. It is as hot as summer and the hottest time in July. .

Because the weather was too hot and dry, there were students suffering from heat stroke in the first two days. Considering the health and safety of the students, the military training was heavier in the first half of the morning and lightened as appropriate near noon.

In the early stage of military training, training is carried out every day, and the tasks in the later stage are slightly lighter. Generally, it is normal military training in the morning, and sometimes integrated training of battalions in the afternoon and evening, or pulling to the classroom to listen to military theory and national defense education.

The freshmen have also adapted to the rhythm and can handle it.

Another day passed.

"Le Yun, make an exception." The instructor's voice was always serious and firm.

The boys in the first class of the medical department stood up straight. I don't know what happened to the instructor these two days. I always ordered a little loli out of the list. Li, the leader of the team, etc. In short, when there is something, just call Xiao Luoli. In the past, those things were done by the monitor Guan, but now they are all transferred to Xiao Luoli, and Xiao Luoli had to use her tender and weak shoulders to pick up the heavy responsibility.

No matter what kind of job, it is actually quite tiring. Supervising everyone or the leader of the team walks the phalanx. You have to shout passwords. After an hour, your voice is hoarse. Sometimes you can hold a stand for more than ten minutes when doing demonstration movements, like a penalty stand. , Under normal circumstances, even the classmate Guan can't bear it, not to mention the delicate little loli.

They even wondered if it was because the little loli stepped on the defense students, and the two instructors lost face and secretly put pressure on the Han instructor. Loli bears, punishing her in another way.

"Yes!" Le Yun answered loudly, ran out of the queue, and stood in front of the instructor.

Instructor Han issued an order: "Lead the team and lead Xi to walk for half an hour."

"Yes, instructor." Le Yun replied calmly, waiting for the instructor to step aside and lead the team to practice walking.

The boys practice the formation seriously. The leader is not so easy to be. Every time anyone in the team does not cooperate, the leader will be punished for lack of supervision. Yesterday, they had a person who sweated into his eyes and stabbed his eyes. The pain didn't keep up with the team all of a sudden, the whole group was fined fifty push-ups, and the little loli's punishment was doubled.

With the lessons learned from the past, the boys were afraid that they would be punished by the little loli and they would concentrate on their practice, not seeking perfection, but asking the instructor to make no mistakes.

The hearts of the people are united, the mountains move, the boys are of one mind, the formation is neat, the pace is the same, walk over, walk back, then one team and one team practice alone, pull to the other side, the whole team walks back, then the second or third team walks alone, then The whole team walks back.

Repeatedly, practice over and over again, everyone abides by the discipline, no one steals the trick, no one fishes in troubled waters, and insists on practicing without any water for half an hour.

After 10:30 every day, the sun is getting hotter and hotter. Everyone is sweating profusely when training against the sun, and the clothes on the back are wet. When the instructor calls to stop, the boys in the class still stand upright even though their legs are sore and swollen. Straight, until they heard "rest in place", everyone wiped their sweat and massaged their stiff legs.

Rest for 10 minutes and continue.

Han Yuntao looked at the faces that were flushed from the sun. He was afraid that the training task would be too heavy for the students, so he did not practice immediately: "Next, I will test your martial arts and grappling skills, one by one."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison.

"Let's start with the boys, Guan Yunzhi."

"Here." Guan Yunzhi came out of the queue and ran to the instructor.

Han Yuntao and Guan Yunzhi faced each other face to face, and the others sat down first so that they could see more clearly.

The assessment is similar to the pair training, using the same tricks, one attack and one defense, Guan Yunzhi takes the lead, and Han Yuntao defends.

Classmate Guan then started from Classmate Dai in the first row. Although Dai Liangyu was a little short, his strength was not weak. He also insisted on ten moves before he was brought down.

The boys went into battle one by one, and they were overturned one by one. Usually, the instructors caught mistakes in seven or eight rounds to ten or so rounds and gave instant counterattacks.

The boys were defeated one by one, and they felt very ashamed. They practiced boxing and grappling every day. They practiced by themselves and against their classmates. Fiasco, just can't play well anymore.

The boys lost half of the time, and finally came to Le classmate.

The boys' eyes gleamed, little loli, counterattack!Counterattack!

Han Yuntao looked at the small and exquisite little girl quietly, his eyes were deep, and his right finger hanging on one side was slightly curved, relaxed, relaxed and curved again.

Standing opposite the instructor, Le Yun can only sigh, the altitude is too low, she always has to look up to others, her heart is full!

"Classmate Le, are you ready? Ready to start at any time." After watching for dozens of seconds, Han Yuntao signaled the little girl to attack.

"I'm ready." Hearing the order, Le Yun rushed forward and punched in accordance with the order;

The little girl rushed close, Han Yuntao didn't move at all, only his fists came out together. One of his palms pressed against one of her fists, and the other clenched his fists to block her fists.

The fists collided, the instructor's fist was very hard, the back of Le Yun's clenched fist was hit and hurt, and she was busy using military fists and grappling techniques, blocking, racking, capturing, grabbing, and preventing the instructor from grabbing her hand;
Han Yuntao used the same moves to defend and counterattack.

One is tall and one is short, two people, one big and one small, you come and go, the movements are getting faster and faster, and ten rounds have passed in the blink of an eye. They could clearly see every move of Instructor Han and Little Loli, and after another seven or eight rounds, they couldn't see clearly, and they couldn't tell who was defending and who was attacking.

"Ah-" Suddenly, a scream came out.

In the screams that suddenly came out, the instructor Han and the little girl who were facing each other stopped moving. Instructor Han blocked the little girl's left hand with one hand, and his left hand grabbed the little girl's right wrist. Pull it up; the small little girl's whole body is tilted to the right, and her left hand also goes to save her right.

The pupils of Dai Liangyu, Guan Yunzhi and others suddenly dilated, their eyes widened so big that they couldn't even hear their breathing.

"It hurts..." Before the boys could react, the little girl's left hand pressed on the back of the instructor's hand grabbing her wrist, and the pain was choked up.

"Classmate Le, what's the matter?" When he heard the girl scream, Han Yuntao wanted to let go, but the little girl's left hand instantly gave up blocking him, and pressed his hand on the back of his left hand on her wrist. In front of everyone's eyes, he didn't dare to shake the little girl with force, so he could only stand still with the other hand behind his back.

"Classmate Le!"

"Little Lolita!"

"What happened to you?"

The screams of the little girl made the boys who were stunned suddenly change color, and ran to the little girl with rolling and crawling.

The first class became chaotic in an instant, and the boys and girls in the adjacent second class of the medical department were also taken aback. The steps of the people who were practicing standing still were messed up. The instructor shouted "stop" and ran to the first class to see what happened. thing.

When classmate Guan and others rushed over nervously, Han Yuntao let go of the hand that was holding the little girl's wrist. Probably because he let go, the little girl also let go of his hand, and his tense mind loosened for no reason. , withdrew his left hand, and hurriedly asked, "Le Yun, are you alright?"

"Pain, pain..." The little girl hugged her right hand, squatted down in pain, her face twitched in pain, her body was curled up, and her voice was terrified and trembling: "Hand...hand...hand is broken... It hurts... it hurts... it hurts... it hurts..."



Dai Liangyu and the others just gathered around, and they were about to squat down to see what happened to Little Loli. When Little Loli said that her hand was broken, they all broke out in a cold sweat.

Just when they were shocked and hesitated a little, Little Loli trembled and fell forward.

"Classmate Le?" Han Yuntao crouched down and stretched out his hand to help the little girl.

"Little Lolita Little Lolita..."

"Little Loli seems to have fainted."

Dai Liangyu and others were also terrified. They squatted and stood. Some people helped the little girl, some called "call the doctor", some called "lightly", and some called "don't touch the right hand of the little loli". voices mixed together.

The instructor of the second class of the medical department ran to the vicinity, completely unable to intervene, just waiting to see if he could help himself.

Guan Yunzhi, Dai Liangyu and the others helped the little loli up carefully, and found that she had really fainted. She used to have a blushing face that was pale and pale, probably very painful, and her brows were wrinkled together. A face full of sweat.

"Quickly send it to the school doctor." Han Yuntao probed the little girls' snoring, and hurriedly ordered the boys to send them to the doctor.

Luo Shangfeng was close to Little Loli. He was the strongest in his class, and he had great strength. He squatted down to carry Little Lolita; the boys didn't compete for merit, so they helped Little Lolita on the back of classmate Luo.

With an extra weight on his back, Luo Shangfeng hugged Little Loli's feet with his backhand, stood up and ran, rushing towards the school doctor stationed outside the west playground.

Some of the boys ran with Luo, some ran back and rushed to the place where they put their backpacks and water bottles.

"Call Mr. Li."

"Notify the teacher."

"Little Lolita is the blue bag, and Luo Shangfeng is..."

The boys rushed to the place where they put their things, some looked for their mobile phones, some carried backpacks, and no matter who it was, they picked up all the bags and bags, and went after Luo Shangfeng and others who ran first. Guan Yunzhi ran to him. The tutor reports on the situation of classmate Le.


The students in the second class of the medical department watched as the first class rushed in two groups in two groups, and their brains couldn't react for a while.

The second class instructor didn't help and went back to his class. He was very rational and calm, and immediately reported the situation to Captain Liu of the instructor team. He felt that the first class instructor Han probably didn't have time to report to the captain at this time. Let Instructor Han speak first, and let Captain Liu be mentally prepared.

As the leader of the instructor team, Liu Zhenjun does not lead the class himself. He inspects various playgrounds every day and summarizes the training pros and cons of the instructors. He supervises the training in the morning in the western gymnasium, and only goes to the east playground in the middle of the morning. The second class instructor's phone call, he didn't say a word, and rushed to the west playground non-stop.

When Captain Liu rushed to the west playground, Mr. Li from the first class of the medical department also ran to the west for exercise.

Mr. Li is one of the best tutors in Qingda University. He tutored freshmen in the clinical class of Chinese and Western medicine this year. At the same time, he tutored the first class of the medical department during military training. His name is Li Zucong, because his name has the meaning of "your ancestor". , so the peer teachers generally do not call him his real name, only call him Mr. Li.

In addition to tutoring the freshmen Chinese and Western clinical classes, Mr. Li also manages two senior classes. He handles the work of the senior class in the morning, and is doing the course selection record for the freshman class. The little girl in the class, Le Le, had an accident and ran out. While running, she called the school's logistics department and the military training commander to report.

Guan Yunzhi informed Teacher Li, and rushed to catch up with Luo Shangfeng and others with his classmates, and rushed to the school doctor station together.

Dozens of people from the first class of the medical department ran together, which also aroused the consternation of other classmates. No one knew what was going on, and whispered to each other.

"what happened?"

"Has anyone else had a heat stroke?"

The military trainees whispered, but there was not much shock and panic. It was inevitable that some small accidents would happen during the military training. Although everyone was curious, there was no fuss.

In a hurry, the boys in the first class of the medical department rushed to the straight line and ran to the school doctor station regardless of whether they would disrupt the training of other classes.

The boys were so hot and hot, sometimes they rushed directly from the training team, and the training class, seeing that group of people so panic, guessed that some classmates must be injured or fainted, and also took the initiative to give way to provide them with convenience .

The boys in the first class of the medical department ran in front and shouted "please make way", and a few people shouted "thank you, scratched" in the back. Some students thanked him, but instructor Han didn't have to worry about anything.

In order to ensure the personal safety of new students during military training, the school and the Xieda Hospital, which runs the school jointly, sent a team of doctors to sit in the military training playground to deal with possible accidents during military training.

The medical team is divided into three teams, one team has a medical vehicle, one doctor and one assistant, which are sufficient to deal with emergencies.

Luo Shangfeng carried Little Loli on his back, and with the help of his classmates, passed through the military training class, ran off the runway, and rushed towards the medical car parked in the shade.

When the medical staff sitting in the shade saw a group of students approaching, they knew that another person was fainted or injured and was ready to meet them.

When classmate Guan and others saw the doctor, they ran and shouted, "Doctor, our classmate may have broken a bone."

"Doctor, our classmate fainted."

When no one arrives, the voice arrives first.

"Fractures?" The two medical staff were taken aback. Heat stroke is a weather problem, which is a bit scary, but it is also a common occurrence. If it is a fracture, it is not a trivial matter. Fractures during military training will cause parents or the public to question the military training. Military training activities have a negative impact.

Although they didn't know if it was a real fracture, the two medical staff decided to take it seriously, and sent the person to the school hospital for a film examination.

"Don't be nervous, we will immediately send someone to the school hospital for examination." The two medical staff hurriedly appeased the students when they saw that the boys who were approaching were all in a panic.

The boys flocked to the school doctor bus, and the doctor helped Little Lolita into the school bus and laid her flat on the stretcher.

Because the female classmate was in a daze, the doctor established an intravenous channel for the little girl while asking about the situation, and at the same time did the simplest preliminary examination.

There is limited space for the medical car, so only three people can accompany the car. Of course, instructor Han must accompany the car. The boys in the class did not fight for it, so the monitor Guan Yunzhi and Luo Shangfeng were asked to follow the car. Get into the medical cart.

The boys who couldn't follow the medical car rushed to the place where the bicycle was parked, or ran to take the bus, trying to find a way to chase them to the hospital.

One of the two medical staff is the driver, and the other is beside the little girl. First, they call to inform the school hospital of the situation on the west side, and ask the school hospital to make preparations.

Xicao is very close to the school hospital, and the medical car will soon arrive at the destination. The medical staff who have been notified by phone will wait in front of the hospital building with a medical stretcher. When the medical car drives into the hospital, the medical staff will come forward and transfer the injured students to the hospital. To the hospital special medical stretcher car.

The medical car took people to the hospital and then back to the west playground. The military training has not ended yet. To prevent accidents, they cannot leave for too long.

Because the female classmate established an intravenous channel and showed signs of not waking up from the saline, the school doctor added a new potion to the saline and quickly pushed for an electrocardiogram.

Instructor Han and the two boys followed the doctor to take the elevator upstairs. Outside the ECG room, the doctor in charge, Husband Xu, consulted the instructor and the two boys about the incident.

Soon the electrocardiogram came out and everything was normal.

The medical staff transferred Le to the CT room and to the work area. The nurses kept Instructor Han and the boys outside, and did not allow non-staff members to enter, so as not to bring bacteria and so on.

Dai Liangyu, Zhou Kangren and others found bicycles, and those who could ride with their classmates rushed to the hospital. A group of people rushed to the hospital in a few minutes and contacted Guan and Luo.

There is a mobile phone. In terms of contact, classmate Dai and others searched on the floor provided by the two boys Guan and Luo, and found a place. They saw instructor Han and classmates waiting in an examination room. They also walked on the cat and ran close to ask about the situation. I heard that the electrocardiogram was fine, so I felt a little relieved, and waited in the corridor.

Those who took the school bus and those who rode bicycles came first, those who took the bus came first, and those who took the bus around the school were later. Later, a group of people rushed to the hospital and met the students who came first based on the group news.

All the members of the first class of the medical department are here, waiting anxiously for the examination of Little Loli.

In the CT room, Dr. Xu and the staff first took X-rays of the little girl's broken hand. For safety's sake, she also took pictures of her other hand, foot, chest, shoulder and other parts.

After the CT was taken, Dr. Xu and the medical assistant pushed the little girl out of the examination room. When they saw a lot of people outside, they wondered, why are the students in this class so united?

"Doctor, how is the little classmate?" Han Yuntao asked the medical staff nervously.

"Doctor, how is classmate Le?" Guan Yunzhi and the others were excited and nervous when they saw the doctor coming out. Some boys asked about the situation, some checked on Little Loli, and found that she was still awake, and raised their hearts high. stand up.

The nurse pushed the medical stretcher over the crowd and sent it to other departments for examination. Dr. Xu briefly explained to the students: "The film shows that the female student's right radius is fractured, and the rest of the place is normal."

"Fractured?" Han Yuntao was stunned. The little girl's hand was really broken? !

"Doctor, is it serious?" The boys were also stunned. Little Loli said she had a broken bone, but it was really broken?
"It is a bone fracture to be exact. There is an irregular crack about one and a half centimeters long in the radius of the right wrist. From the perspective of the fracture, it is not a comminuted or fractured fracture, and it is not serious. Don't be too nervous, first Go to the hall and wait, we still need to do other checks for the female students, so we can let two students follow."

"Okay, let's wait in the lobby."

"It's hard work doctor."

No matter how anxious the boys were, there was nothing they could do. Thanks to the doctor, Dai and Li Yuyi followed the doctor.

Han Yuntao and the two boys followed Doctor Xu to the next examination room.

On the way to Xicao, Mr. Li received a call from the boys in the medical department, saying that he had sent Le to the school hospital. He went straight to the hospital and used his mobile phone to contact the students.

"Mr. Li." Seeing the life counselor rushing over, the boys waiting in the hall stood up, and asked Mr. Li to take a rest first and go well.

"How's classmate Le?" Mr. Li didn't wait for the elevator. He climbed two floors before taking the elevator. Then he ran in a hurry and was so tired that he was out of breath.

"The right wrist is fractured during the filming, and other items are still being examined." The boys replied in a low voice.

"Fractured?" Teacher Li breathed a sigh of relief. Really fractured?My ancestors, how can I explain this to Professor Wan Cheng and President Chao?
"Wait, I'll go to the doctor to ask about the situation." Teacher Li was sweating in a hurry, and he hurried to see Classmate Le, who was still checking, while he ran and called.

Professor Wan Cheng was not at Qingda that day, so he could not inform the old professor for the time being. He first called to inform the student union president Chao, and then reported the situation to the logistics department and the military training commander.

Twelve o'clock, school on time.

After class, students poured out of the teaching school and scattered in all directions.

Chao Yubo was wearing a backpack with books and carrying his own thermal water bottle. Just after getting out of the elevator, his mobile phone vibrated. When he took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID, his heart shrank slightly and quickly answered: "Mr. Li, is it my sister..."

Mr. Li manages the Chinese and Western clinical classes. If he has nothing to do, he will not call himself. He is about to ask if Xiao Lele has been bullied, when a breathless voice comes from the other end of the phone: "President Chao, Le Le is training. There was an accident and my hand was broken, and now I'm in the school hospital for a check up..."

"Fractured?" Chao Yubo's heart throbbed, his hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, and a bone-chilling chill oozes from his gentle breath.

- "Yes, broken right wrist..."

"I'll go over right away." Chao Yubo's heart twitched, he couldn't listen anymore, grabbed the phone, and ran away.

The few boys who went downstairs with President Chao didn't know what was going on. They looked at each other in dismay, and hurried to chase them out. Because there were too many people, it was difficult to find President Chao with the wrong eyes.

After Liu Shao finished his half-day class, he ran as if escaping. He slipped out of the parking shed and was about to pick up the car. When he saw the little princess of the Chao family rushing towards him, he found that the elegant young man who used to be like a jade had a cold face. There seems to be ice, and suddenly a little stunned, who made the little princess Chao change her face?

"Xiao Chao, see you in such a hurry, is there something urgent, do you need help?" Seeing the young man rushing towards him, Liu Xiangyang quickly walked to the parked black car and took the initiative to express his friendly kindness.

"There was an accident in Lele's military training. I'm in a hurry to go to the school hospital. Liu Shao, can you give me a ride?" Chao Yubo rushed to the car and saw Liu Shao, regardless of whether Liu Shao was pleasing to the eye, and accepted him. It's good intentions, school is over, there are many people on the road, cars should let people go, the speed is slow, motorcycles are easier to avoid, and the speed is faster.

Liu Xiangyang was so surprised that he couldn't believe his ears, and blurted out a sentence: "The little beauty has an accident? How is it possible?" The little beauty is so good that she can restrain Xiaoxingxing, how could an accident happen?

"You wait, I'll drive." He responded very quickly, turned and ran to the carport to get the car.

"I don't believe it either, but the facts are right in front of you. Lele's right hand was fractured, and all the pictures were taken. The person passed out and hasn't woken up yet." It was only then that Lele found out that she fell and broke her palm during training, and then accidentally fractured it only two days later. This accident was too frequent, and it was suspiciously frequent.


The words of the little princess of the Chao family drifted into her ears, and Liu Xiangyang's first thought was that there was something weird!Who is the little beauty?Is she an ancient martial arts disciple? It's possible for others to break a bone, and the little beauty accidentally broke a bone, hehe...

(End of this chapter)

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